WWE Draft April 25

John Cena is advertised for the Smackdown AFTER the draft. Take this for what it is but maybe we will see him move?

The draft will be official the night after Extreme Rules by the way.
I could see HHH going to smackdown, they could move him and morrison as faces and then Ted Diabiase to feud with Cody Rhodes.. Could see them moving


to Smackdown to upgrade their roster, I don't see HHH wrestling that much but he could be a good champion for a while. Moving Mason Ryan and having him reject the Core and feud with them would turn him face but I don't know if he's ready for a push as a singles wrestler yet. I'm sure they are already planning the Cara/Mysterio matches already and would help boost the latin viewers on Smackdown..

I'm almost positive they will move del rio to raw and put him on their main show, maybe barrett and have him feud with CM punk but I don't see punk going to smackdown.

this year with taker gone, Edge retired, jericho Gone, HHH almost done the draft is more unpredictable then ever...
I think:

Drew McIntyre
Jack Swagger
Big Show
Rey Mysterio

To SmackDown:
Ted Dibiase
Randy Orton

I skipped a few picks (and Divas) but really, I feel other than re-balancing face/heel structure, it will be used to make others relevant again(DiBiase, Swagger, McIntyre) and also because some people like (Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Kane etc) need new things to do, I see them turning Sheamus into a huge face if he's drafted

I say Randy Orton because, he hasn't had the title in a while and he's damn sure one of the best in the business
So i'm getting a vibe they want Miz with the title, want Cena chasing to keep intrest, CM Punk right there

So I see Orton headed to the big blue so he can scrap with young guys like Del Rio, Barrett, plus he can keep a intrest level with guys like Kane and Rey if they stay on
I really dont know what WWE is gonna do wit this draft.

to Smackdown!

Orton (Orton or Cena definately needs to leave raw.. Lets hope orton as i like him a bit better than cena =P )

Michael Cole (hate to say it but looks like vince MIGHT be ready to give JR back his announcing duties.. I like Cole on raw and feels he deseves to be on the most watched show)

Triple H (i always felt this guy will never hold a World Title on the Big show anymore.. so why not give him runs and feuds over the world title on SD?.. I Highly doubt this will happen as i dont even think he is back full time to wrestle)

Dryan Danelson (well, he aint doing much on raw right now.. Sheamus should continue holding the US strap so why not let Danelson come to SD! and put the intercontinental strap on his list?)

To raw

Drew Mcintyre? (i really dont know what to do with this guy, He should be in the Main Event picture.. but that wont happen on raw.. but he also needs a fresh start somewhere.. possibly as a face? )

Christian (I dont really like this guy, and he seems to be over well with the crowd so why not put him on raw?.. sorta like the thing R truth has. )

Undertaker (This is highly unlikely as we all know the reason he is on SD is because he just never comes around much.. summerslam and wrestlemania are about the only months he starts comin around.. wouldn't make much sense to put him on the big show)

Michelle McCool (best female wrestle in wwe right now.. but i dont see this happening as i think wwe will let her stick with Taker on SD!.. which im ok with as i quite enjoy her on SD! )

Layla (This group should be broken up, Maybe layla can win the divas strap on raw then McCool can challenge her for it somewhere down the line.. and it would be a much better match than the crap we see on raw every week)

Kofi Kingston (guy is still big with the crowd and he hasn't done much on SD! since be moved over.. put him back on raw and give him main event status with Cena and Morrison.)

Overall, Im sure the draft is going to be much different that this.. with only one big name leaving to SD! and the rest of the draft being full of mid carders. Its hard to tell where wwe is going with this draft.. lots of heels roaming the wwe right now.
I'm not too concerned for the most part about the draft, but there is one move I really want to happen. I want Evan Bourne to go to Smackdown. He is drowning over on Raw, and he really needs to make the move to the blue brand. If he's given a big chance on Smackdown, he can really go places. He has the move set to get super over in the blink of an eye, and it's about damn time he gets to show his skills off regularly. Getting two minutes of a beat down week in, week out, is not fair. He can really go in the ring, and there are so many guys on Smackdown just waiting for him, Mysterio, Gabriel, and Rhodes just to name a few. Granted he has barely ever touched a mic, but as he'd get more exposure on Smackdown, the confidence would grow by the bucket load and he can develop solid mic skills to guide him towards the IC title. I really hope Bourne heads to Smackdown, as if he stays put on Raw, I don't see him making it to the end of the year. Make it happen WWE.
As far as draft picks and shaking things up I would like to see:

