With every column, he sinks further into insanity

That isn't what you said. My thread started discussing Madden the Mark's column and you said it wasn't "worth discussing". Also, based on the fact that the crew has, again, made this about me, it is implied that I am your chosen topic of conversation, at least more than Madden, and thus I am "worth discussing" and Madden's column, and Madden himself, are not. Don't change your story, lil bitch, just because your intentions for being on this site have been discovered.

Discussing him & his editorials are one thing. Your intentions were not to discuss his column. Your intention was to get the focus back on you because we started talking about other things in another thread. Hence why the first two parts of your OP were the text equivalent of jumping up and down while waiving your arms. You remember- the parts where you started whining about us 'taking over your threads'?

Plus, we were also talking about Madden, but you dont agree with what we said. So you start in again with the whining & the irony & the complaining he is shitty\does not deserve to be paid, & conspiracy theories, yadda yadda yadda. Essentially the same stupid bullshit you say regardless of the topic.

My intentions for being on this site have never been hidden or a topic of conversation. I come here to have fun & talk about wrestling. On the odd occasion we get a prisoner with mental problems, then I expand that to poking at them with a stick & pointing out when they are wrong. Every prisoner before you has suffered the same fate, so trust me junior- you are not the first or the last. Us pointing out where you are wrong and ignorant does not make you special.
Discussing him & his editorials are one thing. Your intentions were not to discuss his column. Your intention was to get the focus back on you because we started talking about other things in another thread. Hence why the first two parts of your OP were the text equivalent of jumping up and down while waiving your arms. You remember- the parts where you started whining about us 'taking over your threads'?

Plus, we were also talking about Madden, but you dont agree with what we said. So you start in again with the whining & the irony & the complaining he is shitty\does not deserve to be paid, & conspiracy theories, yadda yadda yadda. Essentially the same stupid bullshit you say regardless of the topic.

My intentions for being on this site have never been hidden or a topic of conversation. I come here to have fun & talk about wrestling. On the odd occasion we get a prisoner with mental problems, then I expand that to poking at them with a stick & pointing out when they are wrong. Every prisoner before you has suffered the same fate, so trust me junior- you are not the first or the last. Us pointing out where you are wrong and ignorant does not make you special.

So, now you know what my intentions are in writing about a wrestling column on a wrestling site? My intentions are to be critical of that with which I do not agree or believe to be true. You, on the other hand, have taken multiple threads and made them about me. Your intention, it would seem, is to discuss a topic you see as "worthy", and that would be me. You have not attempted to discuss Madden the Mark because, as you stated earlier, and are now trying to backtrack, he is not "worthy". Look, nutcase, you're a lot obsessed with me. It's ok to be jealous of those who are better than you at everything, and clearly you are, lil bitch.
You have not attempted to discuss Madden the Mark because, as you stated earlier, and are now trying to backtrack, he is not "worthy".

Your constant whining about the main page is what is not worthy of discussion- not the main page writers themselves. I can see how you again misinterpret the difference though, being the simpleton you are.

We have all posted about Madden & pointed out how your stupid tirades validate his job. If you pick & choose what to read or dont like our responses -that is your issue. Given your mental problems I could see how short term memory loss would cause an issue. Thank goodness the internetz has a magic button that lets you travel back in time. Feel free to re-live all those wonderful moments you have skipped over & claim never happened.

Lets add 'backtrack' to the list of words that you are terrible at using , while we are at it. You sure do know how to rack up a list & at this point we may need more stationery.

Look, nutcase, you're a lot obsessed with me. It's ok to be jealous of those who are better than you at everything, and clearly you are, lil bitch.

I'm 'a lot' obsessed with you huh? Still struggling with proper grammar?

Have you grasped the concept of irony yet, either? If you have not, then look no further than the quote above. Pure, tasty, 100% lil bitch kid irony right there.
Why dont you just go ahead & write up a 1000 word essay on how unfair it is that you want to discuss important things but the mean people at WZ wont let you. Please be sure to include all the words you dont know & add in a conspiracy theory for a bit of spice to tie it all together. Maybe if it is good enough you just might make the front page.
Your constant whining about the main page is what is not worthy of discussion- not the main page writers themselves. I can see how you again misinterpret the difference though, being the simpleton you are.

