WWE Draft April 25

Solid idea that I could work. They could also include a stipulation were first Smackdown picks first then Raw then vice versa to avoid what jellmo said. Overall I like it, it'd be new and fun and would be a cool way to see guys like Show, Kane, Marellla, even Cena switch with the possibility of interference.
So, the draft is coming up.

Now, we have seen the draft done a few different ways. A quick recap

1. Vince and Flair just saying who they wanted for their show for the first draft

2. Haymen and Bichoff drawing names out of a bin to see who would move

3. Inter-promotional matches where the winning brand got a pick with that computerized draft-trolla (thank you Wrestlecrap for that term)

Here is something I would like to see:

matches would be set up like this; The Raw GM would pick a wrestler/tag team/diva/whatever they would like from Smackdown, and vise-versa with the SD! GM. The two selections would face each other, and the winners, having "succesfully" defended their brand, "capture" the losers for their GM.

Any thoughts on this? could this work

I will piggy back this idea and say I wish the Draft was a PPV. Actually I wish it was the PPV after Mania. This allows a PPV with no actual build but people would tune in/buy just to see all the inter promotional stuff and see where people are going to go.

So stealing his idea above, you would say one match would be John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio...and say Cena wins so ADR has to goto RAW.

Then you could have the Miz vs Undertaker with Taker winning to make Miz goto Smackdown.

In between big name matches they could still do the random mid/lower card guys getting shuffled around.
I definitely think it could work, but lets be honest, Teddy Long isn't gonna say "I want Ted Dibiasi. He hasn't won a match in 17 months, but I like him."

In this theory all the draft picks would be main event guys.

I can see them having one match like this, Teddy has a back and forth with the laptop and they set up the main event like this wagering say, Cena vs ADR, but I don't see how they can do the whole show like that.
I like the idea but not for the entire show maybe just for a match or two

The reason why is 3 part
1) If the whole show was like that it would mean everyone who switched shows goes in with negative momentum
2) Realistically if I am a GM and have to pick who to send sight unseen why ever risk a big name when i can send my scrubs out to get picked off
3) No champions would ever switch again. Forst it would be impossible to pull off the double swap as really both champions lose on the same night...Plus why would you ever risk your champion in a match like that.
There would have to be some big prize at the end to make a GM risk their big names ...and that would have to be more than just a trophy

Although if made a PPV this is what Bragging Rights should be
like the idea....would like to see if this would also be a way to bring back a title for each brand. like the european and tv title...if the wwe feels the midcarders cannot step up then they should either bring back a smaller title or two or focus on using the mid carders in tag team to possibly helping that division. I dont like watching mid card matches with guys they feel are going nowhere unless their is a belt on the line.
I like the idea of a Draft PPV but its always nice when Draft falls on a 3 hour RAW so it felt the same. It would be nice if it happend on Smackdown a special LIVE Smackdown ofcourse...

But I just know people would complain that they didnt see it or something and its like well watch Smackdown then....

I think we all know what is going to happen though ... drafts end up being way to predictable after the ball gets rolling. I am betting either Rey or Sincara will be traded to the opposite show and it will be after a match featuring one of them and everyone will be on here and forums and chats going OMG OMG REY VS SINCARA ITS GONNA HAPPEN!!!

And then after the commerical break...the other gets traded ...

The Original Format would be better and Draft night would also be the perfect time to reveal who the GM is.
I agree with the WWE Draft PPV idea.

Right after mania. Actually keep the wrestler's on their picked shows so it matter's every year.
I'd like it if it were really unpredictable..
I would personally like it if the drawings were ACTUALLY random. How about throwing all the names into a bin like when Heyman/Bischoff did it except allow FANS to draw the names out. And I don't mean plants I mean kids, and all. Give the draft a REAL feeling of mystery. I mean can you imagine how awesome that could be?

Of course the only downside to it is you could end up having HHH Cena Orton Big Show Kane Miz and others all on SmackDown! lol.

