Royal Rumble: The Royal Rumble Match

HHH wins the Royal Rumble 2008. There is no other explanation for HHH losing to Hardy and HHH not being thrusted to the title scene for the last few months. HHH has been doing what I thought he was incapable of doing - playing second fiddle to Orton and even the Y2J comeback. Now he will go on and win the Rumble.

Plus, the winner must come from Raw as the Elimination Chamber match is the perfect set-up for SD! to determin a number 1 contender. and not for Raw.

Just throwing in my 2 cents: How great would it be for either Orton or Edge to go ahead and win the Rumble and unite the belts at 'Mania (it will never happen)
i hope to god wwe does not take away taker undeafted streak at wm if they do wwe will be no more. cena wins rr no way cena not do back till after wm(htnak god) hhh won't win and hope batista wins i really see some preson we woudn't see winning it
first of all i think batista will win the rumble and go for the wwe champion or go for the hevayweight champion-not a good chance-.hhh will win the chamber match of course.cena could be back for wm24 and vs orton cause orton will not be the wwe champion at wm24 i thing it will be hhh.that is what i think!!
I see someone like Matt Hardy coming back from injury and winning the rumble.

I say Matt will win because one, it would show that he can come back from a bad injury strongly, two in the time between the rumble and WM, he'll most likely win the US Title finally, and last but now least if Jeff wins his match, the we can have Hardy vs Hardy at WM.
while i think that a hardy vs hardy title match would be awsome there is no way that vince would let two guys that arent proven main eventers wrestle for the wwe title at wrestlemania so for me that means matt is out.

thank god HHH wont be winning it again.

i dont think that taker will win again becuase the first 3months of 2008 would look exactly like the first 3 of 2007.

even though i dont want it to happen i think batista is gonna win the rumble and switch over to raw. from all the i heard its gonna be HHH vs orton vs batista for the title so if HHH isnt in the rumble then batista wins.

i hate that wwe will never give u a surprise winner in the rumble. seriously whats the point of having a match with 30 entrants when everyone in the world knows that only about 5 of these people have a chance of winning. the last surprise winner in my mind was HBK in 1995. i never thought any1 would go from #1 especially shawn since he was basically a mid card IC champ just gettin near the main event. this is what wwe should do now. give some1 one the brink of the main event the push they need by letting them win the rumble(kennedy, mvp, matt hardy) i hope this happens but my pick is boretista
Ok HHH is not gonna win the Rumble since he cant compete in it. That was the stipulation on the New Years match with Flair. I can see Flair winning and making his last WM run. He can get the title shot and not run over some of the up and comers along the way. Winning the Rumble would allow Flair to work lighter(every other week or so) and still get the title shot.
my pick is batista to win the rumble (NOW that HHH is not in it) and having a triple threat match at WM is not bad but i hope to god they dont throw flair in that mtch that would be just plain stupid. but id like to see kennedy win cause his money in the bank was cut short and i really think its time for his big push .
I see someone like Matt Hardy coming back from injury and winning the rumble.

I say Matt will win because one, it would show that he can come back from a bad injury strongly, two in the time between the rumble and WM, he'll most likely win the US Title finally, and last but now least if Jeff wins his match, the we can have Hardy vs Hardy at WM.

What on EARTH are you smoking? Seriously, Matt Hardy winning the Royal Rumble? Look.. I get that once upon a time Rey Mysterio shocked the world by doing it. But its Matt Hardy. Matt doesn't have a Main Event bone in his body.

On top of all that, he isn't going to return to action until closer to Wrestlemania. The only reason he was on Raw, was to further the feud with Orton & Jeff.

However, assuming purely that he would ever have entered the Royal Rumble. When you factor in that other names in it would likely be, but aren't limited to.. Shawn Michaels, Batista, Undertaker, Mr. Kennedy, Umaga, & even M.V.P.. Matt Hardy's name doesn't rank above any of them.

