Paglino and Madden.....scared of the truth?

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And the game continues...

If they aren't one in the same site...

The Staff members who run the WrestleZone Forums have nothing to do with the main WrestleZone web site. Any issue you would like to take up with the main WrestleZone web site, you need to find someone to contact on the main page. We have nothing to do with the main page.

Clearly, you either a) wanted to have two IDs to be able to "support yourself" in your idiocy, or b) you ACTUALLY don't realize that these are just forums on the Wrestlezone site.

I'm pretty sure I explained the situation.

Tally: 4

I would not have any reason to assume you were one in the same...

Except I gave you two reasons to assume otherwise, which reminds me:

Tally: 6

You are the one hoping for a response, so much so that you followed me to the forums...

If you would look to the right of my user name, you would notice that I've been registered since 2008, a few years before your arrival.

Tally: 7

If you want a response...

Meh, I'll take your constant evasion as an expression of defeat.

Also, sad and pathetic is the fact that others seem to have insulted you at least 195 times, since you claim to have been insulted hundreds of times...

I didn't say, "I was insulted a hundred times over."

Edit: I'll actually assume responsibility for that, I probably wasn't too clear.

And since it's become obvious that you have nothing to offer here, I'll just let the other posters have at it. Have fun. try and defend that gutless and, frankly, unconstitutional act.

It's called Freedom of Expression. Get an education!

To Quote The WrestleZone Forums Rulebook,
A. Acting Like an Idiot: If the Staff feels you are not contributing to the forums and are simply a nuisance poster they have every right to ban you. These are privately owned forums and it is our judgment as to who can and cannot post here, not yours. Freedom of speech does not apply here at Wrestlezone Forums.
I guess the same rule applies to the main page as well.:lol2:
And the game continues...

I'm pretty sure I explained the situation.

Tally: 4

Except I gave you two reasons to assume otherwise, which reminds me:

Tally: 6

If you would look to the right of my user name, you would notice that I've been registered since 2008, a few years before your arrival.

Tally: 7

Meh, I'll take your constant evasion as an expression of defeat.

I didn't say, "I was insulted a hundred times over."

Edit: I'll actually assume responsibility for that, I probably wasn't too clear.

And since it's become obvious that you have nothing to offer here, I'll just let the other posters have at it. Have fun.

You truly are a moron. The Staff at say, Microsoft, that run the IT department are separate from those who work in the cafeteria. They, however, obviously work at the same company. I wouldn't ask the cook to fix my computer and wouldn't ask the IT guy to make my lunch. This is all one website, with a subdivision of forums. Clearly those running the site want to seem uniquely more important than they are.

Now, maybe, in your fantasy life, you feel you have justified your sad and pathetic behavior to yourself, but you have actually given no intelligent reason to have two accounts, so actually my two reasons are the most likely.

You clearly followed me to the forum because you responded to the topic I started. I don't care when it was that you made the life changing decision to give up for good.

Expression of defeat? Kid, if this was a competition, I might actually try. Arguing with you simply allows me to write off part of my Internet bill as charity work because I'm helping to occupy some of your time, and given your obvious cognitive impairment, you're obviously a charity case.

No, you were very clear in the fact that people have insulted you hundreds of times. It's sad and pathetic that you can only get attention in this way and that you keep coming back for it. Look, I know you're obviously 'special', so maybe you can get John Cena to grant you a wish.
No. It's not.

I'd explain how, but considering how this thread has gone so far, it'd probably be a better use of my time to beat you over the head with a high school civics textbook.
Look, I know that people log in just to see what I write, even more so than the so called "writers" of the site, since my posts are intelligent, well thought out and relevant, but to give me credit for any income of the site is a bit much.....or maybe not. As for it giving them money, here's the thing: The only way page views generate money is if sponsors buy space on the site, which they aren't, so really, you can have all the views in the World, but if no one buys ads, you don't get money.

Well played. You had me going for a while.
A new day, hopefully cooler heads have prevailed. Clearly no one likes their thoughts or ideas to be rejected let alone deleted, no matter how trivial. It's understandable to be hurt or distraught. The ego is a sensitive soul and lashing out happens. Hopefully in the end, all realize that the best course of action is to just move forward, become better people, and get off the college campus clock tower.
A new day, hopefully cooler heads have prevailed. Clearly no one likes their thoughts or ideas to be rejected let alone deleted, no matter how trivial. It's understandable to be hurt or distraught. The ego is a sensitive soul and lashing out happens. Hopefully in the end, all realize that the best course of action is to just move forward, become better people, and get off the college campus clock tower.

