WWE Draft April 25

Idk if it will happen, but the release teases Cena to Smackdown. And Cena is set to appear on Smackdown on the April 26th taping. Maybe just a coincidence.
To Smackdown -
John Morrison - Star potential waiting to break free, and with a character update, could become one of the top 2 or 3 faces on SD

Daniel Bryan - Same as above. Also would work fantastically with the mobile hard hitting talented young heels on SD

Sheamus and the US title - Always seemed weird to me on RAW anyway, and Sheamus could be a major player in his current heel role or a monster face role. Doing little to nothing on his current brand.

Randy Orton - SD needs a top tier star now that Edge has retired. Orton can have his own show and stop sharing the sunshine with Cena

To RAW -
Wade Barrett and the IC title - Corre is breaking up soon anyway, fuck it. Wade Barrett is much more of a talker/character than a solid wrestler, so he fits right into the RAW landscape.

Alberto Del Rio - he is ready for the big time. Over, good promos, good character for the spotlight.
This is definitely in response to Edge's retirement and that's a good thing for sure. One thing that interests me is that this is the week before Extreme Rules, meaning that a lot of stuff at the PPV could change or a lot of stuff could change at the PPV. Either way, this is a good thing as there are a lot of changes that need to happen before we get way too unbalanced. SD was weak on faces already and now they're virtually bankrupt. SOmeone has to make the jump. i'd put Orton there probably as he doesn't have anything to do right now really.
they pretty much have to do a draft. Edge left leaving a huge void on SD. There is no way they could wait till June. I say end the brand extension, but since the draft is gonna happen there may a place for it. Whats exactly wrong with 2 hours? Its not like theyre gonna have big names this year because all the big names have pretty much left besides Cena and Orton. Orton could probably be the pick that shocks everyone

I say the picks should be


Beth Phoenix- to feud with Kong
Chris Masters- fresh start
Drew McIntyre- horribly stale
Jack Swagger- turn him face
Rey Mysterio- has no more options on SD
Tyler Reks- fresh start
Trent Barreta
Curt Hawkins- put back into a tag team with Ryder to save the tag division
Wade Barrett- Corre is breaking up regardless
Michelle McCool- split up LayCool
Awesome Kong- maybe she will debut during the draft


Alicia Fox- is barely on RAW anymore
Daniel Bryan- only good for wrestling
David Hart Smith- fresh start
Evan Bourne- fresh start
The Usos- disappeared from RAW
Randy Orton- could be the face of SD along with Christian
Maryse- barely on RAW anymore
Ted DiBiase- either this or released
Melina- split her from Morrison and politics
Natalya- could be the top face on SD
Sin Cara- traded for Rey, his entrance could be edited
Sheamus- has no more options on RAW
Yoshi Tatsu- same as Daniel Bryan
Yea, the two hour thing isnt a huge deal. We will likely only see 4 or 5 guys make moves anyway, one per segment would easily fit into a show. The roster is pretty depleted on real name power these days, so its not a huge deal.
Well this is suprising as many people have said. right before the PPV. Well this could change everything if one of the title match people were drafted as that could mean the WWE championship on smackdown or vice versa for the whc and raw. I can't wait too see how this turns out, and pesonally I'd like to see Cena moved to SD and Rey to come to raw. Sin Cara and Rey make a tag team or something :p
Theres no way that Sin Cara is going to the blue team. He just debuted & theyre trying to push this guy, why throw him on SmackDown when he could be a star on WWE's flagship brand. No, sorry, but Sin Cara is staying on RAW.

Rey Mysterio to RAW (he's spent his entire WWE career on SD, except for the one year he was on RAW. it's time for a brand switch for the Master of the 619. Maybe we can see a team of Bourne/Mysterio or Sin Cara/Mysterio to add something back to the tag team division. Also, maybe we see a few Rey vs. Sin Cara matches?)

