WWE Draft April 25

Most of my opinions have already been stated but I'll just restate them
first from
Raw to Smackdown i think :
Zack Ryder-the guy has charisma and is talented he's just getting buried with all the other talent on Raw let him challenge for the IC title

Sheamus-He started off huge on Raw but letely he seems to be going downhill let him dominate on Smackdown and have a good run with the title

John Morrison- Morrison has looked great lately and deserves a shot with the title but lets be honest he won't get his first world title on Raw when he has to get past Orton and Cena

Ted Dibiase- this ones obvious right now he's on life support on Raw he desperately needs a move to Smackdown and a fresh start to revitalize his career

David Otunga- I think they will use the draft to split up the Nexus and Corre and start to let them start their singles careers and it seems like WWE wants Otunga to have a succesful career but he is not ready for that so let him hone his skills on Smackdown

The Usos- They are irrelavent on Raw right now and I think they should start to build the Tag teams back up on Smackdown so it would be smart to get as many teams on Smackdown as possible

Nikki Bella and Gail Kim- Nikki has potential I think shes starting to get better in the ring and Gail Kim is just not used correctly on Raw let them go to Smackdown and try to become relevant again

Michael Tarver- when they decide to have him wrestle again there is no room for him on Raw at least on Smackdown he could have a chance

Now for the Smackdown to Raw moves
Layla- I think they'll use this chance to break up Laycool and Michelle will probably stay on Smackdown with Undertaker

Dolph Ziggler- he has greatly improved the past year and shown he can put on good matches with everyone let him feud with Cena or Orton for the title

Josh Mathews- with the likely retirement or the King coming up they will need someone to be with Cole on commentary and I think Mathews is the best bet

Chris Masters- I've heard that Masters is in line for a nice push sometime soon and I think that will come with a nice feud between him and Bryan for the US title and who better to make Masters look like gold than Bryan also they can have some nice submission matches

Tyler Reks- He has been winning alot on Superstars let him debut on Raw and dominate the lower mid card for awhile untill he gets the crowd behind him then let him compete for the mid card title

Wade Barrett- Like I said with Otunga I think the draft will bring an end to the Nexus and Corre and I think Slater and Gabriel should stay on Smackdown as a tag team while Barrett sets off for his singles career which he is more than ready for

Now people I don't think should move that others have stated

Christian- with Edge talking about retirement I think Christian will play a part in Edges last run whether it's a feud between them or reforming their tag team

McIntyre- If he moves to Raw I think he will get lost in the shuffle rather quickly so he should stick to smackdown a bit longer.

Del Rio- The only reason I don't have him moving to Raw is because I think he is going to win the title at Mania then win his rematch with Edge freeing Edge up for a nice final run with Christian and Del Rio can feud with the newly drafted Morrison

Riley- I think they should keep him with the Miz and with the Miz more than likely losing to Cena at Mania they can have the slow build angle of Miz and Riley turning on eachother with Riley eventually losing in a loser leaves the show and he can move to Smackdown like that
My thoughts are...

Don't have a fuckin draft until wrestlers are actually established to a brand!

Unify these titles already.
I gotta say, the concept of the draft seems pointless now. As a few have pointed out, the brand divide only seems to matter for selective story purposes. Really, the guys in focus end up being on both anyways. I say do away with the phony brand war altogether and get back to focusing on solid story angles... like it was before the split. Unify the world titles... bring back the tag division... maybe go back to the cruiserweight division too... for that matter, why not bring about an angle where guys have agents ( sort of a modern take on managers ) who could be played by lesser talents and retired guys... these guys work in a story angle that explains how guys get booked for TV time... hell, the angle could go just about anywhere.... guys with no mic skills just get set up with the better talking agent until they develop... this could expand the whole stable premise and reopen the case for reestablishing a commissioner character... rather than saturating the product with too much TV exposure filled with underdeveloped talent, condense everything into two solid shows per week that cover one product... that just me talkin'...

