Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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Though most of us would surely mark-out to some degree if it were Sting... until we habe something legitimate from the rumor mill to go off of, beyond rampant speculation, I'm going to side with that being unlikely.

So my prediction- Mistico.

Yes, I know that it seems like a heavy build-up for a superstar that the majority of the fanbase is unfamiliar with, but the WWE wasted little time in hyping and building another recent Mexican legend in Del Rio.

Mistico (while most fans in this country don't know it) is a guy that, in the business, would be looked at as worthy of this type of hype. In fact he has been labeled as the "biggest draw in the world not in the WWE".

Another factor to consider is that (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong), I'm under the impression that Mistico does not speak english. Therefore the WWE is going to need to do something creative with both his build-up and more importantly his character in order to get him over with the american fans to the level that a star of his status should be able to achieve.

Also, just as an aside (since people seem to think it is a potetial indicator for the Sting speculation), California would be a logical place to debut a famous, revered, and over Luchador.

With Mistico being signed, his debut figures to be sooner rather than later to me, and having a wrestler of his stature work through the ranks of something like FCW or a season of NXT seems illogical and disrectful. Something like this type of mystery hype machine seems more appropriate given the international importance of this signing.

Wasn't Mistico billed to be the new Rey Mysterio? Besides, he's 5 ft. 7. Hardly intimidating at all.

This person is a eerie, cunning mysterious person, not a luchador.

Besides, I do'nt want another Undertaker knock-off (Mordeci).

It's either Undertaker, or my pick Sting.

Not a luchador, a diva, a FCW superstar, or Tarver, or Skip.

It'll be hugely anti-climatic for this build to end up being a luchador.

And also, Del Rio was signed in June 2009, but did'nt appear until June 25, 2010. A year later.

Rarely is a new superstar, just signed two day's ago, gonna go to the main roster in 3 weeks unless he's already a major superstar either debuting from somewhere else, or returning.
i would love it to be sting. i so hope it will mark out moment big time. i can't see it being kong or taker as a diva getting this much hype and wouldnt have had her down as being dark and mystical. taker i couldn't see returning on raw at all. if they know he's going to be fit and ready for mania then why not have him return at ec to intefere in whatever barret is going to be doing.

The only logical person it can be is sting. i also love how people have got the wikipedia articles of sting and tyler blacks edited this quick have to go check them out. on stings it says its rumoured to be him and on tyler's one it says hes debuting 02/21/11
To be honest as much as i'd like it to be sting. I just know it's the undertaker :/ i think they've made this promo to make us think that its sting and start to believe that sting is coming. But i really hope wwe have signed this guy hes great. The reason i think it's undertaker is because in the promo video it shows this person in a trench coat walking to a house and it might off been the house that kane " burned " years ago when him and undertaker were " children " But that could just be me thinking, Im just going to get my hopes up and think its sting! :D
Sting is a pipe dream to debut like this. While the date of which this individual is set to debut is directly following the Elimination Chamber ppv - why would they bring Sting in at that point?

The night AFTER Wrestlemania is typically when huge stars enter/return to the Company. Think about it. At this point, bringing Sting in to feud with Taker at Mania makes absolutely no sense what so ever, beyond fullfilling fans wet dreams. There is no stroyline that sets up Sting/Taker for Mania - this year. And even though Mania wouldn't be for roughly 4-6 weeks from the point of 2-21-11, you have to accept the main two situations here.

1. The Undertaker isn't even deadlocked for being able to compete at Wrestlemania. It's being reported he's working hard to get in the proper physical health TO wrestle, but it isn't 100% guaranteed yet. -- So why waste the time, money and energy on pushing such a huge dream-match, when they can't even guarantee they could put it on, or if they could, that it'd be worth watching with a less than 100% Undertaker?

2. The last moments of the Undertaker's career were of him being buried by the Nexus. Currently, the WWE is setting up a back-up plan with the Corre and the Nexus set to explode; but I fully believe when the Undertaker does return - like always, he'll be looking to take out revenge on the individual(s) responsible for his forced exit. (namely, Barrett.)

