Royal Rumble: The Royal Rumble Match

The year the Rock won the rumble in 2000 he lost to HHH in a fatal four way with Big Show and Mick Foley.

Austin won the rumble in 1997 to go on to fight Bret Hart at Wrestlemania but not for the title.

Shawn Michaels won the Rumble in 1995 to go on and lose to Diesel at Wrestlemania

Ric Flair won the Rumble in 1992 and claimed the title only to go on and lose to Randy Savage at Wrestlemania

Hogan won the rumble in 1990 to go on and lose to Warrior at Wrestlemania VI (Already being the champ)

Big John Stud won the second Royal Rumble only to be a special ref at Wrestlemania in a non main event match.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan won the first ever Royal Rumble and was in a world title tournament match but lost in the first round to Ted Dibiase at Wrestlemania IV
Why does the WWE take us for idiots? Matt Striker said that Bid Daddy V was not in last years Rumble when he most clearly was. They try to do this all the time and take us for idiots to build up their stars. This is easily researched. Every year Viscera would trot out and everyone would eliminate him together. This year will be none the different. The WWE should not insult the intelligence of their fans to build feuds they should just stay away from certain subjects.
Why does the WWE take us for idiots? Matt Striker said that Bid Daddy V was not in last years Rumble when he most clearly was. They try to do this all the time and take us for idiots to build up their stars. This is easily researched. Every year Viscera would trot out and everyone would eliminate him together. This year will be none the different. The WWE should not insult the intelligence of their fans to build feuds they should just stay away from certain subjects.

technically big daddy v was not in the rumble viscera was and the wwe just pretends that everyone forgot about him. so i guess they do take us for idiots?

anyways, i think that the rumble will come down to triple h (assuming that he wins tonight) and batista. not sure who will win but both of them will end up in the main event with otron anyways do it doesn't really matter.
Here's my dream Royal Rumble scenario with a Wrestlemania card to boot.

Royal Rumble Winner: Bobby Lashley


Bobby Lashley vs. Randy Orton (C) Guest Enforcer: John Cena

For God's sake, I don't need HHH vs. Roidtista II. I could stomach it back then because it had a huge storyline behind it that made it intriguing (Evolution ordeal.) But not now. Give me a fresh main event.

The Undertaker vs. Edge (C)

Streak vs. streak with a lengthly history behind it (Edge screwed Undertaker nearly an year ago.) Nuff' said.

Shelton Benjamin vs. CM Punk (C)

He's the gold standard! Just let him do his talking in the ring. For uncharismatic but talented wrestlers like Shelton, actions speak louder than words (IE: Brock Lesnar.)

Triple H vs. Ric Flair

Sting is staying with TNA. There is no bigger star than HHH to retire Flair. Plus, it keeps HHH out of the title picture.

John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Shawn Michaels

Fill-in feud.

Chris Jericho (Winner) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio

Ok, they fucked Jericho's return big time. The only way to fix that is by having him win the match he created (kayfabe) prior to Wrestlemania 21, earn a WWE title shot and have him get his much deserved second title reign beginning at Vegeance.

As for Hardy/MVP. Have Hardy win the US title from MVP at NWO and have his revenge then. So both can be in this match. Without the US title, MVP could be elevated to main event status following WM.

Michelle McCool vs. Beth Phoenix

Candice Michelle still sucks big old balls. While McCool is no in-ring technical genius yet, she seems like a better worker to me. Not to mention she's taller and could actually appear to pose a bigger threat to Phoenix. Plus, it'd be a fresh match up. Just feed Candice to Phoenix at No Way Out.

Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. The Miz & John Morrison (C's)

Let's face it; the tag divisions in the WWE are a joke. They just don't care anymore; the belts mean less than the Intercontinental title which means little. Might as well weed out a set and have a single cross-brand tag division to bring some importance back. This wouldn't have worked before but it would now that all PPV's are tri-branded.

That's my dream card. Only notable name I left out is Batista because I don't really care much for the guy, really.
nice card but i really doubt bobby lashley is gonna win.too's either HHH,Taker,or Batista.i dnt want batista winning,nor the i would stick to HHH.
but i would want Flair or Morrison
i'd quite like to see an evolution fatal fourway match for the wwe championship. it would allow triple H to have his own way aswell as incorporating the retirement angle of ric flair and wwe champion randy orton. batista would win the rumble. chances are it'll be edge v taker fof the world title, though im a fan of placing the strap around the waist of kane- however rediculously unlikly that may be.
HAVE u guys ever thought that hhh will be facing bobby lashely on raw and lashely wins but doesnt win the rumble just a thought my picks r taker batista y2j(if in) and kennndy since he is in it now my dream would be these 4 the last people first kenndy gets taken out by batista then taker and y2j double closeline him over the top then y2j and taker have a mean fight 4 ten mins like last year then y2j does the code breaker and taker go's over the top rope and y2j faces orton and then he truly saved us from orton by winning the wwe championship and holds it 4 a very long time but i think that batista will win and hhh the prick that he is will get into the main event of couse
How many people think Bobby Lashley will even be back for the Rumble? He isn't good on the microphone. He can definitely give some good matches but if he doesn't fix his mic talent, he may never be the WWE World Champ.
I've noticed a lot of people have been mentioning that Edge vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania would be a streak vs, streak match. However i seem to remember Mr.Kennedy beating Edge and 6 other superstars in the MITB ladder match just last year. So edge is not undefeated at Wrestlemania.