Undertaker to RAW (he's a legend, the poster boy for WrestleMania & with him retiring in the next couple of years, or sooner, why not retire being on the roster of WWE's flagship program. If we can't get a match with Cena & 'Taker at 'Mania, give em a match on RAW. Also I'd like to see 'Taker knock Miz's lights out.)

Kane to RAW (he needs a change of brand. The Big Red Machine needs to be on the Big Red Brand. I can see a feud with Sheamus, CM Punk again, The Miz, Ziggler etc.)

Randy Orton to SmackDown (he's feuded with everybody on RAW, heels & faces. SmackDown needs to fill the empty space that Edge left & as much as I wish Christian could take Edge's place, I don't see WWE doing that. Randy is due to go to the blue brand & start off fresh on his own show. Cena owns RAW. Orton owns SmackDown.)

Ted DiBiase to SmackDown (he's barely used on RAW so send him to SD, he has a better chance of being used more often there.)

Chris Masters to RAW (his "big push" that is supposedly coming should start on RAW. Give him some wins over guys like Ziggler, Punk, Morrison & maybe take him up to main event level like he was back in 2006.)

Alicia Fox to SmackDown (SD needs more heel Divas, throw her on the blue team, even if shes jobbing to Phoenix & K2 every week.)

Drew McIntyre to RAW (the only faces that The Chosen One has yet to really feud with is Rey, Christian, Kane, Undertaker, & Big Show. He's faced Rey in multiple matches, had a few matches for the IC title & a few other matches with Kane, got wrecked by Taker in a match about a year ago & Christian & Big Show are involved in feuds already. Yep, send him to the "Chosen Brand". I personally would like to see McIntyre feud with Cena & Sin Cara.)

With E.R. coming up, I don't see Christian or Del Rio swapping brands in the early beginnings of their current feud.

Cena is the face of the WWE & can't leave the flagship show. Cena will pretty much always be a member of the RAW roster.

CM Punk got traded to RAW a few months ago so you can't send him back to SmackDown.

Michael Cole is on both brands.... FIRE HIM DAMMIT!! Or make him less annoying. He needs to commentary on the matches, not interupt them & talk about how awesome he is.

The Miz is the WWE Champion & I see him feuding with Cena for a little longer so Miz stays.

Jericho is coming back after DWTS so I see him coming back to RAW. Remember, RAW IS JERICHO!
Quite simply put! as the main guys to switch!
To Raw!
Alberto Del Rio: new feuds on raw & he is a ME guy now!
Drew Mccintyre: start fresh

Randy Orton: SD! #1 face
Chris Jericho: add another face
Sin Cara: turn heel to feud with rey or have them team up!
Alex Riley: split him and Miz up!
Daniel Bryan: feuds are getting stale
To RAW Wade Barrett will bring the IC Title with him and then kick the shit out of CM Punk. Rey Rey I liked when he was on RAW a few years back sense I don't watch Smack Down much. The Big Show and Kane both are awesome no pun intended they can be a heel or face on RAW they work good both ways, I hate saying this but Alberto Del Rio I think He will fit really well on the RAW brand Gail Kim for some reason I think she will get drafted to RAW this year.

To Smack Down Evan Borne He's a great wrestler he is a gifted man no doubt about it but The ''Blue'' Brand I think would fit him perfectly, Sheamus with him being the US Champion he should go to Smack Down and face other men besides Daniel Bryan, Nikki Bella The '' Twin Magic '' thing I think has run it's course on RAW they need to split the sister's up, The Miz he started on Smack down he should go back to Smack Down John Cena same thing like The Miz Vicki should go back to smack down she sucks enough said.
With the retirement of Edge, SD is in need of someone to carry the show. Everyone keeps saying Randy. But I think it is time to see Cena go to SD. His time on RAW has been good, but there is nothing for him to do on RAW anymore. He has beaten everyone on the roster, he has nothing to prove on RAW anymore.
Idk if it will happen, but the release teases Cena to Smackdown. And Cena is set to appear on Smackdown on the April 26th taping. Maybe just a coincidence.

