Who is on your "must read" list

I have this feeling that if I were a mod, I would have made more lists. Hey people, my rep is worth a lot. That is the best reason for posting in here. LOL :lmao:
Piss bucket excuse. I very rarely rep anyone, and I was making these lists long before I was mod.

Don't blame your lack of assigned responsibility for your lack of posting quality.
Wow. Someone missed the point. The joke was about rep value, and your's has been valuable for as long as I've been here.

Everyone stop at stare at the awesomeness that is Sly, or he'll keep telling us about it, over and over and over again.
I, in complete honesty, didn't use to read any one person specifically, when I first started. As I grew to being here, I found that some people were good to read whenever they'd post.. and some people thought they were good, when they really weren't.

Take for example; I love reading Jake & Sam's posts. And on that note, I (like someone else) believe Sam is very underrated as a poster.. however it's hard to take anything Sam & Jake say as serious, since most of their posts are laced with sarcasm. Still, always enjoyable to read.

I will stop to attempt reading NoFate's posts, because he definitely touches on every bit of the subject at hand. But I admit fully to not always finishing a NoFate post from beginning to end, because (like me in some manner) he will go off on a topic - detour - go off on that topic - detour back and continue the rant. SO, sometimes it's easy to skip a paragraph (or 3) and still get the summed up point. (like with me, again, at times)

NorCal is a good poster, and I enjoy his stuff.. but I'll be the first to say he has what I'd consider "attitude" behind all of his stuff. He'll start a topic, and it'll come out sounding very arrogant, or full of himself/itself, (by itself, I mean the subject at hand) just to gain the attention of the viewer. (which in all fairness, IS the objective) My only objective to this.. is I want the real NorCal's opinion.. not something I reply to, only to get a reply from him in a private manner stating something like.. "Will, I can't believe you were the one to fall for that crap. I thought you knew better." :lmao: It just (at times) makes me think.. why on earth would you start the thread, if you didn't expect to get certain reviews from it.

Becca is another I used to always read, but honestly haven't paid as much attention to as of late. Nothing against her, it's just she's tapered off a bit and only delivers really solid Chit-Chat threads anymore. I haven't honestly seen a Wrestling post that seemed like she was "in to it". Not even about Shawn, which is surprising. On the chit-chat note; Fromthesouth has become the huge hitter in that section these days.

Tdigle is always a great read, but lately he does a lot of posts with numbers and figures.. and I by-pass the most of that, because I don't want to get drawn into a debate over financial issues.. since I don't work for the Company, and only have what the internet claims they've made.. I wouldn't honestly have the slightest clue what I was talking about. (not like I know, regarding anything else anyways. LOL)

Milk recently has (claimed to have) started what will become a series of threads on individual Wrestlers. While I told him the initial thread looked huge, drawn out and kinda long for even MY tastes.. I said I looked forward to the future threads, and that was the truth. He's giving an individual opinion on his thoughts of that Wrestler's career.. and then looking for others to explain their thoughts on that Wrestler, as well as his own thoughts I do believe. So they should be rather enjoyable.

I greatly enjoy reading anything sports related by the following individuals; BrianBecker, Wes, Justin, xfearbefore, NSL, NorCal, and a couple others that skip my mind currently.

Harthan is one of the main individuals I love to read as far as E-Fed Role Plays are concerned. Isy, Lee, Ricky, Everest, Polley and quite a few others as well, but Harthan is currently my favorite.

As for the bar room, I've gotten used to 60% (if not more) of these threads being junk. It's very rare to find a good one (such as this one) anymore. TM has started a few decent ones, so on that note I check out his stuff. I can usually count on NSL to supply my need of sexually clad Women, Luther for a great poll, and NorCal's thread for (what else) all things NorCal. :lmao:

I used to love reading threads and posts by Irish & Shocky, but neither really post anymore. So I can't say (recently) that I've had any enjoyment.. since I haven't had much, if any to go on.

And, in final notes..

I completely loved KB's threads on his reviews of Wrestlemania, and KB does typically have a decent enough opinion on everything else that captures my attention.. I miss Monkey & RVD-gurl and wish they'd post more.. I enjoy reading Sly's posts, and debating him.. and I'm sure I'm missing others, but I've spent too long on THIS post (which is meaningless) to begin with.
You're from Missouri, so no.