Cody Rhodes- fresh scenery, and he could feud with Goldust
Rey Mysterio- can continue his feud with Cody
Jack Swagger- already on RAW for the most part
Wade Barrett- Corre is breaking up
Brodus Clay- I hate him and ADR because they dont match
Chris Masters- fresh start
Chavo Guerrero- comedy bits
JTG- until he is released
Tyler Reks- why not
Curt Hawkins- re-do tag team with Zack Ryder
Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel- please WWE keep them as a tag team. Corre is breaking up anyways
Beth Phoenix- feud with Kong

Randy Orton- replacing Edge in the main event
Sheamus- main event heel for SD
Mason Ryan- it seems like he is breaking apart from Nexus, so why not
Sin Cara- his entrance can be edited
R-Truth- continue his feud with Morrison and potentially be in the main event
John Morrison- same as Truth
Daniel Bryan- pure wrestling
The Great Khali- is on RAW like once a year anyways
David Hart Smith- fresh start
Yoshi Tatsu- fresh start
Primo- his younger brother could be brought up to form a tag team
The Usos- disappeared from RAW
Alicia Fox- has nothing on RAW
Maryse- same with Fox
Gail Kim- takes Beths place
As much as the draft has lost steam since maybe... 2005 the WWE needs to actually Shake Things Up with this one.
RAW has a stacked roster so i cant see them get many top talents however we know that they tend to beef up RAW during the drafts.
SmackDown needs a few more picks what with Edge leaving... here is what i can see happening.

Drew McIntyre
Needs a change of scenery and quick.

Laycool will split and McCool will stay with Taker on SD.

To SmackDown:
Randy Orton
This has to be a cert, as much as i like Christian SmackDown needs a top guy.

Daniel Bryan
Change of scenery

Alex Riley
Will split from the Miz after John Cena wins a draft pick match.

Supplemental Draft
Goldust to SD
Tyson Kidd to SD
Zack Ryder to SD
Tyler Reks to RAW
Chris Masters to RAW
Just gonna focus on main guys.

Raw to SD
John Morrison - change of scenery. Less clogged title picture.
Daniel Bryan - same as above. SDs always been the more wrestling show. Bryan just seems a natural fit.
Orton - I can't see Cena being swapped and you need a big babyface on both shows. Raw doesn't need two.

SD to Raw
Mcintyre - I'd throw him into something in Raw. Sink or swim in other words.
Mysterio - I reckon he'll retire soon and as much as he's always been a SD guy really he's feuded with nearly everyone and a year or so putting guys over on the big show is probably a good position for him.
Swagger - Spends most Raws there anyway. He's been a failure on SD.

Obviously a bunch of others but they'd be the really interesting ones. People I don't want to see be traded.

Rhodes - don't throw him into Raw and have him lost. He's onto something on SD let him prove it.
Sin Cara - to early, doubt he would be anyway.
I am having mixed feelings about this draft. While I am excited for a little change, I do not like the timing with it right before a PPV. i know they had to do it due to Edge's unfortunate retirement, and this is why I do not see many changes happening. I'm going to think realistically and predict the picks on the actual live broadcast, and what could happen on the supplemental draft.


Jack Swagger: I think this is pretty much a done deal here. He has been appearing on Raw frequently, why not make it official? It should be better than his last run on Raw, especially teaming himself with Michael Cole.

Wade Barrett: I know he just moved to Smackdown a few months ago from Raw, but I see this happening for a couple reasons. First off, this can be an opening to swap the IC and US Champions as I feel it's time to switch titles to different shows again, and this will also cement the Corre's break up.

Big Show and Kane: I see Raw winning a double pick and these guys switching over to Raw as a tag team, soon winning the Tag Title's and holding them on Raw.