As far as the Rumble goes I see an obvious candidate winning it, like most people do too. I dont see an ECW superstar winning it, it would be a big time waste and the crowd would be pissed. My guess is Undertaker winning it for the second year in a row.
I really don't expect Triple H to win the Rumble even though he'll probably threaten someone in the locker room to let him have the win (I sure hope not).

In reality, this one is going to Mr. Kennedy, as his first two main event pushes were derailed by steroids and injuries. On the Smackdown side, I can see Batista getting eliminated by the Undertaker, then Undertaket getting eliminated by Michaels (or Edge making a run-in during the final four and getting the Undertaker eliminated thus beginning his road to the World Title at Wrestlemania), then Kennedy eliminating Michaels for a big upset and going for the WWE title at Wrestlemania and beginning his babyface run against Orton. If this is the way WWE is going with this, expect the next 2 months to be all eyes on Kennedy.

We will expect some gimmicks entering the Rumble, as well as the return of Bobby Lashley (expect him to eliminate Triple H and start a feud with him upon his return). WZ says there are only 9 spots left, so there will be about 3to 4 more spots to fill with wrestlers, and the rest to Lashley and 3 to 4 gimmick wrestlers. I don't expect this to be a great Rumble like last year, but it will be fun to watch if my expectations are true.

I agree with the majority that Batista is porbably going to win and swtich to Raw for a thripe threat with orton and HHH leaving taker vs edge on smackdown. this upsets me tho. I thik they really wasted this Hardy angle. the crowd is so hot behind him right now but everyone knows hes going to loose sunday and probably not get another opporunity for a while (the same with mysterio). It would have been great if they had an upset in the rumble this year and let Hardy win like they did with Michaels back in 95' that really jump started his career. Hardy could have won the belt at Mania and everyone would have loved it. Alas we all know that he won't because McMahon will keep the belt on a heel until John bleeping Cena comes back and grabs it for another year.
I've noticed a lot of people have been mentioning that Edge vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania would be a streak vs, streak match. However i seem to remember Mr.Kennedy beating Edge and 6 other superstars in the MITB ladder match just last year. So edge is not undefeated at Wrestlemania.

Edge hasn't lost a 1-on-1 match in his career at WrestleMania. That's why people are saying that it'd be streak vs. streak. I'd want the Undertaker to keep his streak alive and would be disappointed if they had Edge win.
I would like to see someone other than past winners Batista, Taker, HBK, HHH winning it. I think they could give a push to someone else who needs it. I don't know who though.

I was hoping Matt Hardy would be in it but his health doesn't allow him to I guess? It would have been cool for Matt to start a feud with Edge again. What if both Hardyz won the titles on each brand against Team RKO, that would have been unique.

Now that CM Punk has lost the ECW title, it could be a longshot, but could he win and start a feud with Edge by getting the title shot?

Mr Kennedy? Maybe he can outsmart his opponents and finally get over the hill.

Is Kane gonna be a mid-low card act for the rest of his career? Is he finally going to get the push he deserved too late and get a Title longer than a day.

Lashley return's from his injury as a suprise and wins? I don't know his status, but that would be possible and a good way to bring him back?
WWE is making it pretty obvious that the winner will 99% be triple H. trying to fool people that he wouldnt be in the match is pointless. he is arguably 1 of the best faces in the company at the moment. If he doesn't win the rumble undertaker or batista will win the big one.