And for God's sake, bring Kurt Angle back to E...
I think Ted DiBiase should go to SmackDown. The blue brand did wonders for Cody and now it's time for the two to swap brands.

Alberto Del Rio should go to Raw. Whether he wins the title at WM or not, he is definitely ready to be a top heel on Raw when all this Nexus stuff is over.

Dolph Ziggler- is probably going to Raw one way or another, as he was "Fired" from SmackDown...

R-Truth should get future endeavored.

Michael McGillicutty should head on to SmackDown. He could have some good feuds for the midcard belt, and having him feud with his former mentor Kofi would be a good storyline.

Justin Gabriel should go to Raw. I don't care what anyone says, he and Matt Sydal are by far better fliers than Rey Mysterio in my eye (Because Rey is about as high flying as Matt Hardy, with his only flying move coming after his finisher).

David Otunga should go to FCW with his buddy Harris.
I could think of many examples that I would like to see move to a new show to get a fresh start. For now, because anything could happen between now and the Draft. I will just name the main guy I would want to see switch shows and get that fresh start.

Sheamus - I would like to see him go to SmackDown to get a whole new crop of Faces to feud with. Guys like Mysterio, Edge, Christian, Kofi Kingston and various others will surely freshen up his role in WWE.

The main reason I would like to see Sheamus switch to SmackDown, is to have a feud with Undertaker. I happen to think it would be a GREAT "big man" feud and would probably surprise some people with the quality of matches they would have.
The Titantron Draft is so boring. I LOVED the Draft Lottery. It was so dramatic when the superstars are sitting in the backstage waiting to find out who is going to move. I remember when Triple H went to Smackdown due to Cena picking him out of the Draft Roller, the whole RAW Roster sang Goodbye to Triple H, it was just so great. Unfortunately, I doubt they'd bring that back. Now, back on topic:

Drew McIntyre - ALOT of people KNOW he is a future champion. A move to RAW can make him grow bigger as he can fued with Cena, Orton, etc. The only problem is that Edge/McIntyre is just bound to happen, so I dont see Drew going to RAW.

Michael McGillicutty - Get him out of Nexsucks and move him to SmackDown. He would look great as IC, and maybe even have him as a face.

Evan Bourne - He NEEDS to go to SmackDown. Hes a wasted talent on RAW, have him go to SmackDown and into the IC Division. Maybe Gabriel and him can fued or pair up as a tag team. That would be great.

Cody Rhodes - Get him on RAW. He's to good for the mid-carders on SmackDown, and Rhodes/Danielson just has a good fued ring to it.

Jack Swagger - He had the WHC for like what, 2 days? I doubt anyone would remember him having the world title in 3 years. Have him go to RAW and challenge for the US Title. Cmon, have him live up to his name as the All-American and be a future US Champion.

Mason Ryan - Have him go to SmackDown for a while, and see how he is as a singles competitor [i mean with no Nexus/Corre crap] there are to many main event stars on RAW for him to get noticed IMO.
The Titantron Draft is so boring. I LOVED the Draft Lottery. It was so dramatic when the superstars are sitting in the backstage waiting to find out who is going to move. I remember when Triple H went to Smackdown due to Cena picking him out of the Draft Roller, the whole RAW Roster sang Goodbye to Triple H, it was just so great. Unfortunately, I doubt they'd bring that back. Now, back on topic:

Drew McIntyre - ALOT of people KNOW he is a future champion. A move to RAW can make him grow bigger as he can fued with Cena, Orton, etc. The only problem is that Edge/McIntyre is just bound to happen, so I dont see Drew going to RAW.

Michael McGillicutty - Get him out of Nexsucks and move him to SmackDown. He would look great as IC, and maybe even have him as a face.

Evan Bourne - He NEEDS to go to SmackDown. Hes a wasted talent on RAW, have him go to SmackDown and into the IC Division. Maybe Gabriel and him can fued or pair up as a tag team. That would be great.

