Paglino and Madden.....scared of the truth?

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Why are people so stupid.

In case you still don't understand (fuck if I'm gonna read all that babbling bullshit) let me try explaining how they on the front page can do what they want with it.

Say I own my own business lets say a restaurant. You come in a couple times a week and eat the food. After you're done you bitch how the food could be better & my 2 cooks are idiots and they don't know what they're doing.

As the owner I can kick your ass out and tell you not to come back as long as my decision is discriminating against your gender, skin color, religion or sexual orientation.

Same applies here.
Why are people so stupid.

In case you still don't understand (fuck if I'm gonna read all that babbling bullshit) let me try explaining how they on the front page can do what they want with it.

Say I own my own business lets say a restaurant. You come in a couple times a week and eat the food. After you're done you bitch how the food could be better & my 2 cooks are idiots and they don't know what they're doing.

As the owner I can kick your ass out and tell you not to come back as long as my decision is discriminating against your gender, skin color, religion or sexual orientation.

Same applies here.

Exactly, so long as they're discriminating against you for some reason, restaurant owners and website staff can do whatever they want.
Freedom of Speech/Expression protects your ass from going to jail for running your mouth.

It has fuck all to do with getting blocked/banned/censored/etc.

We learned this in the 4th grade.
I'm not sure why you'd be insulted at being called a kid. You display the innocence and ignorance that comes with being a child. You ought to embrace that, because otherwise, people might just think you are cognitively challenged for not being able to understand the simplest of principles.
I must have missed the part about being insulted; I've seen so many people use the 'kid' tactic that it's just kind of boring. I've been on the internet for a long time, very likely longer than you've been alive.

But, in general, the likeliness of someone being an ignorant douchebag is directly proportional to how many times they use the words 'fact', 'right', and 'wrong' in an argument. Claud's Fourth Theory of Internet, and over fifteen years it's held up remarkably well.
I finally have time to respond, although I don't see much point after witnessing each development of this thread.

You truly are a moron. The Staff at say, Microsoft, that run the IT department are separate from those who work in the cafeteria. They, however, obviously work at the same company. I wouldn't ask the cook to fix my computer and wouldn't ask the IT guy to make my lunch. This is all one website, with a subdivision of forums. Clearly those running the site want to seem uniquely more important than they are.

And the IT department and the cafeteria are not interchangeable, similar to how the main site and these forums are not interchangeable. Thanks for proving my point.
Of course, there was an easier way to determine accuracy: peruse the accounts offered in the “Members List” tab, and notice how the other name is absent.

So, no, I don't have two accounts on this site.

Tally: 9

And why two, instead of one? (a) As usual, you failed to understand something you read, and, in what is probably one of the more disappointing displays of intelligence, (b) you somehow failed to realize you wrote a “rebuttal” that was tantamount to saying, “Yeah, actually, you're right; they aren't one and the same.”

Now, maybe, in your fantasy life, you feel you have justified your sad and pathetic behavior to yourself, but you have actually given no intelligent reason to have two accounts, so actually my two reasons are the most likely.

Ah, the good ole, “You're wrong, I'm right, and that's that!” schtick.

I have to give you some credit, at least you can dress up a cliche in a seemingly unique way. Unfortunately, it's the same worthless drivel. So let's move on, shall we?

You clearly followed me to the forum because you responded to the topic I started. I don't care when it was that you made the life changing decision to give up for good.

Ugh, didn't I already address this in the earlier response?

Tally: 10

You've missed the boat ten times since we began the game? C'mon, man, reading really isn't that hard. Show us that intelligence of which you boast so unabashedly.

Expression of defeat? Kid, if this was a competition, I might actually try. Arguing with you simply allows me to write off part of my Internet bill as charity work because I'm helping to occupy some of your time, and given your obvious cognitive impairment, you're obviously a charity case.

I have to admit, I actually smiled. Granted, the smile was elicited mostly by the irony of the situation, buy hey, it's still an improvement.

No, you were very clear in the fact that people have insulted you hundreds of times.

I was actually referring to insults that I've seen, which is why I wrote “I read,” rather than “I've been called,” but again, I'll assume responsibility, because that subtly would have never been detected by you.

