WWE Draft April 25

Hey guys havent posted in a while, have read through most of this thread so thought would offer my opinion

Evan Bourne to Smackdown - Kofi v Evan would be an awesome match for the IC title, and also gives Kofi the chance to push up to main eventer once he has dropped the title to Evan and this must happen.
John Morrison -The only way him working as a main eventer on Raw is if the Miz is to come out of WM as champion, resulting in a feud v jo mo but i cant see this happening v super cena. Jo Mo also reminds me much of Edge, so there could be a good feud there, as well as v mysterio, and v kingston.
Ted DiBiase JR - His character is dead, and Maryse has made him worse and doesnt add anything to him. Personally, i would rewind year and 6 months ago. Reunite him with Cody and have them be a dominant tag team, who hold the titles for a long time. Maybe keep Maryse as a valet for them.
Sheamus - as others have put, the booking of this guy in 2010 was awful. I think they should switch him to SD and have win the title quite quickly and dominate that area with holding the title for a year or so. More importantly thought, he needs a clean win to win the championship.

Furthermore its time Randy and Cena were split up, seen as cena is likely to head out of WM as champ then Randy should put punk over at WM then move to Smackdown.

Jack Swagger - Bit of a backwards step for the lad but just imagine the techinical matches that him and daniel bryan can have? Would be immense!
Beth Phoenix - This is down to one reason for when she is fit. Diva matches are pants but BP V Awesome kong would be pretty special for that division. I expect that AK will be on raw
Alberto del Rio - If he fails to win at WM, then he should be switched to raw. IF hhh is thinking, shortly although i dont think it will be yet of retiring then these two guys should have a programme now where hunter puts him over.
Drew McIntryre - Hasnt done anything recently so just needs a change.
I posted in a thread about 6 months ago that I believe Wade Barrett should be moved to Smackdown and Dolph Ziggler would be moved to Raw. I am happy both were moved.

Raw to Smackdown
Randy Orton - Bores me now. He is stale. Not room for him and Cena dominating every week. Would much rather watch Cena to be honest, at least he has a personality. Orton as a face/heel on Smackdown. Would give the show some star power.

Sheamus - I think most agree with this. He could be a major player over on Smackdown. He is kinda like Swagger is on Smackdown. Booked poorly.

John Morrison - Please put this guy on the "Wrestling show". He cant talk at all and I watch Raw to be entertained. He is a good worker but bores me.

Ted Dibiase - Needs to move fast. He could be a credible mid carder over on SD. Even put the dude back with Cody as a Tag team.

Smackdown to Raw

Undertaker - He only appears sporadically nowadays and hasnt been on the Raw roster for a long time. Have him turn up every so often and plant the seeds for a Cena/Taker match at WM28...only if the Rock doesnt wanna play ball.

Alberto Del Rio - As the guy above me said, shold he fail to win the Title then move him. If he wins, then keep him on SD to carry the show. I do believe this guy has a great future and a move to Raw would only cement that. If he stays, then send Swagger over to Raw.

Chris Masters - Turn him heel and move him to Raw. Let him beat the mid carders and be fed to Cena, Triple H. He could fill the void left by Sheamus.
I don't see the need to rush Sheamus. He has had an odd booking debacle around his character since KOTR. Orton to Smackdown needs to happen. But keep Del Rio there aswell. I think Barrett cane come back to RAW and be a top heel. Give him the same gimmic and keep maybe Gabriel and Jackson.
So obviously there is a lot of hating towards the WWE Draft in the last few years because it has become meaningless and less significant.

-2002 - 58
-2004 - 20
-2005 - 21
-2006 - 2 (ECW Draft 1 superstar from each brand)
-2007 - 23
-2008 - 28
-2009 - 36
-2010 - 19

So the draft is deffinately less significant, That is why I have created a thread in which you can create your own draft in which youre choice can benefit the brand, superstar, diva etc.

So what would your 2011 picks be?
No draft.

I would like for the Raw GM to be revealed and they actually do a real competitive brand war. Keep who they have and start having them taking pot shots at the other brand. Have the respective champs wrestle matches against the same people in sort of a best of thing so one of them can say I beat Rey and you lost to him type of thing. Have this continue for like 6 months as each individual champ does this not every week but once a month on each show so as to keep current feuds going and allow new ones in each brand, then ultimately coming down to a match between the champions at a future PPV to decide who the better brand is. During this time the GM's can have words back and forth about their brand being better and make deals to trade wrestlers back and forth, with each one making crappy trades.