Yeah. John Cena's not going to smackdown. Do you really think they would build up JOHN CENA vs. THE ROCK at WRESTLEMANIA on what they class as the 2nd rate show? Not gonna happen.

Anyway onto the topic.
Ortons going to Smackdown- Theres nothing for him on RAW.
ABR may go to RAW- I see that once Jericho returns, he'll start a fued with him possibly as members of the red brand. But since he's in a fued with Christian, I'm not sure.

I dont really know about the rest. Alot of the time they just trade random mid-low carders for no reason.

There should be a major shakeup this year with some big changes.
The only reason I can think of for moving Cena to SD is for the hype of the match between him and Rock to calm down and allow us to put it into the back of our minds. However I can't see them moving Cena to SD because he is the face of Monday Nights.

Now with the face of Friday Nights hanging up the boots SD needs to find that new face and who better than Randy Orton. Orton is vastly over and arguably the biggest face in the company today and he needs some spicing up and moving to SD can do just that. Orton would get some fresh opponent and gets him right back into the world title picture. This is Orton's chance to carry a brand and separate himself from John Cena.

Who else could use a move to the blue brand besides Orton? John Morrison, Sheamus, and Daniel Bryan come to mind. Morrison is stuck in that position where he has yet to grasp the brass ring and is a darling amongst a lot of wrestling fans. Moving Morrison allows him to shine on the more wrestling based SD and maybe gets him into the world title picture for good. Sheamus, I think is the least likely of the three I mentioned to move. It looks like the Celtic Warrior is about to embark in a program with the ever exciting Sin Cara. Sheamus does need that freshing up and moving to SD could do that, but I think he will remain a fixture on Raw for the time being. And now Daniel Bryan. DB returned and was propelled right into things. He main evented Summerslam and quickly became US champ. Since losing the belt there doesn't seem much left for him to do on Raw. Bryan could really thrive on SD and become a star over there.

Now who does Raw pick up in return? Christian or Del Rio could help out the Raw brand. Raw is likely to lose a star, so why not pick one up in return. I don't think they'll make ADR make the move as he'll likely play 3rd fiddle in the heel department behind Miz and Punk. Christian is also likely not to move either as the WHC title is up in the air right now. That leaves one guy as a star guy and that's Wade Barrett. I think Wade is likely to lose the IC title soon and with the friction in the Corre picking up, separating Barrett is the best move. We know Wade is capable of being a star, so lets see it happen. Mysterio is the only other main eventer I could see moving. Raw will need a face if they lose any of the above and Mysterio could step right in. Though with Sin Cara on Raw I'm not sure how likely that is.
How load and frequent does this have to be said, 'Cena is NOT going to SD!'? He's the company face, set for the big awful match next WM and set to chase Mizanin for the title for next few months. Likewise, ADR will take the strap at ER and is must into a feud with Christian, unlike TNA, writers in WWE may be bad, but they do let crap ideas ferment.

To SD!:
Bryan Danielson - not meshing on RAW due to 'sports ed' lead programme, so move him.
Sheamus - takes the US title with him, another running out of feuds and needing change.
JoMo - Not going to break through on RAW, so pull the trigger and make him the new Edge.
Alex Riley - time to stand on his own and see if he can make it alone.
Evan Bourne - Like JoMo, stuck in a rut on RAW, so move him.
Gail Kim - Keep her alongside Danielson
Randy Orton - out of feuds on RAW and the second most bankable star, so replaces Edge.

Drew McIntyre - not sparked on SD, move him to RAW to feud with Cena.
Kane - with Taker likely to stay on RAW, sets up the end of feud battle.
Big Show - Better suited to Sports Ed ethos on RAW
Jack Swagger - Seems to be teased recently, so pull the trigger.
Layla - Laycool is toast, so send her to RAW to be fed to Kong.
Wade Barrett - Corre storyline might last through ER so might a bit early, but puts the IC back on RAW where it belongs. Gives Gabriel et al space to shine.
Only thing I want to see : Orton to SD.

