The New Era Of Posters Fucking Suck

I've always been Undertaker's#1fan, however, I joined in '07 and went at it with Sly in the original Cena thread. I lost touch with the site (couldn't remember my password) and then got back on. Now I try to be more active.
You're established Miko. Think of it as years. Class of 2006, Class of 2007, Class of 2008, etc.
Ring skills and mic skills are the basic tools of a wrestler that gets them over. If RVD had been given the push Cena is, he'd be as successful. It's as simple as that, you're using the logic that Cena is at the top of the game right now because he's the best. This isn't athletic competition where you can definitively prove who is and isn't the best at what they do, it's all up to the backstage politics of who McMahon thinks is marketable. Clean cut Cena is a lot more marketable than violent pothead RVD. Simple as that. RVD still managed to get reactions that would rival any of Cena's during his WWE tenure.

What you're basically telling me Razor, is that John Cena is better than Harley Race or Ric Flair or Terry Funk. And sorry, I'm not buying that, not for one minute.

So what, Cena doesn't get credit for how far he's gotten? That's bullshit. Benjamin was getting one hella push after another for how long? And he just now isn't sucking donkey dick? There's more to the wrestler than being pushed, and you have to credit Cena for riding that wave and becoming the epitome of what a pro-wrestler is supposed to do. Make money for his company, and entertain the fans while he's doing it.

What I'm telling you, X, is that a man who is currently responsible for a margin of + or - .5 in the ratings game depending on if he's there or not is more important than RVD. I'm not saying RVD can't wrestle or couldn't cut a promo. I'm saying RVD isn't as important to the fans as Cena is, and so therefore can't be valued as highly on the "Who's a better pro-wrestler?" scale. It's only logical, considering that's the job of the pro-wrestler.

I expected better from you Razor. :disappointed: could argue the point. Just sayin'.

As far as the draw or being made a sustainable main eventer? Nope, not at all.

As far as the quality of the match? Van Dam gets a raw deal quite a lot. What I will say is that Van Dam does the basic Cena match AT LEAST as well as Cena. His selling of beatdowns was fantasic when he was having his good nights, and at his best he was very easy for the crowd to get behind leading towards a red hot comeback and finish. He never had the kind of matches Cena's had with Umaga, Michaels, or Jericho, but I do think Van Dam is undersold when it comes to his wrestling.

^^^What he said.
I knew Slyfox would say something about me that was directly from his ass. I guess I'm not going to start being respected around here until I admit my love for Cena and Hogan. So that basically means that I have to lie and not post what I feel. That makes sense.
I knew Slyfox would say something about me that was directly from his ass. I guess I'm not going to start being respected around here until I admit my love for Cena and Hogan. So that basically means that I have to lie and not post what I feel. That makes sense.
No need to lie. I respect you because you never give up, no matter how annoying it can get, I still respect you for that. Hey, you and Cena have something in common, both of you will never give up :).
I knew Slyfox would say something about me that was directly from his ass. I guess I'm not going to start being respected around here until I admit my love for Cena and Hogan. So that basically means that I have to lie and not post what I feel. That makes sense.

Xfear doesn't like Cena. We love him. You're just being self-defeatist.
LOL, self-defeatist! You just made my day!

Alas, it's true, Xfear is liked more than me, however, no one, recently, argues the point of John Cena more than myself. I have made, what I consider to be, valid points on my hate for Cena and continuely get red repped for it. I have recieved red rep that has simply said, "Cena Hate Rep," or, "Not cool to hate Cena," and shit like that. So I guess my next post on Cena is going to have to be me loving him and of me joining the collective dick sucking that goes on here for Cena and Hogan.
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If it makes you feel any better, I like you for speaking your mind.
I knew Slyfox would say something about me that was directly from his ass.
How does you sucking have anything to do with my ass? It's not my fault you refuse indisputable and undeniable facts in order to continue being a stupid fucking cunt.

I guess I'm not going to start being respected around here until I admit my love for Cena and Hogan.
Who said anything about having to like Cena or Hogan? No one.

However, to deny what they do, and how good they are, makes you a complete moron.

So that basically means that I have to lie and not post what I feel. That makes sense.
While it's not true, it makes far greater sense than anything you've ever posted in the wrestling sections.
Monkey, Monkey, Monkey....

Oh, naive Monkey.

487 did your job way better.

Hmm. Everyone was agreeing with me, until one person spoke up against me. Then everyone was like.."Hey this other guy has an opinion as well, lets get off Monkey's dick and suck the other guys"

You guys are fucking idiots, all the lot of you. My point has been proven and I thank you.
The only thing that can be proven about the two are their drawing ability and I for one do not agree with your elitist attitude toward wrestling.

So, what facts do I deny about the two other than that?

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