They could also have a couple of guys somewhat attack the other brands guys/girls to show their dominance and then a retaliation by the other.

I don't like the draft as it is, I just wish they would trade guys sort of like in football or basketball. One brand tries to make itself better than the other by a trade. This would help keep up the illusion that each brand is separate.

If they did the draft with new guys/girls that have come up in the last couple of years along with some trades to make it more interesting for instance. Lets say Teddy Long said he wants Evan Bourne, that is his draft pick, then Raw chooses Heath Slater, then Raw wants Rey Mysterio so they trade their next two picks to Smackdown to make the trade so in reality Smackdown gets 3 picks in a row for it. Something like that to make it different but a little more realistic, this could actually start the showdown between the brands that I was mentioning above.
Hello everybody. I just want you guys to know that I am new to Wrestlezone Forums. Obviously, this is my first post, so go easy on me.
Now to talk about the topic.

Raw to Smackdown

Sheamus - He has been on a massive losing streak which has demoted him to a jobber. A move to Smackdown would re-establish him along with new feuds. He already feuded with almost every face on Raw (HHH, Orton, Cena, Morrison, currently Bryan)

John Morrison - The main event scene is too crowded right now. Being on Smackdown gives John Morrison a time to shine.

Randy Orton - Raw already has John Cena and Triple H. Give one big face to Smackdown to improve ratings and have potential feuds. Like Sheamus, has feuded with most of the heels on Raw that are or used to be main-eventers (Miz, Sheamus, currently Punk).

Ted DiBase - He is being buried right now and I think the reason of that has something to do with Raw's crowded main-event scene.

Skip Sheffield - I would have him team up with Wade Barrett to make the Corre even more dominant. Also allows him more time to shine on the B show.

Tyson Kidd - The creative team wanted to push him but he was pushed to the side. He even got AA'd by Hornswoggle at the Royal Rumble and now he is a weekly Superstar's guy.

Evan Bourne - I feel like Smackdown is a better place for him to be pushed.

Smackdown to Raw

Alberto Del Rio - He has been showing up on Raw for weeks so that the weekly Raw viewers will get a taste of who he is. It seems like Vince and the creative team are very high on him.

Cody Rhodes - After a possible WM win against Rey Mysterio, he will dominate the Raw mid card scene with his new gimmick. Might even keep the United States/Intercontinental Championship and have a reign like Ziggler's to push him.

Drew McIntyre - He is the chosen one. Vince is very high on him. I would give him a very slow push like John Morrison is having right now. No need to speed push him. After all, he is only 25.
Hello everybody. I just want you guys to know that I am new to Wrestlezone Forums. Obviously, this is my first post, so go easy on me.
Now to talk about the topic.

Raw to Smackdown

Sheamus - He has been on a massive losing streak which has demoted him to a jobber. A move to Smackdown would re-establish him along with new feuds. He already feuded with almost every face on Raw (HHH, Orton, Cena, Morrison, currently Bryan)

John Morrison - The main event scene is too crowded right now. Being on Smackdown gives John Morrison a time to shine.

Randy Orton - Raw already has John Cena and Triple H. Give one big face to Smackdown to improve ratings and have potential feuds. Like Sheamus, has feuded with most of the heels on Raw that are or used to be main-eventers (Miz, Sheamus, currently Punk).

Ted DiBase - He is being buried right now and I think the reason of that has something to do with Raw's crowded main-event scene.

Skip Sheffield - I would have him team up with Wade Barrett to make the Corre even more dominant. Also allows him more time to shine on the B show.

Tyson Kidd - The creative team wanted to push him but he was pushed to the side. He even got AA'd by Hornswoggle at the Royal Rumble and now he is a weekly Superstar's guy.

Evan Bourne - I feel like Smackdown is a better place for him to be pushed.

Smackdown to Raw

Alberto Del Rio - He has been showing up on Raw for weeks so that the weekly Raw viewers will get a taste of who he is. It seems like Vince and the creative team are very high on him.

Cody Rhodes - After a possible WM win against Rey Mysterio, he will dominate the Raw mid card scene with his new gimmick. Might even keep the United States/Intercontinental Championship and have a reign like Ziggler's to push him.

