**Merged** Smackdown Supplemental Draft - Discuss ALL PICKS Here!!

This is the best thing that could have happened to Bryan. He was quickly getting lost in the shuffle on Raw, but he should be able to let his wrestling ability shine through on the more in-ring action driven show. This move probably helped save his WWE career.
Replacing Teddy Long would be a great idea. Long is so stale as the GM and Regal was awesome when he was the GM of Raw a few years back. If not that then I would like to see him as a manager/part-time wrestler ala Ric Flair in TNA. Take a guy like Mcintyre under his wing and help him become "the Chosen one" once and for all.
David Lagana posted something on his Twitter that I completely agree with. SmackDown is getting raided of heels right now and have a whole bunch of midcard faces coming in. Why not make Regal a heel manager and turn someone like Daniel Bryan heel? Regal proved he can play a heel manager role on ECW and Bryan played a good heel during parts of his ROH tenure. I wouldn't expect to see Regal in the ring too much, but the potential of this move is great.
Exactly Thriller! I think Db would make a great heel, and Regal is someone who could really help him out for the future. Db is deffinatly no slouch in the ring or on the mic. But having Regal as a heel maniger is somthing that could help boost him into bigger and better things with the WWE. I could only see good things from this pairing.

Also Natalya to sd? I must of completly missed her move to raw?
Also Natalya to sd? I must of completly missed her move to raw?

Apparently, considering she's had a title reign.:shrug:

Anyway, I'm fucking psyched at this supplemental draft. Daniel Bryan, Yoshi Tatsu, William Regal, Natalya... all favorites that I'll hopefully get to see on Smackdown. Now Mark Henry, Alicia Fox, Great Khali aren't that good, but hey, I can just skip their matches.

Plus with Sin Cara, and the Usos moving over, we've got quite a decent incoming group of wrestlers waiting to be built.

Side-note: Daniel Bryan has the perfect opportunity to turn heel with Regal backing him, but I feel it should be after a face feud against Wade Barrett.
SD is coming along nicely. They mostly shifted guys who look like the next guys to get the axe to Raw. Only down side is that they got Orton and Sam Cassell's twin sister.

I know people have been predicting stuff for Sin Cara.. But I got a feeling he is going to be working with Justin Gabriel soon. Gabriel as of right now, looks like the only guy that can work with him and the fans will prolly give a damn. Sorry, Chavo.
Apparently, considering she's had a title reign.:shrug:

Lol oh yeah, I remember that. Sorry I haven't been paying attention to them that much, since the top company heel has been cutting the divas matches short the last few weeks.:suspic: She is impressive in the ring, but other than that it's not really working for me. But now with it picking up with Kong moving in, I see her and Beth working alot with her. So maybe she will go back to impressing me more.
Considering all Natayla does is shout "yeah baby!" while smiling like a dumb dog and a sharpshooter, I can't blame ya if she hasn't impressed you.

Why would they turn Byran considering he is one of the only GOOD face workers and there is a endless supply of heel talent (good and bad)?
Considering all Natayla does is shout "yeah baby!" while smiling like a dumb dog and a sharpshooter, I can't blame ya if she hasn't impressed you.

Why would they turn Byran considering he is one of the only GOOD face workers and there is a endless supply of heel talent (good and bad)?

It depends on how you look at it, Db as a heel screams greatness. But he's also great as a face, he works well both ways. I've seen a few of his better indi videos as a heel and he works really well that way. DB with Regal as a heel duo? Or a heel maniger and worker... that would be great.

Regal is an old grapper hand that is perfect for Db. They both work the same style, and he could only do great things for him. Regal can work the stick, So can Db if the WWE gave him a real chance on their main two shows.

Regal was great in the ring, and honestly Db is one of the best ring workers if not the best in the wwe atm. He can only go to the top on smackdown and working with Regal does nothing more than help your chances.
Ted DiBiase moves to Smackdown! This is a good move for him I hope. Ted has the family support with the million dollar man, and he has that look. Him and Cody both impressed me with Randy during legacy. He has some rough patches on the mic, but that's nothing time can't fix. I hope cleaning dosen't take him out, because he is impressive if used right.

I just hope this is him paying his dues, because for about the last year he has been nothing but unimpressive to me.

Jay Uso.... On to the next draft pick please? Oh god it's Tyson kidd
Guess I am just too bias towards someone who has already PROVEN he can be the top heel of a WWE show.

Kidd and Teddy Jr are SD bound. I see Kidd also working with Sin Cara and Teddy.. Well, really who gives a fuck?

Funny how I keep thinking they want to test different people with Sin Cara. They already have him on the taped show, shouldn't that be enough? Either way, they better get a translator and tell him to slow his row.
Tamina to Smackdown? I think I smell ware this is going. This could spell good things for smackdown, or it could just meen she is going to sd? But if her boyfriend follows her it could be a good-a-day.

