**MERGED** All July 23rd Raw Changes - Keep it all in here!

the problem i have with raw going 3 hours, is this, yeah we get more wresteling, but it will kill the pay per-views,and become boring showing the same main events in different forms look at the main events now shamus vs randy on smackdown, why would you pay 45 dollars to see this on pay per view, if your going to do a three hour show, use the mid card talent, have your head-liners make breif apperances or in jobber matches, take wrestlemania 3 HH vs Andre, would you have paid to see wm3, we keep seeing recycled matches over and over, why people were tired of john cena, he was feuding with jbl, miz on raw and pay perviews it got old,real fast if your going to go three hours you need to make some major changes and re-write some characters
I think its a bad move. WWE has issues putting on 3 hour RAW's quite a bit. Sure, they've had some good ones but they can't put on a consistently good 2 hour RAW every week, how are they supposed to do it with 3 hours every week?

If they use the 3 hours wisely it could work. Use it to build new characters, matches, storylines, ect. Then it could be good I just don't think it will happen.

The interactive part is what turns me completely off from it. Cyber Sunday and Taboo Tuesday didn't work out too well and I don't see it working well here. Personally I would rather see a solid 2 hour RAW (3 hours can be a bit much sometime) and have someone in the back to have a well booked 2 hour show for me to be entertained. If the WZ Tournament is any indication you are gonna see some pretty dumb shit putting outcomes and matches having the fans decide it every week. I don't need cage and hardcore matches every week. Not to be ignorant but the majority of people don't understand wrestler and interaction will always have issues working if people don't understand the product enough.
I was doing some thinking and what might make the three hour raw bearable, is with flair leaving TNA, bring in flair as co-gm of raw and smackdown, and do a control of power, or I hate to say this, bring in Bischoff as a face gm saying johhny is so bad and killing the rateings they had to bring me back to fix it. then they could do the camps feuding etc that might make it more interesting, or another turn of events that might make, it more interesting, dislike eve or not she has been making some good decesions in regards to matches, put her in charge like they did vicki give john time off then july 23 johnny comes back and says hes healed and he is ready to take the reighns, have stephanie come out saying she likes the direction eve is going and will be making her co gm, then its discovered that eve and cena have started dateing and kind of do a macmahon/helmlsey era or vickie and edge only reveresed. this also can set up for some faces to get upset at cena asking and start doing some back stage back stabbing and questioning, then have johhny start working some of the faces to turn against eve and cena, could be interesting

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