The New Era Of Posters Fucking Suck

Oh that's good to know. Nice to know that he can fuck me up with just a thought.

I'm going to try for red rep now. It is so much easier to gain. I'm going to just go to every thread that I can find and post a bunch of bullshit.
What can I do X? I was well into the green before I disagreed with Sly. In a matter of minutes, I am the most infamous poster on the damn site.

I would love to fight the good fight and continue to post greatly in the wrestling sections, which, believe it or not, I actually do, but to what is the point? It isn't what I say that get's the rep, it is my views on the matter.
It's only a colored bar man, if people don't like you, it's not that big of a deal. It's only the internet, you likely won't be meeting any of us any time soon, does it really matter what random people think of a username somewhere? It's not like they even know you.

Just post as you want. If someone doesn't like what you're doing, too bad for them. I made a name for myself raising hell and getting into vicious and insult-laden arguments with people. Just do your thing, and if anyone doesn't like it, well, it doesn't really matter. Post for yourself, not others.
Alas, you are right. If anything, anyone who witnessed my arguement with Sly will remember it.

Why do you make so much more sense than most posters on this site?
"Up in a club, I just broke up, doing my own little thing. I decided to dip and now your gonna trip cuz another brother noticed me, I'm up on him he up on me"

Btw I actually like Falkon :S He/she/it is cool in ma books!
For the record, I was just having a little fun at your expense, UT. Obviously, you're better than Deadman, because like X said, you can form intelligent sentences. In fact, the only posters on here who are as bad DM are SpamBino, and his little buddy. I can honestly say, I don't mind you.
It isn't what I say that get's the rep, it is my views on the matter.
This is completely false. I don't care what your views are on this matter, believe me, you are not the first person to dislike Cena that I've argued with.

However, it's your complete idiocy which got you rep. The fact that you seemed bent out of shape because I didn't answer something you said, even when I had already answered it 5 times, was just laughable. I mean, I literally answered your same fucking logic 4 times in 17 posts. Seriously.

THAT was what got you red rep. And you have NO idea how tempted I was to rep you again for your stupid comments about the Patriots. And no idea how tempted I am to rep you again for this silly post.
I really don't understand that attitude that drawing power/buy-rates determine who is and isn't a good wrestler. That's a load of horse shit, Flair and Harley Race never drew half the people that Cena does, and I sure as fuck wouldn't say Cena is a better wrestler than those two.

Take this comparison: Do you consider the best actor to be the one who's movies sell the best? It's the same kind of craft that a wrestler uses. Using that logic, we can assume Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the greatest actors of all time. Not exactly true though, is it?

In all of the skills that define a wrestler, RVD is better than Cena in my opinion. Drawing power means jack shit in relation to how one applies their craft in the ring and on the microphone. Or should we start proclaiming Batista a legend?

Can I coin a phrase? Fear PWNGE!!
Not really Razor. Your response was basically you just repeating that wrestling is all about drawing money, and nothing else, and that defines who is better in their craft. Which I think is horse shit.

Still love you though. In both a hetero and completely homosexual kind of way.
Not really Razor. Your response was basically you just repeating that wrestling is all about drawing money, and nothing else, and that defines who is better in their craft. Which I think is horse shit.

Still love you though. In both a hetero and completely homosexual kind of way.

Which doesn't make any sense, because if a wrestler can't draw money then he isn't doing his job. He's not there to wrestle a 5-star match, he's there to make his company money and entertain the fans with a fake fight.

I really don't understand that attitude that drawing power/buy-rates determine who is and isn't a good wrestler.
It's simple.

The best wrestler is the one who entertains the best. The ones who entertain the best are the ones people come to see. If you are horrible in the ring, you are not entertaining, so trying to say that "x" wrestler was horrible in the ring and a draw is silly, because horrible wrestlers are not entertaining.

That's from the perspective of the product side. From the business side, wrestlers are hired for one reason, which is to increase the overall bottom line of the company. Some wrestler's jobs are to make others look good, and some are to bring the fans. But the best wrestlers are ALWAYS the ones who will bring the fans, and since that is why they are hired, the one who brings the most fans is the best wrestler, from the business side.