Anything other than that would be a huge disappointment for me. SD lacks a big babyface, we all are aware of it. We also know that Cena is not gonna spend the build-up for his WM 28 match on the B show.

Orton really doesn't know how to talk or as he himself has said, he even doesn't like to work the mic. So SD will provide enough for him to do what he wants to do. It will be a fresh start for both himself and SD.

This will even open the space for Miz to turn face. All of WWE new stars are heels. With Orton not on Raw, We could have our next big babyface.

Other interesting options will be Barret or the whole Corre to RAW, McIntyre to Raw, Truth to SD, Bryan to SD, Big Show to RAW.
Ok so superstarts I have being traded to Smackdown

1. Randy Orton to Smackdown now with Edge gone there going to need top new face to go to show. Cena is the face of RAW and due to bein ginvolved with the Rock hes not going over. So Orton will go over to Smackdown.

2. Ted Dibiase nothing is clicking for this superstar on RAW def needs to get a change of direction place Ted to Smackdown and you can either turn him to face or keep as heel but def needs some change there.

3. John Morrison to Smackdown I know hes been dealt back and forth but hes not getting pushed over as much and due to heat on RAW feel Smackdown is were he can make his mark.

4. Gail Kim and Nikki Bella will be Traded to Smackdown from Divas Roster

5. Alex Riley It's time to break up The Miz and Alex Riley can def transition over well for Riley onto Smackdown as can def be put over as heel.

6. Michael Tarver- no t getting any exposure on RAW needs to get sent to Smackdown can def develop well on Smackdown

Ok So Superstars going to RAW

1. Jack Swagger Swagger has had great time on Smackdown needs to change over to RAW can turn him face and have great feuds with Sheamus Dolph Ziggler The Miz and more or even if kept him as a heel would work well with John Cena Daniel Bryan etc.

2. Drew Mcintyre Drew needs to get moved was up high mid card status a year ago now to jobbing to Rey Mysterio def needs to get moved over to RAW.

3. Kane needs to get moves since being paired up with Big Show doesnt fit his demeanor make hm a great heel on Raw side again

4. Beth Phoenix and Layla get traded from Divas to RAW side this will fit well with Awesome Kong debuting on RAW.

5. Justin Gabriel can def be truned into face now since the Corre is dismantling and Justin now eliminted Wade Barrrett during Battle Royal. Break Slater and him up after lose titles on RAW or Smackdown to Santino and Kozlov and Let Gabriel become next big thing on RAW
It's probably going to be 9 Person Draft again. Right now I can't see any of the big names like Cena, Orton, Triple H, Undertaker, or Mysterio jumping shows. I think we are going to see some semi-big names freshen things up a little though:

Kane - Probably a feud against Cena, Orton, or Morrison?
Laycool - Michelle McCool and Layla in the Supplemental Draft
Kofi Kingston - Swapping Bourne
Drew McIntyre - Swapping Debiase (the failed Heel star)

To Smackdown!:
Sheamus - Probably a good heel run possibly turning to huge monster face?
Evan Bourne - Swapping Kofi Kingston
Mileena - Maybe as punishment they'll split Morrison and Mileena up?
Michael Cole - Maybe as Swagger's manager. Actually thought Swagger will move to RAW but it looks like Ziggler and Vikcie has that heel + manager slot.
Ted Debiase w/ Maryse? - The Failed Heel Push (swapping with McIntyre)
The Draft is always fun to talk about, but I usually end up disappointed. This is what I hope happens.

FROM Smackdown TO Raw

Trent Barreta: Moving to Raw could really benefit this extremely talented youngster. If Raw keeps guys like Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan, and Evan Bourne, Barreta would (hopefully) have a chance to show how great he can be. Not sure WWE has any plans for this kid, but I hope they do.

Jack Swagger: He's a mid-carder, end of story. Or is it?? He's very talented, but he can't talk for shit. I would love to see he and Michael Cole team up with Miz and Riley. Maybe not an official stable, but I think together, they all could be quite entertaining, with Swagger as the muscle behind all of those mouth-runners.

