The **ALL NEW** Complaint Thread - Infraction Complaints Only

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What about this post prior to the quote?

JBL v Punk will be ok only because Punk is so over with the crowd and if Orton does his run in with DiBiase and Rhodes to form his new faction as it has been rumored, then maybe it gets a little better, but what potential this thing has to be an absolute bust given that it is one of the top tier ppv's the company has.
And this was the post before the quote on the other infraction:

I agree 100%, just can't see myself shelling out the $40 bucks for just one match, although the HIAC match will more than likely be worth it, just can't do it. I'm curious to see if Taker shows up with a new look or not, not that it matters, just curious is all. Should be an outstanding contest, I see the Deadman getting the win but Edge will no doubt take the Phenom to the limit. I say Taker gets the win with the Chokehold submission after a lengthy and hard fought contest.
What about this post prior to the quote?

JBL v Punk will be ok only because Punk is so over with the crowd and if Orton does his run in with DiBiase and Rhodes to form his new faction as it has been rumored, then maybe it gets a little better, but what potential this thing has to be an absolute bust given that it is one of the top tier ppv's the company has.

What about it?
Becca & I already explained why you got two infractions
And this was the post before the quote on the other infraction:

I agree 100%, just can't see myself shelling out the $40 bucks for just one match, although the HIAC match will more than likely be worth it, just can't do it. I'm curious to see if Taker shows up with a new look or not, not that it matters, just curious is all. Should be an outstanding contest, I see the Deadman getting the win but Edge will no doubt take the Phenom to the limit. I say Taker gets the win with the Chokehold submission after a lengthy and hard fought contest.

What about them?
The posts you quoted from are fine.
I guess I thought I had explained my points in the post's prior to each quote, and thats why they didn't entail much as far as content, but going forward I'll be sure to better explain and give some reasoning behind stuff like that; not trying to stir anything up here, just looking for some clarification was all. But now that the expectation has been set, all should be good from here.

Out of curiosity; how serious are the infractions and is there any mercy on newbs??
I guess I thought I had explained my points in the post's prior to each quote, and thats why they didn't entail much as far as content, but going forward I'll be sure to better explain and give some reasoning behind stuff like that; not trying to stir anything up here, just looking for some clarification was all. But now that the expectation has been set, all should be good from here.

Out of curiosity; how serious are the infractions and is there any mercy on newbs??

The infractions are 1 point & they expired after 2 months
You need 3 infraction points to get banned for a week
4 infraction points to get banned for 2 weeks
This is my Last Post Amins since My posts are too Short for youso just let me Delete one ofr your Posts Amins come on my posts was as lons I could make it and was Not Spam I read All Forum Rules No rules on Short Posts!
Oh Please put If your Posts are Way to Short they will be deleted and you will receive a Infraction and yor post will be considered Spamming!
King Jake your response on 10-28-2007 way too Short Spamming! you have a Infraction too!
Leave my Posts Alone I alredy sent Complaits to Main Aminstartor
Here are the Form Rules King Jake!
I see No Short Posts considered Spam or Spamming!
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2. Likewise with PPV Discussion, we have a PPV Forum use it.

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Be sure to follow all of the Forum Rules along with this, and have fun debating with other posters, that is what this place is for.
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That is all.
This is my Last Post
Look dude everybody stuffs up with there first couple of posts. my first post was something like "HBK cant retire" and that was it.

No offense buddy, but what i just read i could not understand a word of. I cant comment on the posts that had been infracted, but out of what six posts you have made (five minus this one ) they wasnt classed as spam only the two that had been deleted.

When you come back and read this wich i know you will. dont worry about it. no spam isnt a short post, but your supposed provide points that can lead to more discussion. eg

What do you think of Khali. a good answer would be
I like the Khali, he plays his role well and is a good person if they need an emergency ME'er but the guy when trying to wrestle looks sloppy but thats not what he is supposed to do.

^^^would be acceptable
now this wouldnt
I like the great Khali I think he is cool.

All in All come back, try your hardest to post a bit more discussion then what you did. your posts have been deleted so i cant see but it was obviously classed as spam.
Exactly Becca.
And Sparky basically said it all.
I screwed up my first few posts. I was like, "Ah! Infractions!" Then, I decided to read the rules and think about my posts before I actually posted them. It's not hard really, you just have to get used to putting substance into your posts.

My first posts were just like, "Good post, so and so, I agree."
If you don't like the tournament, screw off, and stop looking in it. It's that simple. A few people are mad or whatever, alot more are enjoying themselves. Don't ruin the majoritys fun.

I just got infracted for this. I know people have been complaining alot about the tournament, but to infract me for telling them to leave? I never said any names, nor was I refering to any certain people when I said it. Just whoever in general don't like it should screw off, and I guess there seems to be alot of you. So i'm going to keep doing the tournament, but if it gets bad enough that it does need to be shut down, so be it, and I'm sorry if people on the internet take it to far.
Infraction COMPLAINTS only. spam. infraction.

It wasn't spam. I was saying I didn't feel I should have been infracted for telling a random group of people, no names involved, to screw off. I've seen much worse by "more popular posters" and they get away from it, but because the tournys causing troubles for a handful of people, and I tell them to leave, I get an infraction. I don't like it, and I don't think it's fair. And if it helps, I'm done with the tourny. I just thinks it's a shame, the people that are still in it are in it bcause people like and respect them, yet it's half of those highly respected people that got the whole thing ruined by complaining.
I just got infracted for this. I know people have been complaining alot about the tournament, but to infract me for telling them to leave? I never said any names, nor was I refering to any certain people when I said it. Just whoever in general don't like it should screw off, and I guess there seems to be alot of you.