Randy Orton: A lot of people believe this will happen with Edge's sudden retirement to replace him as a top face of Smackdown and I also believe it will happen. I also want it to happen. I think he has gotten way too stale on Raw and maybe a change of scenery will do him good, not that he needs it or anything, but maybe make him interesting again.

Sheamus: He has already pretty much done it all and feuded with everyone on Raw, so this move can do wonders for him and his character, I can't see this NOT happening, plus like with Wade, it will swap the IC and US Title holders.

Santino Marella: Seeing as he has never been an official member of Smackdown, and how he has been used alot lately, I see him moving over there, and maybe get a good mid card push there, as I believe him and Kozlov quietly split.

Michael McGillicutty: I can just a segment on Raw where Nexus have a match to win a pick and some how lose, causing a Nexus member to switch to Smackdown and I see that being McGillicutty.

Supplemental Draft Picks:

Melina drafted to Smackdown:
Seeing how it seems that she has heat, along with Morrison, they may want to have them on different shows and Melina is the one to leave.

Layla drafted to Raw:
And here we mark the end of Laycool and Layla can have a face run on Raw to contend for the Diva's title maybe.

Zack Ryder drafted to Smackdown:
Here is what I am hoping will happen at least and in a way, I can see happening. Maybe some tv time for Ryder to get at least a mini push. I hate how I seem to be splitting tag teams though, but I just have a feeling these will be some picks. Hey maybe he will reform a team with Curt Hawkins.

Tyler Reks drafted to Raw:
I don't see much changing for Reks other than wrestling on Superstars still, but this time as a Raw Superstar, just a pick to switch some low carders around.

Evan Bourne drafted to Smackdown:
This can be the break the guy needs, as Smackdown usually seems to give guys a chance, and I can easily see Evan Bourne getting decent time as a Smackdown Superstar.

Drew McIntyre drafted to Raw:
Another pick that needs to happen. It can't get any worse for the guy anyways so why not give it a shot and have him transfer to Raw?

Alex Riley drafted to Smackdown:
He needs to break away from the Miz and this is the way to do it without turning anyone face. He can repackage himself here and have a good run.

Hornswoggle drafted to Raw:
Just watch, I guarantee they will waste a pick on him.

Jimmy Uso drafted to Smackdown:
They are doing nothing as a tag team and I can just see one getting drafted and getting a decent push while the other sits on the sidelines. I just picked an Uso, it could happen.

Chris Masters drafted to Raw:
Another low card draft pick that can be just to switch.

Skip Sheffield drafted to Smackdown:
Usually there is an inactive superstar that switches shows and I see this man being one, that way he starts fresh when he returns.

Mark Henry drafted to Smackdown:
Yes, I skipped a Raw draft pick, but sometimes it seems WWE does and Raw has a bit more wrestlers than Smackdown, so I don't see Smackdown getting one extra is all that bad and Mark Henry needs a little change.

Okay, so maybe a picked a bit much on the supplemental draft, but it's a total of 12 picks and usually about 11 to 12 are picked in the supplemental draft. Now this many may not happen, but this is what I can see happening.
Like many have said...in an ideal world, these are my ideas and not necessarily predictions:

Sin Cara, Evan Bourne, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, Eve, and Mason Ryan

Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Beth Pheonix, Layla, Tyler Reks, and Booker T

First of all, I want to get Sin Cara, Evan Bourne, Daniel Brya, Rey Mysterio, and Kofi Kingston all on the same brand. No, not so they can restart some sort of cruiserweight division...officially... But the idea of having all the major divas on Raw and all the in-ring light-weight specialists on Smackdown is a time-honored classic that has always worked out really well. Vince likes his big guys on Raw and his little guys on Smackdown where they can be out of the way but still drawing numbers. It would also give Sin Cara a ton of guys to work with that could easily take his spots. Randy Orton is the obvious choice since Christian is currently the top heel on Smackdown. No offence to Captain Charisma, but I've never really seen what it takes to lead a brand out of him...yet. Move Orton over, give him new guys to run with, and let him lead the blue brand (at least in name) until Christian is ready to do it himself.