Where at in MO?

I live in the wonderfully boring town of Joplin, where the most exciting part of the day is checking casenet to see if anyone you work with got arrested for owning a meth-lab today...

What part of MO are you in?
Only Will could go into a thread that asks you to LIST who is on your must read list, and right a fucking novel:rolleyes:

Anyway, my list would be
Tasty (in the tourny)
Gelgarian (again mostly in the tourny)
and a few others I can't think of off the top of my head
Will, I understand your frustration with my whimsical posting. I try to make it fairly obvious to the people I am cool with when I am taking the piss, as I say some pretty outlandish shit. But I can see how things become sorta transparent at times. Dont fret, im even worse in real life, people never know when to take me seriously. Its fantastic :lmao:
I, in complete honesty, didn't use to read any one person specifically, when I first started. As I grew to being here, I found that some people were good to read whenever they'd post.. and some people thought they were good, when they really weren't.

Take for example; I love reading Jake & Sam's posts. And on that note, I (like someone else) believe Sam is very underrated as a poster.. however it's hard to take anything Sam & Jake say as serious, since most of their posts are laced with sarcasm. Still, always enjoyable to read.

I will stop to attempt reading NoFate's posts, because he definitely touches on every bit of the subject at hand. But I admit fully to not always finishing a NoFate post from beginning to end, because (like me in some manner) he will go off on a topic - detour - go off on that topic - detour back and continue the rant. SO, sometimes it's easy to skip a paragraph (or 3) and still get the summed up point. (like with me, again, at times)

NorCal is a good poster, and I enjoy his stuff.. but I'll be the first to say he has what I'd consider "attitude" behind all of his stuff. He'll start a topic, and it'll come out sounding very arrogant, or full of himself/itself, (by itself, I mean the subject at hand) just to gain the attention of the viewer. (which in all fairness, IS the objective) My only objective to this.. is I want the real NorCal's opinion.. not something I reply to, only to get a reply from him in a private manner stating something like.. "Will, I can't believe you were the one to fall for that crap. I thought you knew better." :lmao: It just (at times) makes me think.. why on earth would you start the thread, if you didn't expect to get certain reviews from it.

Becca is another I used to always read, but honestly haven't paid as much attention to as of late. Nothing against her, it's just she's tapered off a bit and only delivers really solid Chit-Chat threads anymore. I haven't honestly seen a Wrestling post that seemed like she was "in to it". Not even about Shawn, which is surprising. On the chit-chat note; Fromthesouth has become the huge hitter in that section these days.

Tdigle is always a great read, but lately he does a lot of posts with numbers and figures.. and I by-pass the most of that, because I don't want to get drawn into a debate over financial issues.. since I don't work for the Company, and only have what the internet claims they've made.. I wouldn't honestly have the slightest clue what I was talking about. (not like I know, regarding anything else anyways. LOL)

Milk recently has (claimed to have) started what will become a series of threads on individual Wrestlers. While I told him the initial thread looked huge, drawn out and kinda long for even MY tastes.. I said I looked forward to the future threads, and that was the truth. He's giving an individual opinion on his thoughts of that Wrestler's career.. and then looking for others to explain their thoughts on that Wrestler, as well as his own thoughts I do believe. So they should be rather enjoyable.

I greatly enjoy reading anything sports related by the following individuals; BrianBecker, Wes, Justin, xfearbefore, NSL, NorCal, and a couple others that skip my mind currently.

Harthan is one of the main individuals I love to read as far as E-Fed Role Plays are concerned. Isy, Lee, Ricky, Everest, Polley and quite a few others as well, but Harthan is currently my favorite.

As for the bar room, I've gotten used to 60% (if not more) of these threads being junk. It's very rare to find a good one (such as this one) anymore. TM has started a few decent ones, so on that note I check out his stuff. I can usually count on NSL to supply my need of sexually clad Women, Luther for a great poll, and NorCal's thread for (what else) all things NorCal. :lmao:

I used to love reading threads and posts by Irish & Shocky, but neither really post anymore. So I can't say (recently) that I've had any enjoyment.. since I haven't had much, if any to go on.

And, in final notes..

I completely loved KB's threads on his reviews of Wrestlemania, and KB does typically have a decent enough opinion on everything else that captures my attention.. I miss Monkey & RVD-gurl and wish they'd post more.. I enjoy reading Sly's posts, and debating him.. and I'm sure I'm missing others, but I've spent too long on THIS post (which is meaningless) to begin with.