Drew McIntyre - He is the chosen one. Vince is very high on him. I would give him a very slow push like John Morrison is having right now. No need to speed push him. After all, he is only 25.
@deforty Like the Idea.

How I'd run it...

First off I like the Idea of all the superstars from each brand face each other in matches to see who gets the picks.

Matches would probably be...

WWE Champ vs WH Champ (2 Picks)
US vs IC Champs (1 Pick)
Divas Battle Royal (2 Picks)
14 Man battle Royal (3 Picks)
Tag match (2 Picks)
Other matches 1 pt each (probably just 3 to 4 more)

However some people who I'd like to see moved...
Sheamus to Smackdown - Yes he just won the US Championship. That doesn't really change that much though. He could easily be bartered to Smackdown for the IC Champion will little thought or anyone else. I think Sheamus needs a change of scenery right now and Smackdown is a place where he can thrive.

Alberto Del Rio to Raw - Let me be clear...I hate this man...I really do...That being said, Why is he not on the A show? I'm serious, look for this guy to come to Raw and wreck havok on Cena, Miz and possibly Morrison in the near future.

Morrison to Smackdown - this is a downer for me but I got to say it. Morrison could do wonders on Smackdown and finally get noticed. All the promos are taped so it will give him a great chance to work on his mic skills and a fued with a guy like Kane could really help him along.

Big Show to Raw - I would love to see Show get back on the A show. Mainly because out of all the Giants he is the most coordinated and smartest. He knows what needs to get done in a match and he's a little more convincing then Mark Henry when he walks down to the ring.
It seems that the draft means less and less due to the fact that the brand separation barrier is thinning and once not if the same card titles are unified, the draft will mean nothing because superstars from both brands can go on either show.
Supersters to Raw

Alberto Del Rio-he appeared on something like 5 Raw episodes in a row. I got so use to him on there I forgot he was on Smackdown. I like him and he is quite talented put him on Raw

McIntyre-the Chosen One, well if this is true why the hell isn't he on Raw yet. I would love to see him feud with the faces of raw and I expect great things from him.

Chris Masters-his push on WWE superstars will come to an end at the end of WWE superstars. Luckily he has impressed me enough for me to want him on Raw.

Swagger-he can go either way for me but I think he had his best work on Raw and I want to see him there.

Big Show- yes the Big Show belongs on Raw. I think he might be hanging up his boots soon so I want him on the main brand.

To Smackdown

Sheamus-he just doesn't do anything for me on Raw. I think he could freshen up on Smackdown.

Dibiasi-He too needs something new maybe a trip to Smackdown will be what he needs

Morrison-Yes I went here. I think they need to put him on Smackdown and give him a World Title. This is the best way to go.

Triple H- now I'm going to hear it. Just listen as to why I think he should go to Smackdown. He happens to be an older Superstar who really can give people good pushes. Let this occur on Smackdown where I feel the more established new WWE stars are being built up. Then after he is truly done send him over to WWE Management/GM on Raw.

Khali-send him over to Smackdown because I just don't want to see him on Raw. He can't wrestle and he wastes too much time when he is on.
Here is who I would like to see change to a diffrent brand..

Raw to Smackdown
Nikki Bella
Daniel Bryan
David Otunga
Evan Bourne
Brie Bella
John Cena
Michael McGillicutty
Ted DiBiase

Smackdown to Raw
Michelle McCool
Tyler Reks
Kofi Kingston
Brodus Clay
Beth Phoenix
Justin Gabriel
Big Show
Drew Mcintyre
Alberto Del Rio
Chavo Guerrero

I want to put the strongest divas on Raw that way when Awsome Kong comes she will have some competiotion although I dont think Michelle McCool is strong
but she is sneaky she is a really good heel although I hate her lol, and well I wanna put the weaker divas on smackdown like the bella twins, kelly kelly, layla,
Rosa Mendes, Kaitlyn