We have all posted about Madden & pointed out how your stupid tirades validate his job. If you pick & choose what to read or dont like our responses -that is your issue. Given your mental problems I could see how short term memory loss would cause an issue. Thank goodness the internetz has a magic button that lets you travel back in time. Feel free to re-live all those wonderful moments you have skipped over & claim never happened.

Lets add 'backtrack' to the list of words that you are terrible at using , while we are at it. You sure do know how to rack up a list & at this point we may need more stationery.

I'm 'a lot' obsessed with you huh? Still struggling with proper grammar?

Have you grasped the concept of irony yet, either? If you have not, then look no further than the quote above. Pure, tasty, 100% lil bitch kid irony right there.

That isn't what you originally said, lil bitch.

As for the "a lot", it was a play on the idea of some people being "a little" obsessed, where you are "a lot" obsessed with me. I knew you wouldn't understand the reference because, frankly, you're a (non) fucking idiot, so I should have explained it before.
The problem with you wanting to discuss Mark Madden in here is that he's also a frequent topic of discussion in the other sections of the board. Those discussions feature many more people than yours (even adding your blog numbers.) So the only reason we have left to discuss Mark Madden in this section is because you claim you want to.

And seeing as your a choad whose destined to die alone and unloved, hopefully you can understand why people aren't taking you seriously.
That isn't what you originally said, lil bitch.

As for the "a lot", it was a play on the idea of some people being "a little" obsessed, where you are "a lot" obsessed with me. I knew you wouldn't understand the reference because, frankly, you're a (non) fucking idiot, so I should have explained it before.

I am sure the Canadian public school system was proud to have you in their special needs class, but maybe they should look into alternate curriculum choices for the future. If you are this ignorant after attending, then they may have found a way to actually make children dumber than when they started.

Where is that essay, esè?
You just do not learn, do you LBK? You do not learn. There are three things you can do to not make yourself look as stupid as you look, and you have completely failed to do any of them:
  1. Stop obsessing over Mark Madden, the main site, the "Boohoo lil bitch crew" or anything else you want to whine over. The "Boohoo lil bitch crew" especially, because by ever mentioning that, you make the thread about you, and literally no one respects people who make everything about themselves.
  2. Admit you're wrong on the things we continue to call you out on, and which you continue to dodge. These include but are not limited to: the paper money issue, the hot soup issue, the "Secret Teachings of Ayn Rand", your complete lack of knowledge regarding genuine mental disorders, and your feeling of superiority over anyone else in this forum.
  3. Post like a normal forum member and not a cunt. Then maybe, just maybe, you'll be treated like a normal forum member (and not, as you are right now, a cunt).
I can't believe LBK is still doing this. If you put this kind of determination into things that are actually useful, you could probably climb the stairs and finally make it out of your parents basement.
You just do not learn, do you LBK? You do not learn. There are three things you can do to not make yourself look as stupid as you look, and you have completely failed to do any of them:
  1. Stop obsessing over Mark Madden, the main site, the "Boohoo lil bitch crew" or anything else you want to whine over. The "Boohoo lil bitch crew" especially, because by ever mentioning that, you make the thread about you, and literally no one respects people who make everything about themselves.
  2. Admit you're wrong on the things we continue to call you out on, and which you continue to dodge. These include but are not limited to: the paper money issue, the hot soup issue, the "Secret Teachings of Ayn Rand", your complete lack of knowledge regarding genuine mental disorders, and your feeling of superiority over anyone else in this forum.
  3. Post like a normal forum member and not a cunt. Then maybe, just maybe, you'll be treated like a normal forum member (and not, as you are right now, a cunt).

