The **ALL NEW** Complaint Thread - Infraction Complaints Only

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Okay, I got a question/complaint. I made a post just two minutes after the news hit that Chris Masters was released from the WWE. It was a good post that was news related and was getting good and vey thoughtful responses. I log in the next day to check it out only to find out that it had been moved. To where, I have no friggin idea. But what I want to know is why it was moved. I mean it wasn't spam and it wasn't a short post. So it didn't break any rules and fit the criteria for where it was posted. I wrote one of you to find out why and apparently you guys are too busy to answer a simple inquiry. So can someone please answer me now?

You didn't PM me, I would have gladly helped you.

No, you actually moved my post to an irrelevan thread about him being suspended. Him being suspended and him being fired were two different news stories and therefore were unrelated as far as posting topic goes. To take my post and put it where you put it would be like as if they reported him being suspended and fired in the same post on wrestlezone, which they did not. You took a fresh post and buried in a dead and stale one that was old news.

And Shadow made the right call, we didn't need another thread for the Masters Discussion. Its what we do here, we try and keep everything related to one person or related news stories in one thread.
Okay, I have a problem.. I can't seem to make new posts and I searched and no results.. this is what I get:

Cigaro, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Cigaro
No I put it where it was going to be a continuation of a story as someone had already posted in the one about him being fired, So I merged them to get a cohesive story of Masters Suspended then fired. Thereby I stand by my dicision.

There ius no reason to get defensive. This is merely a simple discussion. I'm not saying your decision was not right at the time or that youw ere in errror. I am merely trying to point out the significance of my point. Here, let me put it this way. The fresh post of the second subject had fresh momentum and was starting new conversations about the after effect. When you put merged the new topic witht he old topic, that momentum was stunted and ended. Now if it is the point of these boards to encourage lively discussions, then do you see how moving the post killed a discussion post that was exploring more than just him being fired? I mean it was discussing the whole mental and social state of the possible after effects of him getting fired. People wer eposting very encouragingly. When it was moved, noone posted on it anymore because the older subject seemed irrelevant to them and therefore they were not going to explore it to post about him being fired. I mean it's like going int Kmart to look for Walmart merchandise. You wouldn't do that right? So why would anybody go into a post about him getting suspended to post about him being fired? It would be discouraging in a way.
You didn't PM me, I would have gladly helped you.
I PM'ed AJ. I could not find a list of people who are here for the this job. Please point out where I can find that for future reference.

And Shadow made the right call, we didn't need another thread for the Masters Discussion. Its what we do here, we try and keep everything related to one person or related news stories in one thread.

I could see if the post was generally titled "Chris Masters Discussion", but it was not. The topic of the first post was his suspension. The topic of the second post was his firing. These events did not happen on the same day and were therefore not the same topic as the dicussions on both topics were different. Yes, what you do here is police the boards and hand down infractions. But having beena board moderator in the past myself, I believe that you are also supposed to be encouraging lively discussion. When you just sit and infract people on each and ever thing or kill posts you discourage people from posting as much. I have noticed that the momemtum of the the boards have went down greatly from when I first joined. I don't even post as much because whenever I make a post, it seems that I am in danger of an infraction or having it moved ot having it ended. It seems more like a police state than a discusion board. And mind you, order if the foundation of ever great society. But overimplementation of that order causes more chaos than it prevents. Just my two cents.
I could see if the post was generally titled "Chris Masters Discussion", but it was not. The topic of the first post was his suspension. The topic of the second post was his firing. These events did not happen on the same day and were therefore not the same topic as the dicussions on both topics were different. Yes, what you do here is police the boards and hand down infractions. But having beena board moderator in the past myself, I believe that you are also supposed to be encouraging lively discussion. When you just sit and infract people on each and ever thing or kill posts you discourage people from posting as much. I have noticed that the momemtum of the the boards have went down greatly from when I first joined. I don't even post as much because whenever I make a post, it seems that I am in danger of an infraction or having it moved ot having it ended. It seems more like a police state than a discusion board. And mind you, order if the foundation of ever great society. But overimplementation of that order causes more chaos than it prevents. Just my two cents.

Different people Moderate in different ways. The Masters discussion had been going on for a while, to avoid the same discussion going over and over again (because lets face it, suspension isnt exactly that far away from being fired). Also it was pretty obvious Masters was going to be fired so the discussion of the suspension thread probably went in that direction. We dont like to have repetitive threads on the boards, it makes good sense to merge the two. Also might I point out that this thread is specifically for people "complaining" about infractions not about having a post moved... at least the Moderator didn't warn you for it.