Cody Rhodes - Get him on RAW. He's to good for the mid-carders on SmackDown, and Rhodes/Danielson just has a good fued ring to it.

Jack Swagger - He had the WHC for like what, 2 days? I doubt anyone would remember him having the world title in 3 years. Have him go to RAW and challenge for the US Title. Cmon, have him live up to his name as the All-American and be a future US Champion.

Mason Ryan - Have him go to SmackDown for a while, and see how he is as a singles competitor [i mean with no Nexus/Corre crap] there are to many main event stars on RAW for him to get noticed IMO.

I too loved the draft lottery way more than the new version it was great seeing all the superstars in suspense waiting for the name to be called. Then once the name was called seeing all of their reactions they should definately bbring that version back or at least an updated version of it.
The Undertaker has been a fixture on Smackdown for years now but I think as his legendary career winds down, he should be moved to RAW.

I know they are not going to move Cena to Smackdown so I'd say, send Randy Orton to Smackdown to be the top star there.

I would actually keep Del Rio on Smackdown (let him feud with Orton).

Bring Cody Rhodes back to RAW

Those are just a few of my suggestions.
So with Wrestlemania fast approaching the annual draft is most likely soon to follow. Most likely it will be on an episode of Raw following the Extreme Rules ppv. With that in mind the concept is simple....

Who goes where?

What feuds would you like to see as a result of the draft?

Will anyone go from heel to face or vice versa?

Use only Superstars that are currenty on the roster. I will come back with my picks shortly.
(1) Sheamus to Smackdown. The guy has been buried on Raw and it's time for him to re-establish himself as a monster heel on Smackdown. He should tear up the midcard there for a while and feud with Kofi. I would like to see him win the IC belt off Kofi after a while, which would allow Kofi to maybe move up a step into the upper card and be around the main event scene. Maybe he could eventually feud with the Big Show, Christian or Mysterio as they appear to be the only upper/midcard faces I can think of on the SD Roster.
As I have mentioned several times, does the draft really matter anymore. Superstars bounce from show to show with such regularity that the draft matters for about 1 month and then you start seeing superstars jumping from show to show.

I know right now it is even worse because it is Wrestlemania season, but why is Alberto Del Rios continuing is feuds on Raw, he is a smackdown superstar and all is "enemies" are Smackdown superstars (Christian, Edge, Kofi), yet they keep showing up on Raw with no explanation why?

Jericho even after he lost the tag belts kept showing up on both shows

And superstars just switch brands all year long with no real explanation why?

Until they go back to the original Brand split (like when the GM's were VKM and Flair or Stephanie and Bischoff) and actually make it seem like they are two separate brands the draft means nothing
I agree. Sheamus goes to Smackdown. Also possibly the IC and US title changing shows again with DB going to SD
Trades To SD
DH Smith (He needs to become more relevant)
Ted DiBiase (Still Think with TV Time & On his own he can grow)

Traded to RAW
Kane ( Being Taker Stay on SD i see kane going back to raw)
Del Rio (If Mistico debuts on SD)

Laycool 2 Raw
Gail Kim 2 SD
A Fox 2 SD

Thats my draft picks il do feud picks in a bit

Also: Who on gods green earth is Scott Stanford
to smackdown -
- Randy Orton or John Cena (They really need someone with a huge fan base to get more viewers even if its just for a year)
- Sheamus
- R-Truth (Nothing on raw for him to do)
- Ted DiBiase w/ Maryse
To Raw -
- Rey Mysterio
- Kane
- Drew McIntyre
- Chris Masters (Im tired of seeing him as a jobber on smackdown!
I can't see them moving Kane or Rey Mysterio to Raw. Both are in the twilight of their careers and won't really gain anything from moving ro Raw. Mysterio looks like he could be feuding for a while with Rhodes and they need him on Smackdown because he is mega over and sells tickets. Also SD is very bereft of quality faces. Kane won't move because he will most likely stay and put over the up and comers on Smackdown.
To Smackdown

1. John Cena - This move needs to happen. Cena has feuded with everyone on the Raw roster. He was drafted to Raw in 2005 and after amost 6 years of being there it is time for the change.

