Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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One word.. Se7en.


I know it's more of a long shot, and the odd's are in favor of Skip, or Tyler Black. (I doubt it'd be Taker because it doesn't feel like a Taker-isque promo.) However, I would LOVE for the Company to try using Dustin Rhodes in this failed WCW role. Just the promos alone gave him a TON of potential, and I believe the WWE has what WCW doesn't, to make it worth using/trying.

Seven could be a great (dark) character and another way to allow Goldust (who recently wrote a book) to get on-air activity.

Dammit, that was who I was going to guess at as an aternative to the other guesses. This character looked like it was going to be great in WCW, then they have to drop it because they've managed to present the character as a child abductor.
Personally I am praying that it is Sting, if a promo airs a week before with the guy dragging a baseball bat behind him then I am marking out!
As crazy as this sounds and as unrelated as that promo might seem, I bet it's somehow The Rock. No one would suspect him based on that promo. I could see him returning and doing a "fooled ya" kinda thing. In his latest interview he said he's coming back "sooner than you think."
the boots were Cowboy boots! sting doesnt wear those, never has.. That would be stupid to put them on him now...

Take this entrance from Starrcade 1997 as your starting point. Sting's character is dark, mysterious and creepy, with the lightening bolt sound effects going off and the eerie music and the sinister voice rambling on, and then it says "This is Sting". WWE has copyright to all of that, that gimmick of Sting's surly is copyrighted to WCW (which was bought by WWE so that is surly WWE's right to use it) because his character in TNA is completely different.

And then you look at the promo from last night:


Look at the similarities. It's dark, it's got sinister music, it has a dark, mysterious person walking into an unidentifiable house. Lightening bolts are going off in the background. I have to say if this was an Undertaker promo, you would at least see a gravestone of some sort during the promo, as it is a symbol of The Undertaker. Instead, you see a house, in which this person goes inside. When have you ever seen The Undertaker 'go home' so to speak? Sting's character in WCW may of been dark and mysterious but you always knew he was human, whilst Undertaker has been played off as being a deadman.

Now, I've read people saying how could they build this match? I don't think there needs to be a set in stone reason as to why this match should take place. Neither guy has history with each other of course. It could just be built up as this 'dream, once in a lifetime match' between two legends. A match (like Hogan and The Rock) that we all thought would never happen. Theres still plenty of time to have Barrett feud with Undertaker. Perhaps establish The Corre first before having their number one guy feud with Undertaker.
Nash: "I don't know if he has, but he would be a damn fool if he turned down their offer. Wouldn't it be something to have three members of the MEM show up in WWE? It would be like another invasion.

I'm assuming by this that Nash knows of an offer made to Sting why else would he say this. It wouldn't suprise me if someone in WWE watches tna or the internet and saw that they where planning to bring the MEM back together and Vince decided to ruin their plans by signing all the guys before they returned.

I thought there was 0% chance of Sting working for Vince but with the product being PG and with their youth movement I can see him coming in and working with the young guys like he did in TNA.. I think he was loyal to TNA during their startup and youth movement but since they have went to promoting the vets they signed he probably feels they don't need him anymore..

plus if the rumor is true Vince saved a million dollars on Brock Lesner and I would rather see him give it to sting then a guy who cut and ran from the business because it was to hard.
The house part made very little sense to me, while just about everything else about the vignette screamed Undertaker. However, I can't help but wonder if I'm missing some moment in WWE history that's somehow slipped my mind, or missing out on some obvious foreshadowing by WWE. Im hoping that it's the case of them trying to be as mysterious as possible.

I read through the possibilities all have suggested, and some of them are quite intriguing ideas. However, it comes down to two men for me. The returning Undertaker, or the first time appearance by Sting. This is the night following Elimination Chamber which makes it on Raw, so it certainly throws out the "Well Undertaker is a Smackdown Superstar guys" idea that some may think. (sorry couldn't resist :) ) The brand seperation is completely gone by that point(it's already been detsroyed leading up to he Rumle anyway), so it's cerainly within the possibility that it's Undertaker. I know I said it screamed Undertaker for me at first, but WWE has always been straightforward with their "Undertaker return" vignettes for the most part, so I'm ruling Taker out.

So Im guessing it was Sting. The video complete fit some of Sting's WCW/TNA videos. The house could certainly be symbolic of Sting "entering" the one place in major league pro wrestling he's never worked. Im guessing WWE has convinced Sting to join them for two reasons. One, so his induction in to their Hall of Fame truly fits. Two, for a match with Underaker at Wrestlemania, leaving Barrett and the Corre to feud with the rest of the new Nexus in some kind of "tag match" come Wrestlemania. They say "never say never" in the wrestling business. Despite Sting's prior interviews stating he would likely never work for Vince McMahon, I feel that small possibility has come true. With the PG product WWE is now offerring, it may appeal more to Sting then TNA does as well due to his strong Christian beliefs. All that being said, I believe we'll see Sting the night after Elimination Chamber.
My "out there" choices for who it would be are Jericho and Vince, though for Vince JR would need to be on commentary so we can have another "It was me Austin!" "Aw, sonofabitch!" "It was me all along!" moment.