Bringing Taker back, throwing out everything we remember from the last time Taker was in the Company - what does that do? It destroys everything they've promoted and built over the course of the past year, and for what? Once again - a pipe/wet dream match-up. Nothing else.

The promo is likely Seth Rollins debut, and it's probably set to push him as a top choice in the MITB match - nothing else.

People are building this promo up to be so huge, that it's potentially going to out/over-shine everything currently set-up for Mania. (Cena/Miz, Punk/Orton, Edge/ADR) One promo shouldn't do that - and I think that speaks volumes on a whole OTHER level, as to what people truly think of the current (assumed) card for Mania.. to put so much stock in hoping for something, some dream, to save the show.
why on earth you have Barrett face undertaker? we have a weak lineup already for WM like cena vs miz/Orton vs Punk and now another weak ppv lineup? barrett is the last guy you could ever think of...Streak is everything and having STAR POWER like Sting is everything that will draw and get more PPV buyrates... DREAM MATCH TAKER VS STING...

star power vs Taker and the streak=huge amount of draw and ppv buyrates
Sting is a pipe dream to debut like this. While the date of which this individual is set to debut is directly following the Elimination Chamber ppv - why would they bring Sting in at that point?

The night AFTER Wrestlemania is typically when huge stars enter/return to the Company. Think about it. At this point, bringing Sting in to feud with Taker at Mania makes absolutely no sense what so ever, beyond fullfilling fans wet dreams. There is no stroyline that sets up Sting/Taker for Mania - this year. And even though Mania wouldn't be for roughly 4-6 weeks from the point of 2-21-11, you have to accept the main two situations here.

1. The Undertaker isn't even deadlocked for being able to compete at Wrestlemania. It's being reported he's working hard to get in the proper physical health TO wrestle, but it isn't 100% guaranteed yet. -- So why waste the time, money and energy on pushing such a huge dream-match, when they can't even guarantee they could put it on, or if they could, that it'd be worth watching with a less than 100% Undertaker?

2. The last moments of the Undertaker's career were of him being buried by the Nexus. Currently, the WWE is setting up a back-up plan with the Corre and the Nexus set to explode; but I fully believe when the Undertaker does return - like always, he'll be looking to take out revenge on the individual(s) responsible for his forced exit. (namely, Barrett.)

Bringing Taker back, throwing out everything we remember from the last time Taker was in the Company - what does that do? It destroys everything they've promoted and built over the course of the past year, and for what? Once again - a pipe/wet dream match-up. Nothing else.

The promo is likely Seth Rollins debut, and it's probably set to push him as a top choice in the MITB match - nothing else.

People are building this promo up to be so huge, that it's potentially going to out/over-shine everything currently set-up for Mania. (Cena/Miz, Punk/Orton, Edge/ADR) One promo shouldn't do that - and I think that speaks volumes on a whole OTHER level, as to what people truly think of the current (assumed) card for Mania.. to put so much stock in hoping for something, some dream, to save the show.

Why would a promo with eerie music, rain, and a man in a trenchcoat have to do with Seth Rollins?

What is this love for Seth Rollins out of nowhere?

This is Save_Us.222 huge right here. Not some rookie debuting.

WWE would'nt make this much of a deal for a rookie, nobody who's only been on a WWE event twice, once as Sab Rollins.

Even though Jericho debuting was a major thing, he was also a star who people knew from WCW. I doubt more than half the WWE fanbase know who Tyler Black is.

Even though Sting is on the TNA Roster page and can just appear on TNA next week or whatever, I'm pretty sure it's him or Undertaker.

Not a Undertaker knock-off.
What if it isn't Undertaker vs Stong at WM? I like everyone else thinks its Sting, but I'm gonna stick with what I said in another thread, and that is Undertaker AND Sting vs Kane and Wade Barrett. Taker needs somebody to help him take on Barrett and Kane for what happened at Bragging Rights, bc Taker was weak with his feud with Kane, remember guys? He's going to need help, and that help is coming on 2-21-11 in the Stinger. Why on a RAW, I don't know, but I'm thinking we're more likely to see them team up together than face each other

All I know is if it's Sting in any capacity, I will truly mark the fuck out
*Sorry for the double post, I clicked quote instead of edit.*

What would a promo with eerie music, rain, and a man in a trenchcoat have to do with Seth Rollins?