and well I wanted to move john cena to smackdown so the ratings will increase even more..
Rather than have a draft in the traditional sense that WWE has had the draft, why not make it a draft in the sense that most professional sports have it but use NXT rookies. We all know that the NXT program is pretty much a joke since all of the rookies on there are going to be in WWE at some point or another anyway, so why not have them drafted respectively by Raw and Smackdown? In order to determine who gets to pick each draft pick, a wrestler from raw will face a wrestler from smackdown and the winning brand of each match gets to make a selection.
I understand ppl wanting Del Rio on Raw, but I see 1 major reason why he shouldn't be there yet: Raw still needs to keep pushing Miz and Punk as top notch heels. If you throw ADR into the mix, that's too many top heels in one place. Granted they could move Miz to SD!, but I don't think Vince wants that just yet. So I think Del Rio stays on SD! for another year. As for who I think changes brands, I think RAW might get Kofi, Drew, Big Show, Beth Phoenix, Cody Rhodes, Chavo, Baretta (in case Sin Cara debuts on Raw) and Layla (McCool probably stays on SD! With her hubby). Going to SD! Ted jr.(Surprise face turn!), Daniel Bryan, DH Smith, Mark Henry, Gail Kim, A. Fox, Zach Ryder and Alex Riley. I just don't see Cena, Orton, Trips, Sheamus, Miz and Punk moving, same for Edge, Taker or Rey. Not unless Vince REALLY wants to shake things up. Also don't see them breaking up New Nexus and Corre that quickly, although I could be completely off. Lol
RAW roster (and their chances at moving to Smackdown)​

1. The Miz – I find it highly unlikely that Miz will change rosters just as he’s reaching an ultra level of importance within the company. His hard work has paid off, and champ or not, after Wrestlemania, Miz will be glowing in his lime light and I don’t think Vince wants to jeopardize what they’ve been working towards. Ultimately, I think Miz has less than a 5% chance of joining Smackdown.

2. Sheamus – I don’t know what kind of plans the company has in store for Sheamus, but I find it very likely that through a lack of “anything better” to do with him, we will probably see him make the switch post-Mania. There’s a new group of people over there for him to feud with, and if nothing else, it brings some more talent to Friday nights. 75% chance that Sheamus switches brands and moves to Smackdown.

3. Eve – I think she’ll stay on Raw to continue working the angles with both Stratus and the newly signed Awesome Kong. There definitely IS a chance that she’ll be moved but really, it’s probably pretty weak. At the end of the day, there is only a 10% chance Eve is going to Smackdown.

4. CM Punk – His reign as New Nexus leader will come to an end shortly after Wrestlemania, which will free him up to do something other than job to Orton. In this culmination, I find it likely that Punk will stay heel and ultimately stay on Raw as he carries himself as a more respectable villain than the rest of the cast, which is something the flagship show needs more than ever right now. After Mania, I think there is a solid 30% chance that he will move to Smackdown, but realistically, I believe we will continue to see him on Raw.

5. Daniel Bryan – This move seems VERY likely since Bryan has had his time on Raw and hasn’t really made much of it. His in-ring talents are what made him famous, not his ring presence or mic work. Through a culmination of his hard work and lack of persona, I think we have a 90% chance of seeing Daniel Bryan on the Smackdown roster after Wrestlemania.

6. David Otunga – I feel like Otunga is the only member of the Nexus who has any decent future prospects within the company, and because of that, he will probably move to Smackdown where poor booking and lack of momentum will bury his career. Sadly, I find this to be sad, but realistic. I say 80% chance Otunga switches brands.

7. Dolph Ziggler – While the company could launch him into something decent that could re-land him on Smackdown, I think the writers aren’t that stupid. He just got a new lease on his career with his brand change and ultimately, I think the odds of them moving him back so soon are slim to none. 1% chance Dolph ends up back on Smackdown.

8. Evan Bourne – Another example of the company not knowing where to fit him in. I think that because he’s so strong in the ring, but not so much on the mic, he’ll go the way of Daniel Bryan and follow him to Friday nights. His high flying talents will suit him well there, and as such, I believe he has a 90% chance of ditching Raw for Smackdown.

9. Goldust – Because he’s in no main event situation and seems to happily glide under the radar, I don’t see him floating anywhere. A simple case of “head in the sand.” If you don’t notice he’s there, you can’t move him. Less than 5% chance that Cody’s older brother makes the switch.

10. The Usos – Much like Goldust, they don’t do much and don’t see a lot of TV time. A roster change for either or both wouldn’t make any real difference, although the supplemental draft may claim them. Realistically though, only about an 8% chance they move rosters.

11. John Cena – I don’t really feel that I need to go into a lot of detail, but I honestly think the long rumored heel turn will transpire through the Rock at Wrestlemania. This will make John the most important heel of the company. And where do important heels reside? Yes. Less than a 1% chance that the Yabba-Dabba-Bitch goes to Smackdown.