Jericho loves a wind-up or 2 so it would be pretty funny if they re-introduced him this way.

Why was the promo not, or at least appeared not, to have been shown in the arena though? Neither Cole or Lawler mentioned it, but The Chaperone was built up instead?

I'd really love this to be a double bluff; say it is for Tyler Black/Seth Rollins, then have Sting appear the same night. It may not make sense, but neither did involving The Usos in a dance off and not even having the balls to invite Rikishi along too!
Why would a promo with eerie music, rain, and a man in a trenchcoat have to do with Seth Rollins?

What is this love for Seth Rollins out of nowhere?

This is Save_Us.222 huge right here. Not some rookie debuting.

WWE would'nt make this much of a deal for a rookie, nobody who's only been on a WWE event twice, once as Sab Rollins.

Even though Jericho debuting was a major thing, he was also a star who people knew from WCW. I doubt more than half the WWE fanbase know who Tyler Black is.

Even though Sting is on the TNA Roster page and can just appear on TNA next week or whatever, I'm pretty sure it's him or Undertaker.

Not a Undertaker knock-off.

Save_Us crap was kidna lame because you had to be a cool not to know it was Chris Jericho. I mean the promos made it obvious that it was gonna be a returning Chris Jericho. This is much bigger and better then all of that.
My only question is that IF it is in fact Sting, where does this leave Barrett?

If Barrett was supposed to be Taker's opponent, then Sting shows up, it leaves Barrett out in the cold since it's looking like Punk is gonna face Orton.
It's either Taker or Sting. It's not Kong. I'm just saying that right now. They wouldn't put so much mystery into Kong's debut because we all now she signed with the WWE and it's just a matter of time before her debut.

At first, I was thinking Undertaker all the way. The whole promo just had that Undertaker type feel to it. Now I'm leaning towards Sting. I just watched the promo again on Youtube, and the person looked slightly to skinny to be Taker. Whoever this is, the WWE is playing this out brilliantly. It's also another way to get more viewers on that Raw.

I know I'll be extremely excited when 2 21 11 comes around. I will probably mark out like an 8 year old girl when we find out who it is.
Could this be the anonymous general manager tie in? Could they have this person be revealed as the GM? Could it be Sting as the GM?

Also, if it is indeed Sting, they could tie it into the Wade Barrett storyline by saying that Sting was the behind the scenes force that was controlling Nexus and he made them bury Taker.
i haven't read all the page with responses, but i'll go with Sting. mainly because why air a Taker return promo on RAW when he's on Smackdown? if he feuds with Barrett, he's on Smackdown too!

it's gotta be Sting in my opinion. Feb 21 lands on a RAW.

i don't think Sting will be inducted in the HOF just yet. he's always said he's never wanted to work for Vince, but Nash is there along with Booker (who i'm sure he's friends with) and HBK is on great terms with Vince (i say that because Sting/HBK are close religiously along with friends) so there won't be any "burying" of him because of his past in WCW.

WWE isn't an ideal work place for a guy like Sting who's up there in age, but if Vince gives the young guys most of the house shows and the established guys the TV/PPV's, it could work out schedule wise. there's also some opinions Sting faces Taker, but since they're both "dark" characters, what if they joined forces?
Well the cryptic video still has me guessing and hoping to God that it's actually Sting making his long-awaited debut to WWE. I still maintain that I won't believe it till I see it.

To put to bed the thought that some of you had that said a debut this big (if it were Sting) would be given more than 3 weeks build, I give you the debuts of nWo and especially Goldberg.
The nWo while well past their heyday as that group were still 3 huge names, especially Hogan. If I remember correctly, the promo with Vince sitting in the chair and saying he would kill his creation by bringing them in at No Way Out was no more than a few weeks before the actual event. That obviously worked out and with just 4-6 weeks of build the dream match of Rock vs Hogan was put together.
Goldberg's debut was even more sudden. We found out at Wrestlemania that he was coming in a promo and the next night he was there attacking the Rock. Again that was a huge debut and dream match for 90s wrestling fans.
My point is that 3 weeks is plenty of time to build this to be Sting, 4-6 is plenty of time to build a program with Undertaker if that's the route they would go. I'm not saying it is or isn't him, but I am saying that those arguments do not mean it isn't.
I believe it's Sting. It screams Sting. The trench coat, the boots, the thunder, the darkness. Another obvious choice is 'Taker. He's returning soon and they have done cryptic vignettes before for his returns but they were more obvious.

Playing on something I haven't read yet, what if WWE is giving "Dashing" Cody Rhodes a new, dark gimmick? After all, he is supposedly no longer "dashing". He seemed rather upset at what happened with Rey bashing in his face.


His backstage promo.

They could turn him into a something similar to what his brother is doing. WWE is full of surprises now a days. I'm hoping for Sting, but there a ton of possibilities out there. Just throwing out a new idea.
Wow...this is a really interesting and very well produced promo and one that has clearly got everybody talking.