What is this love for Seth Rollins out of nowhere?

This is Save_Us.222 huge right here. Not some rookie debuting.

WWE would'nt make this much of a deal for a rookie, nobody who's only been on a WWE event twice, once as Sab Rollins.

Even though Jericho debuting was a major thing, he was also a star who people knew from WCW. I doubt more than half the WWE fanbase know who Tyler Black is. And usually WWE rookies have a video package with them on it and something like,

Seth Rollins
Coming 2011

Even though Sting is on the TNA Roster page and can just appear on TNA next week or whatever, I'm pretty sure it's him or Undertaker.

Not a Undertaker knock-off.

"Oh, it's some guy. That's who's in video's, some guy."
Why would a promo with eerie music, rain, and a man in a trenchcoat have to do with Seth Rollins?

What is this love for Seth Rollins out of nowhere?

What music? I heard no music. And why would a log cabin, cowboy boots and a date in February have to do with Sting?

If anything, that promo leads me to believe it's the return of Barry Windham's "The Stalker" more than anything else. At this point, all anyone has to go off of is that we'll find out soon.

This is Save_Us.222 huge right here. Not some rookie debuting.

Tell me you're joking? You believe this is As huge as the Countdown clock? The same countdown clock that ran for over a month, plus? Dude, 2-21-11 is in 3 weeks. That is 3 more Raw's from now. Hardly Jericho huge.

And why wouldn't it be for a rookie? Did Edge not have mysterious subway promos before he debuted? Did Alberto Del Rio not have his own promos before debuting?

This has new-comer written on it more than major (soon-to-be) Hall of Famer, in it.

WWE would'nt make this much of a deal for a rookie, nobody who's only been on a WWE event twice, once as Sab Rollins.

They invested a ton of money into promos for other no-names who the fans have never seen or heard of before. At least Tyler Black has a known name to some fans.. more so than Edge, or ADR when they debuted after multiple promos.

Even though Sting is on the TNA Roster page and can just appear on TNA next week or whatever, I'm pretty sure it's him or Undertaker.

Not a Undertaker knock-off.

WHY?! Again, everyone is hoping, and I'm pretty sure someone has tried sacrificing something in an attempt to make this end up as Sting. But what purpose would it serve?

Give me one logical, acceptable answer on what purpose this would serve - BESIDES "because it's the dream match everyone wants to see."

Shit, maybe it's Brock Lesnar - afterall, reports & rumors indicated the WWE wanted him and Taker to meet at Mania. There you go, right? Once again - as naive as even THAT sounds, it has more logic than Sting.
^^ Note the sarcasm I'm getting ready to spew out here. But your last line ..I have to refute using the amazing logic I've read throught this thread tonight. I believe that a handful of it actually came from itssoeasy123 himself but ..what would make anyone thing it was Sting? Well jeez how about that trenchcoat and he was wearing black boots! Duh..

Honestly though, I'm glad to see that there is logical thinking here on the wrestlezone forums. I've been visiting this website for over 10 years now and never use anything else for my news/rumors but have just today joined the forums. I was instantly turned off after only participating in this thread. So I'm glad to see that there are people who actually do strive to post with a level of intelligence.
if 2/21/11 is on a monday, i doubt it will be sting or taker, i see either of them debuting or coming back in pay per view matter, i see it more being awesome kong, right now eve is a transition champ, until kong comes in on that day or the week after and become champ.
New to this forum, but post on many others.

Let me start off by saying I personally think it is Sting, but to say it can't be Taker just cause its Raw is crazy. Raw is live on Monday, Smackdown is usually taped on Tuesday and doesn't air til Friday. If he comes back on SD! then it hits the net on Tuesday night and everybody knows on Wednesday. Plus people "invade" the other brand all the time i.e. Edge on Raw last night. And with this whole Corre vs. New Nexus angle going on whos to say Taker don't come back on Raw and take them all out including Punk who last I remember wasn't in Taker's Fave Five.