It's sad and pathetic that you can only get attention in this way and that you keep coming back for it.

Hilarious, considering the admitted obsession you have with Madden, as well as your puerile desire to have him acknowledge that you exist

You know, I have nothing but disdain for psychoanalysis, but even I have to admit, this is one of the better examples of projection I've seen.

I know you're obviously 'special', so maybe you can get John Cena to grant you a wish.

I know you meant this as an insult, but hanging out with John Cena sounds pretty damn dope.

Oh, and by the way, this is, what, the fifth time you created a post in which you offered nothing more than blatant ignorance and petty insults? I'm going to assume you're troll, because the alternative is that you're a dumbass, which means everyone here is guilty of picking on someone who's intellect can't extend much further than a toddler.

Either way, unless you have an argument like that which you offered in the beginning of the response (minus the failed attempt to prove how I'm wrong, of course), this is my final post.
Wait, I lied:

I forgot to mention: The other account is with Disqus (which is why I can use it on other websites); it's not a WF exclusive. So, yeah, there is no way for you to be correct there.
I must have missed the part about being insulted; I've seen so many people use the 'kid' tactic that it's just kind of boring. I've been on the internet for a long time, very likely longer than you've been alive.

But, in general, the likeliness of someone being an ignorant douchebag is directly proportional to how many times they use the words 'fact', 'right', and 'wrong' in an argument. Claud's Fourth Theory of Internet, and over fifteen years it's held up remarkably well.

So, a lot of people call you kid then. Ok.
I finally have time to respond, although I don't see much point after witnessing each development of this thread.

And the IT department and the cafeteria are not interchangeable, similar to how the main site and these forums are not interchangeable. Thanks for proving my point.
Of course, there was an easier way to determine accuracy: peruse the accounts offered in the “Members List” tab, and notice how the other name is absent.

So, no, I don't have two accounts on this site.

Tally: 9

And why two, instead of one? (a) As usual, you failed to understand something you read, and, in what is probably one of the more disappointing displays of intelligence, (b) you somehow failed to realize you wrote a “rebuttal” that was tantamount to saying, “Yeah, actually, you're right; they aren't one and the same.”

Ah, the good ole, “You're wrong, I'm right, and that's that!” schtick.

I have to give you some credit, at least you can dress up a cliche in a seemingly unique way. Unfortunately, it's the same worthless drivel. So let's move on, shall we?

Ugh, didn't I already address this in the earlier response?

Tally: 10

You've missed the boat ten times since we began the game? C'mon, man, reading really isn't that hard. Show us that intelligence of which you boast so unabashedly.

I have to admit, I actually smiled. Granted, the smile was elicited mostly by the irony of the situation, buy hey, it's still an improvement.

I was actually referring to insults that I've seen, which is why I wrote “I read,” rather than “I've been called,” but again, I'll assume responsibility, because that subtly would have never been detected by you.

Hilarious, considering the admitted obsession you have with Madden, as well as your puerile desire to have him acknowledge that you exist

You know, I have nothing but disdain for psychoanalysis, but even I have to admit, this is one of the better examples of projection I've seen.

I know you meant this as an insult, but hanging out with John Cena sounds pretty damn dope.

Oh, and by the way, this is, what, the fifth time you created a post in which you offered nothing more than blatant ignorance and petty insults? I'm going to assume you're troll, because the alternative is that you're a dumbass, which means everyone here is guilty of picking on someone who's intellect can't extend much further than a toddler.

Either way, unless you have an argument like that which you offered in the beginning of the response (minus the failed attempt to prove how I'm wrong, of course), this is my final post.

I was going to write a response showing, once again, why you're wrong, then I saw you write the word "dope" in reference to hanging out with John Cena, and it no longer seemed right to correct you when you're so obviously cognitively impaired. So, you go ahead and keep being your own brand of "special" because given your impairment, you'll never get it.
Why are people so stupid.

In case you still don't understand (fuck if I'm gonna read all that babbling bullshit) let me try explaining how they on the front page can do what they want with it.

Say I own my own business lets say a restaurant. You come in a couple times a week and eat the food. After you're done you bitch how the food could be better & my 2 cooks are idiots and they don't know what they're doing.

