**Merged** Raw Supplemental Draft - Discuss ALL PICKS Here!!

Oh jesus, I didn't see big Chris Masters going to raw. I really didn't shit, I'm not really sure if this can be that good for him or not. He's not on Sd in a winning role that often, but his superstar performances have been pretty impressive. I just hope he dosen't get regulated back to company bitch boy for the bs in the past, I think he's paid off his shit. Give the guy a mid card push and see what he can do. Or just let him go.
Anyone else feel like a bulk of the rumor talent cuts will be from Raw? JTG.. Hawkins? Lulz.

I just hope the guys who have been used to being in front of a taped crowd don't have problems adjusting. I know the crowd reactions aren't going to be there the first night, but still.
Oh hell..... Kofi Kingston. I've never really been impressed with Kofi to be honest. I'm sorry, but of late I have been on the fence with him. I believe if he would have had more of a match at mania he would have been higher in my books. But being thrown in with Kane, Show, and Santino really did nothing for me.

I liked the looks of a Kingston vs wade barret fude, but that is kind of shot unless they trade mid card titles again. But now we have another good face on Raw, it's not that bad of a thing. Hopefully if he isn't in the mid card a good program with one of the new big name heels over a number one conterdership spot will do him good.

Also with Shows move to Raw last night, and I just noticed this lol. Don't be suprised to see Kane moving to raw later in the draft.
im not worried about swagger IF he turns face..if not he may have a problem haha

im more interested in what chris masters can do now that hes on raw...im a fan of him even tho hes a huge roid head hahah i was at the royal rumble and he interacted a lot better with the fans wen he was eliminated that other guys like...jtg mark henry cena etc..and he waved to us wen he was leaving the building..my point being is that hes going out of his way to get over with the fans..and i think he is over so he deserves a push..
McIntyre face turn? I wouldnt be surprised what with all the heels he is likely to be behind on Raw.

I wouldnt mind it, i just want him to be on tv in some way shape or form.
I think McIntyre has a nice face turn in store for him.

We saw him fighting shemus during the battle royal and he even eliminated him.. This could possibly tick him off and start a feud.

Now if Morrison will go to smackdown ill be pretty pleased with this years draft.
I think a great idea for Swagger would be for him, after the whole Cole/King/JR storyline has died down, to come out on RAW one night and say that he is the All-American American Jack Swagger and nobody else but Jack Swagger should be representing the United States as the United States Champion and that he'll do anything to make sure that he is the United States Champion. This could lead to a Sheamus face turn and i'd keep Cole as the manager/mouth piece for Swagger so he can garner even more heat. I'd eventually have Swagger win the belt and then I'd like to see the WWE portray the Swagger/United States Championship reign like ECW did the RVD/Television Title reign. Have him think it's the most important title on either show and hold it for as long as possible. I think a good idea would be to have him win MITB and then cash it on the United States Championship, then explaining how since he's the All-American American, no other title means anything to him and he needs to be the United States Champion but that PPV is in July and I think they should start this sooner. Swagger w/Cole vs. a face Sheamus, who is starting to embrace representing America, for the United States Championship I think has the potential to be a great and long feud
Also hoping R-Truth goes to Smackdown in the Supplemental Draft. Would love to see him go there and align himself with the newly heel Mark Henry. Then I'd have a bunch of backstage attacks go on in the back and just havoc all over Smackdown over the next couple of weeks, leading Vinny Mac to come back and say Teddy Long has lost control over his show and he is fired. Then Teddy comes out the next week and says he lost control and got fired because all he ever did was try to please the people and he's done with that and he's going to change his attitude just like a couple of other brothers on Smackdown have lately, then introduces Truth and Henry. Then you keep teasing The Corre break up and in the end, have them kick out Zeke. Have Zeke align with the group, saying he's always been disrespected and that stops now. Teddy Long as the Manager/Mouthpiece with Truth, Henry and Zeke. The start of the New Nation of Domination.
DiBiase is the next pick to Smackdown. Hopefully, he can start anew since he's become all but irrelevant over the last few months. Maybe even reference the history between himself, Rhodes and Orton since they're all on the same show now.

