The **ALL NEW** Complaint Thread - Infraction Complaints Only

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4. Don't Spam (making useless topics or posts). Before you reply to a thread, ask yourself, "Does this post contribute to the thread?" If not, don't bother. Same thing goes with making new threads.

I checked out some of your posts that still exist, and I would even say that they're pretty spammy as well. It's not hard to make a point and then defend it clearly and articulately. You even admitted yourself that you drove up your post count just so you can join the e-fed.

what do i get for showing some input and attemping to join this fine e-fed?

WZCW is a joke anyway.

Kind of contradictory...
aight #1 james storm is a horrible wrestler, just off the bat. alright now that that is straitened out #2 the "fine" statement was a sad attempt at complimenting this sorry place. #3 your "this is my club so it's my rules" 5 year old mentality is fine, just dont make up names for spamming. further more i am no longer going to argue this, i was just making my point clear. upon finishing this i am terminating my account. peace
yeah i got a complaint for ya i signed up about a week and a half ago with hope of talking to intelligent people about wrestling and more importantly get into the e-fed. the rules for the e-fed is i needed 40 posts to get in, so i went and spoke my mind in a few forums...what do i get for showing some input and attemping to join this fine e-fed? i get banned for 10 days due to "spamming" heres the proof
Latest Infractions Received
Post Date Expires Points Reason Posted By
Private 08-23-2008
09:19 PM 10-22-2008
09:19 PM 1 Spamming Sparky
Private 08-23-2008
08:54 PM 10-22-2008
08:54 PM 1 Spamming Moon Knight

if sparky or moon knight is an admin or owner, lemme just say that your advertising is pointless if your just going to reject newcomers on the spot for following rules and sharing my opinion. if you didn't want my opinion don't ask me for 40 posts. if you don't want my opinion or participation in your e-fed, fine don't advertise for it. if fact i find this whole forum so blasphemous that i waited the 10 friggin days to tell you about your ludicrous way of running things. WZCW is a joke anyway. I'd tell you where the real dogs play but I'd rather see you all rot here.

in other words PISS OFF!

First of all I know your banned but just incase you can read this.
1) I am not an admin or Owner i am a Moderater, We make sure that the Forum is tidy, running well.

2) I am in no way in charge of the Efed. but i can understand where the 40 posts rule comes into play they have to know you will stay active.

3) I had no idea they advertised...

4) Piss off? I am happy on this forum and dont need no others.

5) I cant remember now just why i infracted you, but i assure you it would of been spammy or not relavent.
yeah i got a complaint for ya i signed up about a week and a half ago with hope of talking to intelligent people about wrestling and more importantly get into the e-fed. the rules for the e-fed is i needed 40 posts to get in, so i went and spoke my mind in a few forums...what do i get for showing some input and attemping to join this fine e-fed? i get banned for 10 days due to "spamming" heres the proof
Latest Infractions Received
Post Date Expires Points Reason Posted By
Private 08-23-2008
09:19 PM 10-22-2008
09:19 PM 1 Spamming Sparky
Private 08-23-2008
08:54 PM 10-22-2008
08:54 PM 1 Spamming Moon Knight

if sparky or moon knight is an admin or owner, lemme just say that your advertising is pointless if your just going to reject newcomers on the spot for following rules and sharing my opinion. if you didn't want my opinion don't ask me for 40 posts. if you don't want my opinion or participation in your e-fed, fine don't advertise for it. if fact i find this whole forum so blasphemous that i waited the 10 friggin days to tell you about your ludicrous way of running things. WZCW is a joke anyway. I'd tell you where the real dogs play but I'd rather see you all rot here.

in other words PISS OFF!