12. John Morrison – Another clear cut case of great in-ring skill with no mic personality to back it up. It seems too obvious that Morrison moseys back to Smackdown, so for the sake of keeping things interesting, I think the writers will keep him where he’s at with all the new talent coming in to feud with. Alongside some NXT guys, a new tough enough winner and the draft, I think that there is less than a 2% chance that Morrison goes back to Smackdown.

13. Mark Henry – Since he’s issued a statement that he’s preparing for retirement in about a year (give or take), I find it likely that the WWE will take their loyal Mr. Henry and keep him rummaging around the mid-roster of Raw until his days are over. At the end of the day, I wouldn’t expect more than a 5% chance of the big guy changing brands.

14. Mason Ryan – Since he’s new to the scene and nobody really seems to be able to figure him out, I say he stays put. Not a huge reason for that remark, but really, I just feel he’s got about a 35% chance of moving to Smackdown.

15. Michael McGillicutty – Hopefully he stays on Raw where he’ll drop the Nexus and pick up his dad’s gimmick. If Ted Dibiase can use his dad’s gimmick successfully, then why not do the same to Joe and even feud the two of them. But for that to happen, he’ll need to move to Smackdown. 50% chance Perfect Jr. makes the move.

16. R-Truth – Probably hangs around since they don’t have a lot moving in his direction right now. Plus I see a fair number of Smackdown folk headed to Monday nights, so look for him to have someone new to feud with.

17. Randy Orton – Because he’s only one of like…two faces the fans are behind right now, he’s almost definitely going to keep on keepin’ on with the rest of the Monday night crew. We’re looking at a less than 5% chance that the Rattlesnake switches sides.

18. Santino – The only successful comic relief of the cast, Santino has a lot of people behind him. In fact, because he brings something important to the roster, I’m calling that Santino almost definitely stay on Raw with Orton. 3% chance that he up and leaves.

19. Triple H – I don’t think triple H is moving anytime soon. For the most part, he won’t even be on active roster due to his backstage commitments and fatherhood. He’ll hang around, I’m sure, but he’s definitely not moving to Smackdown. I’ll go ahead and call a 1% chance that Hunter moves to Smackdown.

20. Vladimir – Honestly, if for no other reason, I think the big guy stays on Raw because of Santino. They’re the ONLY over tag team, and the WWE desperately needs to keep the two together as long as possible. Vlad has less than 4% chance of going.

21. Zack Ryder – A Smackdown move is both likely and necessary. Zack is too talented to not have on camera, and frankly, I’m annoyed that he’s so misused. But because he’s got talent and Raw has crapped all over him, Zack will probably head to the other brand to make himself a new home. 82% chance that Zack makes his home in Smackdown after Wrestlemania.

22. Natalya – Will almost definitely stick to Monday nights. She’s one of only a couple relevant and talented Divas and as such, should stick around to feud with Awesome Kong. Could be some great matches within the Diva division after Mrs. Kong shows up, and because of that, I say there is a weak 2% chance that Natalya jumps ship in the draft.

23. Vickie Guerrero – Just made the big jump with Dolph and is incredibly over as a solid heel manager. Vickie is staying around most definitely. Less than 1% chance that Eddie’s widow returns to Friday nights.

Smackdown roster (and their chances at moving to RAW)

1. Edge – Because Edge is a top draw for the Friday night crew, look to see him keep his spot (and probably his title) after Wrestlemania. He’s probably going to end up in a sizable angle with Christian as either rivals (again) or more likely, give the fans what they want and reunite E&C for a period of time to drive up interest in the waning tag division. The duo could easily reignite the belts and cause a stir on the roster, and as such, I don’t see Edge having more than a 10% chance of moving to Raw.

2. Kofi Kingston – Because of the likely Cena heel turn at Wrestlemania, I see Kofi moving back to the flagship to be pushed into a main event face. After all, pushing Kofi as a heel is difficult, and with a heavy heel roster over on Mondays, Kofi could leap in (pun intended) and become a top draw….even feuding with the ultra heel Cena. Ultimately, Kofi has an 88% chance of switching to Raw.

3. Justin Gabriel – Smackdown’s very own Daniel Bryan (until they actually GET Daniel Bryan). Justin is super athletic and very talented between the ropes. I don’t think he’s going to move back to Monday’s again so soon, especially when he’s going to probably have a feud with the new face team of Edge & Christian. Realistically, Justin will stay on Smackdown and only has a 3% chance of running back to Raw.