In my opinion, the Rumble will come down to possibly Shawn Michaels & the Undertaker, all over again. There is some weird rumor running around that Batista would win it, however I really hope he doesn't, simply because Batista is nowhere NEAR over anymore to win it. It would serve absolutely no purpose to give him the win, & if anything, it'd only hurt the Rumble match itself, as its only purpose would be to put Batista v. Triple H.?!
undertaker will win the rumble back to back... or a smackdown superstar.. its logically, the only other logic choice was the game and seeing as he is not in the match the only way he CAN main event wrestlemania is if he wins the elimination chamber match at no way out... and it would be stupid to make shawn michaels win the match seeing as they are building a great fued between him and mr kennedy, i hope wwe lead this up to wrestlemania this is a ticketseller
this is how i shape everything going until wrestlemania upcoming weeks on raw Triple H is going to some how find someway to get in the royal rumble and im pretty sure he will at the end of the day i also sso a Khali vs ric Flair match at royal rumble which will be no DQ and the Mcmahons will help khali win while the returning Hulk Hogan comes and beats the living out of Khali and everyone and flair wins.Batista will once the rumble again guarnteed but will stay on smackdown and not make his decision for a while still feuding with edge or undertaker.Jeff hardy will lose to Orton, and Myserio will lose to Edge DQ.At No way Out my elimation chmaber match will be liek this-Chris Jericho,JBL,Jeff Hardy,Shawn Michales,Bobby Lashley,and Mr.Kennedy-I think Shawn Mihales will win-Triple h will face Orton that night and will beat Orton for the WWE Championship and later that night Undertaker beats Edge and gets Sweet Chin Music from Shawn Michales telling everyone he wants undertkaer at wrestlemaia for the WHC-Batista vs Flair that night also-Flairs carrer vs Batista's Royal Rumble Win,Ric Flair wins and batista loses his championship win is rewarded to Randy Orton the next day on Raw,Khali challendge Hulk Hogan for a match at Wresltmania 24, he accepts,Batista wants Randy Orton for his championship oppurtunity back somehow he wins it or is disquilified and still gets his chance at wrestlemania vs triple H (sorry),Vince Mchamhon decides he wants to end Ric Flairs carrer on his own so he challenges him to a street Fight at Wrestlemania then finley comes out and tells him he wants horswogle back they have a tag team match at wrestlemania ric flair & Finley vs Vince &Shane mcmahon
Ok HHH is not gonna win the Rumble since he cant compete in it. That was the stipulation on the New Years match with Flair. I can see Flair winning and making his last WM run. He can get the title shot and not run over some of the up and comers along the way. Winning the Rumble would allow Flair to work lighter(every other week or so) and still get the title shot.

if flair is involved in the rumble does that make it a must-win? it could be a great way of continuing his storyline and putting him in a spot to end his career at Mania with a loss as we know he wont become champ?

Or can WWE do the right think let him win the title at Mania and then bow out gracefully and putting the title up for grabs? I know its farfetched and flair may not be able to put on a classic Mania main event match but it would be a great end to a legendary career and Mania23
My predictions since Edge beat Taker for the title have been Edge vs Taker and HHH vs Cena in the main events of WM. With Cena gone it can be assumed the H's will just go on to beat whoever the cena placeholder is by March.

But sice Trips is banned from the rumble, I am left wondering if they will give it to Taker for a second year in a row?

Other feasible options include:
- Lashley - They always have big returns at the Rumble. If he does return he's my number 1 option from Raw.

- Batista - 2nd most likely to win it from SD after Taker, but seriously, no one cares about Batista enough to warrant him a second RR win

- HBK - this one is possible, but considering Orton beat him a few months ago what would be the point?

- Kahli - I hope not, but this seems like something the WWE would do (ie Yokozuna). I swore they were going to do it last year, but luckily they didn't.

- Y2J - hahahahahhaha, not happening, the guy hasn't been given a decent push since 2001 other than his barely there obligitory comeback push

- Kennedy - the guy beat 6 former world champs in 06, but won maybe 7 matches total in 07, so I doubt it

- Umaga - i wish they would give him a serious heel run as champ, but it won't be starting at RR08

- Kane - probably not

So Taker is looking pretty solid right now.

However, I love the rumble, because 6 out of 20 years, the winners have surprised me. That ain't bad considering out of 20 singles matches I'm generally never surprised.