HHH has been on a roll lately where as batista and undertaker have been in the main event picture on smackdown for a good couple of months and i can't see an outsider such as kennedy winning it.

my verdict 2008 winner HHH
With C.M. Punk losing the title to chavo I think that Punk has a great chance to win. If he wins I don't think he will challenge for the ecw title. I think he would challenge for the wwe title againsy whoever the champ is. I think that wwe is going to try to get punk away from ecw to help make him a bigger star.
I would go with the Undertaker Winning for the second year in a row, since the Elimination Chamber Match at No Way Out is currently being billed as a RAW Match, which means a SmackDown! Superstar would have to win. The only other obvious SmackDown! winner would be Batista but if he wins many people think he will jump ship over to Raw. Based on that I think Undertaker will win the Rumble. If Triple H or Batista win, it will set up the SmackDown! Chamber Match at No Way Out which will be won by Undertaker.
I wish MVP was in the Match and won it. but it won't do any good having the two top Heels on Smackdown go at it at Wrestlemania. I think C.M Punk is being set up to move to smackdown and challenge Edge at Mania. I would love that!!
I think this years rumble will be great, maybe even better than last many stars in the match...and now i think CM Punk just might be in the match since he lost the title (wwe must be crazy) 2 chavo guerrero...the entire ppv will be being an enormous HBK fan i hope he wins the rumble...he should because every time he is in the rumble he puts on the best performance...and since he did not win it last year when he should have he should get the nod this year...This years Rumble might just b one of the best ever
I would really like to see someone that the fans are not expecting to see win it. HHH Taker and Batista already have at least 1 win at the rumble match under their belts. I say give it to someone else, i would be happy to see Kennedy win it, or someone unexpected like an ECW wrestler like Benjamin or Morrison. Although the main person i want to win is Kane. I mean come on he does most of the dirty work in the rumble and has never won it, just give it to him so he can hold some gold before he retires.
After recent events I would think the winner of the Rumble shouldn't be any of the already over wrestlers, such as Batista, Undertaker, Shawn or HHH. I don't think many storylines could come from this and from people I've spoke to they seem to be expecting one of the four to win.

I keep changing my mind as to who I think will win, because the storylines only permit certain things happening. At the moment, I think Kennedy could do with winning it, as people would take him more seriously. He has also been very deserving lately, especially with the skill he's shown against Shawn. However it may be a waste, as I don't know if WWE would push him as far as the championship just yet.

Another, although slightly farfetched idea, is Cena making an early return, or one-time appearance in the Rumble, and endinig up winning it, giving him the title shot against Orton at Wm, for when he is ready to turn.

When you factor Cena into it, whether he is at the Rumble or not, if a scheduled return for him is set for Wm, it follows his match will be against Orton, or a title shot at whoever is the WWE champion at the time. This being said, it means the winner of the Rumble will contend for the World Heavyweight championship. This makes it seem more realistic that a Smackdown competitor will win, however their may be an angle around a draft or title changes.
Figured I'd do a revamp of the "Royal Rumble Aspects" that I did earlier in this thread, but change things around now that we know more...

1. Winner = Undertaker (if not him, Triple H)
2. Final Four = Undertaker, Triple H, Batista, HBK, Mr. Kennedy, Shelton Benjamin....four of those, probably not HBK/Kennedy cause they'll eliminate each other.
3. "Comic Relief" Segment = Foley, Finlay, Hornswoggle, though it won't be funny
4. The Quick Elimination = Santino Marella or Tommy Dreamer
5. He who gets screwed over by someone who has already been eliminated, isn't in the rumble, or uses some cheating method = Its almost always HBK
6. Shock Entrance = I would've said Lashley, but now, I'm not sure.
7. Feud that can spawn from the RR = Maybe someone for Batista, since he has nothing to do recently
8. Person attacked before entering the ring = No clue, really
9. The big guy eliminations = Khali by Finlay and Foley, BDV and Mark Henry by either the Undertaker, Batista, or by each other by accident
10. The House Cleaner (shows up in the teens, eliminates like 5 people to keep the ring from filling up) = Kane, Undertaker, Batista, or Khali
11. The Oh-So-Convenient Number (your partner draws his number right after yours, ala "Jeff Hardy is #20, Matt Hardy is #21") = Somehow involving Hornswoggle, Foley, Finlay, and Khali. My guess is it goes Foley, then Hornswoggle, then Khali, then Finlay for the "hot number".
12. Numbers One and Two = Noble/Palumbo, Holly or Rhodes with Carlito or Santino.
13. Number Thirty = One of the 6 as yet unnamed people. I can't see any of the 24 we already know being number 30.
I can't see past Taker making it two in a row. There's few people in with a chance of winning it this year when you look at it and the fact that WWE had a blown up magazine cover of Jeff Hardy with the chamber in the background on TV this week makes me think the winner has to be from SD. Taker/Edge is a very attractive WM main event.
i really know that it will be kane to win the royal rumble he will eliminate taker in that taker wins the elimination chamber at backlash for a chance to face kane at wm24 there of edge will compete for the ecw title and us title to be the first to hold both. giving the a new match fatal 4 way hell in a cell money in the bank for both titles come on now that would be a wm24 to watch who the hell would want to see a edge vs.taker thats dumb
i really know that it will be kane to win the royal rumble he will eliminate taker in that taker wins the elimination chamber at backlash for a chance to face kane at wm24 there of edge will compete for the ecw title and us title to be the first to hold both. giving the a new match fatal 4 way hell in a cell money in the bank for both titles come on now that would be a wm24 to watch who the hell would want to see a edge vs.taker thats dumb

