The 2011 WWE Supplemental Draft LD Has Till Five

Being a wrestler means more than just being able to wrestle. They need to have personality, which despite what his detractors say, Bryan has tons of. You say it yourself, DH Smith has the personality of a stone - That's why he will never be as good as Daniel Bryan, unless he can learn to not be rubbish.

Gabriel has personality and has been wrestling longer than Bryan, so he may be able to measure up, but who knows.

That's what Nattie Neidhart is doing...
Best big man ≠ great technical wrestler
Great technical wrestler ≠ best wrestler.

I like the move for Tyson Kidd to SmackDown. Room to grow for heels and he's got the skills to work on the wrestling show. Vastly superior to his former partner as well.
Tamina needs to file whatever paperwork Ranjin Singh did so she can be drafted as part of a package deal with her boys next year.
Are you guys shitting me? Kidd to SD is pointless? That is anything BUT pointless, have we not been discussing their glut of heel threats? That guy has everything you need

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