Big John Studd won it in a year when Hogan, Savage, Andre, DiBiase and other bigger names were in it. Austin and HBK's first RR wins came out of nowhere when they were just mid-carders going into it. Benoit and Mysterio were both surprises that happened within the last 5 years. And let's not forget McMahon winning in 99.

Thus, there is still a chance that a mid-carder could come out of nowhere and win it. MVP? Finlay? Chavo? Morrison? Benjamin? Carlito? The Miz?...

Yeah, there are only 3 real options: Undertaker, Lashley, or Batista. This is going to suck.
Bobby Lashley would make a HUGE comeback if he wins the royal rumble and another superstar that would make a huge inpact would be the Boogeyman i know hes not the toughest but they are thinkin about makin boogeyman back ova 2 raw or smackdown.
i'm gonna use pickle's idea and make my predictions,

Triple H-he might be able to come back cause anythings possible

Undertaker-i'm guessing hes going to get eliminated, hes been cheated out of it in the past , i give him 50%

umaga-its possible hes been really good and bad, but i give him 20%

shawn micheals-shawn micheals is really good, hes won a royal rumble twice in a row, it wouldn't surprise me if he won this time, i give him 60%

chris jericho- his come back hyped everyone up, he almost one the wwe champion! who knows what he can achieve now!! i give him 75%

Batista-possibly the most popular, the fans would love to have him win the royal rumble twice, i would not get upset, to see him go to wrestlemania, i give him 50%

the great khali-i seriously hope he won't win, but he is capable of it-40%

mr. kennedy-after i seen his win against shawn micheals i think he can achieve it, i give him 68%

Kane-hes in my list for possibilities, can't be to sure, i give him 20%
After seeing how they treated the Beat the Clock competition and everything, as well as WWE Magazine apparently naming Batista the Superstar of the Year (you have to be kidding me about that one...) it looks even more likely now that, unfortunately, Batista will win the Royal Rumble to challenge Orton.

If Batista wins and challenges Orton, I'll really hate it, but it gives them what they want. Undertaker gets screwed out of the Royal Rumble, but wins the Elimination Chamber. Triple H goes on to beat Flair at Wrestlemania. Orton has a "big name" opponent. The only person being thrown out of this loop for Wrestlemania is HBK...but who knows what they'll give him in place of it...maybe a tag match of some sort to try and incorporate more talent.

There's only one other possible outcomes, it seems, for the Royal Rumble, and that is if the Undertaker wins, then HHH wins the Elimination Chamber to challenge Orton (but that leaves Flair without an opponent, unless he's willing to lose to HBK).
Snitsky qualified for the Royal Rumble during the same show Ashley Masarro made her return to. He defeated Drew McIntyre. WWE are scheduled to be adding additional Royal Rumble qualifying matches on TV shows and house shows leading to the WWE Royal Rumble pay-per-view.

I'm sure there are better more deserving wrestlers who could have a spot in this rumble. What is better? Snitzky getting easily eliminated by HHH or Paul London making somebody look impressive by getting eliminated easily by them?
What on EARTH are you smoking? Seriously, Matt Hardy winning the Royal Rumble? Look.. I get that once upon a time Rey Mysterio shocked the world by doing it. But its Matt Hardy. Matt doesn't have a Main Event bone in his body.

On top of all that, he isn't going to return to action until closer to Wrestlemania. The only reason he was on Raw, was to further the feud with Orton & Jeff.

However, assuming purely that he would ever have entered the Royal Rumble. When you factor in that other names in it would likely be, but aren't limited to.. Shawn Michaels, Batista, Undertaker, Mr. Kennedy, Umaga, & even M.V.P.. Matt Hardy's name doesn't rank above any of them.

In my opinion, the Rumble will come down to possibly Shawn Michaels & the Undertaker, all over again. There is some weird rumor running around that Batista would win it, however I really hope he doesn't, simply because Batista is nowhere NEAR over anymore to win it. It would serve absolutely no purpose to give him the win, & if anything, it'd only hurt the Rumble match itself, as its only purpose would be to put Batista v. Triple H.?!