Along with everybody else I hope it is Sting, but not sure what his motivation would be to come to the WWE at this stage in his career. He himself has admitted to being well past his prime. Also I don't think he'll get Taker at Wrestlemania either. I dont think Taker's streaks gonna end cause then it looks like he held on too long (Brett Favre) and that would hurt his legacy. And why would they bring Sting in to job out at probably his only Mania appearance, much less why would Sting agree to it. I think if Sting/Taker happens it will be at SS.

Also, I've seen a couple people say it could be Macho Man because of his recent reveal on WWE All Stars but nobody has mentioned Warrior yet. Very unlikely but just throwing it out there.

My 8 cents.
I honestly think it's Sting. The way the promo was done was just way too crow-esque. Unless they debut Tyler Black as their answer to Sting, I highly doubt that it's really anyone else. The Cabin mention is probably the best analogy for this. Sting to the WWE = guy in trench coat walking towards a mysterious cabin in the rain. Yeah, I can see that working promo wise.
Ok here's the Deal WWE/WWF NEVER debuts a new Superstar during the Road to Wrestlemania UNLESS there are plans for them at Wrestlemania. History has shown that debuts usually happen the night AFTER Wrestlemania. Examples

Marc Mero(Actually debuted @ WM 12)

Mankind(Night after WM 12)

Brock Lesnar(Night after WM 18)

Goldberg(Night after WM 19)

In recent memory the only people I can think of who debuted DURING the Road to Wrestlemania were Hogan & the New World Order(No Way Out 2002) which of course led to Rock/Hogan @ WM 17 and Christian(Random ECW episode) and he ended up in Money In the Bank @ WM 25. In my opinion its Either Sting or Taker but it seems perfect for Sting.
They don't film commercials just for Raw. Plus, seeing as you just joined. I think you should just shut the hell up

Here's where I would laugh at the irony of a guy with 1 post telling another guy with 1 post "you just joined. I think you should just shut the hell up" if it wasn't for the fact that I have <20 myself.

Of course Sting is the dream matchup from a while ago, and is therefore what a lot of people are jumping to in hopes it happens. With only 3 weeks, there would normally lack enough time for any sort of normal angle to materialize ... but with this being such a "dream" matchup, this match would be one of the few ones that wouldn't NEED a huge angle or anything.

Undertaker: I've never been beaten at WM
Sting descends from rafters: Thats because you've never faced me

That's it. Done. The nostalgic people love it, the younger people don't care who the opponent is - it's the Undertaker, and it gets a ton of buy rates for WM.

I honestly have no clue who it is going to be, and don't think it'll be Sting anymore than one of the other names listed. I'm just saying that discounting it being Sting due to a short amount of time to build a proper angle doesn't seem to be a legit reason for this specific matchup.
I didnt see it on TV, but i caught it on my DVR a little bit ago. I looked up the Starrcade 97 promo, and yes Sting is wearing the same black boots and trench coat as in the one shown tonight.

I have no idea who Sting would feud with at WM, but having tickets for the big event has me even more psyched up for it. Sting coming in wont want to put over young talent, nor would I want him to. Diesel and Booker T could elevate talent cause they know they aren't as big of names as they once were.

So my 3 picks of right now: Sting (Based on obvious similarities to the 97 Starrcade promo), Taker (who does wear a trench coat like jacket and black boots), and Tyler Black (who I could see being that but why promote him now?)
What music? I heard no music. And why would a log cabin, cowboy boots and a date in February have to do with Sting?

If anything, that promo leads me to believe it's the return of Barry Windham's "The Stalker" more than anything else. At this point, all anyone has to go off of is that we'll find out soon.

You heard no music. Weird. There's clearly music playing.

Tell me you're joking? You believe this is As huge as the Countdown clock? The same countdown clock that ran for over a month, plus? Dude, 2-21-11 is in 3 weeks. That is 3 more Raw's from now. Hardly Jericho huge.