I wanted to bring over Layle and Beth because I really feel the divas division has a lot of untapped potential right now. With the impending arrival of Kharma (Awesome Kong) it would be great to have all the good divas in one place. There's just enough actual talent, and it's being spread too think on both shows. Let McCool stay over on Smackdown because she's a ring warrior and can pull good matches out of the divas that still don't really have it. Beth, Natalya, the Belles, Layla, and Kong would make a pretty killer divas picture on Raw. I also really like Tyler Reks. He's a big guy who can move pretty fast int he ring. I've also heard his FCW promos and he's pretty good. Cody Rhodes needs to shine on Raw, and Drew McIntyre needs to come over, pretend to have a great push, and then end up taking Ted DiBiase's spot as most-likely-to-be-in-a-dark-match. I think that's about it...oh wait...Booker T. I don't want him announcing on Raw. I want him to come back and wrestle. The guy is in better shape than he's ever been and is over (on commentary, mind you) than most of the locker room. He can't call a match to save his life, so put him in the ring and you have another top face on Raw. Or maybe just keep him on Smackdown...
From our main news site:
F4WOnline.com is reporting that .. WWE officials have discussed the idea moving Alberto Del Rio to the Raw brand as World Heavyweight Champion, with The Miz being moved to SD as the WWE Champion. At this time, creative has penciled in Alberto Del Rio vs John Cena at SummerSlam this year... Of course plans are constantly changing.
Personally I must say there is nothing about that plan that I like. This would be a catastrophe. I hope the plan will change or that the guys from F4W were high or mislead when they wrote this.
My choices

Smackdown -> Raw
Alberto Del Rio - Think he would be a massive hit on RAW, can see a feud with him and The Miz
Big Show - Been in the business too long and him and Kane would add a fresh approach to the tag-team area of Raw
Kane - Above

Raw -> Smackdown
R-Truth - Think the reason that he was taken out of the title match was because he was going to be drafted, he would benefit more on Smackdown anyway challenging Kofi and Barrett for the intercontinental title.
Randy Orton - Would be great to see him challenging for the world championship on Smackdown, would be a big change that would shock people.
Sheamus - More of a Smackdown type of person, would benefit more going for the World Title, deserves the shot.
Split up Nexus and The Core.. Draft Mason Ryan to Smackdown and have him team up with Ezekiel Jackson (I would like to see Micheal Cole as there manager he is good on the mic unlike Jackson and Ryan..they could be a heel Road Warrioresque team). Perhaps bring Mcyntire over to Raw to team up with Sheamus and have these two teams dominate there brands until they have nowhere else to go but meet eachother at a future PPV for the Tag Titles (of which will belong to one of the two by then)...Or put both teams on one show and have them build up a big fued between the two maybe even having Mason and Jackson as faces with a face manager instead of Cole.

I would like to see Barrett stay on Smackdown but go solo and go on a good IC Title run until it's time for him to be pushed into the Heavyweight Championship picture. I don't like Swagger but I would like him to remain on Smackdown and become the top face..this would set up a Barrett Vs Swagger fued for the Heavyweight Championship sometime in the future.
Yes, expect that for a change Smackdown! will "win" the draft.

The whole reason seems to be the hole that Edge left. I could easily see them sending one or two really big names to Smackdown to compensate for Edge. Orton would be my first choice. Actually no, Cena would be my first choice, but Orton would be my first realistic choice. Besides one show isn't big enough for both of them.

But while they are at it, it can't hurt to shuffle the midcard a bit. Ted Dibiase needs a change.
And merely for aesthetic reasons: Kane. His color scheme always clashed with Smackdown's. ;)

One aspect that is often overlooked:
Probably more important than the draft itself is usually that afterwards, for a couple of months at least, the WWE actually takes the brand split seriously. It is almost always so that by the time the draft comes around that so many RAW guys appear on Smackdown and vice versa that even the hardcore fans have sometimes trouble telling who belongs to what brand. This year it was pretty extreme.
Smackdown will, without a doubt, "win" the draft. Smackdown is really lacking top babyfaces and Raw has too many midcard guys to do something good with them.