Gosh, just take the infractions and banning like a man. I can accept that I was for a week, mind you I could have sworn I was posting in the bar room. >.>
Gosh, just take the infractions and banning like a man. I can accept that I was for a week, mind you I could have sworn I was posting in the bar room. >.>

Yep, EVERYONE gets an infraction at one time or another. I don't know any mod or admin who hasn't. I got 2 my first week, handled it just fine, and the rest is history. We don't infract people here because we enjoy it - the mod staff enjoys creating threads and discussion FAR MORE than infracting people. Infractions and warnings are a learning opportunity, and our way of making sure the best of the best in wrestling posters come here, while the less desireable posters remain at the less desireable forums.
Yep. I've been banned for a week. Don't remember for what. I've gotten three.. Four infractions.. Point is, dude up there, that everyone gets them. Just learn to post better and not to spam. That's all it takes. I don't ever plan on being infracted ever again. All you have to do is watch what you post.
And watch where you post aswell, that's an important one, It was early in the morning, I thought I posted in The Barroom, I was at school and I thought, hmm....maybe it wasn't in The Barroom after all, I came home and found I was banned.

yeah i got a complaint for ya i signed up about a week and a half ago with hope of talking to intelligent people about wrestling and more importantly get into the e-fed. the rules for the e-fed is i needed 40 posts to get in, so i went and spoke my mind in a few forums...what do i get for showing some input and attemping to join this fine e-fed? i get banned for 10 days due to "spamming" heres the proof
Latest Infractions Received
Post Date Expires Points Reason Posted By
Private 08-23-2008
09:19 PM 10-22-2008
09:19 PM 1 Spamming Sparky
Private 08-23-2008
08:54 PM 10-22-2008
08:54 PM 1 Spamming Moon Knight

if sparky or moon knight is an admin or owner, lemme just say that your advertising is pointless if your just going to reject newcomers on the spot for following rules and sharing my opinion. if you didn't want my opinion don't ask me for 40 posts. if you don't want my opinion or participation in your e-fed, fine don't advertise for it. if fact i find this whole forum so blasphemous that i waited the 10 friggin days to tell you about your ludicrous way of running things. WZCW is a joke anyway. I'd tell you where the real dogs play but I'd rather see you all rot here.

in other words PISS OFF!

You don't have to be angry at anyone. Just take the infractions as something to learn by. Every time I have ever made an infraction, I just realize that I needed to make sure my posts were made with more effort. Most Mods and the Admins are great at keeping this place running nicely. If you want to have short posts, stick to the Live Discussion and Spam Zone, or the Bar Room. For future people who want to know why you were infracted for spamming, just question whether you could better your post, or if what you are posting doesn't belong in a Spam zone.
I got an infraction for spamming and I'm just curious as to why. I posted that another thread of the likes existed and I linked to it, and they WERE merged (meaning I must have had SOME reasoning behind the idea) but I still received an infraction for it. Was it an infraction for backseat moderating (classified as spam) or what?
I got an infraction for spamming and I'm just curious as to why. I posted that another thread of the likes existed and I linked to it, and they WERE merged (meaning I must have had SOME reasoning behind the idea) but I still received an infraction for it. Was it an infraction for backseat moderating (classified as spam) or what?

Well, let's look into it. Here was your original post-

This is spam, unfortunately. And the thing is - you meant well by it, that is, your heart was in the right place. It's not so much "side seat modding," as much as it is not adding to the topic itself save for suggesting topics be merged. You're 3 posts away from 10, and being able to send Private Messages. Going forward, when you see topics you think would belong together, PM the moderator of that section. If you're not sure who to go to, you can either a) check the link at the bottom of the forums page that says "view forum leaders" or b) make the post in the suggestions section.

This is only one infraction - not the end of the world. I hope this helps.

I got warned for spamming as soon as i signed up. I posted in the hitlar thread a 10 line post and got infracted. Speak of not fair?
It was only a warning. Moderators don't look to length of post in determining whether something was spam. You have to ask yourself did it add to the discussion? Was it off-topic? Was it simply a news item? Did you not add reasons?

The point is, you have 20 non-spam posts to that 1. That's a good ratio to say you've only just started. Familiarise yourself with the rules, and continue making posts with reasons as you have been doing. That warning will be gone instantly.
yeah these "spamming points" are horseshit... i got one once because i accidently hit post reply when i was giving a reason for my edit. i accidently put my edit reason in the message box and my message came out like 3 letters or something... i fixed it after that, but still got a point
i got another point because my reply in a thread about "who we think is being underused" and i just used 3 names to make a short to the point statement, but apparently it wasn't good enough. and it said i was "spamming"
Its not really a complaint. Well sort of, its more of I would like to help in the v bookies. I'm not asking to like put them up, but IF I get a game list for week 2 and on for football games can somone put them up in the v bookies? I would love to be able to vote on my favorite team more than once or twice a season. And vote on some other teams that just the usual winners. If not its ok , but if people want to do this with me i'll look up the sceduals for all the teams and whoever will post them can have them. Can someone help me with this I would like for this to get big. Sorry for posting I just didn't see a ask a question thread in here.
yeah these "spamming points" are horseshit... i got one once because i accidently hit post reply when i was giving a reason for my edit. i accidently put my edit reason in the message box and my message came out like 3 letters or something... i fixed it after that, but still got a point
i got another point because my reply in a thread about "who we think is being underused" and i just used 3 names to make a short to the point statement, but apparently it wasn't good enough. and it said i was "spamming"