You seem to be having an awful lot of psychotic thoughts. Should you be seeking assistance? I, on the other hand, am simply drawing attention to the fact that Paglino and Madden sit behind their computers and steal from websites in one case and spew jealousy because of their irrelevance in the other, and get their feelings hurt when that's pointed out. So, they, in their collective "wisdom" decided that rather than correcting their own faults, they would block me from pointing them out, and then, in their minds, I am sure, it would make it right. Clearly, one or both is/are posting here under IDs they have created since, truthfully, no one in their right minds would even attempt to justify that behavior. Don't worry, that doesn't apply to you since, clearly, with all your psychotic thoughts, you aren't in your right mind.
No. It's not.

I'd explain how, but considering how this thread has gone so far, it'd probably be a better use of my time to beat you over the head with a high school civics textbook.

While the Constitution has placed both under the same umbrella of Freedom of Speech, in any form of legal dispute, that which is spoken is referred to has Freedom of Speech, and that which is communicated by any other means is to be referred to as Freedom of Expression. This is a matter of simple English since by definition until a 'speech' is delivered, orally or by means of a an interpreter in the case of sign language, it is nothing but a written text intended to be spoken. Once it is delivered, then it becomes a speech. Prior to that it is nothing more than the expression of thoughts through written word. Hence, there is a fundamental difference, kids.
This is what, the 15000th thread complaining about the editors on the main site?

They're all by the same fat mom's basement virgin using different screen names.

"DUR! THEY'RE FREE SPEECH NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Maaaaaaa, can you make me Spaghetti Os?"


*faps to Lara Croft
While the Constitution has placed both under the same umbrella of Freedom of Speech, in any form of legal dispute, that which is spoken is referred to has Freedom of Speech, and that which is communicated by any other means is to be referred to as Freedom of Expression. This is a matter of simple English since by definition until a 'speech' is delivered, orally or by means of a an interpreter in the case of sign language, it is nothing but a written text intended to be spoken. Once it is delivered, then it becomes a speech. Prior to that it is nothing more than the expression of thoughts through written word. Hence, there is a fundamental difference, kids.
There is a difference between the two, but you're completely off on it. What you're doing is confusing the specifically delineated terms of "slander" and "libel" with the vague ideas of freedom of speech and expression.

I could go into a discussion on how courts have repeatedly and constantly ruled that the wearing of t-shirts, gesturing of hand signs and the like are considered protected speech, but, again. The time is better spent hitting you over the head with that civics book.
They're all by the same fat mom's basement virgin using different screen names.

"DUR! THEY'RE FREE SPEECH NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Maaaaaaa, can you make me Spaghetti Os?"


*faps to Lara Croft

That came really naturally to you, didn't it?

Yes, there are many threads complaining about the editors of the main site. I only have one ID on here and have only started this thread regarding the writers and editors inability to accept constructive criticism. Others, I don't know. There's one guy who has at least two IDs because he's too stupid to know that the forums and the site are connected, and only require one ID. Maybe if Paglino and Madden, specifically, were able to accept that which is being said without having to block people for saying it, then this site would actually be better. They can't, I get blocked, they and their little minions follow me here and bitch at me, and now, they'll soon be more threads talking about the editors of the main page.
There is a difference between the two, but you're completely off on it. What you're doing is confusing the specifically delineated terms of "slander" and "libel" with the vague ideas of freedom of speech and expression.

I could go into a discussion on how courts have repeatedly and constantly ruled that the wearing of t-shirts, gesturing of hand signs and the like are considered protected speech, but, again. The time is better spent hitting you over the head with that civics book.

No, slander and libel are not protected by Freedom of Speech, and have nothing to do with what is being talked about here, Kid. You seem very confused. A "speech' by definition is a spoken word. Anything else, legally, is considered a form of expression. Neither is vague and should be easily understood, by anyone who uses books to read rather than to hit people.

One more time for the idiot. You see, Freedom of Speech, as is stated in the constitution, is a protected right. There is a fundamental legal difference between Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression which is that "speech' is spoken and everything else falls under Freedom of Expression. Since you asked, these are rights that are protected as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others. This is where "slander" or infringing on rights orally, and "libel" infringing on rights through written word come into play. One who commits "slander" would attempt to defend oneself through Freedom of Speech, while one who commits "libel" would do so through Freedom of Expression.
No, slander and libel are not protected by Freedom of Speech, and have nothing to do with what is being talked about here, Kid. You seem very confused. A "speech' by definition is a spoken word. Anything else, legally, is considered a form of expression. Neither is vague and should be easily understood, by anyone who uses books to read rather than to hit people.

