Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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my girlfriend who is also a wrestling fan like me just remembered that sting also comes from california, which is where raw is being held that night, right?

and some people have been saying the 2 21 11 equals the amount of letters in stings name, may not make much sense that, but what i am trying to say is there are 5 numbers in the date and 5 letters in the name sting

Taker was buried alive. Surely WWE should be playing dumb and not hyping his return. His return should be a "suprise" and catch everyone off guard. I hope its Sting. He's the only one Vince hasnt had his hands on.

Maybe WWE dont even know who it is yet??? Sting is a free agent, if they havent got him yet then they will make it him. If they cant get him then its Taker!

WWE dont even know who the mystery GM is yet lol
The house looks like the kind you might find out in the middle of deathvalley so this nis either the Undertaker coming home(doubt it) or this is Sting invading Undertakers house, yard, whatever you want to call it, people really need to stop with the dumb guesses though, Kong really, HHH nope, Rock get real. They did just get DDP for the best of Nitro dvd the could always rehash his stalking of the undertaker gimmick, but Im leaning toward Sting invading the Undertakers yard all the way,
If this article is right:

than 2-21-11 will see both the return of Undertaker and the debut of Sting. Seriously you don't need 2 months to build up hype for a Taker vs Sting match. The hype is already their. You just need them to be in the same ring/arena have them stare each other down and a legendary confrontation will be made. This match alone will sell Mania. If all this does happen than Vince truly is a mad genius, if not its just another one of Vince's big disappointments.
I like the Sting and Undertaker vs. The Corre match. Remember at Wrestle Mania 19 Undertaker and Nathan Jones was suppose to face off against The Big Show and A-Train. So why not have a tag team handicap match, it will tie into the Wade Barrert beating on the Undertaker a few months ago and with Sting and Taker tag teaming it would be awesome. Be unfair to have Sting lose his first match in the WWE, and he and Taker could have a match at another PPV.
WOW... now in any case, the build-up has me excited, even if it should turn out to "just" be Taker's return... always good to see the Deadman back.

However, if this really turns out to be Sting, then that will be one of the biggest mark-out moments I'll ever have, as I never believed Sting would be going to WWE in some form or fashion. But of course it's true; with the current PG product that in fact is a lot more family-friendly than TNA's offering, plus an undoubtedly formidable paycheck and finally a chance for the Stinger to appear on the "grandest stage of them all"... that would be a sight to behold.

And setting up a match against Taker for WM would not be a problem. You could just have Sting debut, talk a bit about history, how he made a name for himself (arguably) as big as any to ever come out of WWE, and now as his career is coming to an end, he wanted to see if he could hang with "the best WWE has to offer", thus issuing a challenge to the entire roster basically... which then is answered by Taker's classic "Gong" and lights going down, lightning striking etc... and Sting alone in the ring, slowly nodding. Damn, alone the image of that little fantasy, haha...

But no matter if it goes that way, any appearance of Sting in WWE would be great, simply for the unlikeliness of it. But then again, stranger things have happened - such as Bret Hart returning to the WWE last year. If the WWE can pull off a Sting signing, even if only for one WM match, what a coup... And man would I love to see it haha. After all, Sting isn't the youngest anymore, this is probably the last chance for this to happen, with him being a free agent right now, and WWE in more or less desperate need for some established star power to enhance their WM card. Well, I for one am looking forward to 2-21-11, heh.
Well, I'll go ahead and say that I do hope all of your wet dreams come true and it ends up being Sting. I'd like to see him in the WWE after all these years. That said, bank on it being The Undertaker especially if they've announced that he's making his return on that date.

And to read someone saying 2.21.11 is the same amount of numbers as in Stings name. That's seriously got to be a joke dude.
I'll make my points quick...

1. Anyone who says they looked at that and say no way its Sting are just trying to go against the grain. Could it be someone else, sure, but it looks a lot like it could be him.

2. could be Sting on a short term Legends deal, have a match at Mania and do the Nitro DVD, and I am reserving my "Sting- 3 DVD set"

3. off the wall Idea... Sting goes in th HOF, Hall of Fame Showday Sting vs. HBK... just a thought

I hope its Sting.. and every day that goes by, It looks more like Sting
I'll make my points quick...