Who wants to see Edge vs Undertaker? Everyone who watches WWE programming thats'll have suspense/drama/title vs undefeated streaks at the biggest PPV of the will probably be one of the best WM main events in the history...because both and Edge and Undertaker are two of the very best in the business...Nobody wants to see Kane in a main event at WM...he is stale and boring in the ring...CM Punk will more than likely win the MITB Ladder match with a chance at a title shot...thats just my guess...either than or face Shelton Benjamin for teh ECW title at WM, which I would perfer to see. Anyway you look at it...with the WWE Roster near full strength, it should be a GREAT Wrestlemania
Well i think the results could end this way:

Chris Jericho vs JBL :
Jbl could make an effort to win but wont succeed. possible a big climax in the match but not a impact to make him win.
i think Chris has this in the bucket and ready to mop up his competition.
on the other hand Jericho's "save_us" gimmick could be a failure until Wrestlemania where it makes a huge impact.
imagining Jim Ross saying "YES ! YES! Chris Jericho has FINNALLY saved us!!"
Making as so he is in a triple threat match with Ortan & Jeff Hardy.So ftw i go with JBL , because even with his hard effort in the begining to win his end will be succeeded as Jericho angers to "save us" from somthing else.

MVP vs Ric Flair :
This is pretty predictable , noticing that i don't see Flair retiring until Wrestlemania. Though MVP will put up a great fight. I see this ending with a low-blow roll up pin from Flair. I think WWE is going with the Old Flair vs Young Flair gimmick putting MVP as the Young Flair of course. Teaching MVP a lesson or 2 on how its done lol. ftw Flair.

Rey Mysterio vs Edge :
Even though I love Rey and his talent (no homo) , i dont see him winning this. The whole "Wrestlemania Streak vs Streak" thing is believable with Undertaker vs Edge. So i see Rey losing this but trying to get revenge back to go on to qualify for the Money in the Bank match .Also i think this will be MOTN because Rey and Edge are great views. Rey's heart brings so many fans and Edges seductiveness in winning is entertaining no matter how much you hate it. So ftw, Edge Retains.

Randy Ortan vs Jeff Hardy:
This will probably be a big disappointment. I hate to say it but Jeff isn't going to win. All this promotion, all the heart , i just dont see him winning the title. Yeah yeah alot of people didn't see Rey or Undertaker winning the world title,
because of their stands in the company , but it was there work that tributes to their succeeds to their winning. So this is a hard thought , knowing that Jeff has put such heart and effort onto making this day happen but i think his magazine cover with the elimination chamber in the background has to do something with him winning a possible ECW championship in it.So ftw Ortan.

The Royal Rumble Match:
A match that could be one of the greatest this year of its kind. The Royal Rumble Match. Now Odds are on Batista to win. My bets on Undertaker. Many people like Hbk and Triple H to win. So my prediction is the last 10 men will be:
1.Great Khali(great power will keep him there)
2.Hornswoggle(hiding under the ring is a great advantage)
3.Triple H(He stayed in top 3 in 2006)
4.HBK(top 2 last year)
5.Batista(Odds on favorite)
6.Undertaker ( My choice and Wrestlemania prediction[streak vs streak])
*and the monsters*
7.Big daddy V
9.Mark Henry
*And a surprise entrant*
10.who i wish was John Cena but..Cm Punk
Last 5 will be:
1. Hornswoggle(still hiding)
2.Great khali(keeps the strength going)
3.Batista(heart has its advantages)
4.Triple H(revenge is bittersweet)
5.Undertaker(hype up)
order of elimination until last 2:
1st Triple H will go over by the Great Khali
2nd Hornswoggle finnally comes in eliminates himself and khali with the rest helping him eliminate Khali(like how everyone tried with bigshow)
Last 2:
Undertaker & Batista :
This is gonna be sooo cool because it'll be a Wrestlemania flash back.
Bastista will be SOOOOO close to winning but when the two past rumble winners (and not to mention Wrestlemania headliners) clash at the end, i believe Undertaker will overcome the animals strength and win. As on the animal will compete in the Tri-Brand elimination chamber For the ECW title.

Prediction Superstars for that:
Jeff Hardy(Raw)
Chavo Guerrero(he's SDs superstar ; just ECW champion)
CM Punk(ECW)
Shelton Benjamin(ECW)
*my pick is Shelton*

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