And yet another "I'm afraid to post"... post. I'm going to say this once, and only once in this thread. We enforce the spamming rules harshly for a reason, we want the board to be full of quality discussion rather than random one line posts. If you had of been here when I first took over as admin you would know why exactly we do this, because the board was a shit heap with spam and what not. We give people who have broken the rules infractions... its that simple. If people dont want to get infractions maybe more of them should actually read the rules before they post... not like they are hard to find or anything.

Also, hit the "View Forum Leaders" Button at the bottom of the Main Page for a list of the staff members, since you have been a Moderator before you should probably have the sense to figure that one out on your own.
Different people Moderate in different ways. The Masters discussion had been going on for a while, to avoid the same discussion going over and over again (because lets face it, suspension isnt exactly that far away from being fired). Also it was pretty obvious Masters was going to be fired so the discussion of the suspension thread probably went in that direction. We dont like to have repetitive threads on the boards, it makes good sense to merge the two. Also might I point out that this thread is specifically for people "complaining" about infractions not about having a post moved... at least the Moderator didn't warn you for it.

And yet another "I'm afraid to post"... post. I'm going to say this once, and only once in this thread. We enforce the spamming rules harshly for a reason, we want the board to be full of quality discussion rather than random one line posts. If you had of been here when I first took over as admin you would know why exactly we do this, because the board was a shit heap with spam and what not. We give people who have broken the rules infractions... its that simple. If people dont want to get infractions maybe more of them should actually read the rules before they post... not like they are hard to find or anything.

Also, hit the "View Forum Leaders" Button at the bottom of the Main Page for a list of the staff members, since you have been a Moderator before you should probably have the sense to figure that one out on your own.

Why do you guys seem to get hostile? If this is not the place to complain, then where? If I send a message tyo one of you asking why and you don't answer then what? Do I continue to to send the same message over again until I get banned or an infraction? I said with all due respect that this is a progesssvie post and not a pissing contest. WHy do you want to turn it into one by getting hostile? I will say this once and only once, if you guys don't want people to post in here complaining about that, then get moderators who answer thei message ox. If someone is listed there, then my "sense" to figure things out, tells me that they might answer. Don't get pissed off because I posted here when you guys did not answer in private. Because the sense of my past moderation experience tells me that if I send the message ut to multiple moderators to get ONE answer, then I woul dhave received an infraction. Tell me that I am wrong. You're pissed about this post, so please tell me that I am wrong if I would have kept sending it out to the moderators. Youa rte moderators, not police. I'm not saying to enforec the rules. I'm not saying you didn't so the right thing. I'm saying to try and have the smallest sense of humanity and courtesy when doing your job. if you aint gotta slam down the hammer, then don't have the attittude as if you have to. Even when I asked you guys stuff in private, you seem lik eyou don't want ot be bothered. If you don't want to be, then just say so. I had a simple qeustion and tried to poitn something out and got nothing but hostility in return. Thank you very much. If you don't want to to be a place to complain about general things, then try putting in parenthesis that this is not the place for that in the title. Cause when you click on it, it takes you tot he last page, and if you don't wanto to go back and read all the posts from people pissing and moaning for 8 previous pages, then what makes you think that the average joe does? Now sorry if I seem dispectful, hostile, or out of line, but I am only returning what I have received so far.
I Apologize Spawn, I swear I thought I sent you a reply.

Thank you dude. Apology accepted. These things happen. I just hadn't heard back and was just wondering what the reasoning was behind the movement. Now I know and understand. But I thank you for taking the time to get back to me on this.
Why do you guys seem to get hostile? If this is not the place to complain, then where? If I send a message tyo one of you asking why and you don't answer then what? Do I continue to to send the same message over again until I get banned or an infraction? I said with all due respect that this is a progesssvie post and not a pissing contest. WHy do you want to turn it into one by getting hostile? I will say this once and only once, if you guys don't want people to post in here complaining about that, then get moderators who answer thei message ox. If someone is listed there, then my "sense" to figure things out, tells me that they might answer. Don't get pissed off because I posted here when you guys did not answer in private. Because the sense of my past moderation experience tells me that if I send the message ut to multiple moderators to get ONE answer, then I woul dhave received an infraction. Tell me that I am wrong. You're pissed about this post, so please tell me that I am wrong if I would have kept sending it out to the moderators. Youa rte moderators, not police. I'm not saying to enforec the rules. I'm not saying you didn't so the right thing. I'm saying to try and have the smallest sense of humanity and courtesy when doing your job. if you aint gotta slam down the hammer, then don't have the attittude as if you have to. Even when I asked you guys stuff in private, you seem lik eyou don't want ot be bothered. If you don't want to be, then just say so. I had a simple qeustion and tried to poitn something out and got nothing but hostility in return. Thank you very much. If you don't want to to be a place to complain about general things, then try putting in parenthesis that this is not the place for that in the title. Cause when you click on it, it takes you tot he last page, and if you don't wanto to go back and read all the posts from people pissing and moaning for 8 previous pages, then what makes you think that the average joe does? Now sorry if I seem dispectful, hostile, or out of line, but I am only returning what I have received so far.