1. Anyone who says they looked at that and say no way its Sting are just trying to go against the grain. Could it be someone else, sure, but it looks a lot like it could be him.

2. could be Sting on a short term Legends deal, have a match at Mania and do the Nitro DVD, and I am reserving my "Sting- 3 DVD set"

3. off the wall Idea... Sting goes in th HOF, Hall of Fame Showday Sting vs. HBK... just a thought

I hope its Sting.. and every day that goes by, It looks more like Sting

And I'll make my points quick..

Anyone who has watched the video whether live on RAW, on WWE.com, or on Youtube or any other video form simply WANTS and HOPES that it is Sting. To illustrate my point as FACT and not just opinion I turn you to the multiple posts in here by people who "know" it's Sting ..and they have avatars or signatures with Sting in them. Or they post something such as what you did ..

I hope its Sting..

To say that I or anyone else who doubts that this is Sting is simply going against the grain is not a fair assessment of the situation. How about we re-word that and say that ANYONE who doubts this is Sting is simply thinking logically. That sounds more correct.
Really what does Sting have to prove by coming to the WWE? Its probably only going to be for a year if that, and with all the younger talent and HHH returning sometime there not gonna give him any gold so why come back? To end the streak? How does that make sense to Taker or the WWE? A guy who has been with the company for less than 2 months, whose character was built by a supposedly "inferior" company, comes in and does something that no one, including HBK and HHH, has been unable to do. The only way it makes since to the WWE is if Taker wins, and what would make Sting want to do that? And that whole "memorable loss" idea is just wrong thats like the Steelers comin out next Monday and celebrating their loss in the Super Bowl. Go Pack!!! (cheap pop)

If the streak was gonna end it would have happened last year. Yeah I know HBK was retiring and that was an easy way to write him out but why not send him off on a high note and then retire on Raw the next night. The only 2 people I see ending the streak now are HHH and Kane. Speaking of Kane, what are they gonna do just say have Taker say "So what you buried me alive? No big deal, this newcomer is more important than that."

I still say if it is Sting that he'll get Taker at SS, because Wrestlemania and the streak wil sell itself without Sting. I think if Sting comes back on 2-21, then it should be Sting v. Randy "The Legend Killer" Orton at 'Mania.
The 2-21-11 video we saw on Raw last night is Sting's debut. Undertaker has nothing to do with rain folks think about it. Also it's either Sting or Undertaker because the person in the video is wearing a long black leather coat like Sting and Undertaker wears, and Sting and Undertaker are the only 2 right now in the wrestling buisness that wears a coat like that. Please god let it be Sting on Febuary 21st. WWE will be insane finally for the 1st time in a very long time if Sting shows up on Febuary 21st.
^ And what does Sting have to do with Rain other then the fact that they've used rain in promo videos over the years that he's been included in? I mean ..to say that Undertaker has nothing to do with rain is kind of silly. He's suppose to be this creature of the night who spent his early days outside digging graves and stuff.. pretty sure it probably rained when he was digging some of those graves.

And to say no one in wrestling wears a trench coat, jesus. Do you think about what you say before you type it? There's PLEEEEEENTY of guys in wrestling that wear trench coats or something similar that from behind could be mistaken for a trench coat. From behind, what Christopher Daniels wears could easily be mistaken for a trench coat. Wildcat Chris Harris wore a trench coat to the ring. The Great Muta has worn a trench coat for YEARS. The guy who trained me to be a Independent Wrestler, his name was Ice Cold Outlaw ..he wore a trench coat to every match he ever had.

Thats it ..it's him. It's Ice Cold Outlaw! I know it!! I bet the rain in the video was "ice cold" rain ..makes perfect sense. It's him!
Sting or the Undertaker, that's it. Plain and simple.

Gotta squash this Tyler Black, Seth Rogen or whatever the hell he's calling himself now. He's an indy star, plain and simple. Him coming out on 2/21/11 after these promos would be a worse reaction then what Eve got at the Royal Rumble when people were expecting Kong to show up. Mason Ryan was the last of the new guys to debut before Mania. Tyler Black will be a post mania call up. Debuting Tyler Black does nothing to boost Mania sales.