I've read nearly all the posts and find some of the opinions and points of view interesting.

I personally don't think it's Kong. WWE don't really invest so much into the Diva's division.

I'm not so sure on Undertaker either; I did lean in that direction initially as I thought it could have been the house that was burnt down when he and Kane were younger. Also, and there really isn't much substance in this, just an attempt at observation and my opinion; 'Takers hands normally hang by his side when he is stood static, but you can't see them in the bit before he enters the house and the boots worn are somewhat pointed at the ends. I don't think 'Takers are. Although I do see the cross against the pillar on the viranda when the screen fades out.

Sting is clearly a big favourite amongst the masses. The long jacket certainly fits 'The Crow' persona used by Sting. I can't comment on his earlier promos in WCW as I didn't see them, but if there is such similarities to those and this promo then he has to be the favourite. I don't know what significance the house has to the character though? Unless it's the site of the purported HOF building!?! :p

It certainly has a Western feel to it, so Skip Sheffield or any other active, or alive and capable of being active, cowboy based character could be in the frame. That being said it certainly fits the endless list of dark or gothic wrestlers.

But apart from those being mentioned, I can't think of anyone else who it might be. But I do like the vignette and look forward to seeing any follow on in the build up to the promoted date.

Oh, someone said there is a whisper at the end of the clip...I hear nothing but static or a rattlesnake.
I'd love it to be Sting and I'd like to see an angle where he comes back as a face to "resurrect" the Undertaker (they could somehow tie Wade Barret into this). Then of course Taker comes back and destroys both Sting and Barrett.
I want Sting to make one last run with his career in the WWE and get his Hall of Fame ring just as much as the next guy. I don't think Sting will cross that line. The only sure thing about Sting is...nothing's for sure.
Because it makes sense for Sting's only motive for signing for the WWE to be to end the streak. Do something that Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Kane, Triple H and so many others has failed to do. Plus, it's just an instant draw for WrestleMania. A match that even none WWE fans will want to watch, and tell their buddies who used to watch wrestling in the 90's that "hey, did you hear Sting is wrestling Undertaker at WrestleMania?". "No I didn't, thats awesome, I used to love those two, I may have to buy the PPV just to see that!" Two of the darkest and most mysterious yet incredibly successful wrestlers in the history of the business to square off. It'll be surreal, a true WrestleMania moment that will stand the test of time no doubt. If Sting is going to have one match in the WWE, it should be against a true living legend of this business, even if his WWE record will stand at 0-1. But what a remember-able lose (in a good way).
Because it makes sense for Sting's only motive for signing for the WWE to be to end the streak. Do something that Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Kane, Triple H and so many others has failed to do. Plus, it's just an instant draw for WrestleMania. A match that even none WWE fans will want to watch, and tell their buddies who used to watch wrestling in the 90's that "hey, did you hear Sting is wrestling Undertaker at WrestleMania?". "No I didn't, thats awesome, I used to love those two, I may have to buy the PPV just to see that!" Two of the darkest and most mysterious yet incredibly successful wrestlers in the history of the business to square off. It'll be surreal, a true WrestleMania moment that will stand the test of time no doubt. If Sting is going to have one match in the WWE, it should be against a true living legend of this business, even if his WWE record will stand at 0-1. But what a remember-able lose (in a good way).

Or he wants to end his career in the biggest company of them all...just like Booker, Nash, Luger
Or he wants to end his career in the biggest company of them all...just like Booker, Nash, Luger

That as well. The guy's in his 50's, he surely can't be going for much longer and if he is going to retire, why not do it on the grandest stage that he's ever performed on against someone who is a creditable as him. Most guys with a hint of sense who want to be remembered for being a true true great in wrestling, should swallow their pride (in some cases) and either return or debut and leave their mark on the company then ride off into the sun-set.
If it is Sting, then I can only presume he will be Searching for Undertaker, leading to an Undertaker and Sting V The Corre Match at Wrestlemania. I can't see them facing each other as they wouldn't end Undertaker's Streak for a Man that's never stepped foot in a WWE Ring, or have Sting come to the WWE to loose on his first Match. Neither would put the other man over. So unless they do something involving the two of them teaming to take on the Corre, Undertaker V Sting wont happen until Wrestlemania 28, if it does.

But, contradicting that, they have recently just started up the Corre V Nexus Fued, so I can only think this could be to make way for Undertaker V Sting?
One thing about Corre vs. Nexus is people seem to forget that Nexus has 5 members and Corre has 4. So say that Wade vs. Taker doesn't happen, that still leaves room for CM Punk vs. Randy Orton, Corre (Wade, Slater, Gabriel, Jackson) vs Nexus (Harris, McGuillity, Otunga, Jackson), and then Undertaker to do whatever at Mania.

That said ..I'm still banking on this being the debut of Seth Rollins. ;)
Undertaker could return... and it would make sense for him to be there if Sting was to debut, immediately hand out the challenge and the build for the match can begin there.
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