Oh, yeah. 2/21/11. That's defiantley Rollins. No, it's not some mystery who people have to wait and see who it is. Its definately a rookie who is gonna get shat on for portraying Sting and Undertaker.

It'll really help his career. Coming out in a trenchcoat and eerie music. Yeah. People with start caling him Sting for the hell of it, same thing.

Why would they debut a new guy before Wresltemania? Why, to be in the MITB? Seriously.

And why wouldn't it be for a rookie? Did Edge not have mysterious subway promos before he debuted? Did Alberto Del Rio not have his own promos before debuting?

Alberto Del Rio and Edge's debut video's, you knew who they were. They weren't some mystery. Hell, look at Carlito's videos, or Masters, or Zeke's video's. You know who he is and and mostly who they are and what they look like. This person, you have no clue who they are.

This has new-comer written on it more than major (soon-to-be) Hall of Famer, in it.

How does it have a newcomer. Like I said before, the guy's walking in a trenchcoat and boots, in the rain. How does that point to a newcomer? It point's to Sting more becuase his video's before were similar to this one.

They invested a ton of money into promos for other no-names who the fans have never seen or heard of before. At least Tyler Black has a known name to some fans.. more so than Edge, or ADR when they debuted after multiple promos.

Tyler Black is a internet superstar from ROH. He's only been on a WWE event two times. Why would they invest so much in a rookie like him.

Edge had his credentials. Tall, thin, athletic. Especially when the only two companies were WWE and WCW. Also, Bret Hart wanted him to be signed in 1997.

Alberto Del Rio was the face of Mexico.

Tyler Black was champion in some indy corporation who mostly 18 and older males watch.

Recent debuts have never been like this. You knew who it was, by a name, voice, image, something.

WHY?! Again, everyone is hoping, and I'm pretty sure someone has tried sacrificing something in an attempt to make this end up as Sting. But what purpose would it serve?

Give me one logical, acceptable answer on what purpose this would serve - BESIDES "because it's the dream match everyone wants to see."

Maybe, I don't know, to induct him into the Hall of Fame. To finally be known as the only star to never be signed by WWE. To maybe have his retirement match at Wrestlemania.

Shit, maybe it's Brock Lesnar - afterall, reports & rumors indicated the WWE wanted him and Taker to meet at Mania. There you go, right? Once again - as naive as even THAT sounds, it has more logic than Sting.

How, the guy is dressed up as STING! He had a similar promo in 1997 for the Starrcade pay per view.
If it's Seth Rollins I would be 100% shocked. Becuase, IMO, it's either Sting
or a returning Undertaker
I went to wikipedia and I see somebody all ready went there and editing to show Sting as debuting on 2/21/11. As for the commercial advertising the Undertaker it doesnt prove at all that the 2/21/11 promo is for him. Undertaker could come to Raw and someone else could debut/return on the same night. At least they didnt come right out and tell us who it was like they did when Jericho returned with his code thing flashing with 2nd Coming and we all knew that very 1st promo who it was.
Just because the mystery man was wearing black boots and a trench coat in doesn't automaticly mean it's Sting. *rolls eyes* But when you watch it who else could it possibly be? Seriously? The 3 logical answers are Undertaker or Sting or Randy Savage. Why Randy Savage? Well he might be another HOF inductee. Just putting it out there.


The only other "rookie" I think it could be is Kong. As much as we all love Kong we know it's not her. She will most likely end up on Smackdown and feud with Beth. The promo screams Sting. And who says when he returns/debuts he will challenge the Undertaker. I can rule out Undertaker because he never gets this much hype on a return. Why the hell would it be a rookie right before WM? Tyler Black/Seth Rollins already had a dark match with Cody Rhodes so that makes him unlikely but does not rule him out. Skip Sheffield? Would he get this much hype? I don't even know if he is cleared from injury yet. HHH? He does not wear this kinda stuff and he most likely will be the GM. Michael Tarver? Hell no. He has already returned. So the only person left who he might be is Sting and the promo screamed Sting. I think they might just make Sting return and induct him into the HOF. But would they have HBK and Sting be inducted at the HOF at the same time? I don't think so. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Just because the mystery man was wearing black boots and a trench coat in doesn't automaticly mean it's Sting. *rolls eyes* But when you watch it who else could it possibly be? Seriously? The 3 logical answers are Undertaker or Sting or Randy Savage. Why Randy Savage? Well he might be another HOF inductee. Just putting it out there.