Slightly unrelated, but did anyone else read Mysterio's draft blurb?

"Fresh off a rewarding victory over Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania, The Master of the 619 is sure to make an impact when he soars onto Raw."

Umm... I guess the website writers don't watch their own product, lol.
Every year I watch the draft & every result evokes the same reaction,,,AH.COME ON!. I must have a soft spot for SD cause its like every year I feel they get raped to make all live Raw,all star packed,After last years draft all but OnE of Raws male roster had held a title while SDs.,,,,,,,,,,.?
It seamed fair at first ,Orton ,replacing Edge ,we assume,& Cena joining SD.before it turned out to be a Keep watchinG ploy .,but then,oh dear,Rey,Drew,Show & Swagger for SinCara (debuted barely a month ago!), Regal,Khali, & Bryan,,The Usos joining SD when the tag titles are united anyway! .Once again SD needed a one way influx,not swaps.,But.Before I get twinges of The End Of SD.Im reminded that SDs pre recorded enviroment always bounces back to equal if not surpass Raw.& they are damned good at turning good but seamingly unnoticed wrestlers like Dolph Ziggler into title contenders. while some SD To Raw draftees will no doubt have their eye on the belts ,will be secretly hoping Superstars keeps going and/or Vince & H aint in a "best endeavors" mood! ,
I hope Morrison will be staying on Raw. The mainevent picture looks extemely thin now and I think this will allow Morrison to finally get the title that has always alluded him. Trish heat, or not.
Tyler Reks gets drafted to Raw!

Jesus, how many heels are we going to get on raw. With his recent attack on Kozlov, knocking said man out of mania I don't see him geting a giant face push. But I could be wrong. I don't mind his look, dredlocks on a big white dude is something we haven't seen ever I believe. But give the dude a gimmick, or let him do something. He's been regulated to Superstars for months. How do you put over an impressived sized dude like Tyler Reks when you don't give viewers a good chance to see him. Unless you're a regular Superstars viewer you haven't seen much of this man on tv.
Tyler Reks to Raw and Alex Riley to Smackdown. I thought Riley never actually had a wrestling contract. Leave it to WWE to completely throw away a storyline.
I was hoping JoMo would go to Smackdown and be the top face over there,but with Kofi on Raw, this years Money in the Bank Raw match should be incredible with Truth,Morrison,Swagger,Kofi,McIntyre,Del Rio and maaybe Punk? and Y2J?

and why can't they figure out something for JTG?? he's decent on the mic and in-ring skills are pretty good. being a company that wants to make money, it only makes sense to try to highten everyone on the card and not just two or three,but maybe i have been playing G.M Mode on SvsR 08 too much.
as we stand SD doesnt have mainevent people other than orton and christian. So i think we will see pushes for rhodes, barrett, diebease, and daniel bryan
Beth Phoenix goes to Raw!

This is a great thing for rebuilding the Divas devision on both brands. Both raw and smackdown have popular women wrestlers. Raw now has Beth Phoenix and Kelly Kelly, and Sd got Tamina and Naty.

This can meen alot of things, but I see it as WWE wanting to showcase Kong on both shows. They have their two best Divas atm split up on both shows. This could only meen that Kong could probably be jumping between both shows.

Great smart buisness move for Raw here!
The problem now is that RAW has too much talent, some of them are not going to get pushes like they should now.

Sheamus, Swagger, McIntyre, Ziggler, R-Truth
Morrison, Kofi,
Del Rio, Big SHow, Mysterio

Way too many guys there now... and thats not including Cena and Miz

This draft way work out great for some of the young guys on SmackDown. like Rhodes and Barrett
WWE 2011 Draft Thoughts

John Cena to Smackdown
I was overjoyed to see Cena finally get some fresh life run through his career with the unexpected change of rosters. With Cena gone, a whole new army of hungry young talent would have a new opportunity to shine, and make way for the next generation of WWE superstar talent on Monday Nights. Since Cena didn’t turn heel at Mania like so many had hoped, this was the next best things, and started the night off with a bang! Maybe WWE really DID have the balls to shake things up!