2. Ted Dibiase Jr. - Has become competey irrelevant on Raw. He can debut on Smackdown and immediatey go after the Intercontinental Title vowing this is a fresh start for him. He can also rejoin forces with Cody Rhodes and form the Fortunate Sons stable. Feuds with Christian, Kofi Kingston, Chris Masters, Rey Mysterio, and Edge could be interesting

3. Evan Bourne - The move to Smackdown to restart a cruiserweight division. Feuds with Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero, Trent Barretta, Sin Cara and other lightweights.

4. Yoshi Tatsu - Part of the cruiserweight division

5. Tyson Kidd - See Bourne/Tatsu. cruserweight division

6. Natalya - Has to be a Diva pick. Can turn heel and rejoin Tyson Kidd.

Wildcard - Tripe H - If he isn't hanging the boots up yet i'd hate to have him shoved down our throats on Raw again. Feuds with Cena/Edge/Big Show/Kane/Barrett/Jackson/Del Rio

To Raw

1. The Undertaker - With what seems like his career heading to the end, give him one last run on Raw. Keeps him and Cena apart until Wrestlemania next year

2. Tyler Reks - Moved to Raw as amost a re-debut. Put him into the U.S. Title picture

3. Drew McIntyre - U.S. Tite scene as well as possible Tag champ run with Sheamus

4. Curt Hawkins - Could reteam with Ryder helping refresh a dying Tag Division. Feuds with Nexus/Celtic Connection/Uso's/The Colon's(Primo and Tito) as well as.....

5. JTG- In a team with R-Truth. Honestly don't see R-Truth moving anywhere on the card and this may be the best thing for him.

6. Michelle McCoo - Its time to put an end to LayCool
Excuse my french, but Fuck Smackdown. I want Dolph (who's already there), Drew, and Christian on Raw! It won't happen.

Smackdown needs all the help they can get. And since that is the case, I want Drew with that giant WCW belt wrapped around his waste. He did feel a sense of entitlement at first, but now he's worked his way back. I feel like he's a young Trips. His role is awesome and his in ring ability is pretty damn good as far as I'm concerned.

With that being said, if I don't see Edge and Christian revitalize the tag team division in the next year, I better see them in a TLC match next year at Mania for the WCW belt. I'm gonna keep calling it that, by the way.

As for Dolph, drop the Vickie crap already. Learn to talk on a microphone. Take Miz 101 and you'll be a top talent soon enough.
Alberto Del Rio - belongs on RAW
Kofi Kingston
Jack Swagger

John Cena - too long on raw, needs new fueds.
Sheamus - main event
Daniel Bryan - solidify midcard
Uso's - tag division, possible singles run
Ted Dibiase - desperately needs this.
Kozlov - this is where he belongs, like his debut
So in the past we have seen superstars such as mvp, matt hardy, kaval, shelton benjamin, shad gaspard, vance archer,etc getting released from the company. Now we're seeing superstars such as cm punk, wade barrett,justin gabriel, heath slater, ezekial jackson, dolph ziggler, edge being traded to opposite brands. There Are BARELY any mid card superstars on Smackdown!
After all of this, will we still be seeing another wwe draft?
I am not sure if the WWE knows if they are going to do a draft this year. It seems kinda pointless as they allow superstars to go between brands whenever they please.

