lolExtreme Rising


Lord And Master
Staff member
Extreme Rising is demanding that former TNA talent Steve Richards, their current champion, return their title belt immediately after Richards said he would defend the title via a video game. Richards has kept the belt since winning it and has taken it overseas and to independent shows.
This all stems from Richards posting a photo of the Extreme Rising belt and the latest Madden video game on Twitter and saying that he would defend the title via the game online due to losing his WrestleMania weekend bookings. Former ECW star Danny Doring responded by posting a photo of the old ECW World Tag Team Title (which he has had since ECW closed in 2001) on his Twitter account and said he’d put that title up against Richards. He joked that it would be “defunct promotion vs. defunct promotion.”
Extreme Rising apparently then emailed Richards demanding that he return their belt by the end of this week and that they were disappointed that Richards was involved with something that described Extreme Rising as a “defunct promotion.”
Richards responded by saying he was upset that Extreme Rising “doubted his ability as a Madden player” and said the promotion got upset over something 20 people saw on Twitter. He was surprised they took all this so seriously since it was mostly just him and Doring goofing off online. He also was disappointed that nobody from the promotion called him about it.
The sad part is ….. this is NOT an angle by any means and Extreme Rising is legitimately pissed off over this.
Richards and Doring do plan to play the game and want to stream it online.
What a bizarre story.

How dare they doubt your Madden skills, Stevie?
Wasn't it Richards who missed winning a million bucks by like an hour for pitching a perfect game on XBox or something too early?
Fucking pixie magic:

'Extreme Rising apparently then emailed Richards demanding that he return their belt by the end of this week and that they were disappointed that Richards was involved with something that described Extreme Rising as a “defunct promotion.”

Richards responded by saying he was upset that Extreme Rising “doubted his ability as a Madden player”'
The funny thing was it was sugarmask not Stevie who called it defunct.
You actually think people watch this stuff?


They had to cancel a show WrestleMania weekend because they didn't sell enough tickets. Let that sink in. The biggest wrestling weekend of the year, not only for WWE but indy companies too, and that was the company that couldn't sell tickets.

They had to cancel a show WrestleMania weekend because they didn't sell enough tickets. Let that sink in. The biggest wrestling weekend of the year, not only for WWE but indy companies too, and that was the company that couldn't sell tickets.

Weren't the shows in Philly? I mean, who the fuck would go out of their way and travel all the way there?
Gee, it's almost like a company based on nostalgia for another company which died 12 years ago doesn't have a long lifespan.
Extreme Rising is a lame attempt by Douglas to rape old ECW fans for a few extra bucks, while presenting a garbage indy show, with none of the feel that made ECW special. The fans recognize that now and don't give a fuck.

Instead they have gravitated to House of Hardcore. Which isn't overexposing itself with too many shows(had their first in October, and the second won't be till this June). House of Hardcore is attempting to bring the things that made ECW special in its last days, and pick it up in 2013. Extreme Rising is trying to drag 2013 back to '96 and hope to sell a few tickets to people who will pay for anything no matter how shitty the quality.

HoH >>> Extreme Rising
Mostly because: Dreamer >>>>>> Douglas

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