4. Heath Slater – Same exact deal as Justin Gabriel. Great talent, no mic skills and the ability to draw heat with Justin as tag champs. Only a 3% chance that the red headed step child goes back to Raw.

5. Alberto Del Rio – As the biggest heel draw for Friday nights, I find it hard to believe that the WWE writers would serve him up as fodder to the Raw cast. If he did make the move, I think he’ll be utilized well, but really, Alberto belongs on Smackdown to help solidify his character before he eventually jumps ships to Monday Nights. At the end of the day, Alberto has only a 20% chance of moving to Raw.

6. Beth Phoenix – As the only truly talented female cast member of Smack down, and a good front runner to fill an angle with Awesome Kong (who is probably coming to Raw), I’d say we can expect a 90% chance that the Glamazon hits the Monday night scene right after Mania.

7. Big Show – Because Khali is likely staying on Raw, and Show seems to get a lot of love from the audience, I think the smart move is to leave him where he’s at. He’s only been there for a year anyways, and I really think he’s got some good people coming over to feud with. Big Show, I think you’ll be staying home on Smackdown and carrying only a 5% chance of making the move.

8. Christian – I mentioned earlier that I think the WWE is finally taking requests. After Mania, it looks like Edge & Christian will be re-teaming to give some depth to the tag team wasteland. Simply put: There is only a 5% chance that Christian is moving back to Raw.

9. Cody Rhodes – As a marketable heel and talented performer, I think we’re actually going to see Cody return home to Raw. There, he can capture the Intercontinental title and make a bee line for his brother, bring him back to the main camera, and ignite a “feud of the family” that may draw a large number of viewers. I’m hopeful for this, actually and realistically, the company can make it happen with minimal effort. I say there’s a 70% chance that Cody goes to Monday nights.

10. Drew McIntyre – Drew was once rising towards the top of the heel ladder, but hit a road bump in the form of him being an asshole. Luckily, he has enough talent that he hasn’t been completely forgotten. Ultimately, with nowhere to run to, I think the staff will keep him around on Smackdown and as such, the angry Scotsman will likely have less than a 10% chance of moving to Raw.

11. Zeke Jackson – As the only muscle player to hold down any heat with the Corre, I think the odds of Ahmed Johnson 2 going over to the flagship are slim to none. I would even say that he has less than a 2% chance of getting out of his Friday night contract. Hopefully they use him correctly though, as big Zeke could be an important mid-carder when used correctly.

12. Jack Swagger – Honestly, I think we may be seeing a face turn for the All-American, American in his performance at Wrestlemania. And when he does, I’d like to see him move to Raw where he can feud with heel Cena. Sadly, I bet the writers keep him in his spot and try to push face Swagger as a true contender and end up feuding him with Wade Barrett. Either way, I’ll be happy to (finally) see a face Jack Swagger, despite his less than 40% chance of going to Raw.

13. JTG – With no more Cryme Tyme, look for JTG to be wasted until he gets to the chopping block. The Titan staff have already announced that roster cuts will be happening post-Mania, and sadly, with nowhere else to stick this talented individual, JTG will likely go the way of his former partner. 0% chance he’s going to Raw. 95% chance he’s going home on April 5th.

14. Kane – Since his feuds with Undertaker are essentially over, Kane will probably return to Raw to shake up the new situation with Cena, Miz and Rocky. When used correctly, Kane can really add to a story, but as it turns out, the writing staff usually doesn’t know what to do with him. This is part of the reason he has a 65% chance of going to Raw, and finally getting away from Taker again.

15. Rey Mysterio – Because of his stature on the show and a lack of main event spots on Raw, I say Rey continues his Smackdown run. He’ll have people like Evan Bourne and Daniel Bryan coming in and that trio can make a lot of the situation. And even better, I truly believe that the writers know this and will take advantage of it. I see a 12% chance that Mysterio moves to Raw after Wrestlemania.

16. Undertaker – Since he’s the biggest draw for the brand, and the only big veteran still hanging around the locker room there, I can’t find any reason Vince would want to change his situation. After all, the upper management still try and extract as many ratings as possible from the Smackdown brand, and despite not having the in-ring skills that the youthful roster possess, he brings the “star power” that Friday nights need to have around in order to successfully draw. At the end of the day, Smackdown needs him and as such, he has less than a 2% chance of switching sides.