FROM Raw TO Smackdown

I won't lie -- I care much more about Raw than I do Smackdown. So, with that being said, I'm hoping Smackdown gets some of the guys I just don't care about/dislike.

John Morrison: Nice athlete, and that's about it. Doesn't interest me, at all, and I think he could actually do himself a lot of good on Smackdown. With Edge being out, they're down a top face. Christian as the #1, and before summer is out, no reason why Morrison can't be the World Heavyweight Champion. Gets him off of Raw, and pleases his marks. Works for me.

R-Truth: Just another guy I have no interest in seeing. I can fast-forward through what he's doing on Smackdown, and not worry about missing anything important.

Sheamus: To be honest, I don't hate Sheamus nearly as much as I once did. Actually, I don't hate him at all. However, that doesn't mean I'm all that interested. On Smackdown, he could challege Del Rio for being the #1 heel, and have some great matches with Christian.

Ted DiBiase: I understand this forum is filled with people who hate this kid, but, I'm not one of them. I think he has loads of potential, if only he were given the opportunity to make something happen. On Smackdown, he could be a great mid-carder, challenging Kofi and the like for I.C. titles and such. He needs a fresh start, and that needs to be on a show where he can be featured.

Drew Mcintyre - He needs a fresh start so I would like to see him in the ring with some new people to see if he is really worth keeping around.

Kane - With him being a face he needs seperation from the Undertaker so we aren't reminded of last year

Cody Rhodes - He is really getting over and its time to move to the A show.

LayCool - Their Beautiful People rip off deserves to keep going on RAW.

Jack Swagger - I want to see Miz finally create a full on stable that consists of Miz, Riley, Swagger and a 4th to team with Riley. With Cole as their spokesperson.


Orton - Every has already said it, Smackdown needs a new face to feud with Alberto Del Rio. Christian is destined for a heel turn too.

Sheamus - He needs a change of scenery and when Taker is back this would be a great feud.

Zak Ryder - he might get some time on a show with less stars

Nexus - Everyone but Punk.
This is a mix of what i want to see, and what i think will happen:

Zack Ryder to SD! Vince has to be aware how much of a following this guy has been getting through his Twitter and Youtube, give him a chance on SD!

Swagger to RAW. He has been on there a few weeks in a row now anyways, can see it happening. Turns on Cole, turns face and feuds for US Title.

Alex Riley to SD! Guy has undeniable talent both in the ring and on the mic, he needs to get away from the Miz and start making a name for himself.

Orton to SD! Think this will happen, SD needs a new top face/babyface to feud with Del Rio.

McIntyre to RAW: Over to RAW to tag with Sheamus. (Thats all i've got, the midcard on RAW Is already packed as it is....)

Would also like to see Ziggler back on SD!, he is just going to get left doing nothing on RAW.
Here's who should move imo:

To Smackdown:

*Evan Bourne- he's been getting buried on RAW. A move to Smackdown and competing for the IC title might help him out. Maybe even put him in a big time mid card feud to help put him over.

*Randy Orton- This would be big for Orton. If Orton wants to become a top face for the company, going to the sister show would be good for his career. Plus I wouldn't mind seeing a Kane/Orton feud for the WHC some time during the year.

Sheamus- Sheamus vs Barrett for the IC Title at Summerslam. Nuff said.

Ted Dibiase- another guy getting buried and going nowhere. maybe a good face turn and fresh start on SD might do good for him.


The Undertaker- He's been on SD forever and honestly he gets bigger pops on RAW anyway. It's time for the deadman to come to RAW and end his career on the A show. Plus I want my Deadman/SuperCena match for crying out loud.

Kofi Kingston- What better way to livin up the midcard than the heart and soul of the midcard. we can get some great exciting matches too like Bryan/Kofi and even return of one of the greatest feuds in WWE history: Ziggler/Kofi. Also a Kofi/Truth black man vs black man feud would be cool since both are total opposites.

Drew Mcintyre- getting buried on SD and really not getting over at all. Maybe a face turn and a feud with Miz (Chosen One vs Awesome One) over who is true new face of the WWE would do good for him.