Took me a while, but there I am
What I do look for, though, are posters that display a true ignorance in their posts, or a total lack of passable grammar. I find it very satisfying to read their posts, think about how stupid they sound, then tear them apart with facts and logic. My most recent example of this was the Goldberg debate I just finished with mrstlouis. Although I found myself in the unenviable position of defending Goldberg, I felt I couldn't let the unadulterated ignorance of his posts go unchallenged. So yeah, I look for people with lots of red rep cause they are usually the most fun to debate for me.

Let me clarify this...I'm not talking about trolling, I only enter the fray if the ignorance displayed is about a topic I actually have an opinion on, not solely for the purpose of starting an argument...
I accept the fact nobodies mentioned me. I'm still relatively new ( only been here since january). But here's my list.

NSL- for the first few weeks I was here, he was just about the only person who'd carry a convo with me.

I'll read anyones posts in music, especially xfear. That arguement the other night about Nirvana was fun, yeah?

Klunder for his History of... threads.

TM, NorCal, and IC25 in the barroom, for their Innate ability to derail, and their Zombie and whatnot threads.

I enjoyed M_F's Posts, before he left.

Others include: Tdiggle, Eternal Dragon, and a few others whose names escape me.
I accept the fact nobodies mentioned me. I'm still relatively new ( only been here since january). But here's my list.

NSL- for the first few weeks I was here, he was just about the only person who'd carry a convo with me.

I'll read anyones posts in music, especially xfear. That arguement the other night about Nirvana was fun, yeah?

Klunder for his History of... threads.

TM, NorCal, and IC25 in the barroom, for their Innate ability to derail, and their Zombie and whatnot threads.

I enjoyed M_F's Posts, before he left.

Others include: Tdiggle, Eternal Dragon, and a few others whose names escape me.

Tdigs, you should change your name to this. it reminds me of the word snuggle. or TSnuggle, or Tsnugs would also rock the house.
Tdigs, you should change your name to this. it reminds me of the word snuggle. or TSnuggle, or Tsnugs would also rock the house.

Yeah, I'm horrible with the spelling, especially if I'm not looking directly at the name. Oddly, names are the only spellings I have a problem with, usually wind up adding letters. Although, those names would be rediculously amazing.
:glare: no love for Sparky anywhere! ah well.

that netedeec88 guy or what ever his name is.
and Justin.
I, in complete honesty, didn't use to read any one person specifically, when I first started. As I grew to being here, I found that some people were good to read whenever they'd post.. and some people thought they were good, when they really weren't.

Take for example; I love reading Jake & Sam's posts. And on that note, I (like someone else) believe Sam is very underrated as a poster.. however it's hard to take anything Sam & Jake say as serious, since most of their posts are laced with sarcasm. Still, always enjoyable to read.

I will stop to attempt reading NoFate's posts, because he definitely touches on every bit of the subject at hand. But I admit fully to not always finishing a NoFate post from beginning to end, because (like me in some manner) he will go off on a topic - detour - go off on that topic - detour back and continue the rant. SO, sometimes it's easy to skip a paragraph (or 3) and still get the summed up point. (like with me, again, at times)

NorCal is a good poster, and I enjoy his stuff.. but I'll be the first to say he has what I'd consider "attitude" behind all of his stuff. He'll start a topic, and it'll come out sounding very arrogant, or full of himself/itself, (by itself, I mean the subject at hand) just to gain the attention of the viewer. (which in all fairness, IS the objective) My only objective to this.. is I want the real NorCal's opinion.. not something I reply to, only to get a reply from him in a private manner stating something like.. "Will, I can't believe you were the one to fall for that crap. I thought you knew better." :lmao: It just (at times) makes me think.. why on earth would you start the thread, if you didn't expect to get certain reviews from it.

Becca is another I used to always read, but honestly haven't paid as much attention to as of late. Nothing against her, it's just she's tapered off a bit and only delivers really solid Chit-Chat threads anymore. I haven't honestly seen a Wrestling post that seemed like she was "in to it". Not even about Shawn, which is surprising. On the chit-chat note; Fromthesouth has become the huge hitter in that section these days.