17. Wade Barrett – Since he moved so recently, I find it hard to believe that the powers-that-be would shove him back so fast. He can make a bigger impact on Smackdown, and I feel that the move of Evan Bourne could play into Wade’s future well. I know I would LOVE to see a feud between the two, and really, that’s what good feuds are about. The LOVE. Anyhow, Wade has a small chance of being moved, because if ANY of the recently changed Corre guys were to be thrown back into the Monday night fires, it would be Barrett. In the end, however, Wade only has a 10% chance of going back to the Nexus foray on Raw.

The rest of the roster is unimportant and as such can go either way (50/50). Many of them could be looted in the supplemental draft or because they’re THAT unimportant, will stay right where they are.

Sorry for such a long-winded read out, but I felt a little effort needed to be put into this one. :)
F the draft. F the brands for that matter. Everyone on one show. One world champion. That will solve the problem of the same people fighting each other in the main events all time, instead of pushing guys who are not ready into the title scene. Oh before you say it, yeah I know, "But Scuba a lot of talent will be left off the show." Um, I would argue there is a good deal of talent that dont belong on the show. I dont know if all those dudes from Nexus really went back to FCW but might as well send em there. Same for Corre, except maybe Barrett. Most of the guys should have never been brought up to the main roster. There's a real simple formula for success its : less is more. Maybe raw wouldnt be so boring if we didnt have all these pointless segments week in and out. Thats just me.
With the draft coming up, who do you guys think will make the switch?
Here are my pics:

Undertaker- why not finish out his career on RAW
Drew McIntyre- he is super stale on SD
Beth Phoenix- she doesnt do anything anymore on SD
LayCool- they have outgrown SD, and need to be in the spotlight on RAW

Randy Orton- he could be the top face for a chance while Cena is top face on RAW
Sheamus- he could have good matches with Rey, Edge, plus he has exhausted any other potential feud after Mania on RAW
Ted DiBiase- he has nothing left on RAW
Eve- could be better on SD
Natalya- could be another top face alongside Eve on SD
Bella Twins- second heels next to Melina
For the most part I can agree with you. However, here are my 2 issues.

Undertaker will stay on SD! He is the face of SD! and has been for a long time. In a vague metaphor, it would kinda be like Cena going over to TNA for a year to finish his career. To me it really wouldn't make sense. More RAW appearances? Definitely. But not a permanent move.

Randy Orton will not be going to SD! While I like the idea of him being the top face, Edge has sort of accidentally already done that. Plus they have christian as well.

Here's my list (Both Live and Supplemental):

To RAW from SD!
-Kofi Kingston (US Title Run)
-Del Rio (Various Main event Feuds)
-Kane (Become Stale on SD)
-Masters (Stale)
-McIntyre (Stale)
-Swagger (Stale)
-Tyler Recks (Starting to forget about him and I think he has great potential
-Kelly Kelly (Time for a Diva's Championship)
-Layla (Time to split up Lay-cool)
-Beth Phoenix (Awesome Kong, nuff said)

To SD! From RAW
-David Heart Smith and Kid (If they dont get laid off)
-Khali (Too boring for live TV)
-Goldust (Possible program with Rhodes)
-Morrison (WHC Run, He's ready)
-R-Truth (Stale)
-Sheamus (Various new feuds)
-Dibiase (Stale, possible IC Title Run)
-Ryder (Stale, Possibly reunite with Hawkins)
-Usos (Stale)
-Gail Kim
-Alicia Fox

I didn't realize this until after I finished it, but this draft seems very plausible to me. Thoughts?
On Smackdown, I would like to see Sheamus drafted so he can finally team up with Drew McIntyre. It would likely be the boost McIntyre needs and they would be one formidable team.

On Raw I want to see Cody Rhodes drafted. He established a unique character out of a generic pretty boy gimmick, and for that he deserves a chance to shine on Raw.
I think the WWE really needs ro review the situation with RAW and SmackDown being two seperate brands because superstars seem to be appearing on all shows now regardless.

I don't mind either way if the RAW and SmackDown brands are kept seperate or if the WWE is united and the drafts are done away with.

The WWE really needs to make its mind up which way they want it, because if they keep it the way it is just now, the fans will become dis-illusioned with it and lose interest if that hasn't happened already.