Jack Swagger- He seems more fitting on RAW and as a face.
I am quite excited by this, but seems strange they are doing it now and not after Elimination Chamber. Anyway, I would like to see:


Big Show - Would aid the Mid/Main Event and would put over Miz and Punk to make them look stronger.

Jack Swagger - Wasted on Smackdown. Move to Raw to freshen up his character and a new direction.

Drew McIntyre - Move to Raw would reignite interest in his character. I think he has potential.

Chris Masters - I like Masters, could be a credible mid event heel again. See what the Raw writers can do with him.


Triple H - He can carry the show. Straight into the weak Main Event picture. Can have a fued with Taker.

John Morrison - There is a space left by Edge. Unfortunately JoMo only has about 10% of his charisma but is decent in the ring so move him over.

Sheamus - A lack of heels on Smackdown in the main event title picture. Del Rio and that is it.

Ted Dibiase - Needs a move and needs it now. Openings for him on Smackdown with the talent I have moved to Raw.

Tyson Kidd - As above. He is good in the ring and could do well at mird card on Smackdown.

Zack Ryder - Has potential. Give him exposure on Smackdown. Maybe the US Belt?! And get Barrett in the Title picture.
Now, like most things in my life, I relate the draft to one thing - CM Punk. I've been concerned for Punk as of late. Don't get me wrong, I think it's tremendous that they gave him a minifeud with John Cena (who he was exceptional chemistry with) and I was delightfully surprised when he pulled an interesting feud and some really good matches out of Randy Orton. Heck, he and Randy would have stolen the show at 'Mania if it weren't for that pesky Cody Rhodes, and they were chosen to have the annual 20+ minute match on the UK Raw. But there's something amiss.

That something, I feel, is that the fist on his shirt is yellow and not white. Not only have the New Nexus (up there with New England in terms of things that aren't actually that new) soiled an otherwise badass t-shirt, but they seem to be doing their best to soil a badass wrestler. They haven't succeeded, but they're certainly putting a dampener on things. I'd liken them to a wet fart after a passionate love-making session. Sure, the sex was fantastic, but you're left thinking about the fart and not how hard you came.

How best to escape this moist flatulence? Send Punk to SmackDown of course! Thinking about it, there's very little left that I'd like to see Punk do on Raw. He was briefly the best thing about the announce team. He had several great matches with Cena. He was a big part of Randy Orton's resurgence as someone worth watching. He's cut promos that perhaps weren't his best work but were a tier above anyone else's offerings all the same. The only other thing I'd like to see is a feud with Daniel Bryan; and I'm hoping that Bryan will also be heading to SmackDown.

Leave the New Nexus on Raw. Have Randy Orton's stock drop as he feuds with Mason Ryan. Separate Punk from those peons and give him some fresh feuds on SmackDown. Considering how much better he is than Alberto Del Rio, he's a shoe-in to become the brand's top heel. Christian vs. CM Punk might not seem like a dream match on paper but I suspect the two might work together surprisingly well.

As for "the Christian situation", I see nothing wrong with it. I don't want Cena or Orton or even Triple H on SmackDown. Christian, in my eyes, is a suitable top face. If he falls, Rey Mysterio is there to catch him. Kofi Kingston, Kane and Big Show are there too. Maybe send over a couple of midcard faces to strengthen the safety net - I reckon Daniel Bryan and Tyson Kidd are just the ticket, even if I'm not entirely sure of the latter's alignment - and bingo bango, situation resolved.

No need to thank me. It's what I do.
SmackDown needs faces. It's really that simple and I think a lot of the guys on RAW will really benefit from a move to the blue brand. Smaller guys like Daniel Bryan and even Evan Bourne won't get that much room on RAW whilst SmackDown is in need for the likes of them. No doubt SmackDown will lose at least one of their top stars as is the annual standard. Christian and Del Rio should remain but Kane or Show or Barrett or someone like that will end up on RAW.

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