You'll have to excuse the hostility... we get posts like yours probably once or twice a week, and quite frankly I am sick to death of explaining it to people over and over again. Maybe you should actually look through the pages in this thread before you actually ask/complain about something, if your going to make a point about how much of a bad job the staff is doing, maybe you should make the point when you are informed about the situation with the rules and what has been asked before. Where did I say I didnt want to look over the rest of the thread? If I was going to make a point I would make sure I was informed before making it, but then again thats just me.

You were the one pissing and moaning about how "The Mods are too busy" to get back to you, so don't get on your high horse like you didn't come in here with an attitude because you damn well did. Does it say in the rules trying more than one Mod for an answer on something will get you banned? No is the answer to that question... maybe you should have read this thread and thought about starting your own asking why your Thread had been merged.

And the standard jibe at the harsh Moderating continues... I have been entrusted (or me and Jake) with running this board, we write the rules and enforce such rules as we see fit. Someone coming in here and claiming to have been a moderator before and telling us that we are not the police isn't going to change it, not one person has ever bought anything up that has even made me or anyone else consider changing the spamming rules on this board, simply because they dont have any valid points, they just bitch and moan about how they got an infraction and how the mods are on some kind of power trip (which is what you are saying, without saying it).

Your question has been answered, now you are taking this topic away from the point of the topic. So I am asking you to stop this discussion in this thread now, if you still have some sort of problem my PM Box is always open, although I cant guarantee that I wont be too busy to help you.
Please reread my posts rather than grouping them with other. I will post one last time to clarify this.

1. I never said you were doing a bad job. I commend the great responsibility that you carry and merely was trying to point out the validity of my post. Hence me stating that I was not saying that moving is was wrong.

2. I didn't piss and moan about you mods being too busy. I stated that I asked my question here due to not having gotten an answer elsewhere. And mind you, I did wait patiently for a week before doing so. So it wasn't impatience or wanting an immediate answer that caused me to do so. It was wanting clarification.

3. If you don't want to read through 8 pages to answer one question, then why should I read through 8 to ask one? I understand that it gets boring, monotinous, and even non-progressive to keep answering the same questions, but you are in that position now. And doing the job to the level that you strive to do it is going to come with repeatativeness. This is not an easy job and it's thankless. But you gotta keep your cool or else the posters win.

I thank you for the job you do and for many of you taking the time to clarify things. Have a nice day.
Why do you guys seem to get hostile? If this is not the place to complain, then where? If I send a message tyo one of you asking why and you don't answer then what? Do I continue to to send the same message over again until I get banned or an infraction? I said with all due respect that this is a progesssvie post and not a pissing contest. WHy do you want to turn it into one by getting hostile? I will say this once and only once, if you guys don't want people to post in here complaining about that, then get moderators who answer thei message ox. If someone is listed there, then my "sense" to figure things out, tells me that they might answer. Don't get pissed off because I posted here when you guys did not answer in private. Because the sense of my past moderation experience tells me that if I send the message ut to multiple moderators to get ONE answer, then I woul dhave received an infraction. Tell me that I am wrong. You're pissed about this post, so please tell me that I am wrong if I would have kept sending it out to the moderators. Youa rte moderators, not police. I'm not saying to enforec the rules. I'm not saying you didn't so the right thing. I'm saying to try and have the smallest sense of humanity and courtesy when doing your job. if you aint gotta slam down the hammer, then don't have the attittude as if you have to. Even when I asked you guys stuff in private, you seem lik eyou don't want ot be bothered. If you don't want to be, then just say so. I had a simple qeustion and tried to poitn something out and got nothing but hostility in return. Thank you very much. If you don't want to to be a place to complain about general things, then try putting in parenthesis that this is not the place for that in the title. Cause when you click on it, it takes you tot he last page, and if you don't wanto to go back and read all the posts from people pissing and moaning for 8 previous pages, then what makes you think that the average joe does? Now sorry if I seem dispectful, hostile, or out of line, but I am only returning what I have received so far.