As long as Madden writes his column, he should expect people to be critical of it.
If you think I am wrong, prove it. Since you can't then I am not wrong. I don't dodge anything. If I am asked a question which I have not answered already, I'll happily answer it. Frankly, you wouldn't know a cunt if you had one in your face because, let's be clear, women have ***** and you clearly, since infancy, have never had a woman near you voluntarily.
Proving you are wrong is not the issue, its pretty easy to do. Now before you go on and reply with some dumb bitch response like 'prove where you proved it' -just save it. You know it has happened & the threads are here for everyone to see- in plain English & chronological order. Sorry we dont have a WZ pop-up version available for you yet, but your denial will not change the fact that the answers are clearly there.

The problem is your mindset of arrogant ignorance & refusal to accept the correct answers or credible sources. If you were shown physical proof, in person, by a someone with first hand knowledge on a subject- you would still just act like a bitch & refuse to accept the truth. You know the answers are right, you just refuse to admit you are wrong. Choosing to repeat the same childish insults instead & deflect the conversation long enough so you can avoid answering or admitting you dont know.

You are just a little bitch ass troll & not even a good one at that.
If you think I am wrong, prove it.
So you can pretend it never happened and ignore it whenever people bring it up to mock you?

Speaking of, whatever happened to that list of IP addresses that you got in your e-mail on your computer with the horrible load times?
For all of us who've survived High School, I'm sure we can recall dealing with a backward personality on par with Mark Madden's. He's only deep for his levels of idiocy, not for any level of insightful commentary. There was always a kid in high school who would publicly act like a jack-ass and assume that any recognition of such is a blessing in their warped perspective of their surroundings. Mark Madden is the Sean Hannitty of pro-wrestling journalism.

Mark Madden knows what his reputation is, and he's coping with it in the only way he knows how. He's satirizing his public image in a way that doesn't completely embarrass it. This way he can gloat over his greatness and make you look like a fool for disagreeing with it, his having never truly meant it works for him as a trump card to any criticism you have.

Mark isn't going to waste a column by recognizing how terribly he performed as a color commentator, and by recognizing that his skills as a commentator NEVER got better as he somehow managed to stay on television. He's going to waste a column acting like a douche with too much time on his hands if only to bait us into discussing it. I wanted to like the WWA, then they hired Mark Madden, and ten minutes of that was enough. He was a shoddy replacement for Bobby Heenan who I'd be flattering to refer to as a poor man's Bobby Heenan.

Being a recognizable part of the pro-wrestling world might not be the only contribution Mark Madden has for this society, but it's most certainly the one he wants to be seen more prominently.
Here's a catch-all solution, from someone who in the way-the-hell-back-when thought he wanted to be a journalist: Do you think you can do better?

That's not meant facetiously, that's meant literally. WrestleZone has, in the past, solicited articles from their users for publication on the main site, and there's no reason to believe that they'd say no to free, high quality submissions. Why free? You're starting at the bottom rung of publication. You have no name recognition, you have no professional standing in the industry to rely on- you're another anonymous voice at this point, and your goal is to create writing which will draw attention to your name.

Mark Madden, for instance, is able to rely on his history in the industry; both his current radio show and his prior work with WCW. Whether you like it or not, he has it and you don't. Kevin Nash could decide to submit an article, and even if it were written like a five-year old with aphasia, it would get published. At this point in time, you are a no one.

With that in mind.

Build a portfolio of submissions. It's not enough to have one well written article; you have to have a small library of work which demonstrates consistency. Choose various subjects. Are you particularly good with a theme? (For instance, economics and professional wrestling?) One particularly good writer I haven't seen much of lately (and for the life of me can't remember his name, sorry) wrote about law and professional wrestling. What do you offer that other people don't?

Basically, talkers talk, walkers walk. It's easy to criticize other people's work without providing any of your own- LBK's been at that for a couple of months now. If you disagree with someone's opinion, that's fine, that's your right as a human being just as it's other people's right to think you're a genius or an idiot for it.
Proving you are wrong is not the issue, its pretty easy to do. Now before you go on and reply with some dumb bitch response like 'prove where you proved it' -just save it. You know it has happened & the threads are here for everyone to see- in plain English & chronological order. Sorry we dont have a WZ pop-up version available for you yet, but your denial will not change the fact that the answers are clearly there.