If they do a draft I have a feeling RAW will be sending some faces to Smackdown. Smackdown is very heel heavy.
I hope they still have have the draft this year, its one of my favorite non PPV events. Yea, there really doesn't seem like much point to swithch guys around because they vist each brand a lot already but its like that every year around WrestleMania. And for those mid carders on Smackdown, they'll get better recognition if they move over to Raw. Plus every once in awhile a title swithches brand but I guess that wouldn't matter much these days since both the brands are pretty even on titles.
Like I said, I like the Draft and don't want it to be skipped this year. I'm also really pulling for Randy Orton to go to Smackdown.
Two problems w/ WWE right now-

1. Too many heels right now. Del Rio,Corre,Nexus,Sheamus,etc. Also keep on mind that John Morrison is the only really "ready" face in the youth movement. Too many heels in the youth movement.

2.Trying to push too many young guys to where there is almost no one to compete for mid-card titles. Who besides DiBiase or Sheamus can compete for U.S title that isn't currently in a fued. Same thing for Kofi Kingston w/ I-C title. All the heels on SmackDown are already in a fued. Drew's probably the best choice but Kofi vs Drew has already happened.

As for the draft,they shouldnt do it, they shouls combine the two brands so the shows will become less predictable of what's going to happen. If this was the case right now, you could see Miz vs Rock vs Cena on SD , Corre vs Show and Kane on RAW, Del Rio vs Edge on RAW,etc.
I hope there's no draft, and in all honesty I'd like to see the brand extension end once and for all. I sincerely believe ending the extension would have several benefits.

1. With only one roster and 5 hours of weekly programming, there'd be nowhere near as much pressure put on all the new guys the WWE has been force feeding us for a while now. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the "youth movement", but a lot of these guys simply need more time to develop. With Raw and Smackdown acting as two seperate entities for the most part, the young guys are forced to knock it out of the park almost immediately or run the risk of NEVER being relevant. McIntyre comes to mind here. Just because he failed to take the world by storm and win a world title within 18 months doesn't mean he's useless. He, and many others, simply need more time to flesh out their character.

2. The resurrection of the tag team division. With only one roster, lots of guys who're having a difficult time getting over could form tag teams while honing their craft (once again, Drew McIntyre IMMEDIATELY comes to mind). Tag team wrestling is a dying art, and the WWE needs to focus at least some of their time towards bringing it back.

3. The resurrection of the lightweight/cruiserweight division. This one's simple. Give guys like Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, Primo, a debuting Sin Carna and various others a title to fight for and a storyline worth following. Seriously, the smaller guys deserve their own title. It worked for WCW for years, and there's absolutely no reason why it couldn't work now. When you can't find a way to use guys like Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Greg Helmes, Jamie Noble and countless others, you've got issues. Crusierweight wrestling is fun to watch.

4. Longer/better, more thought out feuds and storylines. This one explains itself too. Wrestlemania season isn't the only time during the year in which feuds matter. WWE's feuds often begin, play out and end over the course of less than 4 weeks. This isn't acceptable.

I could go on about this for days. The brand extension is quite possibly the worst thing that has ever happened to the WWE. Vince wants it to seem as if his company is competing with it's own damn self for crying out loud. S-T-U-P-I-D...
I second that. I don't think it was the most stupid thing ever, though, but it is stupid to keep it going now. Lately there has been a lot of inter-brand booking, and hopefully it's just the beginning of a new single roster WWE.
I see Tyson Kidd moving to smackdown. Also Daniel Bryan and Sheamus moving to smackdown is a good idea too. Christian moving to raw and the heel idea is bad right now. WWE is in need of faces and due to Mysterio's limited usage and injuries this won't work. I'd like to see the Nexus and Corre ideas broken up. Maybe Otunga to smackdown and Gabriel back to raw. The biggest moves I'd like to see is Miz to smackdown and maybe Rhodes or McIntyre to raw to give them their final push into the spotlight. Ziggler on raw is great and I do believe if done correctly, Ziggler and Morrison can help each other in their carreers. Miz feuding with Show and most importantly Edge and Christian I think is key to solidify him as a main eventer and will hush all the haters. I just wish he would have had a feud with Jericho. Miz is the soon to be face of the company and he needs to get over big time. The biggest disapointment was Big Zeke. I wish his time would have been brighter and he could have held a title.

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