The New Era Of Posters Fucking Suck

The only thing that can be proven about the two are their drawing ability and I for one do not agree with your elitist attitude toward wrestling.

So, what facts do I deny about the two other than that?
The quality of their matches, the importance of their movesets, their overall entertainment value, and their in-ring ability. And, if I'm not mistaken, you've even criticized their charisma before.
If she breast fed me until I was 13 then your balls didn't drop until 17.

Wow. This...this is just pathetic. I What to say to this comeback? I bow to you and your greatness. Please tell me how you acquired all this wit and knowledge.
Here we go...

The quality of their matches, the importance of their movesets, their overall entertainment value, and their in-ring ability. And, if I'm not mistaken, you've even criticized their charisma before.

Go look at my latest post on Cena or any of the posts and tell me that I deny his charisma.

Because I personally do not enjoy their matches, that make me a moron? I only say what I feel about the two. I have mentioned several matches from the two that I have considered to be great. You should read my posts more.

I have metioned before that Hulk Hogan was on of the greatest entertainers ever and as a child I was in love with Hogan. With that said, I lose respect for him because of his ego and his politics. However, I do consider Hogan, probably, the greatest entertainer in the history of Professional Wrestling. Was he better in the ring than Flair? NO! According to you, however, as long as he makes money for the company, that shouldn't matter, right?

I'm not going to talk about their Superman movesets.
LOL, self-defeatist! You just made my day!

Well, that's what they call it when you're being whiny and saying "Oh well, might as well not fight anymore. Let me bend over and just take it like a bitch." Submissive, self-defeatist, it's all the same.

Alas, it's true, Xfear is liked more than me, however, no one, recently, argues the point of John Cena more than myself. I have made, what I consider to be, valid points on my hate for Cena and continuely get red repped for it. I have recieved red rep that has simply said, "Cena Hate Rep," or, "Not cool to hate Cena," and shit like that. So I guess my next post on Cena is going to have to be me loving him and of me joining the collective dick sucking that goes on here for Cena and Hogan.

What completely valid points? I have yet to see one. And to whine about red rep is to show how much of a noob you are.

Also, I don't like Hogan at all, really. But I acknowledge what he did for the industry, so I'm not shit on by everyone. Not liking a wrestler is one thing, completely and blindly shitting on them is another.
Go look at my latest post on Cena or any of the posts and tell me that I deny his charisma.
You have before, I do believe.

Because I personally do not enjoy their matches, that make me a moron?
No, because you deny the quality of them is what makes you a moron.

You should read my posts more.
I have to deal with poorly written essays all the time from middle school children. I have no desire to read your poorly written essay which looks like it was written by a middle school child.

I have metioned before that Hulk Hogan was on of the greatest entertainers ever and as a child I was in love with Hogan. With that said, I lose respect for him because of his ego and his politics. However, I do consider Hogan, probably, the greatest entertainer in the history of Professional Wrestling. Was he better in the ring than Flair? NO! According to you, however, as long as he makes money for the company, that shouldn't matter, right?
How can he be the best entertainer and not be better than Flair? That's incredibly stupid, as both Hogan and Flair were both entertainers.

And you wonder why I rate you so low on my list...

I'm not going to talk about their Superman movesets.
That's good. Why? Because you don't have the first fucking clue what it means to match a moveset to a character. Furthermore, how can a moveset be "Superman"? Do they shoot laser beams out of their eyes while they fly in the air? Moron. Finally, NEITHER of their characters are Superman, as Superman is completely invincible to everything except kryptonite. Both Cena and Hogan have regularly shown a vulnerability to a variety of offensive attacks.

Again, you wonder why I rate you so low on my list...
Well, that's what they call it when you're being whiny and saying "Oh well, might as well not fight anymore. Let me bend over and just take it like a bitch." Submissive, self-defeatist, it's all the same.

Calm down. I was actually amused by what you said. I'm not giving up at all.

What completely valid points? I have yet to see one. And to whine about red rep is to show how much of a noob you are.

You really think I'm whining? Ugh......... Perhaps you are right.

Also, I don't like Hogan at all, really. But I acknowledge what he did for the industry, so I'm not shit on by everyone. Not liking a wrestler is one thing, completely and blindly shitting on them is another.

I have mentioned several times that I respected Hogan for what he has done for the business of Professional Wrestling. If you haven't read that from me, then you haven't read a post of mine on Hogan. I always try to throw that in there to keep the responses down.
Sly, you can be a great entertainer and be a horrible in ring wrestler. So now they're just entertainers? Okay. Michael Jackson was a better entertainer than both of them, would he be a better professional wrestler than Hogan? Flair's matches were better than Hogan's. I would rather watch a Flair match any day of the week, than to watch Hogan/Andre or something like that. Now did Hogan control the crowd better, was he a better talker, was he more popular? Yes!

Why would I say something has great quality and me not like it? I'm not going to say, "Oh man, the quality of that match was outstanding! It looked great, sounded great, told a great story, and it had a great ending! However, I didn't like it!" That makes no sense to me. What quality comes from their matches? On a scale from one to ten, how would you rate Orton/Cena at Breaking Point?
Sly, you can be a great entertainer and be a horrible in ring wrestler.

While I'm not one to argue that it's wrestling, isn't called sports entertainment?

Flair's matches were better than Hogan's.

From a technical stand point yes. You want that go watch a majority of the indy companies. Overall matches, from the build up, to the promos, to story told in the ring, Hogan was by far better.

I would rather watch a Flair match any day of the week, than to watch Hogan/Andre or something like that. Now did Hogan control the crowd better, was he a better talker, was he more popular? Yes!