I like your idea of the capturing the loser bid though.
I think a good idea of doing it this way is simply categorizing the 'superstars'.
Category 1 - (Main Eventers) - Cena, Orton
Category 2 - (Mid Carders) - Bryan, Sincara
Category 3 - (Lower Mid Carders/Jobbers) - Zack Ryder WWW

Then have 2 Category 3 matches followed by 2 Category 2 matches followed by your main events 2 category 1 matches.
I'd like it if it were really unpredictable..
I would personally like it if the drawings were ACTUALLY random. How about throwing all the names into a bin like when Heyman/Bischoff did it except allow FANS to draw the names out. And I don't mean plants I mean kids, and all. Give the draft a REAL feeling of mystery. I mean can you imagine how awesome that could be?

Of course the only downside to it is you could end up having HHH Cena Orton Big Show Kane Miz and others all on SmackDown! lol.

I like your idea of the capturing the loser bid though.

Yeah, there's no way a truly random draft would be a good idea. They can't book for crap when they have control of everything, if they really left the draft up to fate and ended up with too many big names on one show, they'd be screwed. Yeah, it would be nice to think even a one-sided draft like that would actually force them to do better writing and create new stars, but nah, they'd be screwed.

Unless they divided guys into tiers, although this would make the whole "spot on the card" aspect of wrestling a lot more transparent to the mainstream crowd than it has ever been. But make sure each show has to have a certain number of "A" "B" and "C" guys just to make sure it can't end up totally lopsided. Other than that basic guideline, leave it totally random.

But yes I think a draft PPV would be worth watching, certainly beats some of the other crappy PPV ideas. Let's get rid of "no blood, PG" Extreme Rules next year.
I would like to see them do all of it together

1) The respective GM gets to pick 1 star to go take home with them for their 1st pick, no if's ands or buts about it

2) Have what happens now the rest of the show

3) The main event could be your idea

but even with your idea out(Which I don't find to be a bad idea) having 1 and 2 make for a good draft
Here is one thing I would do:

If the WWE is serious about merging all the titles, then I would draft either the IC/US Champ to the opposite show, so they don't have to wait until Bragging Rights to merge titles if they so choose, and do the same with the WWE/WHC, but I would make sure all 4 of these champions were not on the same show until they merge the titles. From there, I would just let the draft happen as it has the last few years.
How about this for the PPV idea:

Not everyone has the cash or internet skills to watch the PPVs. So have the interpromotional matches for the picks on PPV, of course mixed in with a couple title matches. Then reveal the picks on Raw or during Tough Enough commercial breaks. Then you can let Raw be a TNA Reaction-type show, or rematches from the PPV.
Interesting idea but it wouldn't be very realistic. A draft is a good time to switch guys who are getting buried on their current brand (ex. Evan Bourne/Daniel Bryan) but have potential on Smackdown.

I think the interpromotional matches with the "random" draft picks works the best but I really wish they didn't do a supplemental draft. It would make a lot more sense (and keep more momentum) if all of the drafts were done on the same day. That definitely isn't going to happen, especially with a 2 hour RAW instead of 3 hrs.
I think it's a simple idea with basic logic to it that could work. Sometimes in wrestling, less is more and this idea could give viewers some great matches to watch and could be something of a way to really kick off a rivalry between the two brands. Not everything has to be this big, drawn out complicated scenario for it to work and work out extremely well.

There'll be at least one big name from each brand switching this year. I think Orton will wind up going to SmackDown! & Del Rio will be coming to Raw. I also think the WWE Championship & World Heavyweight Championships will switch brands this year but John Cena will be staying on Raw. The WWE is still going to be building & hyping the Cena vs. Rock match for WM 28, which means Cena is going to stay on Raw. Raw is live and that gives it a type of energy and feel that SmackDown! doesn't have. The feud will just have far more impact if it's kept relevant on the live flagship WWE show.

Tomorrow night is also the go home Raw for the Extreme Rules ppv so I think tomorrow's Raw will be a newsworthy go home show with several substantial changes to the overall roster.
I think this is a very clever idea. It would work really well on a 3-hour Raw, or maybe even continue it on with Superstars and Smackdown. There would have to be some rule in place where you can't select the same star over and over again, or you'd just see the brands fighting over John Cena for 3 hours. I think it's a great idea, and it adds a little extra challenge to the concept, because the superstars would be fighting for their right to stay on their show. Here's a few matches I would love to see, given that the concept could actually be pulled off...