What is the point of this? These isn't one. You post was moved. Deal with it. You say that Jonny is being hostile. But he's answering your silly question. Which was answered several posts ago. And his hostility is no worse than yours. Drop the issue. Don't reply to this post.
What is the point of this? These isn't one. You post was moved. Deal with it. You say that Jonny is being hostile. But he's answering your silly question. Which was answered several posts ago. And his hostility is no worse than yours. Drop the issue. Don't reply to this post.

Sir, could you please desist in your efforts to reopen and instigate this matter. THis has been discussed, clarified, and apologized for. Dragging it on is not progressive. Every one else ended this yesterday. There is no need to rehash it or to attempt to garner an innappropriate response in order to serve a strike in retaliation. Please, let'snot discuss this matter any further. It's been over for at least 24hours now. I thank you for taking the time to respond, but it's an ugly matter that does not need any more dicusssion. Thank you.
Both Admins telling you to stop clogging up this thread with your useless crap... and you still dont listen... Prison.
Sorry to be an inconvenience, but can anyone let me know how to PM a mod? I got sent a PM but couldn't see the reply button anywhere
Just in case I wanted to delete one of my replys, how do I delete it cause I clicked on the edit button but then after that I didnt see no delete button or anything like that.
That is not a complaint, infraction. Which results in a perma ban. Read the rules, and the beginning of this thread.
People are banned left and right for things that the moderators do themselves. Y2Gay bans people for no reason, and that's the reason I will never even look at this board again. What is the point of reading posts if you can't reply to them. So what if you leave a short post?! Why is there a limit to the length of your posts? I don't even read Y2Gay's posts because they're too damned LONG! I used to have fun on this board, but I'm sick of being banned for NOTHING. Go ahead, and ban me for life for having two usernames. Like I care. You may as well not even bother, because I won't be looking at this board again anyway. Go to hell Y2Gay.. By the way that gimmick suits you well.
People are banned left and right for things that the moderators do themselves.

You do realise that there are sections where you can spam, and sections where you can't?

Y2Gay bans people for no reason,

People say that. And yet I have never been given an example.

and that's the reason I will never even look at this board again.

You will. I know you will come back and look at the reply I'm making.

What is the point of reading posts if you can't reply to them.

You can reply to posts, silly.

So what if you leave a short post?! Why is there a limit to the length of your posts?

There isn't. But if you write something short and pointless you will recieve an infraction.

Don't give any of this ''well it relates to the topic'' shit. Add more, that's not too hard to ask.

I don't even read Y2Gay's posts because they're too damned LONG!

Not really. My posts are usually a paragraph or two. They take about a minute to read. Not exactly a long time. I don't even use big words.

I think you could just be a little simple.

I used to have fun on this board,

When this board was a complete spam zone? Yeah well, it's different now.

but I'm sick of being banned for NOTHING.

I've checked your IP and I can't see any other accounts. Give me the names and I'll prove that you weren't banned for nothing.

Go ahead, and ban me for life for having two usernames.

Well those are the rules. But I wont ban you, yet anyway.

Like I care.

Like I care for your opinion.

You may as well not even bother, because I won't be looking at this board again anyway.

You will.

Go to hell Y2Gay..

I don't believe in hell.

By the way that gimmick suits you well.


Edit: Love the rep quote.

This user is a horrible addition to this board.

This user constantly tries to think up new thread ideas and trys to improve the discussion on the board by getting rid of spammers.
You do realise that there are sections where you can spam, and sections where you can't?

Yes.. I do. But most of the things these people say are not spam. You're just being a pr-ck. Just because you don't agree with something, or you don't think it's smart doesn't mean it doesn't mean something to the person who wrote it. My posts are relatively smart.. But that fact is, you shouldn't have to have a certain IQ level to post on a board. Because the truth of the matter is.. If a person is interested enough in wrestling to go read the news and rumors daily.. Then chances are they're either a redneck, a high school dropout, or both. And not everyone has all day to sit, and write three page long posts.

I said: Y2Gay bans people for no reason,

People say that. And yet I have never been given an example.

I have looked at many people's post lists, and found no reason for them to be banned. If it's for a signature problem.. Why not just mention it to the person???

You will. I know you will come back and look at the reply I'm making.

No.. I came back because I like to read what my fellow wrestling fans think of what's going on in the business. Though, I was curious about how you might defend yourself.

You can reply to posts, silly.


There isn't. But if you write something short and pointless you will recieve an infraction.

Define pointless without opening up a dictionary. Once again.. 90 percent of these people who are getting "infractions" are writing things that are not "pointless".