One more time for the idiot. You see, Freedom of Speech, as is stated in the constitution, is a protected right. There is a fundamental legal difference between Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression which is that "speech' is spoken and everything else falls under Freedom of Expression. Since you asked, these are rights that are protected as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others. This is where "slander" or infringing on rights orally, and "libel" infringing on rights through written word come into play. One who commits "slander" would attempt to defend oneself through Freedom of Speech, while one who commits "libel" would do so through Freedom of Expression.

And you still have yet to acknowledge that freedom of both speech and expression are not protected rights on a privately owned website. Sites can basically do whatever they want to whoever they want whenever they want.
No, slander and libel are not protected by Freedom of Speech, and have nothing to do with what is being talked about here, Kid. You seem very confused. A "speech' by definition is a spoken word. Anything else, legally, is considered a form of expression. Neither is vague and should be easily understood, by anyone who uses books to read rather than to hit people.

One more time for the idiot. You see, Freedom of Speech, as is stated in the constitution, is a protected right. There is a fundamental legal difference between Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression which is that "speech' is spoken and everything else falls under Freedom of Expression. Since you asked, these are rights that are protected as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others. This is where "slander" or infringing on rights orally, and "libel" infringing on rights through written word come into play. One who commits "slander" would attempt to defend oneself through Freedom of Speech, while one who commits "libel" would do so through Freedom of Expression.

Civics textbook. Put it under your pillow when you sleep at night. There's so much wrong with that second paragraph that I don't even know where to begin, but I guess a starting point would be to say that the laws in this country have a history, and aren't just made up in the course of an internet argument.

And, again, this has fuck all to do with your posting rights on a privately owned message board.
And you still have yet to acknowledge that freedom of both speech and expression are not protected rights on a privately owned website. Sites can basically do whatever they want to whoever they want whenever they want.

Oh, I acknowledge that cowards can do as they please to avoid having to be accountable to their cowardice. You see, whether or not they choose to unconstitutionally censor the posts on their board or not is their choice, sure. It simply speaks to their level of confidence in their reporting and their overall maturity.

Civics textbook. Put it under your pillow when you sleep at night. There's so much wrong with that second paragraph that I don't even know where to begin, but I guess a starting point would be to say that the laws in this country have a history, and aren't just made up in the course of an internet argument.

And, again, this has fuck all to do with your posting rights on a privately owned message board.

Of course you don't know where to begin, because you're wrong. Trying opening that Civics textbook, Kid.

I've dealt with the choices that Plagirino and Madden make at length.
Of course you don't know where to begin, because you're wrong. Trying opening that Civics textbook, Kid.

I've dealt with the choices that Plagirino and Madden make at length.
You keep saying kid. It's like you're trying to assert some kind of authority by repeatedly using a denigrating word, rather than making any kind of sense with what you have to say. I'm old enough that you could have been a semen stain I left during my teenage years. For the record, that tactic only works well when you use it on one person in a discussion. When you use it on everyone (maybe you missed someone, I'm honestly just skimming your posts), it makes you look sort of.... desperate.

I'd have the conversation with you about the ideal of freedom of expression and speech, and how they are amorphous concepts which mean many of the same things, but you're still failing in Capitalism 101, where you still haven't figured out that the writers you hate so passionately rely on people hating them passionately to do their jobs.

Sometimes you don't take the horse to water, because you realize that he isn't even able to get out of the stable.
You keep saying kid. It's like you're trying to assert some kind of authority by repeatedly using a denigrating word, rather than making any kind of sense with what you have to say. I'm old enough that you could have been a semen stain I left during my teenage years. For the record, that tactic only works well when you use it on one person in a discussion. When you use it on everyone (maybe you missed someone, I'm honestly just skimming your posts), it makes you look sort of.... desperate.

I'd have the conversation with you about the ideal of freedom of expression and speech, and how they are amorphous concepts which mean many of the same things, but you're still failing in Capitalism 101, where you still haven't figured out that the writers you hate so passionately rely on people hating them passionately to do their jobs.

Sometimes you don't take the horse to water, because you realize that he isn't even able to get out of the stable.

I'm not sure why you'd be insulted at being called a kid. You display the innocence and ignorance that comes with being a child. You ought to embrace that, because otherwise, people might just think you are cognitively challenged for not being able to understand the simplest of principles.
Oh, I acknowledge that cowards can do as they please to avoid having to be accountable to their cowardice. You see, whether or not they choose to unconstitutionally censor the posts on their board or not is their choice, sure. It simply speaks to their level of confidence in their reporting and their overall maturity.

But it's not unconstitutional censorship. It's perfectly legal for a privately owned entity to do as they please.

But just from this thread, I can see why they don't want to deal with your bullshit. You're an insufferable know it all who thinks he knows far more than he actually does. Nobody wants to deal with that garbage.
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