Although I agree with the general overall opinion that Sheamus, DH Smith and Ted Debiase Jr are all badly needing a push, so if the WWE can sort this brand fiasco out, I'm sure a move for a fresh start will do these wrestlers good.
I'd like to see Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne moved over to Smackdown. Hopefully it will get them out of the midcard grind on Raw. Both of them fill the unfortunate position of being a jobber to bigger stars, despite having more talent.

If they can get out of the spotlight of Raw, where there's no room for advancement, they might be able to get over with their wrestling ability on Smackdown. Have them challenge Wade Barrett for the Intercontinental Championship, or better yet, Alberto Del Rio for the World Championship (like he's not going to walk out of Mania as the champ...).
okay for me the big movers would be .............
Undertaker - to Raw - hopefully this will be a slow burner for the Cena match next year at WM
Sheamus - to smackdown - hes got lost in Raw and id just think it would help him get a push may be team up with Drew
William Regal -to smackdown ( if he isn't the raw mystery gm) to manage the above
Beth phoenix - to raw - get ready for awesome Kong
Randy orton - smackdown - boring me on raw at the moment but in truth a straight swap for the undertaker .
Great khali - smackdown - have a feud with the Big show
Laycool - to raw - follow her husband
Goldust - to smackdown - to team up with his younger brother - this could be interesting
Kane - to raw to join his brother but get dropped right into the main event scene and win it
Mark Henry - to smackdown - get invovled in Big Show , khali feud
I think realistically the Draft has about what 20 picks a year or so?

That means I think:

Cody Rhodes- has really stepped up, and deserves fresh matches and feuds
Drew McIntyre- has nothing left on SD
Jack Swagger- working with Michael Cole
Chris Masters- has worked harder to get off of Superstars, could fight for US title
JTG- another jobber for RAW, maybe some comedy bits
Chavo Guerrero- comedy bits
Awesoome Kong- she may be in the draft, who knows
LayCool- stale on SD
Beth Phoenix- to feud with Kong

John Morrison- face for world title picture
Sheamus- a heel for the main event
Daniel Bryan- SD is more wrestling based anyways
Skip Sheffield- when he returns from injury, there are too many heels on RAW
Evan Bourne- has no mic skills
David Hart Smith- separate him from Tyson
Primo- fresh start
Ted DiBiase- horribly stale
William Regal- help out younger guys
Maryse- with LayCool and Kong as heels on RAW, she wouldnt have a chance
Bella Twins- same thing as Maryse
Gail Kim- switched for Beth
I think the biggest thing that should happen in this years draft is send Cena to smackdown! smackdown needs more numbers, and who brings more numbers both positive and negative than cena? and he could go and fued with the corre, seeing how him and barrett already have their bad history. This time tho, he could actually get beat up by the corre. raw already has enough stars to carry them without cena. and cena could even fued with alberto del rio, like he did with jbl before, seeing how jbl and delrio are similar.
USA Network executive Ted Linhart (@TedonTV) has revealed on his twitter that The annual WWE Draft will be held next Monday, April 25 on a two hour episode of RAW. It was rumored the draft would not take place this year due WWE's recent relaxed nature of Superstars crossing brands.


The entire roster of WWE Superstars and Divas will take part in the 2011 WWE Draft next week, April 25, on MONDAY NIGHT RAW live on USA Network at 9/8c.

In a thrilling night of television, all WWE Superstars and Divas, including WWE Champion The Miz, John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Alberto Del Rio and SinCara along with WWE Divas Champion Brie Bella, Eve and Kelly Kelly could be drafted to either RAW or SmackDown.

After Monday Night’s momentous draft, John Cena could be on “Friday Night Smackdown,”
which airs each week on Syfy at 8/7c and Rey Mysterio could be coming to MONDAY NIGHT RAW.

The Annual WWE Draft is a chance to renew old rivalries or have WWE Superstars face off against each other for the very first time, bringing a new and fresh feel to each show.

For more details on the WWE Draft, log onto www.wwe.com.
Surely it would make sense to do it on one of the 3 hour shows they have coming up, also so soon before a ppv doesn't make sense

Totally agree but it would be pretty interesting... like if christan was drafted to raw or alberto before extreme rules, and they win the ladder match, they can be coming to raw as the world heavyeright champion.

This could also be an interpromtional match if it happens. But then i heard that the draft is 2 hours. Thats BS. Doesnt Tough Enough Come on before raw? Whats on after Raw. I hope this is wrong. But surely pretty hope that this draft is gonna be good

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