I believe Nick Paglino is wrong.

I honestly was under the impression as Remixie Steamboat said that the last blurb was Nick's own thoughts on the matter as the wording seemed a little different from the rest of the account. Thanks guys for shedding light on the subject. I believe my hooked on phonics is in the mail now so I can learn to read better. Hahaha.

I believe someone said that shit like that happened in the 80's all the time. This is no longer the 80's. It's 30 years later. In the 80's you could grab a girl's ass and not get a bad repurcussion. In the 80's you could throw the N word around freely. It's the 2010's now and laying hands on a child for what their parent did perhaps out of fear or ignorance does not excuse physcial touching a child...EVER.

Had CM Punk punched the father in retaliation or slapped him I would have been ok with that. Like I said in the opener anyone above the age of 13. At around that age you know what is and isnt wrong. But a child who is just starting to learn more and more? No sir. I cannot and will not be understanding of that if it was real and not a work.

Thanks to all those who contributed. Whether you agreed or disagreed thanks for your 2 cents! Have a great day guys!
Wow. If Punk is getting this much heat online just for grabbing a kid's shirt, he should have just went the extra mile and knocked the kid's teeth down his throat. It would have been the end of his smark-favourite "cool heel" status which I despise so much.

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