That's a load of horse shit, Flair and Harley Race never drew half the people that Cena does
1) I don't think they were as good

2) They worked regionally...Cena works nationally. So, even if you wish to hold to the theory they are better (which you shouldn't, but whatever), the fact is they worked in regional promotions, whereas Cena works on a national level.

A Harley Race main-event in St. Louis would draw every bit as good as a Cena main-event in any part of the country, with the exception of Wrestlemania. But put Race in New York, and he doesn't draw. Put Flair in California and he doesn't draw. Why? Simply because they didn't have the national exposure Cena did.

Take this comparison: Do you consider the best actor to be the one who's movies sell the best? It's the same kind of craft that a wrestler uses. Using that logic, we can assume Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the greatest actors of all time. Not exactly true though, is it?
We've been over this many times. Movies and wrestling are no where near the same thing, with regards to the way the business is run. For what you see on screen, sure there are many similarities, but as to the reasons things are done, it is not the same.

Drawing power means jack shit in relation to how one applies their craft in the ring and on the microphone.
Then how do you critique a person's ability in the ring and on the microphone, if you don't use drawing power? As I stated above, people don't pay money to see people who bore them, so obviously, if people are paying to see you, then you are entertaining them. If we don't have objective criteria to which we can gauge effectiveness, then how can you EVER have a discussion of quality?

The fact of the matter is that, while drawing power doesn't determine how one applies their craft, it DOES determine how successful they are in their craft. It is the ONLY objective way to determine quality.
Which doesn't make any sense, because if a wrestler can't draw money then he isn't doing his job. He's not there to wrestle a 5-star match, he's there to make his company money and entertain the fans with a fake fight.

So by that logic, again, you are saying that John Cena is a better professional wrestler than Harley Race, and a better professional wrestler than Ric Flair. Which is ludicrous to me.

How does one entertain the fans and draw that money? Their skill set. Are we really going to pretend that the most qualified and skilled people always make it to the top of any profession? Of course not. It's all about marketing and politics. It's not like John Cena had a legit wrestling clinic with every wrestler on the face of the planet, and won every match, and thus can be called the best. No, it's because Vince feels he's the most marketable. It has nothing to do with him being the "best" at what he does.

Ric Flair > John Cena. All day Razor.

I'm with X here...

The better entertainer is the one who entertains most, which fits for the modern WWE.

The better wrestler is the one you don't want to meet in a dark alley. Like Flair, Race, and Funk...
So by that logic, again, you are saying that John Cena is a better professional wrestler than Harley Race, and a better professional wrestler than Ric Flair. Which is ludicrous to me.

How does one entertain the fans and draw that money? Their skill set. Are we really going to pretend that the most qualified and skilled people always make it to the top of any profession? Of course not. It's all about marketing and politics. It's not like John Cena had a legit wrestling clinic with every wrestler on the face of the planet, and won every match, and thus can be called the best. No, it's because Vince feels he's the most marketable. It has nothing to do with him being the "best" at what he does.

Ric Flair > John Cena. All day Razor.

I want to address the bold and underlined. What is a "legit wrestling clinic", in the world of fake fighting?
I'm with X here...

The better entertainer is the one who entertains most, which fits for the modern WWE.

The better wrestler is the one you don't want to meet in a dark alley. Like Flair, Race, and Funk...
Now then, you are trying to separate work vs. shoot. But, you can't do that, at least not when talking about professional wrestling ability. I would never want to meet Ken Shamrock in a dark alley (shoot), but the fact of the matter is that when he is on screen, he was a midcarder in terms of ability (work).
I meant a shoot fight Sly.

Let me just ask this: Wrestling is a form of entertainment, right? Look at every major form of entertainment; music, movies, art. All of them share one thing: they are a business, but they are also an artform. To say the wrestling business is solely for making money, would be akin to saying that a television show is on TV solely for getting ratings. You can't discount the artform of the craft, which is what you're doing when you say that drawing power is the only thing that matters.