The only other "rookie" I think it could be is Kong. As much as we all love Kong we know it's not her. She will most likely end up on Smackdown and feud with Beth. The promo screams Sting. And who says when he returns/debuts he will challenge the Undertaker. I can rule out Undertaker because he never gets this much hype on a return. Why the hell would it be a rookie right before WM? Tyler Black/Seth Rollins already had a dark match with Cody Rhodes so that makes him unlikely but does not rule him out. Skip Sheffield? Would he get this much hype? I don't even know if he is cleared from injury yet. HHH? He does not wear this kinda stuff and he most likely will be the GM. Michael Tarver? Hell no. He has already returned. So the only person left who he might be is Sting and the promo screamed Sting. I think they might just make Sting return and induct him into the HOF. But would they have HBK and Sting be inducted at the HOF at the same time? I don't think so. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Thank you.

Your absolutely right. Even though we don't know 100% who is it, the video screams Sting.

Why would a diva get so much hype, or a rookie before Wrestlemania on RAW?? Raw is the premire brand with the stacked card and adding Rollins to it won't do him any good IMO. Especially around Wrestlemania. Smackdown is where he will probably go.

Sting could have a few weeks build with a RAW superstar, maybe even Taker?

Somebody though had the idea that maybe on RAW, Undertaker comes out to everybody disbelief. Only for the light's to go out during his entrance again to reveal Sting in the ring.

If it's not a returning Undertaker or Sting. Or a swerve and it's HHH somehow, I'm not only gonna be pissed, but shocked!
Ric Flair showing up in the WWF with the WCW belt
Hulk Hogan going to WCW
Lex Luger showing up on Nitro
Hall, Nash, and Hogan forming the NWO
WCW destroying WWF in the ratings
The Montreal Screwjob and Bret going to WCW
The Radicals showing up on Raw the night after Benoit won the belt
WCW going out of business
WWF buying WCW
The Invasion
The NWO in the WWF
Hogan vs. Rock
Goldberg in the WWF
The Rock leaving for good
Lesnar leaving after two years
Angle going to TNA
Jeff Hardy showing up on Impact
Bret coming back to the WWE
Bret and Shawn hugging in the ring
Booker T and Kevin Nash showing up in the Royal Rumble

These are all things that NOBODY thought would happen!
Sting coming to the WWE wouldn't be as shocking as half the things on this list. It's pro wrestling folks. Anything can happen!

I just listened to Kevin Nash's interview on ESPN Pro Wrestling Report. They had an interesting conversation about the promo.

Host: "On RAW tonight they had a promo of a mysterious man in a black trench coat walking into a cabin. It certainly seemed like Sting. Do you think Sting could have signed with the WWE?"

Nash: "I don't know if he has, but he would be a damn fool if he turned down their offer. Wouldn't it be something to have three members of the MEM show up in WWE? It would be like another invasion."

Why this certainly doesn't confirm anything, it is interesting.
Ric Flair showing up in the WWF with the WCW belt
Hulk Hogan going to WCW
Lex Luger showing up on Nitro
Hall, Nash, and Hogan forming the NWO
WCW destroying WWF in the ratings
The Montreal Screwjob and Bret going to WCW
The Radicals showing up on Raw the night after Benoit won the belt
WCW going out of business
WWF buying WCW
The Invasion
The NWO in the WWF
Hogan vs. Rock
Goldberg in the WWF
The Rock leaving for good
Lesnar leaving after two years
Angle going to TNA
Jeff Hardy showing up on Impact
Bret coming back to the WWE
Bret and Shawn hugging in the ring
Booker T and Kevin Nash showing up in the Royal Rumble

These are all things that NOBODY thought would happen!
Sting coming to the WWE wouldn't be as shocking as half the things on this list. It's pro wrestling folks. Anything can happen!