I think either Orton will definitely go to Smackdown and that will be "his" show. The midcard could use some change. I'd love to see Evan Bourne & Daniel Bryan move to Smackdown so they'd be able to have more in-ring time which would really help their career.

If Miz does go to Smackdown then Smackdown would have both world championships for a week. I don't see how WWE would move the World Heavyweight championship to RAW without it being blatantly obvious that Del Rio is going to win at X-treme Rules unless Christian moves to RAW too but at least one of them needs to stay on Smackdown.
When I first heard they were considering moving the Miz to Smackdown I was against it, but the more I think about it the more I could see it being the way to not only let Miz be the #1 on Smackdown but also as a way to start making the change towards the inevitable face turn.

One has to wonder how fast it will take Jericho to come back once he's finished with Dancing with the Stars. If it's pretty soon then I think the E would love to see a Miz/Jericho main event at Summerslam, and help propel the Miz even further in his career.
I would love to see Jericho come in and run Smackdown for a while..feuding with Del Rio for the belt maybe.

Jericho goes on about Raw Is Jericho so maybe he could come in as RAW GM and still stay somewhat ring active (I actually really don't want to see this happen) He could either be a face and feud with a Raw drafted Swagger/with Cole as Manager or come in as heel and feud with a face Miz.
To Raw:

Alberto del Rio- Other than the report, putting Alberto del Rio on the main roster would help solidify himself on the Raw Roster.
Beth Phoenix- Someone to feud with for Kharma
Cody Rhodes- I believe he's ready to transition onto the flag ship of the WWE.
Jack Swagger- Bring him to Raw so he can continue the storyline with Michael Cole or turn him face.
Kofi Kingston- Seems to do better on Raw.
Wade Barrett- Same as Kofi.

To Smackdown:

Daniel Bryan- Smackdown is more wrestling based. He'd shine there.
David Hart Smith- Same as Bryan
Evan Bourne- Same as Smith
Jey Uso- Give them more time to develop.
Jimmy Uso- Same as Jey.
Randy Orton- He's a shark competing against another shark that is John Cena. Orton can't grow if he's in constant competition with Cena. One of them needs to jump ship and Orton is the one to make the change.
Sin Cara- Edit out the botches.
Ted DeBiase- The move could bring good fortune like it did for Cody.
The Miz- Following the reports.
Yoshi Tatsu- Same as Bryan.
Zach Ryder- Gives him room for a possible push.
I could see Christian winning the World Heavyweight title and getting drafted to Raw and someone like Jomo winning the WWE title in surprising fashion taking that title over to Smackdown. That way, Miz could keep his place on Raw as well as Cena and the titles could switch to different brands to freshen up the scene. This way we could possibly see a Christian vs. Miz fued on Raw leaving Cena to fued with someone like Barrett if he is drafted to Raw. Then Jomo could have a fued with ADR or Orton if he comes over, maybe an Orton vs. Morrison Summerslam showdown down the road. This would help to bring a new title scene on both shows and allow some fresh matchups yet to be seen which would be a breath of fresh air.
to Smackdown

Raws anonymous gm
this will be the final pick of the draft & he will revealhim self at the ppv

Randy orton
orton will go to smackdown to shake things up a little this will lead 2 a jericho return when he is finshed with dwts

Ted dibiase jr
Dibiase needs a new start he has been lost on raw have him create a faction a smackdown and become world champion.