Sting makes just too much damn sense not to do this at this point. What exactly does TNA have to offer him? Sting is not a fan of Hogan and/or Bischoff. Nash and Booker T got one helluva welcome back at the Rumble. Ric Flair has told him on numerous occasions to do it. The WWE isn't Trash TV like it was a decade ago when Sting decided to stay away. Why wouldn't Sting sign a one time contract, get into the Hall of Fame, and sign up for the WWE Legends line? Sting would make more money in 6 weeks then he probably did in his entire TNA run.

The WWE has to do what it can to get to 1,000,000 buys. The WWE had a piss poor week on Wall Street last week, and they have to do something to get to their goal of 1,000,000. Quite frankly, the card has no big matches on the horizon. Sting vs. Undertaker not only gets you buys, it sells the rest of the Georgia Dome out within a week.

All of this talk about Sting vs. the Undertaker wouldn't have enough time to have a proper build are out of there mind. Hogan and the Rock had mega hype with even less then time. To long time wrestling fans, you just put Sting and Undertaker on the card, and they will buy simply because, no reason needed.

I personally hope it's Sting, hell i'm practically begging for it to be Sting. I want it to be Sting, but my guess is still leaning towards the Undertaker at this point. No chance in hell it's Tyler Black if they continue with mystery man promos.
i think its got to be either taker or sting but its got more of a sting aura to it in my opinion i think something worth pointing out is they deliberatly only show the bottom half of whoever it is and just coz of that i think its sting

in most of the taker return promos ive seen in the past its been made fairly clear its him also i hope its sting it would be the coolest thing ever to see him in wwe
i was wrong on my first thought i just watched anouther promo an stings trench coat has the slit in the back of the coat but it could be a diffrent coat how ever ther will probally be anouther video next week on raw with a little more footage
Okay, I've read this whole thread, and watched the video I don't know how many times. Trying to figure it out and honestly, it all points towards Sting. Vince doesn't promote a new comer with the mystery that was behind this promo. Normally we learn the persons name, and see their face. On top of that the new person speaks about themselves to get over with the crowd. This wasn't the case with the "Announcement" There was a completely different eerie feeling to it.

Now I know he's still on the TNA page, but as other's have pointed out so were Nash, and Booker until sunday morning. Plus I do not believe that he's going back. As there was this certain angle about the possibility of this certain faction Sting was a part of returning. Guess what? Someone wasn't apart of the group that was "supposedly" coming back.

Though there are other things that are in play here. While it could be Sting, there is the possibility that it is someone else.

Taker- I really don't see WWE giving us this type of promo about Taker coming back. Out of all the character's they had over the years Taker is always done correctly. So for them to forget that he was in buried alive makes little sense.

It also doesn't make any sense for them to build a new star right before Mania. Logically speaking, how would one fit into the fold on Raw at this point? MITB? Yeah right. That would be ridiculous to build a star only for that match. Whoever this guy is he has to be a big name. Not someone new, like Tyler Black.

I also don't believe that it is Awesome Kong. When was the last time that we saw a mystery promo about a Diva? Vince doesn't do that with the Divas. He flaunts them, not hide them in mystery.

One thought that I had was that it could be Golddust being repackaged as Seven. With 2-21-11 being 2+2+1+1+1 equaling seven. However, I don't see Seven who abducted children as something Vince would okay with his PG era. Why would a parent want to take their kids to see a child abductor? Really that'll work.

To me that only leaves Sting. I know I'm probably looking into this way to much. The 2's in the package looked like scorpion tails at the bottom. I along with other could see Sting in the smoke that went off the numbers at the end. Also it's now being reported that Sting signed a contract with WWE.

