Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums

Considering it's Friday night I wasn't completely planning on it, but I can if there's enough people on.
You may as well go ahead and post the next challenge, as it may take the bWo guys four or five days to complete it :)

Just kidding, and I likely will be around later this evening to participate. Although the Bruins/Pens game is on in a couple of hours, and that pretty much takes priority over everything for a couple of hours.
I'm at a concert tonight so I'll be unavailable until 1 am. But if there's enough people, may as well go for it.
I don't think I will have the challenge up tonight because I may go out for the night, but if I don't and enough people on both tribes are around I will. Don't bust a nut to try to be here, anybody. Chances are slim that the challenge gets up today.
Update for you all: Challenge to be posted Monday night. I need to be here when it happens and that is when I'll have free time over the next few days. Plus I assume some of you will be on watching RAW.

So yeah, take the weekend off, get drunk, get high, get your jungle fever on. Don't care what you do. Just don't be dicking me for the challenge because chances are I won't be on very much.

Carry on.
Sweet. Had my birthday weekend off. Ive been camping, and worried about missing some action. See you guys tommorrow night.
Silly me, forgot about some of our UK players. Challenge will go up earlier than 8 PM. Say, 7 ish (7 hours from now).
Challenge to be up in about an hour. Since bWo has an extra person they have to decide who's sitting out. They can either decide now or wait until they see what the challenge is. But the challenge won't truly begin until someone is designated as "out" of the challenge. Just something to ponder for someone that may not be here later on tonight.
Good game I guess. It's not sour grapes about losing, it's sour grapes that I stayed up to participate and was the only person on my team who had a go at every question whilst you guys had I think everyone or almost everyone and the game was skewed such that you guys effectively got four guesses for most questions whilst we only got one.

I don't mind that my team couldn't make it, I mind that the rules allowed it to be a four on one gang rape of a challenge, especially since for a few of the questions your first guess was wrong
Shotaro, I actually commend you for being up at the time you are (It's 00:30), you were just genuinely unlucky & well, it's a shame you didn't have the team to back you up that time.
To be fair I saw 3 members of bWo on (you, Crock, and Red Skull) and I figured that was more than enough people to participate. That's how the breaks go, I guess.
To be fair I saw 3 members of bWo on (you, Crock, and Red Skull) and I figured that was more than enough people to participate. That's how the breaks go, I guess.

No worries, Mean Green just blitzed it, I don't think it would have made that much of a difference if you HAD changed the rules to be honest. I posted in the blue thread that I was about as useless for this challenge as a turbot and I proved myself once again a man of my word.

As you say, them's the breaks.

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