Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*

Red Skull cuts Shotaro's rope. Shotaro now has 3 ropes remaining.

1. Jon Jones Jobber (4)
2. Rated R Nightmare (4)
3. Red Skull (3)
4 Jake Smizzy (5)
5. JGlass (3)
6. Crock (3)
7. Shotaro (3)
Jake Smizzy cuts the rope of Rated R Nightmare. Nightmare now has 3 ropes remaining.

1. Jon Jones Jobber (4)
2. Rated R Nightmare (3)
3. Red Skull (3)
4 Jake Smizzy (5)
5. JGlass (3)
6. Crock (3)
7. Shotaro (3)
JGlass cuts Shotaro's rope, because he is offended by his overuse of the C-word.

Shotaro now has 2 ropes remaining.

1. Jon Jones Jobber (4)
2. Rated R Nightmare (3)
3. Red Skull (3)
4 Jake Smizzy (5)
5. JGlass (3)
6. Crock (3)
7. Shotaro (2)
The Crock cuts Jon Jones' Jobber's rope.

JJJ now has 3 ropes remaining.

1. Jon Jones Jobber (3)
2. Rated R Nightmare (3)
3. Red Skull (3)
4 Jake Smizzy (5)
5. JGlass (3)
6. Crock (3)
7. Shotaro (2)
Shotaro cuts JGlass' rope.

JGlass now has 2 ropes remaining.

1. Jon Jones Jobber (3)
2. Rated R Nightmare (3)
3. Red Skull (3)
4 Jake Smizzy (5)
5. JGlass (2)
6. Crock (3)
7. Shotaro (2)
Jon Jones' Jobber cuts Red Skull's rope. Red Skull now has 2 ropes remaining.

1. Jon Jones Jobber (3)
2. Rated R Nightmare (3)
3. Red Skull (2)
4 Jake Smizzy (5)
5. JGlass (2)
6. Crock (3)
7. Shotaro (2)
Rated R Nightmare cuts Jake Smizzy's rope. Jake Smizzy now has 4 ropes remaining.

1. Jon Jones Jobber (3)
2. Rated R Nightmare (3)
3. Red Skull (2)
4 Jake Smizzy (4)
5. JGlass (2)
6. Crock (3)
7. Shotaro (2)
Because I'm more than a little annoyed by some of the delays brought on by bWo, the challenge is being reduced. Here's what's gonna happen:

Everybody will be reduced two cuts right now, regardless of how many they have.

So yes, Red Skull, JGlass, and Shotaro are now eliminated. Here is what the standings now look like

Jon Jones Jobber (1)
Rated R Nightmare (1)
Jake Smizzy (2)
The Crock (1)

This game should now get wrapped up quickly. I didn't want to do it this way, but it's time to get this challenge over with. Smizzy, you're up.
I'm gonna save time writing the winning posts out, so...

Due to Smizzy having 2 ropes left and JJJ only having one left, SMIZZY WINS IMMUNITY!

Blue team, please send in your votes ASAP with a 10 PM deadline for tomorrow.
DAY 12


All 6 members of the Mean Green make their way into the tribal council area, with Mr. J. O'Material proudly showing off his individual immunity that he won in the last challenge..

Megatron: Welcome, Mean Green. I know the twist in the last challenge threw many of you off, but I do think we are now getting into the more interesting part of the game.

Some look a little disgusted at the last challenge pitting everyone against themselves, but that's the breaks, kids..

Megatron: As such, it's time to vote. Remember, since Mr. J. O'Material won immunity and has chosen to keep it, he is ineligible to be voted for. Everyone else is able to be voted for.

“[Contestant], due to his real life schedule.”

“The boulders told me to.”

“[Contestant] is a massive threat in this game. If he sticks around to long, it could spell the end for the rest of us.”

“[Contestant] said he'd "sell my tribe down the river for 43 cents and a bus token." If he doesn't want to be on the team, I will give him his wish. Good riddance.”

“As with my previous two votes, no personal offense intended. You are probably the least active of the remaining team members, although it's likely more an issue of timing as anything. And I have a planned order of voting and unfortunately, your name was next on the list.”

“He's a good guy, but he seems to come off disinterested with the team, and when a challenge comes up, there's always something better for him to be doing.”

Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. If you have the hidden immunity idol and wish to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Megatron waits a second, but nobody steps up with the idol.

Megatron: I'll read the votes... First vote...

