WWE Raw to become 3 hours long every week

Anybody wanna speculate that this is another sign of an end to the brand extension?

I kinda want to.

The brand extension has basically been dead as of late anyways. Most of the main players from Smackdown! appear on Raw. DB is facing Punk for the WWE Title. Jericho (ADR too? Not sure what brand he belongs to) is going for the WHC. Not to mention lately Smackdown! is 40% Raw highlights it seems recently.

Even if they still do a draft this year it won't change much of anything. Move John Cena to Smackdown! and I guarantee he's still on every Raw.
You guys are idiots and don't pay attention if you actually think WWE cares about developing it's midcard.
Well apparently the extra hour is supposed to be interactive now, where fans will supposedly be able to vote in on what matches they wanna see...

Seems like a Raw roulette or Cyber Sunday ripoff where options are limited and voting is suspect :suspic: But really, until it plays out, I guess we don't really know.
Well apparently the extra hour is supposed to be interactive now, where fans will supposedly be able to vote in on what matches they wanna see...

Seems like a Raw roulette or Cyber Sunday ripoff where options are limited and voting is suspect :suspic: But really, until it plays out, I guess we don't really know.

Nah, I know. It's the same shit every time. Those interactive shows are weak sauce.

I can dig the 3 hour thing, but the interactive stuff is ass.
Its gonna be interactive I hear. You get to pick matches and shit.

Kofi vs Ziggler for a Facepalm on a Pole Match.

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