The problem is your mindset of arrogant ignorance & refusal to accept the correct answers or credible sources. If you were shown physical proof, in person, by a someone with first hand knowledge on a subject- you would still just act like a bitch & refuse to accept the truth. You know the answers are right, you just refuse to admit you are wrong. Choosing to repeat the same childish insults instead & deflect the conversation long enough so you can avoid answering or admitting you dont know.

You are just a little bitch ass troll & not even a good one at that.

If it's so easy, lil bitch, why have you never been able to do it? Fundamentally, you are full of shit, lil bitch. You can claim that it's "easy" to prove me wrong, but you haven't done so. One would have to wonder why you can't do something that is so " easy"?
So you can pretend it never happened and ignore it whenever people bring it up to mock you?

Speaking of, whatever happened to that list of IP addresses that you got in your e-mail on your computer with the horrible load times?

I don't pretend anything. Show where I have been proven, without a shadow of doubt, wrong. Go ahead and try, lil bitch.
Here's a catch-all solution, from someone who in the way-the-hell-back-when thought he wanted to be a journalist: Do you think you can do better?

That's not meant facetiously, that's meant literally. WrestleZone has, in the past, solicited articles from their users for publication on the main site, and there's no reason to believe that they'd say no to free, high quality submissions. Why free? You're starting at the bottom rung of publication. You have no name recognition, you have no professional standing in the industry to rely on- you're another anonymous voice at this point, and your goal is to create writing which will draw attention to your name.

Mark Madden, for instance, is able to rely on his history in the industry; both his current radio show and his prior work with WCW. Whether you like it or not, he has it and you don't. Kevin Nash could decide to submit an article, and even if it were written like a five-year old with aphasia, it would get published. At this point in time, you are a no one.

With that in mind.

Build a portfolio of submissions. It's not enough to have one well written article; you have to have a small library of work which demonstrates consistency. Choose various subjects. Are you particularly good with a theme? (For instance, economics and professional wrestling?) One particularly good writer I haven't seen much of lately (and for the life of me can't remember his name, sorry) wrote about law and professional wrestling. What do you offer that other people don't?

Basically, talkers talk, walkers walk. It's easy to criticize other people's work without providing any of your own- LBK's been at that for a couple of months now. If you disagree with someone's opinion, that's fine, that's your right as a human being just as it's other people's right to think you're a genius or an idiot for it.

I know I can do better, lil bitch. In fact, if you knew who I am, you'd know that I do, in fact, do better.
If it's so easy, lil bitch, why have you never been able to do it? Fundamentally, you are full of shit, lil bitch. You can claim that it's "easy" to prove me wrong, but you haven't done so. One would have to wonder why you can't do something that is so " easy"?

Yup. Arrogant ignorance & denial. Classic little bitch kid move. If you hate that name, please feel free to let us know who you are & just how that means you are important.

Looks like you have not yet figured out how all the buttons work on the internetz, huh? So you cant be all that important or smart.
I know I can do better, lil bitch. In fact, if you knew who I am, you'd know that I do, in fact, do better.
From what you've provided about yourself, and what you've written here thus far, you'll have to forgive us if we have no reason to believe that you could do better.

Perhaps you could change our mind by providing links to your portfolio.
From what you've provided about yourself, and what you've written here thus far, you'll have to forgive us if we have no reason to believe that you could do better.

Perhaps you could change our mind by providing links to your portfolio.

Most importantly, I couldn't care less what you think....and I use the term "think" as loosely as possible where you are concerned, lil bitch.

I'm pretty easy to find, actually. In fact, on occasion, my news has been seen within proximity of this message board.
Yup. Arrogant ignorance & denial. Classic little bitch kid move. If you hate that name, please feel free to let us know who you are & just how that means you are important.

Looks like you have not yet figured out how all the buttons work on the internetz, huh? So you cant be all that important or smart.

This from you, the lil bitch who can't prove anything that he claims is so easy to prove. :rolleyes:

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