Who is on your "must read" list

The only person I make a point of reading is xfear. I'll read a Sam or Shocky post if I come across them. Just like I'll ignore a Will post if it's too long.
The Pebble
TheOneBigWill (bastard didn't even put me on his list :P)

And a few others I've forgotten.
way to derail a thread on the first post KB. they might be in record time.

and they are my sons, I will probably always consider them rooks.

I've been here since 2007. True I might be young, but I know almost everything there is to know about this Forum.
Milk recently has (claimed to have) started what will become a series of threads on individual Wrestlers. While I told him the initial thread looked huge, drawn out and kinda long for even MY tastes.. I said I looked forward to the future threads, and that was the truth. He's giving an individual opinion on his thoughts of that Wrestler's career.. and then looking for others to explain their thoughts on that Wrestler, as well as his own thoughts I do believe. So they should be rather enjoyable.


Its long for YOUR tastes because thats 15 hours of work right there. It better be long!!!
There's about 25 people I really enjoy on here, so I'm not going to list them all. For me though, depends on what mood I'm in. I enjoy post by a lot of people, but I'm not looking for someone I like in a thread like, why John Morrison is awesome.

Its a combination of what I'm particularly interested in at the time (and with me, I flip flop so damn much) and a good poster.
I live in the wonderfully boring town of Joplin, where the most exciting part of the day is checking casenet to see if anyone you work with got arrested for owning a meth-lab today...

What part of MO are you in?
Southeast part, very near Cape Girardeau.

How dare you say that about your twin?
How the hell did I forget NSL? His passion for old school EC-Dub intrigues me, especially when I come across an ECW-ite in the WZ Tourney.

I'm not sure if I included you on my list, but I make sure to read all your tourney posts, and some of the stuff elsewhere. I haven't been in the wrestling sections to read anybody's posts there.

NSL- for the first few weeks I was here, he was just about the only person who'd carry a convo with me.

I didn't recognize who you were until this. The name change threw me off. I thought you had disappeared after all the music talk.

Don't feel bad Milky, I suck too.

Not from what I've been told.

:lmao: I like your way of thinking!:)

Will...Run, hide. They're starting to get along...

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