Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*

I hope this challenge ends before Tuesday. I have jury duty on Tuesday...

Here's the order for the bWo

1. Jon Jones Jobber
2. Rated-R Nightmare
3. Red Skull/Drew Bledsoe
4. Jake Smizzy
5. Jglass
6. The Crock
7. Shotaro
Rated R Nightmare chops Shotaro's rope. Shotaro now has 4 ropes remaining.

Geez I guess my insomnia tonight came in handy eh?
So it's been nearly 24 hours since this two-tribe challenge was announced. Mean Greene completed it late last night, while bWo has barely started.

Is there a point whereby enough time passes, and the entire blue tribe forgoes the opportunity for one of their members to earn immunity? Or do we have to sit and wait until their tribe are ready to begin to play?

Do we have a potential time table for when this thing moves on, or are we in an indeterminate waiting period? Work and other commitments are looming in the upcoming days, it would be nice to get things going.
It took us like an hour and a half to do this once it got going. It's not like we're being asked to wait a week for Blue to do it. It's fine.
Just a simple question, guys, just wondering that's all. I was hoping this challenge would be over earlier today, we could vote this evening, and move on to the next part of the competition tomorrow. Because later in the week, I'm going to be out of town for a few days and my schedule gets pretty tight.
I understand habs' concern, though. Our team operates on different schedules thanks to the guys that work and the fact that JJJ is finishing up college exams, so we haven't exactly been on the same page this challenge. I think we would all like to finish it, but I understand if Megatron wants to set a deadline for us.
Jake Smizzy cuts the rope of Red Skull. Red Skull now has 4 ropes remaining.

1. Jon Jones Jobber
2. Rated-R Nightmare
3. Red Skull/Drew Bledsoe
4. Jake Smizzy
5. Jglass
6. The Crock
7. Shotaro
The numbers in brackets is the number of ropes remaining, if we keep it up to date it'll make our lives easier.

1. Jon Jones Jobber (5)
2. Rated-R Nightmare (5)
3. Red Skull/Drew Bledsoe (4)
4. Jake Smizzy (5)
5. Jglass (4)
6. The Crock (4)
7. Shotaro (4)
Bumped for JGlass if he gets a chance; jury duty probably fucks your schedule up proper like
Unfortunately, Shotaro's probably getting ready to do his podcast.... Which can be heard at this fine channel;

Oh, can't here it tonight? Well, perhaps you could listen to the first archived episode on this channel here;

So while you wait for Shotaro, you can listen to him, Doc, and special guest Ty Burna talk all things WZCW, coming up to Kingdom Come.

.... Yeah, I did it. After all, what would Survivor be without commercials during immunity challenges?
Shotaro cuts the rope of Rated-R Nightmare.

You gonn' cut my rope? You better be ready to get cut yourself!

Rather R Nightmare had 4 ropes remaining.

1. Jon Jones Jobber (5)
2. Rated R Nightmare (4)
3. Red Skull (5)
4 Jake Smizzy (5)
5. JGlass (3)
6. Crock (3)
7. Shotaro (4)
Jon Jones' Jobber cuts Red Skull's rope. Red Skull now has 3 ropes remaining.

1. Jon Jones Jobber (5)
2. Rated R Nightmare (4)
3. Red Skull (3)
4 Jake Smizzy (5)
5. JGlass (3)
6. Crock (3)
7. Shotaro (4)

JS cut Red Skull's rope before so he was on 4 not 5. Just in case anyone was wondering.
Rated R Nightmare cuts Jon Jones Jobber's rope. Jon Jones Jobber now has 4 ropes remaining.

1. Jon Jones Jobber (4)
2. Rated R Nightmare (4)
3. Red Skull (3)
4 Jake Smizzy (5)
5. JGlass (3)
6. Crock (3)
7. Shotaro (4)

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