I Harm Walrus
That's 1 vote for IHW, 1 for Klunderbunker. It takes 4 to be eliminated.
I Harm Walrus
That's 2 votes each for IHW and Klunderbunker. It takes 4 to be eliminated.
That's 3 votes for Klunderbunker, 2 for IHW. It takes 4 to be eliminated. I'll read the final vote.

Megatron: Fourth person voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums...


Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

Klunderbunker grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron.

Megatron: Klunderbunker, your tribe has spoken.

Kb's torch is snuffed, and he seems a bit pissed that some of his tribemates pulled off a surprise move like that..

Megatron: Our first split vote of the whole game, and I must admit it was an interesting one. You guys were not afraid to vote out one of the big guns in the game. This shows that no matter who you are, you should feel worried about your spot and that you always have a chance. Grab your torches and head on back to camp.

12 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?

OOC: bWo's tribal will be up ASAP. I wanted them to be in different posts.
DAY 12


All 7 members of the bWo make their way into the tribal council area, with the immune Jake Smizzy leading the tribe to the voting area..

Megatron: Long time, no see bWo. I know we had some trouble running through your last challenge, but hopefully we've put that past ourselves.

They look a little disappointed in themselves for their challenge lasting so long, but that's the breaks sometimes.

Megatron: You guys haven't lost anyone in almost 10 days, which is good to see. However, that changes tonight. Since Smizzy has immunity and isn't giving it up, he is ineligible to be voted for. Everyone else is fair game. Let's get to the voting.

“You made the mistake of trying get me out of this game. You can't trust me? You're an idiot and now you're gone. I can't have people in this game who don't trust or want to play with me.”

“I like the guy but don't know him as well as the rest of the team.”

“Nice guy, but he's got ties to the other team which lead me to believe he'll split off when the teams dissolve. Not to mention, he knows plenty about*Survivor*which gives him a leg-up on those who don't.”

“He's never had chance to show what he can do and three tasks in he seems to be the most disposable member of bWo.”

“I think he's part of a secret cabal of people trying to get me out.”

“Nothing personal, someone had to go so it mine as well be someone who is going to be a threat post merge.”

“He's a really cool dude but hasn't contributed as much as the other guys.”

Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. If you have the hidden immunity idol and wish to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Megatron waits a second, but nobody steps up with the idol.

Megatron: I'll read the votes... First vote...

Rated-R Nightmare
Jon Jones' Jobber
Rated-R Nightmare
Rated-R Nightmare
That's 3 votes for Rated-R Nightmare. It takes 4 to be eliminated.

Megatron: Fifth voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums...

Rated-R Nightmare

Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

Rated-R Nightmare grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron.

Megatron: Rated-R Nightmare, your tribe has spoken.

Nightmare's torch is snuffed, and while disappointed that he's out of bWo, he wishes his team the best of luck in the rest of the game.

Megatron: Your guys first elimination since the first tribal and, yet again, there's still a unanimous feeling. With only 6 of you left, the cracks will begin to surface soon. You'll just want to make sure that you aren't on the bottom of the totem pole when that happens.

11 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?
Day 15 – Immunity Challenge

Megatron: Bring it on in guys!

Both teams, who are now one member shorter than they were a few days ago, make their trek into the challenge area.

Megatron: You guys ready for today's challenge?

A few small cheers are heard, with the teams ready to go against each other again instead of against their tribemates.

Megatron: Well today is not a physical challenge, but a mental one.

A few members look at each other questionably at what the challenge will hold.

Megatron: Yes, today is mental because we are playing some TRIVIA!

Some nods are seen made by the members, although others are dreading the thought of the challenge.

Megatron: Here's how this will work:

I will begin by asking one of the questions. Whoever answers correctly first will be able to select the next category. Here are the categories: Survivor (the TV Show), Wrestlemania, and Sports. There are 5 questions in each category, all worth the same value. There is no minus for guessing. The first one to 8 (or whoever has the most right answers after all of the questions are out) wins immunity. I will try to time up the questions by posting them by giving you a heads up when the next question will be posted. You do not need to write in your teams colors either for this challenge.

bWo, because you have an extra member you will be forced to sit someone out. Once you make that decision, the questions will start flowing. Everything understood? Alright, let's get it on!

OOC Note: Please try to refrain from using google. I can't stop you if you do, but it cheapens the fun of the game and lessens the legitimacy of the challenge. For everyone's sake.
Alrighty. Everyone else is eligible to answer the questions at any time.

The first question will be posted at :15.

EDIT: No. Post them in here so people don't think I'm screwing the system. That, and I don't have that much PM room...

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