Did I ask what you thought about mu opinion, I think not. You know you really are bad about putting people down just because they don't think the same thing you do. You should really work on that because guess what, everybody has a different opinion and are all entitled to voice it.

Now as I was saying I believe Matt Hardy will be in the Rumble and will win it, and if he doesn't I have some other picks for winners. 1: Mr. Kennedy.... Kennedy, simply because he's a younger guy, and he wrestles way better than some of the older guys, who I'm personally tired of seeing holding the younger people back. 2: Ric Flair, because it goes with his storyline, and he's the only old guy I still respect in WWE. 3: This one is totally random, but I'll say RVD comes back and wins the rumble.
I can,t belive HHH isn,t in it.Wow....not puttig himself over for once.

My pick this year is going to be-Undertaker.

I have a feeling.Theres no other way for him to get the title shot(other than no way out)and since HHH isn,t in it I expect Raw to get the E.C.(Since I can,t see a raw superstar winning).
Did I ask what you thought about mu opinion, I think not. You know you really are bad about putting people down just because they don't think the same thing you do. You should really work on that because guess what, everybody has a different opinion and are all entitled to voice it.

Yeah but your opinions are stupid man. See below.

Now as I was saying I believe Matt Hardy will be in the Rumble and will win it, and if he doesn't I have some other picks for winners. 1: Mr. Kennedy.... Kennedy, simply because he's a younger guy, and he wrestles way better than some of the older guys, who I'm personally tired of seeing holding the younger people back. 2: Ric Flair, because it goes with his storyline, and he's the only old guy I still respect in WWE. 3: This one is totally random, but I'll say RVD comes back and wins the rumble.

Mr. Kennedy & Matt Hardy? If they win those top level pushes are coming out of nowhere. Maybe Matt would win if Jeff died of a massive heart attack, and Kennedy if his mum died. But neither of these are going to win.
Yeah but your opinions are stupid man. See below.

Mr. Kennedy & Matt Hardy? If they win those top level pushes are coming out of nowhere. Maybe Matt would win if Jeff died of a massive heart attack, and Kennedy if his mum died. But neither of these are going to win.

Wait did you just call my opinions stupid, last time I checked around to see if there where any fans of the people I like, there where like 4 or so.

Do you know what happened to those four guys, they all got banned, and why. Just because they think differently than you do, just because they don't like who you like.

You can say that they caused to much trouble all you want, but the only reason that they said anything bad about anyone, is because you berated them just because of there opinion.

That's not only biased, that's just plain wrong. I don't care if I get banned for fighting back or not, but I will not, ever let someone degrade my opinion.

You know that once I was part of Matt and Jeff's website, The Hardy Show. Com. I was there just because I was and still am a fan of there's. The people there decided though that I should get banned, because I Hate CM Punk, and they thought he was some god.

Oh and here's a story for you, my little 8 year old cousin is a huge Hardy Boyz fan, and although he wishes he could express that, he can't, and you know why. Because places like this take the people who think differently, and put that fire under them for no reason, until those people snap, and you can ban them under the premise that they where trouble makers.

That's not something I want my cousin to have to go though, but if he where to come on here, and actually express his thoughts on the rumble, that's exactly want would happen.

So tell me this, if you're so willing to call my opinions stupid, would you do the same to an small kid, who just happens to love someone you don't.
Wait did you just call my opinions stupid, last time I checked around to see if there where any fans of the people I like, there where like 4 or so.

Do you know what happened to those four guys, they all got banned, and why. Just because they think differently than you do, just because they don't like who you like.

You can say that they caused to much trouble all you want, but the only reason that they said anything bad about anyone, is because you berated them just because of there opinion.

That's not only biased, that's just plain wrong. I don't care if I get banned for fighting back or not, but I will not, ever let someone degrade my opinion.

You know that once I was part of Matt and Jeff's website, The Hardy Show. Com. I was there just because I was and still am a fan of there's. The people there decided though that I should get banned, because I Hate CM Punk, and they thought he was some god.

Oh and here's a story for you, my little 8 year old cousin is a huge Hardy Boyz fan, and although he wishes he could express that, he can't, and you know why. Because places like this take the people who think differently, and put that fire under them for no reason, until those people snap, and you can ban them under the premise that they where trouble makers.