Michael mgillicutty
have him drop the name and become joe henning again and be in dibiases faction

to raw

Alberto del rio
Alberto should be on the flag ship show but u all ready no that lol

Drew mcintyredrew looks lost on smackdown time to moved to raw and prove why he is the chosen one

Jack swagger
Swagger face turn help jr & lawler win then make coles life hell

Justin Gabriel
Here's my 2011 WWE Draft Picks

To Raw:
Alberto Del Rio - Feuds with John Cena, Taker, John Morrison, Triple H & others.
Undertaker - Time for Taker to be on RAW and continue feud with Triple H for Summerslam!
Wade Barret - Needs to be estabalished as a singles stars, he can work in upper midcarder to main event star.
Zeke Jackson - Big Zeke can work as the new monster heel, "takes Sheamus position".
Jack Swagger - Midcarder feud for Intercontinental, he can possibly turn face & feud with heels.
Drew Mcyintre - Midcarder feud for Intercontintal.
Kofi Kingston - Kofi's dry on Smackdown, he can have feuds with Swagger, Mcyintre, Morrison, The Miz, Riley, Tyson Kidd, good matches with Primo Colon.
Cody Rhodes - Its time for Rhodes to shine, he should really benefit on RAW, either upper midcarder to main event.
Beth Phoenix - Feud with Kharma aka Awesome Kong!

To Smackdown:
Daniel Bryan - Bryan can take the place of "Beniot" when he was wrestling on Smackdown in 2005 - 2007. The guy who fought everyweek & put on quality matches.
David Hart Smith - Smith needs to develop and I think Smackdown is the best place for him. Smackdown did wonders for Cody Rhodes to develop. Make Smith into a Bulldog typish character, ultimate power house.
Evan Bourne - Highflyer, can work matches with Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara & other mid carders.
Ted Dibiase - give Ted a new start, Smackdown is a good place for him, let him establish himself more. He has a bright future.
Zack Ryder - Ryder's popularity is growing & the best place for him is Smackdown!
Jimmy & Jey Uso - The Uso's can work great tag matchces with Caylon Croft & Trent Baretta, also against Heath & Slater, and we already have Kane & Bigshow as tag champs. Smackdown can revive the tag team division.
Sheamus - He'll be the monster heel of Smackdown, feuds with Christian, Mysterio, Orton & others.
Randy Orton - Orton needs a need environment, feuds with many superstars, Sheamus, Christian, Dibiase, a returning "Chris Jericho" and ultimately Mason Ryan who will become the next Dave Batista!
Sin Cara - Ultimate feuds with Rey Mysterio, Bourne, Bryan, Chavo Guerrero and he can be next Rey Mysterio.
Mason Ryan - The New Dave Batista.
So, the draft is coming up.

Now, we have seen the draft done a few different ways. A quick recap

1. Vince and Flair just saying who they wanted for their show for the first draft

2. Haymen and Bichoff drawing names out of a bin to see who would move

3. Inter-promotional matches where the winning brand got a pick with that computerized draft-trolla (thank you Wrestlecrap for that term)

Here is something I would like to see:

matches would be set up like this; The Raw GM would pick a wrestler/tag team/diva/whatever they would like from Smackdown, and vise-versa with the SD! GM. The two selections would face each other, and the winners, having "succesfully" defended their brand, "capture" the losers for their GM.

Any thoughts on this? could this work
What a great way to send Cena to Smackdown. Have Miz cause Cena to lose to the likes of Del Rio, and bye bye Cena. I think this would actually make people want to watch as long as they didnt screw up the Booking.

Have them flip a coin to see who gets to pick first then the second choice be based on the first. Then whichever brand loses has to choose first giving the second choice the upper hand. Say Smackdown picks The Big Show first and Raw wants to get rid of say Evan Bourne. Raw GM picks Bourne and there you have a quick squash match. This angle can be played in so many ways its great, but with booking the way it is right now, the "E" is to rushed right now to pull off a great plan like this.
Not a horrible idea, but I'd worry that it could give away too many PPV caliber matches on a single show.

Of course, it would be hilarious if one of the GMs, let's say the RAW one, decided to simply decimate the Smackdown locker room:

Teddy Long - Okay, we want... John Cena!
RAW GM - I pick Trent Barreta.

Cena crushes Barreta.

Teddy Long - How 'bout this playa. I want Randy Orton!
RAW GM - Alright, I choose Heath Slater.

Orton annihilates Slater.

Teddy Long - What the... Fine! I want CM Punk!
RAW GM - No problem. I want JTG.

Punk slaughters JTG.

And so on...

By the end of the night, Smackdown has lost all of its lower to mid card players.

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