John Cena vs. Alberto del Rio: Christian takes out Brodus Clay and Cena picks up the victory moving del Rio over to Raw.

Randy Orton & CM Punk vs. Cody Rhodes & Rey Mysterio: The idea behind this is that enemies would have to work together to stay on their brand. Rhodes would cost his team the win because he wants off of Smackdown.

The Miz vs. Wade Barrett: The rest of the Corre tries to get Barrett to lose the match, but end up causing the DQ, making Barrett the winner. The GM restarts the match and Barrett hits Miz with the Wasteland for the 3 count. Furthers the Corre/Barrett division and gets the Miz to Smackdown as the champ.
Having a Draft PPV wouldn't be a bad idea. It'd be solely SmackDown vs. Raw matches, which would be good, but you might not get title defenses. Unless, of course, you set up a stipulation where "whoever gets drafted in this match earn a title match against so-and-so", but not having an advertised title match may significantly lower buy rates.
My post will contain picks from the Main Draft on Raw tomorrow night and picks from the Supplemental Draft later in the week... although they should just do it on Smackdown but whatever's clever.

Main Draft

Christian - With Morrison and R-Truth going into a rivalry, and Cena running out of title shots, Miz will need a believable opponent. Christian is the only one on the Smackdown brand who can be that opponent. Yes, that would take another face away from Smackdown.

Layla - After losing to Nikki or Brie in a draft pick match because of Michelle McCool, Layla herself is drafted to Raw. I think this could set up a nice Lay-Cool rivalry heading into SummerSlam, and could revive the diva's division.

Kofi Kingston - The only reason that I believe he lost on Smackdown was for this simple reason. Kingston is one of those people who can be a great fall guy for the US title and be a believable defeat for the Miz. Again, this leaves Smackdown with one less face.

Randy Orton - Smackdown needs a BIG TIME top face who can keep up with Del Rio. Christian, though a nice fall guy, is NOT that top face. Randy has no where to grow on Raw, and because of that, I can see a switch to the brand of blue's clues.

Sheamus - Because every single draft has that "two same level titles on the same brand" shock value in it, and this year, I think Sheamus will play that roll. Yeah, he'll be put in a rivalry against Barrett, but I feel Sheamus is on the verge of a face turn anyway.

Alex Riley - Because the WWE wants to play that separation game, and they're the only ones left to seperate... Unless you count the Nexus.

Only select names will have a reason why.

Supplemental Draft

Drew McIntyre - He needs the change to grow.
Chavo Guerrero
Tony Chimmel - They do that a lot (switch announcers/commentators)
Kelly Kelly
Justin Gabriel - He needs it so he can get a face turn
Cody Rhodes - He's that somewhat big name that switches brands to further storylines.
Rey Mysterio - See above.

Zack Ryder - Ryder & Hawkins to reunite?
Primo - Jobber for Jobber
Evan Bourne
Justin Roberts
Mason Ryan
Sin Cara
Daniel Bryan - He will undoubtedly see more success there.
For myself this is what I hope happens at the Draft:

To Smackdown:

Randy Orton - with Edge gone there is a big gap in Smackdown so it makes sense to move him or Cena over. Besides RAW is crowded with both guys so move one of them over to Smackdown.

R-Truth - the guy has become stagnant on RAW but his heel turn gives him a new beginning. Put him on a new show and let him start fresh.

Daniel Bryan - He's doing nothing on RAW right now and hasn't done much since winning the US title. He needs to be on a show where he can grow and showcase more of his skills.

Sin Cara - His timing is off, he should be on a show where that is taped so WWE can hide that. He isn't used to the WWE style so he also needs to be on a show where he can work on that. I like Cara, but he needs a little more polishing so put him where he can work on his skills.


Cody Rhodes - Rhodes is doing really well right now and is a perfect card heel to bring over to RAW.

Drew McIntyre - he hasn't dont much on Smackdown in a long while so bring him over to RAW and give him a fresh start and some new people to work with.

Christian - Only do this if you can give him a shot as a top babyface (maybe 2nd behind Cena). Since I moved Orton over it gives both him and Morrison a chance to step up and become a top player.
I like the idea of losers switch brands and it would be a good PPV. Now what to do with the mid level guys? Well, you have a 10 man battle royal. The winning side gets the losers so you have 5 mid carders switch in one match. It avoids having like 10 matches in the PPV and it would be interesting to watch.