That's not something I want my cousin to have to go though, but if he where to come on here, and actually express his thoughts on the rumble, that's exactly want would happen.

So tell me this, if you're so willing to call my opinions stupid, would you do the same to an small kid, who just happens to love someone you don't.

Silly opinions, from a silly boy. :)

I'm finally ready to make my Rumble winner prediction: The Undertaker. Why? Dunno really. He didn't win the Beat The Clock. And I just can't see this version of The Undertaker getting eliminated. He used to get eliminated as the initial version of The Undertaker, but he was portrayed as being a big dumb goon them. Later on he evolved and became more human, so it was fine for him to get eliminated. The he became a biker and was just a normal wrestler, so again it was fine for him to get eliminated. But I just don't see it happening with this version of Taker. He's a mixture of all the other versions.

And with HHH not being in the Rumble (so far anyway, I'm sure it will change), that only really leaves HBK & Batsita. HBK doesn't stand a chance. And I just can't see Batista winning it.
Since HHH isn't a part of the Royal Rumble match, I think RAW gets the Elimination Chamber. HHH wins that and then faces Randy Orton at WM 24. This means the Rumble winner will be from either SmackDown! or ECW. I think we all know that an ECW guy is NOT winning the Rumble. I can see The Undertaker winning the Rumble again because he and Edge would have an incredibly captivating match for the World Title. I can also see Batista winning it because Vince loves big muscles and Batista and Edge have beef. I hate Batista.
I'm actually going to agree with Jake's prediction of The Undertaker. Not only is the Undertaker almost definitely going to end up in the main event on WrestleMania, and SmackDown! has an awful habit of winning Royal Rumbles, but WWE are always striving to meet and break their previous records these days. With The Undertaker winning he'd have met Austin's record by winning two years in a row. If they wanted to add to that, which they probably will, he'll come in at number thirty again. Or number one. And last five straight hours. And get tossed out but hover above the floor. You see what I'm getting at here.

Otherwise, I think Batista will win it. All the competitors from Raw, I don't see it happening. Even HBK. Although, it wouldn't be a stretch to think Y2J might win it.
everyone seems to have forgotten about bobby lashley , seeing as he was due to return in december , i can definetly see lashley as a surprise entrant and winning it ?

if any1 needs this it will be mr. kennedy but i dont think he will win. batista doesnt deserve to win the rumble again!!

even a strong performance from some one in the rumble can giv them a huge push which would be useful the likes of matt hardy , mvp , mr.kennedy

however i have a feeling it wil be triple h as he will somehow force his way back in to the rumble , and they will make it seem like its an underdog story , even though we all know that really isnt the case! as i cant see triple h going down to hardy and flair without something good planned for himself! plus he hasnt won it in a while!
i would like to see orton vs batista vs triple h , with batista jumping to raw , (not quite sure , how they would make him jump over though without winning the rumble)

or perhaps a 4 way for the title with flair even involved!

you never know really , how i would like to see a mid carder win the rumble, i think its almost certain it will be a big time main eventer.

undertaker wil win the elimination chamber and go on to face edge.
I think it will be either Mr. Kennedy or The Undertaker this year, simply because they both got screwed over by injuries.

Mr. Kennedy won the Money in the Bank and he said he planned on cashing it in for Wrestlemania 24. However, he had to forfeit it to Edge because of his injury. I think there were obvious plans for Kennedy to be a big star, and the Royal Rumble is the best way to pick up where they left off.

Undertaker is my next prediction because he is probably going to retire soon, yet he hasn't had a long title reign in his 17 year career. I think if Undertaker didn't suffer that injury a few months back, he would still be champion today. Plus, Undertaker has been screwed out of regaining the belt many times since returning: Edge stealing his pin at Armageddon & Matt Striker refusing to count during the Beat the Clock challenge. The only reason I can't see Undertaker winning is because he already won last year. However, I think Undertaker deserves to go down in history as one of the few men who have won back-to-back Royal Rumbles.

Y2J was one of my predictions, but the feud with JBL is making me doubt it. Y2J will either have a match with JBL or be screwed out of winning the Rumble by JBL.

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