If you were to say the most underrated wrestlers in WWE are for example Umaga, Santino Marella, and Carlito, than you have to give reasons why. If it is a spam zone, you can get away with just listing names, even thogh I don't even recommend that. IF you are in the WWE Threads, you need to give reasons why. Umaga is underrated, because he is a great athlete. He has proven himself in the ring time and time again... Something along those lines. You are not adding to the conversation otherwise, so what is the point? It makes that thread look poor. On WrestleZone Forums, we all strive to make each post, each thread, each topic to the point, but logical and clean.
yeah these "spamming points" are horseshit... i got one once because i accidently hit post reply when i was giving a reason for my edit. i accidently put my edit reason in the message box and my message came out like 3 letters or something... i fixed it after that, but still got a point
i got another point because my reply in a thread about "who we think is being underused" and i just used 3 names to make a short to the point statement, but apparently it wasn't good enough. and it said i was "spamming"

*Sigh* You have to give reasons for your opinions. Here, you're admitting you spammed by saying you didn't give reasons, and simply named names. Listing is classifed as spam, unless you're in the spam zone.
Its not really a complaint. Well sort of, its more of I would like to help in the v bookies. I'm not asking to like put them up, but IF I get a game list for week 2 and on for football games can somone put them up in the v bookies? I would love to be able to vote on my favorite team more than once or twice a season. And vote on some other teams that just the usual winners. If not its ok , but if people want to do this with me i'll look up the sceduals for all the teams and whoever will post them can have them. Can someone help me with this I would like for this to get big. Sorry for posting I just didn't see a ask a question thread in here.

You need to look harder. There's a request a vBookie thread.
I would like to make a complaint about Mods editing peoples posts, that I think is well out of order and I'm not happy about it.
I would like to make a complaint about Mods editing peoples posts, that I think is well out of order and I'm not happy about it.

In most cases, very little disagreement from me. Sometimes in good fun, like when I changed Sam's thread about Listerine in the Bar Room to a thread about his appreciation or ******ing other males. MAN that was funny. But it shouldn't be done randomly. If it continues, it'll be dealt with.
Out of the rules that Jonny has posted in this section of the forum. I would like to know which specific rule it was that I broke by posting the Benoit video links.

I honestly didn't see a problem in posting the videos as other people I have showed them to actually laughed at them.

Also with what FlameLee was saying, I think it was Shocky that edited the links to the Benoit videos to other videos. I think the Benoit videos should have been allowed to stay there.
It's not in the rules. Jonny made an announcment months ago. You don't see a problem with it, others do. It's something we're talking about.
Dude holy shit you really want to push this far?? your fucking ban got lifted. Shut your damn mouth.

Its in site announcements and feedback. near the top of the second page. Has its own thread.

You were lucky to be unbanned on a technicality. I cant say the admins will remain so leiniant with the mocking PM you sent me, and for stirring up shit in this thread over nothing.
A couple of feedback points -

I've hit the minimum 10 post limit for PM's and creating threads but I still do not have acess to do so.
Creating threads really isn't a biggy as I'm more of a replyer but i'd like the PM function as i'd like to PM the guys that run the e-fed as I have questions.

I got reported for spamming in the monologe thread in the movies folder but I posted a quote which was my favourite movie monolouge and got a warning for it...


is it because the quote had swear words in it?
is it because I didnt just enbed a video from youtube in to the reply like someone else did (If anything thats worse as it uses up more bandwidth then a few lines of text)
I don't understand why I got reported - the quote was on topic and relevent. can someone please pm me and explain. I wanted to keep this private and PM the person who reported me to ask but alas I couldn't due to my restricted access in the forums

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