Wrestling is entertainment. And entertainment is an artform. And naturally, the best in their art/craft aren't always going to be the most popular/biggest moneymakers. The movies-to-wrestling comparison is definitely a valid one Sly.

I mean, the HBK-Hart feud from the mid-90s couldn't beat WCW. Does that mean it was an inferior feud, because it wasn't drawing big? Of course not.
I meant a shoot fight Sly.
I knew what you meant, but your comment hits upon an important factor.

You said that Vince picked Cena because he was marketable. What other way is there to pick a wrestler, when the entire product is nothing but fake fighting? You don't think Ric Flair was picked by the NWA to be their champion because he was incredibly marketable? You don't think that Dusty Rhodes held the NWA title because he was marketable?

Of COURSE Cena was picked because he was marketable, ALL wrestling superstars are. If they weren't marketable, then people wouldn't pay to see them. And thus, they wouldn't be pushed.

Let me just ask this: Wrestling is a form of entertainment, right? Look at every major form of entertainment; music, movies, art. All of them share one thing: they are a business, but they are also an artform.
Would you say that the art business is like the movie business? Would you say that Van Gogh painted "The Starry Night", for the same reason that the Farrelly Brothers directed Dumb and Dumber?

Of course not. The "art" in making movies is CLEARLY different than the art of making music or the art of painting.

To say the wrestling business is solely for making money, would be akin to saying that a television show is on TV solely for getting ratings.
Of course it is. Because good ratings get the television station good advertising dollars.

Why do you think all news shows slant towards a political opinion these days?

You can't discount the artform of the craft, which is what you're doing when you say that drawing power is the only thing that matters.
What I'M saying is that you are confusing what the artform in wrestling is.

The "artform" of wrestling is not a bunch of moves and reversals on someone who lets you do it. The ART of wrestling is about making people care about you, drawing them into your match, and making them want to come see you again. THAT is the art of wrestling. Not being able to do a bunch of moves.

Wrestling is entertainment. And entertainment is an artform. And naturally, the best in their art/craft aren't always going to be the most popular/biggest moneymakers. The movies-to-wrestling comparison is definitely a valid one Sly.
Not really. But I've already explained that several times.

I mean, the HBK-Hart feud from the mid-90s couldn't beat WCW. Does that mean it was an inferior feud, because it wasn't drawing big? Of course not.
Sure it does. And it WAS an inferior feud. Was there a reason to put that fake feud on TV other than to make money? No, there wasn't. The reason it was on TV was to entertain fans so that they might buy tickets or a PPV to pay the WWE money.

It WAS an inferior feud, because it did not do what it was asked to do, as well as the WCW was doing with their feuds. Perhaps YOU thought the Hart/HBK feud was better, but that's back to what I was discussing with UT#1Fan, about how you can't impose your subjective preferences in a debate of objective quality.
Come on Xfear, wrestling is all about that almighty dollar. I mean, when you get right down to it, why else do they do what they do?

If a wrestler draws big, well then they must be outstanding both on the mic and in the ring. Otherwise, how else would they draw?

I mean, look at Batista. He draws well. Wouldn't we consider him good in the ring and on the mic?
Come on Xfear, wrestling is all about that almighty dollar. I mean, when you get right down to it, why else do they do what they do?

If a wrestler draws big, well then they must be outstanding both on the mic and in the ring. Otherwise, how else would they draw?

I mean, look at Batista. He draws well. Wouldn't we consider him good in the ring and on the mic?
What's funny is you are trying to be sarcastic, but this may be the most accurate thing you have ever posted.
I wasn't trying to be sarcastic! I was agreeing with you. Wow, really?

I mean, yea I was a little rocky at first, but I understand the logic behind it now. Which means that both Batista and Jeff Hardy are two of the greatest wrestlers today because they can draw. Which also means that Bret Hart and HBK are complete shit because they were two of the worst drawing champions in the history of the WWF/E.

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