I think it would be interesting to see interpromotional matches though.

Cena vs Del Rio

Christian vs Miz

Orton vs McIntyre

CM Punk vs Mysterio

Morrison vs Swagger

Just some ideas
Here are two ideas:

1. Draft Orton to Smackdown and let CM Punk be so happy only to send Punk to Smackdown w.out any of Nexus. Sure Nexus can show up on Smackdown in a few weeks because there is no real brand separations anymore. However, this would be a good way of spicing up this storyline and the New Nexus has got stale anyway.

2. Draft Mysterio to Raw and let him team up with Sin Cara for a while. Sin Cara cannot be in WWE as a singles wrestler right now. he has no title to go after, no real feud to start, and has proven he can't conduct a proper intro. So let Rey take him under his wing, tutor him, make them Tag Champs (a real tag team would be cool to see). And then have Sin Cara turn on Rey after a few months of mentoring (perhaps for Summer Slam) and let this feud happen. Everybody knows it is inevitable and his gives both guys new purpose since they are likely to run stale quickly doing what they are doing now.
This is what I think will happen during the draft.

Superstars moving from Raw to Smackdown:
-John Cena
-Randy Orton
-The Miz

Superstars moving from Smackdown to Raw:
-Alberto Del Rio
-Drew McIntyre
-Kofi Kingston
-Beth Phoenix

I know that sometime during the night, Awesome Kong will make her WWE Debut, most likely during the Divas match during the night and will be put on Raw to feud with Beth Phoenix.

After Extreme Rules, the World Heavyweight Championship will be on Raw and the WWE Championship will be on Smackdown.

Champions will be as follows:
WWE Champion - John Cena
World Heavyweight Champion - Alberto Del Rio
Intercontinental Champion - Wade Barrett
United States Champion - Sheamus
WWE Tag Team Champions - Big Show & Kane
Divas Champion - Brie Bella

I don't really care what happens during the supplemental draft though, haha.
If we're talking about who should move and to what brand... here we go.

John Cena to Smackdown

What better way to fuel the fire of Rock/Cena by sending him to The Rock's show... Smackdown? Plus with Edge gone, there's a dire need of a lead babyface and Cena's close enough. Also he doesn't really have anyone to feud with besides Miz and people are already tired of that.

Michael Cole to Smackdown

Please oh please let this happen. So for once and for all, this feud with Lawler can end. If they're both on separate shows, there can't be very much interaction. Not to mention it takes away from the matches going on. Lawler would be fine, too. But Lawler's been on Raw for such a long time, it would make no sense to send him there.

Kane to Raw

No real reason here. It'd be good to have the Big Red Monster on Raw though. Maybe he could even feud with Miz or somethin'.

Cody Rhodes to Raw

Could be a great feud for Orton. Rhodes is in a galaxy of his own as far as where he was last year.

Ted Dibiase to Smackdown

The only way to possibly save Dibiase is to send him to Smackdown and have him feud with someone like Mysterio or Christian... or hell... even have him buy the Intercontinental title from Barrett. Anything.

Those are a few things. Everything else that's been thrown out there doesn't suit my fancy. I like Orton on Raw and don't think Mysterio should leave Smackdown.
Well I firmly believe WWE should merger the belts up (yes I know this has been beating to death but shit happens) so the Champions basically go between each show.

Then do the draft, maybe add something to the draft for example, take a leaf out of the 2002 Draft and have the GM's have 10 picks each, no random computer picks, the GM do!!!

They'll be allowed to pick...

2 Main eventers (former World champions)
2 Stars of the future, Basically 2 guys you (GM) will push and not allow them to get lost in the shuffle, maybe former IC/US or Tag Champions.
6 lower card talent.

EVERY wrestler is up for grabs, champions included, just means once they drop the belt they're RAW or Smackdown exclusive.
People call me crazy but i am almost 90% sure that John Cena AND Randy Orton will be moved to SmackDown!!
In trade of Alberto del Rio and Rey Mysterio!!!

Lets wait and see!!! It would be shocking!!!

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