Tdigle is always a great read, but lately he does a lot of posts with numbers and figures.. and I by-pass the most of that, because I don't want to get drawn into a debate over financial issues.. since I don't work for the Company, and only have what the internet claims they've made.. I wouldn't honestly have the slightest clue what I was talking about. (not like I know, regarding anything else anyways. LOL)

Milk recently has (claimed to have) started what will become a series of threads on individual Wrestlers. While I told him the initial thread looked huge, drawn out and kinda long for even MY tastes.. I said I looked forward to the future threads, and that was the truth. He's giving an individual opinion on his thoughts of that Wrestler's career.. and then looking for others to explain their thoughts on that Wrestler, as well as his own thoughts I do believe. So they should be rather enjoyable.

I greatly enjoy reading anything sports related by the following individuals; BrianBecker, Wes, Justin, xfearbefore, NSL, NorCal, and a couple others that skip my mind currently.

Harthan is one of the main individuals I love to read as far as E-Fed Role Plays are concerned. Isy, Lee, Ricky, Everest, Polley and quite a few others as well, but Harthan is currently my favorite.

As for the bar room, I've gotten used to 60% (if not more) of these threads being junk. It's very rare to find a good one (such as this one) anymore. TM has started a few decent ones, so on that note I check out his stuff. I can usually count on NSL to supply my need of sexually clad Women, Luther for a great poll, and NorCal's thread for (what else) all things NorCal. :lmao:

I used to love reading threads and posts by Irish & Shocky, but neither really post anymore. So I can't say (recently) that I've had any enjoyment.. since I haven't had much, if any to go on.

And, in final notes..

I completely loved KB's threads on his reviews of Wrestlemania, and KB does typically have a decent enough opinion on everything else that captures my attention.. I miss Monkey & RVD-gurl and wish they'd post more.. I enjoy reading Sly's posts, and debating him.. and I'm sure I'm missing others, but I've spent too long on THIS post (which is meaningless) to begin with.

Apparently, You Jackass, my posts aren't good enough for you! So with that...:fu2:
Don't feel bad Milky, I suck too.

Not too often.

Apparently, You Jackass, my posts aren't good enough for you! So with that..

You pushed to make 50. There are members of this forum with 300+ that I didn't mention.

Why? Because they don't capture my attention. You PUSHED to make 50. PUSHED. (You know, the thing you did with our Son.) Don't get me wrong, I remember them. They were good, great even.. but I would've figured to you, "must read" would be already definitely understood anyways. You know, being married and all..

Apparently much like the "honor and obey" rules in the bi-law of marriage, you just let it slip your mind. :p

:lmao: That's actually hilarious. Withold sex until he's read and complimented every one of your posts.

Don't you have another Male that needs to be lying to you and breaking your heart or something? Back off my Wife, HeartBreak-aholic.

:lmao: I like your way of thinking!:)

I know we have a lot of "aholic's" floating around, but that's Becca. You know.. "burn in hell, damn you" and all that..
Not too often.

You pushed to make 50. There are members of this forum with 300+ that I didn't mention.

Why? Because they don't capture my attention. You PUSHED to make 50. PUSHED. (You know, the thing you did with our Son.) Don't get me wrong, I remember them. They were good, great even.. but I would've figured to you, "must read" would be already definitely understood anyways. You know, being married and all..

Apparently much like the "honor and obey" rules in the bi-law of marriage, you just let it slip your mind. :p

Don't you have another Male that needs to be lying to you and breaking your heart or something? Back off my Wife, HeartBreak-aholic.

I know we have a lot of "aholic's" floating around, but that's Becca. You know.. "burn in hell, damn you" and all that..

She's not hitting on me goof ass! The whole "burn in hell," has passed. It's not going to stop me from giving you shit from time to time though. So don't get that out of your head. What can I do? Put my fist through our computer and magically think it's actually hitting her? I doubt that. Even if I could do that, I wouldn't. Maybe back when, but not now. No point. Geez!
She's not hitting on me goof ass! The whole "burn in hell," has passed. It's not going to stop me from giving you shit from time to time though. So don't get that out of your head. What can I do? Put my fist through our computer and magically think it's actually hitting her? I doubt that. Even if I could do that, I wouldn't. Maybe back when, but not now. No point. Geez!

I'd fucking hope not. That's a $1,000.00 cpu you'd be fisting.

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