As the owner I can kick your ass out and tell you not to come back as long as my decision is discriminating against your gender, skin color, religion or sexual orientation.

Same applies here.

Sure, or the owner could be mature and accept critical reviews of people. However, your little theory is completely different because in your case, it would seem the restaurant owner has done nothing wrong in the first instance. If the owner went to another restaurant and got the food he served and tried to pass it off as his own, that would be fundamentally wrong. If he or she wants to be a douche and kick someone out for rightfully questioning this, then they'll likely go out of business. Now, to liken that to this site, clearly, given the lack of sponsors, the credibility of this site is likely up there with the restaurant that passes another's food off as its own. As for the fundamentals here, yes, by blocking and censoring, Paglino is infringing upon Freedom of Expression, but as the owner he'd, I guess be ABLE to do so, but that doesn't make it right. In fact, I don't think Paglino is the owner, unless he owns "Crave Online", which might be interested in the fact that their name is attached to a site that so obviously plagiarizes.
So, a lot of people call you kid then. Ok.

Believe it or not, you aren't the only douchemitten on the Internet who thinks repeating 'kid' and 'you're wrong' constitutes an effective argument, and when you frequent professional wrestling message boards, you run into a LOT of them
I like how on other sites when people start fighting, they devolve into a lot of bitching. But here, it evolves into an educational lesson.

Today I read someone say that "Slyfox696 is a Principal" :lmao: So yeah, its like a school with teachers, students... and bad students (like the OP).
Believe it or not, you aren't the only douchemitten on the Internet who thinks repeating 'kid' and 'you're wrong' constitutes an effective argument, and when you frequent professional wrestling message boards, you run into a LOT of them

It's great that you admit that go on message boards, try to sound intelligent, fail at it, and then get made fun of for it on all of them. You know that this doesn't help your case at all, Kid.

I want to IP ban this guy, but that requires signing out of the forums. Life is hard.

Edit: For the record, your comments are still on the latest Madden editorial. So I don't know what you're bitching about.

I want to IP ban this guy, but that requires signing out of the forums. Life is hard.

Edit: For the record, your comments are still on the latest Madden editorial. So I don't know what you're bitching about.

Some were removed and then I got blocked from posting. And why would you want to ban me?
Some were removed and then I got blocked from posting. And why would you want to ban me?

I've had dozens of emails in my inbox since we started the whole comments section insanity, all from people asking me to unblock them. Firstly, I don't block hardly anybody. I don't care. If people want to call me a "fat lesbian" they can go right ahead. Nick will delete comments that make our website look bad. That's his prerogative, and as the boss, it's really his job. I don't like having the comments section, period. The people that lurk there are worse than the people that lurk here in the forums. And there are some good people in the forums, but I've rarely if ever seen somebody articulate themselves in a mature and reasonable fashion in the WZ comments section. It's the worst. If it didn't TRIPLE the amount of time people spend on a given article (and therefor triple the amount of money we make off you) we wouldn't have it.

To the point at hand. If Nick deleted your comments, that's his right. The internet isn't a democracy. Freedom of speech/expression only goes so far. Your opinions are your own, and you have the freedom to spew them across social media, or even right here in the forums if you want to. But if you go on Twitter and rage at me all day I'm going to block you. And if you go on our website and say shitty things about it (despite spending your time on our website in the first place) you're probably going to get blocked. You play by house rules. That's how the internet works. If you don't like it, you can go to any other pro wrestling news site and use their comments section. But as far as active comments section communities, your choices are Wrestlezone and WrestlingINC. Go crazy.
It's great that you admit that go on message boards, try to sound intelligent, fail at it, and then get made fun of for it on all of them. You know that this doesn't help your case at all, Kid.
Or- alternate solution here: There are a lot of people on the internet that use a one-word trope to give themselves a false sense of superiority, and you are not a unique sunflower.
Or- alternate solution here: There are a lot of people on the internet that use a one-word trope to give themselves a false sense of superiority, and you are not a unique sunflower.

And yet, Kid, from what you wrote, my scenario is far more likely.
I think you should call the authorities and let them know your rights are being denied. I believe Congress would love to know that your fat jokes and homophobic slurs are being deleted. They might just send you a nice letter and a mini flag to wave in protest at all those mean people on the internetz....
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