I just listened to Kevin Nash's interview on ESPN Pro Wrestling Report. They had an interesting conversation about the promo.

Host: "On RAW tonight they had a promo of a mysterious man in a black trench coat walking into a cabin. It certainly seemed like Sting. Do you think Sting could have signed with the WWE?

Nash: "I don't know if he has, but he would be a damn fool if he turned down their offer. Wouldn't it be something to have three members of the MEM show up in WWE? It would be like another invasion.

Why this certainly doesn't confirm anything, it is interesting.

Interesting considering that he didn't say he was still employed by TNA. Maybe it really is Sting. Think about it, Nash doesn't want to give it away, but does'nt say it's not him though, or he's still with TNA. Maybe Sting accepted an offer but WWE have everything under a tight seal so nobody know's what's going on.
Thank you.

Your absolutely right. Even though we don't know 100% who is it, the video screams Sting.

Why would a diva get so much hype, or a rookie before Wrestlemania on RAW?? Raw is the premire brand with the stacked card and adding Rollins to it won't do him any good IMO. Especially around Wrestlemania. Smackdown is where he will probably go.

Sting could have a few weeks build with a RAW superstar, maybe even Taker?

Somebody though had the idea that maybe on RAW, Undertaker comes out to everybody disbelief. Only for the light's to go out during his entrance again to reveal Sting in the ring.
If it's not a returning Undertaker or Sting. Or a swerve and it's HHH somehow, I'm not only gonna be pissed, but shocked!

The thing that's bold is a great idea however, I think Undertaker if he's able to compete will go against Barrett because they need to tie up the holes in the storyline back from Bragging Rights 2010. Does the date necessarily mean a debut? It could be like a one night return to introduce another inductee. I'm just putting it out there. ThHe promo did not feel like a one night return sort of promo though.
I for one welcome "The Icon" Sting to the WWE! Now other then the obvious reason that this "promo" looked like a Sting style promo, I have many other reasons to believe this is Sting coming to the WWE 02/21/11 (Yes, some of these reasons have been stated by other people as well).

Let's first start off with 2001 and the reasons why Sting didn't goto the WWF (remember it wasn't WWE yet ;p).
1. He wasn't a fan of the product personally. It was to violent, degrading towards women, etc. (As a parent now of days, I can agree. No way in hell my daughter would of watched WWE back then like she does every week with me now).
2. He didn't want his character ruined. Which I don't think Vince would of ruined the Sting character and if he could of gotten a big name like Sting, I think the Invasion would of been much differently booked (remember a lot of the problem with the Invasion Angle was most of WCW's big names were signed to AOL-TimeWarner Contracts and not to WCW Contracts).

Now some reasons why I do believe this is Sting.
1. The promo was bleeding Sting's style of a promo video.
2. Some of Sting's best friends have recently signed deals in some form or another with the WWE (Luger, Nash, Booker).
3. Best of Nitro DvD; NEED I SAY MORE?! Sure this is being hosted by DDP, but you think WCW you think Sting. The fact after 10 years Vince is just now doing a best of Nitro set means Vince has had this deal set for awhile with Sting.
4. MONEY! I don't care who you are, everyone is driven by it. Sting more the likely has saved himself a very nice nest egg, but signing a deal with the WWE if even just a Legends deal equals lots and lots of money and in a plummeting economy this is very important.
5. Hall of Fame! Sting deserves to be in there way more then most people. He belongs in there for 20+ years of never signing with the WWE alone. Then throw in his Epic Matches, Feuds, Promos, etc. Yeah HoF all the way.
I decided not to watch WM 27 when I found out Taker was gonna face Barrett. But if this turns out to be Sting and he does go against Taker at Mania 27 for whatever reason, I'm watching. Who the hell cares about who wins, this is the holy grail of Wrestlemania dream match for all I care.

If I were Vince, I would scrap Barrett vs Taker to do Sting vs Undertaker in a heartbeat and without even blinking!
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