That's complete crap to say and you know it. But I suppose you just so happened to read NorCal's opinionated thoughts on the subject.. and thought to yourself.. "Well, even though it isn't because of anything he said.. I'll randomly tell the world if they don't like the game to (rudely) screw off."

You're right.. it was probably my fault. :rolleyes:

So i'm going to keep doing the tournament, but if it gets bad enough that it does need to be shut down, so be it, and I'm sorry if people on the internet take it to far.

Why do you think I quietly decided to PM you about the issue? Derf, no offense but look around. It's a game in which 4-5 individuals have completely lost their mind in believing it's serious business.

You know.. I've said it before, I'll say it one more time.

What exactly do you win, for winning the tournament? NOTHING. You know the funny thing about that? I've had nothing all my life.. so I guess I've been a winner since I was born.

A game is fun, and it's meant to be enjoyed. When it turns "real" and gets that out of hand, all because of any number of individuals who can't break away from what's real or fake.. it needs to be stopped. Feel free to restart something less dramatic. I still and always will respect you for the amount of work you put into those games. I just think you need to realize what's happening.
Derf. Did I infract you for that just now??

Its been building for a while, and not just for the tournament. Then you outright told people to screw off. yea you kept in nameless becuase you thought you could get away with indirectly telling ME to screw off, since, I am the only person to post how stupid it was. Or maybe you meant Slim, too.

Derf. it would behoove you to shutup now, and not respond to this.
That's complete crap to say and you know it. But I suppose you just so happened to read NorCal's opinionated thoughts on the subject.. and thought to yourself.. "Well, even though it isn't because of anything he said.. I'll randomly tell the world if they don't like the game to (rudely) screw off."

You're right.. it was probably my fault. :rolleyes:

Know what, I'll admit it then. It was NorCal. and You, And Becca, and Klunder, and every single person that complained. Happy? And that little "rudely" was added by you. I'm just as sick of it right now as you are.

Why do you think I quietly decided to PM you about the issue? Derf, no offense but look around. It's a game in which 4-5 individuals have completely lost their mind in believing it's serious business.

I can see that, but it's still pretty sad.

You know.. I've said it before, I'll say it one more time.

What exactly do you win, for winning the tournament? NOTHING. You know the funny thing about that? I've had nothing all my life.. so I guess I've been a winner since I was born.

Who CARES what you win! It was supposed to be fun, nothing more. You don't come to the forums in the first place to "win" somthing, you come for fun, and thats what I was trying to add in, fun.

A game is fun, and it's meant to be enjoyed. When it turns "real" and gets that out of hand, all because of any number of individuals who can't break away from what's real or fake.. it needs to be stopped. Feel free to restart something less dramatic. I still and always will respect you for the amount of work you put into those games. I just think you need to realize what's happening.

I already stopped it. Although I still think it's kind of sad. The people having the most fun in it are the ones already eliminated, and the ones complaining are the ones we're all still choosing to vote for. But I can see it's causing problems, bad enough to have me here bitching in the complaint thread. So I'm done with it, and I plan on going on before I end up with another infraction. I know the rules, and I'm not gonna say or do anything to get myself banned. it's not worth it.
Serious question I'd like to know an honest answer to, do mods moderate other mods replies and comments? 'Cos I can read a lot of hypocrisy in the implementation of the tight rules.
G mods moderate mods, and Admins mod ever body. Answer your question?? direct me to said Hypocrisy, I shall act with the swift hand of justice
No, that answers my question fine, I don't want to blab on specific posts I was just wondering if there was a direct by for mods 'cos I've read some posts that I would have assumed were 10 times worse than stuff I've got told off for. I was just curious if there's hirerachical rule structure or one line for all.
No, that answers my question fine, I don't want to blab on specific posts I was just wondering if there was a direct by for mods 'cos I've read some posts that I would have assumed were 10 times worse than stuff I've got told off for. I was just curious if there's hirerachical rule structure or one line for all.

Also, remember to take into account WHERE the post is. If posts you think are spamming or flaming are in the Bar Room, Prison, or Live Discussion / Spam Zone, those forums operate under different, more lax rules.
Also, remember to take into account WHERE the post is. If posts you think are spamming or flaming are in the Bar Room, Prison, or Live Discussion / Spam Zone, those forums operate under different, more lax rules.

Understood, I wasn't thinking of that anyways. I guess for myself I've got to learn to be more blatant in what I'm implying and not expect people to pick up on an implication from a single statment and then extrapolate on that implication. Etiquette and conversation styles can vary greatly.
yeah i got a complaint for ya i signed up about a week and a half ago with hope of talking to intelligent people about wrestling and more importantly get into the e-fed. the rules for the e-fed is i needed 40 posts to get in, so i went and spoke my mind in a few forums...what do i get for showing some input and attemping to join this fine e-fed? i get banned for 10 days due to "spamming" heres the proof
Latest Infractions Received
Post Date Expires Points Reason Posted By
Private 08-23-2008
09:19 PM 10-22-2008
09:19 PM 1 Spamming Sparky
Private 08-23-2008
08:54 PM 10-22-2008
08:54 PM 1 Spamming Moon Knight

if sparky or moon knight is an admin or owner, lemme just say that your advertising is pointless if your just going to reject newcomers on the spot for following rules and sharing my opinion. if you didn't want my opinion don't ask me for 40 posts. if you don't want my opinion or participation in your e-fed, fine don't advertise for it. if fact i find this whole forum so blasphemous that i waited the 10 friggin days to tell you about your ludicrous way of running things. WZCW is a joke anyway. I'd tell you where the real dogs play but I'd rather see you all rot here.

in other words PISS OFF!
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