Wait a second.... Let's think about this, Hogan could get a crowd more into a match than Flair could, right? He could get an audience more interested in a match than Flair could, right? Well dammit, I guess everyone turned their tv's off as soon as he stepped in the ring, because they knew he sucked.... No they didn't, back then people more cared about the story that was being told. Even today people are looking for compelling stories. What do Hogan and Cena both do? Tell compelling stories. Hate to break it to you, but Flair wouldn't be half the star that he is today if it wasn't for Hogan, just like every other wrestler.

Question, while both Flair and Hogan were wrestlers what else where they? Oh that's right, they were entertainers. You cannot deny that fact, and n that regard Hogan was by far the better entertainer. As a kid he got you hooked on wrestling didn't he?

What quality comes from their matches? On a scale from one to ten, how would you rate Orton/Cena at Breaking Point?

I love how pick one of the worst Cena matches from this year. And it wasn't that bad.... Yes it had a quick ending, but who's fault is that? Booking and creative, not Cena's.... Also if were going by that, name me a Orton match that was good this year? You still haven't done that.

maybe that's why people don't like you, because you make no sense.
Sly, you can be a great entertainer and be a horrible in ring wrestler.
No, you can't. Because if you are horrible in the ring, then you won't entertain anyone. You have the worst logic in the world.

So now they're just entertainers?
No, they've ALWAYS just been entertainers.

Okay. Michael Jackson was a better entertainer than both of them, would he be a better professional wrestler than Hogan?
Of course not, because Jackson wouldn't be able to entertain fans by putting on a fake fight like Hogan did.

Why do you ask such stupid questions?

Flair's matches were better than Hogan's.
Says who? Clearly not the millions of fans Hogan was drawing every year that Flair wasn't.

I would rather watch a Flair match any day of the week, than to watch Hogan/Andre or something like that.
No one gives a fuck about you though.

Now did Hogan control the crowd better, was he a better talker, was he more popular? Yes!
Exactly. He was more popular, which means he was more entertaining, which means he was the better pro wrestler. It's Wrestling 101.

Why would I say something has great quality and me not like it?
For the same reason you would say that about the New England Patriots. They're obviously a well-run franchise, but many people just don't like them.

What quality comes from their matches?

A) The quality of people emotionally invested in the match

B) The quality of making people care about who wins the match

C) The quality of making people want to come watch them wrestle again

That's the quality that comes from their matches.

On a scale from one to ten, how would you rate Orton/Cena at Breaking Point?
Haven't seen it. I can't buy PPVs.
Calm down. I was actually amused by what you said. I'm not giving up at all.

Calm down? I'm not pissy at all. Promise. I only get pissed off when someone tries to condescend to me. Like what Blood and Thunder was doing in one of the Cigar Lounge threads. /twitch

You really think I'm whining? Ugh......... Perhaps you are right.

Not really. Just went with the flow of post.

I have mentioned several times that I respected Hogan for what he has done for the business of Professional Wrestling. If you haven't read that from me, then you haven't read a post of mine on Hogan. I always try to throw that in there to keep the responses down.

Excuse me for taking the wording
So I guess my next post on Cena is going to have to be me loving him and of me joining the collective dick sucking that goes on here for Cena and Hogan.

and assuming that your hatred for Cena transferred. Anyone who says Hogan and Cena aren't damn good pro-wrestlers needs to look back at what it is a pro-wrestler actually does.
PARADOX, tsk tsk tsk. I thought that from the lack of responses that I have received from you, I had rid myself of you. Yet here you are, arguing with me. You know PARADOX, *sigh*, you are my favorite person to argue with. You make me think. Then I ultimately come to my senses an say, "This motha fucka is crazy!"

Hogan could build a hell of match up, as far as hype. When we actually got to the match, however, we sort of hit a road block and, IMO, Cena is the same way.

The only reason I picked that match from Cena was because it is the most recent. Also, I am not going to pick a good Cena match and then try to prove my point that he is bad. That makes no sense.
PARADOX, tsk tsk tsk. I thought that from the lack of responses that I have received from you, I had rid myself of you. Yet here you are, arguing with me. You know PARADOX, *sigh*, you are my favorite person to argue with. You make me think. Then I ultimately come to my senses an say, "This motha fucka is crazy!"

I only respond to you when you are completely out of your mind. (which is becoming more and more often) If I'm crazy then everyone who is going after you is crazy. Look, you have some of the top posters here(besides myself) telling you that you don't know what you are talking about and that you suck. Sounds to me like you're the moron....

Hogan could build a hell of match up, as far as hype. When we actually got to the match, however, we sort of hit a road block and, IMO, Cena is the same way.

Yeah, and like I said, those people turned their tv's off as soon as he came on..... No they didn't they wanted to see what happened. Why? Because they were being entertained. Same goes with Cena....

The only reason I picked that match from Cena was because it is the most recent. Also, I am not going to pick a good Cena match and then try to prove my point that he is bad. That makes no sense.

Oh sure it makes no sense for you who hates Cena to pick a good match by him... Oh that would make you admit that he's decent... darn there went that idea.
Sly are you really going to compare an NFL team to professional wrestling? Alot of people don't like New England because they win and nothing more. They are a well-run franchise. It is the same reason that alot of people don't like Kobe Bryant or LBJ. They are just good!

I guess it depends on what one might consider good in the ring. For me it's Flair, to you it's Hogan. I just don't agree with you saying that, because Hogan drew more, he must have been the best. As a fan, what does drawing ability have to do with any damn thing? Does he make you money?

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