Rey Mysterio to Raw
I’m never upset when I see Rey, but this move signals to me that his career is indeed dyeing down. Rumors have long circulated that Rey’s age and physical health have been quickly nudging him towards retirement, and with this roster change, it seems like they’re throwing one of their superstars a bone and letting him finish his career on top. I don’t really see what they’re going to do with him through the remainder of his contract, but as long as he gets TV time, I suppose it will be OK.

Randy Orton to Smackdown
Really? The two biggest faces in all of the WWE being moved to Smackdown? It was at this point that I my head started swimming with ideas regarding all the wasted talent on Raw who could now flourish like never before. Not only did I like this move, but I thought it was NEEDED! Clearing the Raw roster for new opportunities is exactly what this company needs now more than ever. All of their biggest names are retiring or are already retired. Many are not far behind and WWE has very precious little time to groom the superstars of tomorrow. Emptying Raw of its top faces was the PERFECT move. Good job WWE! I actually got off the couch and gave them a standing ovation. Good luck to Orton on Smackdown!

Mark Henry to Smackdown
Since I don’t consider Mark to be very talented or useful, the move means very little to either brand. Rumor has it that he’ll be retiring soon, so giving him a solid IC title run on Smackdown to end his career might be a nice way for him to go out. I like him personally, but professionally, Mark does very little for me. Best of luck to him anyhow.

Sin Cara to Smackdown
This seemed like a no-brainer to begin with. Since Smackdown is the “talent” show where wrestling does its best work, Sin Cara will be very “at home.” I don’t know why they wasted a draft slot for this since they could have easily just debuted him on Smackdown to begin with, but whatever…as long as it works.

Big Show to Raw
I really don’t know what the point of this was. I think Show was doing better on Friday nights than he was on Monday nights over a year ago. And with Big Show getting drafted, we all knew Khali was headed to Smackdown sooner or later, what with WWE not liking both big men on the same show. Ultimately, I feel this will mean very little, but I don’t dislike Paul, so I doubt any negative repercussions will transpire through his changing sides (again).

Alberto Del Rio to Raw
I’m not sure if it was time to pull the trigger on this or not, but I DO like the idea of Alberto on Raw. I welcome his talents, but his move reminds me that Raw is now ULTRA heel heavy. Someone/s are going to have to step up and turn face to take the reins. Alberto is such a good smug heel that he needs to stay that way a while longer before his eventual face turn. Good luck Alberto, and welcome to Monday nights. 

John Cena BACK to Raw
Since this is a topic I could go on for hours about, I am purposefully going to limit myself here. I think this was a BAD move. Not only does it close down all those opportunities I spoke about earlier, but it assures us that the Draft means very little, Cena will stay very stale for a while to come, and Vince only likes to screw with us. Seriously. At the end of the night, there was actually no point in moving John if they intended to end the show with his turn back. All it does is serve to agitate the masses and swerve any credibility the draft had prior to this event. I honestly feel that WWE creative shot themselves in the foot…HARD. There go all my hopes and dreams for a decent WWE product… 

Daniel Bryan to Smackdown
Like Sin Cara, this seems like a “no-brainer.” Daniel has mediocre star power but immense talent between the ropes. With a personality like that, Smackdown is the place for him to shine. I see Daniel holding the IC title for a while, which is good enough for me. Best of luck, Daniel!

Jack Swagger to Raw
Woohoo!!!!!! Anyone who knows me well knows I’m doing back flips at the Monday Night return of the All American American. This move, combined with his face turn at Extreme Rules is literally WHY I AM STILL CONTINUING TO WATCH THE WWE PRODUCT AT ALL. Jack can now slide into the upper-mid card face routine and hold down a solid position before getting a US title run. With Orton gone, Jack has a time to shine and I honestly believe that with the right direction, Jack is our next big hero. This, in my opinion, was the best move of the 2011 draft!

Great Khali to Smackdown
Big surprise, right? With Big Show gone from Friday Nights, we knew he was coming. Ultimately, this won’t affect anything. He’s rarely around and doesn’t have much in the way of in-ring skills to be very useful. I hope he does well, but I see this move as just a waste, because they don’t want the two big guys together. Best of luck, anyways, Khali.