Don't give any of this ''well it relates to the topic'' shit. Add more, that's not too hard to ask.

Obviously there are people who just post to post. But not every short post is one of those cases.

I think you could just be a little simple.

Yes.. I'm simple. I'm the one who thinks Gay induendos are funny.

Well those are the rules. But I wont ban you, yet anyway.

Well, you could easily go through your list of names that you have banned today.. Or people you've banned twice in the past month, and find out who I am. But I'll make it easy for you. Go ahead, and ban my other name.. JadeShocker. I don't care. There.. You've accomplished the task you've set out to achieve, in getting me to spill the beans on myself.

Like I care for your opinion.

Well, maybe you care about 50 percent of the board user's opinions. Because if you suddenly lost your slot as moderator, they'd let you know themselves.

You will.

I don't believe in hell.

Yay... I'm happy for you.

Yes.. That's a wrestling term. It means a certain quality of a person, or a character they portray.
We ban people and hand out infractions because they deserve it. We don't ask for a 3 page report on every post someone does, hell, if I sat and read through a lengthy post that went around in circles without reaching a point, I'd hand out an infraction. We don't care how long your posts are, just give a reason, ANY reason, 1 reason to back up your thoughts and opinions.

SO MANY POSTERS are blowing the whole state at least one reason behind your ideas rule way out of proportion. Its not like were asking you to give a 12 page essay on a topic and it has to be perfect or else we're going to ban you. Its not like that at all. After so many people complain and bitch and moan about our rules, I've just come to see those people as lazy. Hell, how long does it take to write a 10 word sentence stating your opinion on a topic? Now how much longer would it take to write a 15 to 30 word answer stating this is why you feel that way about that topic.

You've stated your a smart poster, so you should have no problem following this rule.

I have looked at many people's post lists, and found no reason for them to be banned. If it's for a signature problem.. Why not just mention it to the person???

A post stating just an opinion without a reason for that opinion is spam

Define pointless without opening up a dictionary. Once again.. 90 percent of these people who are getting "infractions" are writing things that are not "pointless".

And 90 percent of those people who have gotten infractions have posted material that is again our rules, and WE INFORCE our rules.

Obviously there are people who just post to post. But not every short post is one of those cases.

No, not every short post deserves an infraction, but a majority of them do, if the staff feel that they've made an mistake on an infraction then they'll reverse it.

Well, you could easily go through your list of names that you have banned today.. Or people you've banned twice in the past month, and find out who I am. But I'll make it easy for you. Go ahead, and ban my other name.. JadeShocker. I don't care. There.. You've accomplished the task you've set out to achieve, in getting me to spill the beans on myself.

And after all this time, you've bitched and moaned at us about the rules on spamming you've gone and broken another one of our rules. Well since you obviously don't give a shit about this forum enough to respect our rules then I won't give a shit about you or your opinion. I should ban you now, but I feel that the admins will take care of you soon enough.
No.. I came back because I like to read what my fellow wrestling fans think of what's going on in the business. Though, I was curious about how you might defend yourself.

You dislike this board but you still come back?

To read our posters replies? When there is millions of other boards out there?

I thought my post were too long? Now I know who you are I think we are pretty evenly matched when it comes to the length of our posts.

Is the reason you came back because you think we have good discussion? Because the discussion is a product of the heavy spam enforcment.

Thank you Echelon for replying on my behalf.

I think I said it best when I gave you the initial infraction. It was something like ''I'm not remeoving it because I get the impression you are a dick''
Okay.. When I first joined this board, I was being a dick. Some guy had said that what WWE needed was the turn Bobby Lashley into Goldberg. I said something smart-assed about it. But after that.. I tried to be good, and I tried to respect everyone. I'm really not a dick. Granted, nobody is perfect.. And yes, I have given you reasons to infract me. But again.. There was no reason to ban me. According to the rules.. Yeah sure.. You had cause. But you could have just explained to me the problem, and I could have adjusted accordingly. Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's your board, and you'll run it however you want. I'm tired of wasting my breath. Is there a way to delete this account so my other one doesn't get deleted?
Well i'm just back after my ban. i basically feel like i was bullied. All i was was a new person that read the rules and started posting in some threads. AFter receiving short PMs that called me a "spammer" which i couldn't reply to i came on this thread asking how i can PM someone to engage in a dialogue to ascertain what i had done wrong; this in itself irritated someone because next time i tried to log on there was a message saying i had been banned for a week for "spamming". I feel like i can do nothing right and am treading on eggshells. I see threads where people are posting profanity and being argumentative and that seems to be allowed whereas being new is not. I feel bemused to say the least.
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