Sting is my guess, and that's who I hope it is. I like some of the ideas that have been posted about how you have Taker coming back and Sting coming out after him. I would love it if they had him not speak like he did as "Crow" Sting. Let him come down from the rafters next to Taker and Just point to Mania sign with his bat. You don't have to have that much talking between these two guys. These two don't have to build a promo. I mean we're going to see Miz and Cena talking enough. Why not have to guys not talk but just constantly playing mind games with each other by appearing while the other is in a match or doing something. To me that would be the ideal way to go.
in my opinion... it's Sting.

and if SO... what are the odds of them airing another promo next week of the same trenchcoated figure walking into a graveyard with a shovel... and digging up the Undertaker!?!

ya gotta admit.. that would be pretty bad ass! :)

the whole time i'm thinking, this will be Sting vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania. but I can also see Sting coming to the Undertaker's aid and fighting the Corre with him.

THAT being said... I think it's hysterical that some people think this is going to be someone like Tyler Black or Michael Tarver! HAHAHAH!!!
That's how WWE are going to plan it. This is because WWE want him as a non wrestling position. We can have King vs King match at WrestleMania, but not have to have him wrestling before!
one more thing. let's PLEASE put the Goldust/Seven rumor to rest. he had shoulder surgery a month ago.

does anyone remember the Seven? it was a total failure. lol

it's not him.

why do wrestling fans have the shortest memories?
Ive been watching WWF/E for 25 years now. I dont recall any taker´s returning promo that didnt show something that clearly show thats taker for sure. Call it his symbol, glympses of his face, the shovel, the gong, his voice. We always and i mean ALWAYS know thats taker returning.

Why would they play a mistery promo to hype the return of they greatest star? It doesnt make sense at all.

This promo points direct to STING, it was filmed and produced to lead the viewers to think of sting, plain and simple.

I think that they did a great job to put everyone waiting and brainstorming until 21.

The only thing thats clear right now, is that 99% of the fans love the idea of him being sting, and thats something that payoff sooner than later.
It has to be Sting. Undertaker never appears on Raw unless it's for something that requires him to be on Raw. like the draft or one of the anniversary shows. The promo has signs that it is almost definitely Sting. One of the posts said to look at the some at the end, and it does appear to say "STING" for a brief second. Plus the music they play in the background has a little resemblance to his old WCW theme. Now the question is, how, if it is Sting, will they get him to debut. Will he fall from the rafters as is his trademark, or will he just come out normally?
Wow I can see a sting vs taker match finally nIce

Yeah, you can if you create Sting in Smackdown vs. Raw, purchase TEW, or play with your wrestling figures. But if you're counting on this match taking place at Wrestlemania this year ..well, it's not.

And just because some mark writer for a New York Newspaper has written a three sentence long article claiming that Sting has inked a 1 year deal with the WWE doesn't make it true. That guy writes stuff for the paper on a weekly basis, and he's more wrong then write. Not to mention 90% of the stuff he writes thats NOT show results, comes from dirt sheet websites such as this one.
This would be a shitty time to debut Sting with only 4-6 weeks until Mania and absolutely no storyline with anyone on the roster. I don't see them debuting a star like that and just thrusting him into a quick storyline for a Mania match. My instincts were that it's Taker when I first watched it and still expect it to be. The only way I could see Sting debuting is if he's going into the HOF this year and is going to work a program leading up to Mania. Which would be incredible, especially since we could use some star power at WM this year.
Now, everything is a huge mess.

It could be Sting, now we have The Undertaker on the video for the venue.

Im my opinion, The Undetaker will be there but won't be "2/21/11."

Someone else will be.

Seriously, even though it's a good way for ticket sales, why would WWE allow a venue to hype a return their hyping as a mystery? It's just seems weird. It's like a advertisment for Summerslam 2010 having Daneil Bryan in it, or the Royal Rumble video package have Nash and Booker T in it and mentioning their return.

We've only say a man in a trenchcoat and a house. We saw the numbers 2/21/11.

The video is either Undertaker or Sting, or both. And as people are saying, if it is Sting returning to challenge Undertaker, Taker will have to be there.

First of all, if you watch the video. The person is wearing pointed shoes, which iif my memory serves me right, Undertaker has never worn. Sting I'm not sure.

Anyway. So if it's Undertaker, so what. Undertaker returns to take on Wade Barret, the original plan I've heard for a while.
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