The USO’s to Smackdown
This seems like one of those moves that doesn’t really do anything. Neither of the boys were used on Raw, and I doubt we’ll see them much after June, if even that much. I wish them well, but in a tag-less WWE era, the Usos are sadly doomed for failure.

Kelly Kelly to Raw
Honestly, I don’t care much for the divas, and Kelly Kelly is no exception. While I personally wish her well, I professionally don’t care where she goes or what she does.

JTG to Raw
Without Cryme Tyme, JTG seems destined for release. Sadly, his skills would then be all for naught as he is actually pretty talented from bell to bell. HOPEFULLY the move means they may push him. A feud with recently turned heel- R-Truth may serve him well. In fact, I’d actually like to see that. Here’s hoping WWE doesn’t completely squander the talented workings of JTG.

Alicia Fox to Smackdown
Just like Kelly Kelly (and I feel bad for saying this), I just don’t care. Divas do nothing for me in the ring. I don’t hate them or anything, but there is only so much blood you can squeeze from an turnip, and Alicia is one tiny turnip.

William Regal to Smackdown
Since Regal is literally never on TV, this means almost nothing to the WWE Universe. I actually love his work, both on the mic and in-ring, but unless they suddenly push him for one reason or another, I see Regal’s roster change as nothing more than dust in the wind.

Yoshi Tatsu to Smackdown
Here we go! This is a great move! I was so fearful he’d just wither and die on Raw, but in Smackdown, Yoshi can show off those skills without being overshadowed by all the big names. This move seems like a solid idea and I hope he doesn’t just get “lost in the shuffle.” VERY best of luck to Yoshi as I hope he continues to entertain!

Drew McIntyre to Raw
Wow! Here’s a move I can REALLY get behind! I actually have a lot of faith in Drew’s skills and I believed they weren’t doing enough with him recently on Smackdown. I am VERY happy to see the Scotsman make the move to Monday Nights this year. He can make a solid mid card contender for the US title and have a “country feud” with Swagger while killing time between championship runs. Drew is great and I hope to see more of his smug mug on Raw!

Natalya Neidhart to Smackdown
Really? There are only two divas in the entire federation I give ANY f%$k about and here is one of them going to Smackdown. Waste of a Hart legend if you ask me.

Curt Hawkins to Raw
Who? Oh yeah….that guy. Well, Smackdown hasn’t been kind to the former tag veteran, and I doubt his prospects look much better on Raw, but hey, why not? It can’t get any worse, can it?

Chris Masters to Raw
I am OK with this. Another talent relegated to the dregs of Smackdown “jobber-dom” who may actually have a shot at climbing out now. He’s good, but does WWE even remember that? We’ll find out in the coming months on Monday Nights. Best of luck, Chris!

Kofi Kingston to Raw
YES! I really missed that jumin’ (used to be) Jamaican! I feel it might be time for the BIG push in Kofi’s career. Can he handle a world title? I sure hope so, and I’m hoping Raw wants to find out. While he was always kept in proper status on Smackdown, I really feel like his full potential just wasn’t met and I honestly believe that Kofi is better suited for his “Boom Boom” personality o Raw. Great work, WWE! I’m looking forward to seeing Kofi back on Monday Nights.

Ted DiBiase to Smackdown
Another great move! Turn him face and have him feud with Cody! Former partners, both legacies, and great athletes. I think Ted will make a solid face in the mid card circuit and I hope WWE sees it the same way I do. Ted will now be in a roster not overrun by ridiculous talent and can now shine through the mess that has clogged his career paths. Best of luck to him and I will be tuning in on occasion to cheer him on!

Tyson Kidd to Smackdown
I have no qualms with this move, but really, it will end up like Great Khali or the Usos. He’ll be used VERY minimally until the day he gets phased out. Here’s to hoping they do something with the poor lad before his career is permanently ruined by lack of opportunity.

Tamina to Smackdown
O…..K? I guess she rejoins the Usos? Cool, I guess.