I could see Tyson Kidd working with Sin Cara to Eboney, but I don't like your translator idea right now. I like him as the sort of silent superhero. It works for me.
Alex Riley goes to smackdown!

Oh no!!! I actually like this guy! The main event rub he got with the Miz can really only lead him to places. He was good as a heel, and he's also proved that he is good in the ring with some squash matches aganst main event level people. This move to Sd! can be good for him, if he is used the right way.

Maybe a quick tag team run with another established heel, untill a face gets ahold of the Ic title? I would sure as shit love me some A-ry as ic champ.
I was being a smart ass about the translator. =P

Riley to SD is interesting. I don't think he has much oomph to be on his own yet. I think his look is very generic (completely with ugly and stupid back tattoo) and all he has been so far is a musclehead stooge. Maybe he kisses up to Christian since all he really is known for is being Miz's stooge. However, I would love to see another Shawn Stasiak character.
Glad to see Riley separated from The Miz. I was sick and tired of Miz looking cowardly with Riley's cheap-shots on every match. And yeah, I'm aware Miz is a heel, but seeing WWE's plans to turn him face later on, with Riley it can't be happening any time soon.

Now it's the last pick, 29 was Beth Phoenix drafted to Raw. What's going to be the last? I hope one of the top heels from Raw come to SD! for some main event feud. CM Punk seems perfect but his Orton feud should end at Extreme Rules.

And the top heel of Smackdown is..... SHEAMUUUUUS!
Sheamus goes to SMACKDOWN!!!!

Oh boy, all the midcarders I just talked about working with him over on Raw just got fucked. The big irish curse is now moving to the blue brand. Sheamus is impressive to me both on the mic and in the ring.

I'm not sure how this move fits him with both midcard titles on smackdown, and so many mid card superstars being moved to raw. Look for either Sheamus or Wade to loose their titles at ER.
LOVING the fact that Sheamus' on SmackDown! now! Wonder what they'll do with the fact that both midcard champs are on The Blue Show now?
I'm not sure how this move fits him with both midcard titles on smackdown, and so many mid card superstars being moved to raw. Look for either Sheamus or Wade to loose their titles at ER.

I guess Kofi will have another match against Wade at ER where he wins the IC championship and takes it with him to Raw. Sheamus doesn't really have anyone to take it from him as Daniel Bryan has also moved to SD.
I would kill one of you to get a Wade Barrett vs Sheamus feud. Forget Daniel Bryan, give me a pale ginger fighting for the 'common' people vs an evil English asshole any day of any week of any year. No really. I want to see these two just kick each other's ass. And the angles right themselves tbh
Sheamus moving to Smackdown is a FUCKING AWESOME move and I'm they glad did this. Smackdown is a bit lacking in top level heels and Sheamus could easily fixe that and become the top Heel on the blue brand. Its also interesting to note that now both Mid Card titles on the same show with Wade being the intercontinental champ and Sheamus being US champ you would think one will lose the belt at Extreme against someone like Kofi Kingston who was drafted to Raw.
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;3062209 said:
LOVING the fact that Sheamus' on SmackDown! now! Wonder what they'll do with the fact that both midcard champs are on The Blue Show now?

I seem to rcall a while back that the WWE was planning on unifying all of the titles in the not-too-distant future. Having both the IC and US titles on one show could be the precursor to that. If De Rio wins at Extreme Rules, then both ME titles would be on RAW, making unification of those easy as well.

I've also read that the "Night Of Champions" PPV is being eliminated. Perhaps this all ties together and the Champions would then all be able to work both shows. Just a thought.

So happy that Alex Riley will now get the chance to shine on his own. Hopefully he can become IC or US champ in the near future. Guy has everything that is needed to make it.

Good draft overall imo.
Sheamus moving across to SmackDown is a perfect fit. He would have got somewhat lost in the shuffle on RAW, much like he did towards the end of last year. Del Rio, Miz and Punk are all basically considered bigger heels to him on RAW so SmackDown is definitely a place for him to shine with a distinct lack of major Main Event heels. Bryan also benefits tremendously from a move as he now has some fresher talent to go against as well as a different format to be placed in.
Im actually really liking the people that Smackdown got today. Some great matches can be made with Brian , Sheamus , Ted Dibiase , Tyson Kidd , Alex Riley .. These guys are gunna be able to shine with some good fueds.
Thinking about it, Tyson Kidd and Sin Cara will be able to put on some brilliant matches. Kidd will actually be able to keep up with him, same sorta deal with Yoshi.

Looking forward to Smackdown now, that's for sure.

Dibiase finally getting a chance hopefully, Riley to show his true potential, Rhodes to get a push, gotta love it.

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