The New Era Of Posters Fucking Suck

If you hate them, then you probably have reasons as to why you hate them.
That may be, but it doesn't change the fact that they are GOOD.

Which is what I have been saying. Which you still don't seem to understand. Which is why I have no respect for your posting abilities.
Falkon, this thread has effectively been a renewal of any distaste towards you that may have faded over time. I mean damn, I feel EMBARRASSED when I read some of your posts. And I've barely dwindled past 100 posts. Really, just stop the whole "Yeh, that Falkon sure is one big piece of shit!" posts. I think only Doc finds them funny.
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Where do I fall? I joined in Nov 08, but didn't really post til mid-December.

I'm a poster without an era :(

I find myself in the same boat, NSL. If I remember right, I signed up in late December, but didn't get around to activating it 'til January. I too, am caught in a kind of lingo.
Dewey, if you were buffy fan, I used to think that you were Will's wife.

I was Buffy Fan, as well as: Mayhemfan, Bluejacketsfan, Mountain Dewey, and The New Mtn Dewey. I've probably had a couple other names that I'm forgetting. Oh, and WHAT?! How did you think I was Will's wifey?
Because you had the same avatar, and I thought she changed her name to Buffy Fan to differentiate herself and become a unique poster.
Because you had the same avatar, and I thought she changed her name to Buffy Fan to differentiate herself and become a unique poster.

I see. Well, that does kinda make sense. I don't think anybody really paid attention to me, until just recently.
Excuse me?

I recall many conversations about metal from months back :glare:

Ah, but you see, you started payin' attention to me almost from the jump. In fact, I'd consider you my first friend on here. But, it wasn't till just recently that people outside of the Music section started talkin' to me. Hell, X took a while to warm up to me.
I completely understand what you are trying to say Sly, but again, you left out a major part of my post that you quoted from. You think that if you only quote certain parts that it makes the rest of my post invalid?

I said, "If you think that they suck, then you probably have reasons as to why that you think that they suck!" "I happen to dislike Cena and think that he sucks." I have reasons for both why I dislike him and why I think that he sucks.

Also, your respect means nothing to me. I'm not going to lose any sleep over you not respecting me. BTW, you said that I write like a middle schooler. You must have some smart ass middle schoolers, because I know that I don't make that many grammer or spelling mistakes.
I said, "If you think that they suck, then you probably have reasons as to why that you think that they suck!" "I happen to dislike Cena and think that he sucks." I have reasons for both why I dislike him and why I think that he sucks.
Are you this ******ed in real life? Seriously? I have never met another human being incapable of understanding basic concepts like you. I have already addressed this at least twice in this debate in this thread. Quit being a fucking dumbass and go back and read and understand. Jesus Christ, you are stupid.
Ah, but you see, you started payin' attention to me almost from the jump. In fact, I'd consider you my first friend on here. But, it wasn't till just recently that people outside of the Music section started talkin' to me. Hell, X took a while to warm up to me.

This happens in old age...
And that is your comeback? Ladies and gentleman, Slyfox 101, if he disagrees with what you say, well you are obviously ******ed.

What concept do you want me to understand? You can't say that the New England Patriots suck because they have actual championships to prove you otherwise. When we are talking about something, "scripted," then my opinion is going to be subjective as alot of wrestling fans are subjective. Just because you seem to think that Cena and Hogan are great in the ring, doesn't mean that I have to.

I will not deny their ability to sell tickets, but they don't sell those tickets to me for those two, so I happen to think that they suck. My reasons as to why I think that they suck are mine and I might share them with other people, but do I think that I care if I do or do not?

Wow, you really think that because you are a school teacher, you are better than everyone else don't you?
And that is your comeback? Ladies and gentleman, Slyfox 101, if he disagrees with what you say, well you are obviously ******ed.
Good fucking Lord, do I literally have to hold your god damned hand?

I addressed what you said 4 times in the span of 14 posts. And you STILL think I'm not answering it? And then want criticize me for calling you ******ed? Face it, you are ******ed, because you keep calling for me to answer something I have already answered four times.

What concept do you want me to understand?
There's two of them.

1) You're a dumbass

2) You don't understand wrestling

Oh, and the fact that what YOU personally like has absolutely NOTHING to do with quality. Just because I don't like the Patriots (I do, but using as an example), it doesn't mean the Patriots suck.

According to you, the Patriots are not good because you don't like them. And that is just stupid.

Now, that's the FIFTH time I've answered that.

Wow, you really think that because you are a school teacher, you are better than everyone else don't you?

What the hell does being a school teacher have to do with you being a moron?
Look Sly, it's simple. I'm not the WWE, so I don't care what the masses like. I watch wrestling for SELF ENJOYMENT, not to see who get's cheered and who get's booed. If I don't like Cena and find him as boring as watching paint dry, then that is my opinion. Trying to prove an OPINION wrong is what is ******ed.

Example: Transformers 2 did very well at the box office, I happen to think that it was horrible. Cena is a big draw, I happen to think that he is horrible. What do you want me to say? I got it. Cena sells merchandise and he is a big draw for the WWE, he is great. Is that it?
Look Sly, it's simple. I'm not the WWE, so I don't care what the masses like. I watch wrestling for SELF ENJOYMENT, not to see who get's cheered and who get's booed. If I don't like Cena and find him as boring as watching paint dry, then that is my opinion. Trying to prove an OPINION wrong is what is ******ed.

Example: Transformers 2 did very well at the box office, I happen to think that it was horrible. Cena is a big draw, I happen to think that he is horrible. What do you want me to say? I got it. Cena sells merchandise and he is a big draw for the WWE, he is great. Is that it?
So, not only are you ******ed, but you are illiterate as well?

Me said:
Because no one gives a fuck about you.

That's ok, nobody gives a fuck about me. However, the WWE gives a fuck about the MASSES who watch wrestling. And it is VERY clear that people pay to watch Cena more than they do any other wrestler. And yes, there are plenty of ways to determine that.

Me again from one of the post links said:
I don't give a damn what you want to see.

But to say he's not good because of your PREFERENCE is idiotic. which has been my point all along.

So, is this how it is going to be? You being an idiot, and me replying with the same thing I've already fucking wrote 5 fucking times?

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