Tyler Reks to Raw
Another mediocre case of “so what?” While I don’t dislike Tyler in any way, I find it hard to believe that they have any big Monday Night plans for the guy upon his arrival. He’ll most likely dwindle away in the lower cards while jobbing on Superstars. Poor guy. Here’s to hoping his career gets on track before the eventual roster cuts.

Alex Riley to Smackdown
SWEET JESUS, YES! Miz was floundering so hard with A-Ri’s lips pressed tightly against his ass, and only started catching people’s attention when he was forced to lead an Alex-less lifestyle. I was EXTREMELY disappointed that they re-glued the two together just before Mania, and can be quoted as saying that Riley needs the draft to Smackdown to help both of them. Well, today, Vince is trying hard to make up for the Cena debacle by actually making the supplemental draft decent this year. Alex needed this as much as Miz did and I feel that both will move forward better because of it. Best of luck to both, and to summarize: Yee-haa! No more A-Ri next to Miz’s ass!

Beth Phoenix to Raw
Good move. However, if rumors are to be believed, it was inevitable. It sounds like WWE plans on feuding the incoming Kharma with Beth, and since Kharma will be debuting on Raw, it only makes sense that Beth get her ass to Monday Nights to prepare for the action. Also, on a side note, this could actually be a decent series of matches. Both of these women CAN actually put on a good wrestling match. Let’s hope they work well together. Good luck, Beth and I’m happy to see you return.

Sheamus to Smackdown
I feel very iffy on this move. While the spot he holds will ultimately open up for one of the other great acts walking in the front door to Monday Nights, I feel that his Raw potential had not yet been filled out. Sure, it’s a big/exciting move for the Irishman, but what does it really mean for the rosters? Well, he’ll probably shine a little better on Smackdown, and maybe we’ll even see him in the WHC scene? Who knows, but I’m hoping WWE actually has a plan in place for him rather than just their usual “throw it at the wall and see if it sticks.” Good luck on Smackdown, Sheamus….you may need it.
well now SD have 2 mid card titles thats good since SD got pretty good amount of mid carders wich let them challenge for US ar IC tittle or i can easilly see here unification of US ant IC title.. Sheamus vs Wade Barret
ok so looks like smackdown apart from kane christian and orton are looking at a new generation of stars

one thing that is strange now means that they have wade barret with the i.c title and sheamus with the u.s title on 1 show dont get that one but thats the wwe for you

raw is gonna be weird cause its got alot of talent that r usualy main eventers to put in like to see how they will use them all

also with a-ri going to smackdown must mean that the miz might be going to become a face on raw

also i would like to see ted and cody join forces again maybe take over from punk and the nexes and kick the crap out of orton only to get humiliated at some point lol

but i think christian will win the world title and then defend it against kane and orton for a few months then finally lose it to wade barret when he gets away from the corre which he really should be the best move for wwe and him also
I just realized this but raw only has one title on the show, while sd has the inter, us, wt belts.. they really need to change this!!

The best way to even it out is to have Kofi take the IC championship from Wade at Extreme Rules and continue there with a solid, new roster for both brands.
sheamous just got sent to smackdown with the US title sooooo that means smackdown has both the ic n us titles...unless sheamous loses the title at extreme rules im guessing he will fued with barrett n unify the titles...any thoughts???
The best way to even it out is to have Kofi take the IC championship from Wade at Extreme Rules and continue there with a solid, new roster for both brands.

Is that even a match?

Maybe del Rio is gonna take the world title and give raw both world titles while SD gets the two mid card titles..
i understand sd has a lot of mid card people but with all that talent on raw now they are gunna have nothing to do. unless del rio wins title sunday and they have a unification match between cena and del rio for the world and wwe titles. ziggler, del rio, kofi, mcentyre....they cant all go for the wwe title.

then sd wont have a world title then what will orton and christian do? Maybe its time wwe finally unbrands everyone. any thoughts?
Is that even a match?

Maybe del Rio is gonna take the world title and give raw both world titles while SD gets the two mid card titles..

This is what i am hoping for. Would really show that Raw is the A show though, and i can't see Orton feuding for mid card titles...

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