Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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I have another possible theory on this. What if that person is entering the cabin to get a shovel to dig out The Undertaker? It could be a return for the Undertaker but the person who dug him out is Sting. Sting and Taker vs Kane/Barrett at Mania works so well if they did it right. You what's crazy. WWE had a back up plan for Taker which was a tag match that was The Corre vs Kane and Taker as a team. Kane is the one that beat him and buried him alive and that is the plan they have. So dumb. That is my other theory on the video that they showed on Raw. I would love to hear thoughts on it.
I have another possible theory on this. What if that person is entering the cabin to get a shovel to dig out The Undertaker? It could be a return for the Undertaker but the person who dug him out is Sting. Sting and Taker vs Kane/Barrett at Mania works so well if they did it right. You what's crazy. WWE had a back up plan for Taker which was a tag match that was The Corre vs Kane and Taker as a team. Kane is the one that beat him and buried him alive and that is the plan they have. So dumb. That is my other theory on the video that they showed on Raw. I would love to hear thoughts on it.

That's a really good idea I think! As much as Id want to see Sting vs Undertaker this year at Mania, its just not possible. Taker has to win to keep the streak alive, so the start to Sting's WWE career is a loss? doesnt make sense to me. But this could be a really good way to bring them both in on the same day. Together. And build to Sting vs Undertaker next year?
Just seen something worth mentioning, 28th March live event has the following main event advertised..Cena, Orton, Edge n Triple H vs Miz, Del Rio, Punk and Barrett, my point being, we all know cena will be fueding with miz, orton with punk, edge with del rio, and maybe by the looks of it Triple H will be fueding with Barrett?? Meaning Sheamus will be in the MITB match, and therefore freeing taker up for a fued with Sting maybe?
This may sound stupid but i think it could possibly be both sting and undertaker. Lets say the promo is undertaker, he may come to the ring saying nobody in the business comes even close to being in his league, then sting interrupts and they start feuding. The match at mania would be less of a match with a background story and more of a "dream match". Lets be honest, if people see a mania card headlined with Sting vs Undertaker.. they WILL buy it. I know i would.
Its Sting If you look at the 2's in the 2 21 11 the tops of the twos are shaped like the tail Stinger of a scorpion and if you pause the video at about 23 seconds really quickly when the light flashes you can clearly see the shape of a scorpion on the pillars left side Its Sting the answers in the promo

dont forget that Paul Bearer is still signed to wwe and said he wants to be a part of Undertakers finish since it essentially was with Paul Bearer that the Undertaker really took off
I know for sure that this man that’s going to debut is Sting because WWE is trying too hard to make it seem like it is The Undertaker.
i know its a long shot but imagine this on the 21st during raw , the undertakers theme play, a guy walks down realy covered up big jacket hat and a wig on. and then when hes in ring lights go back on and jericho pulls hat off and brags about how the fans are idiots and they were expecting the undertaker , then the lights go off then on nd takers in the ring , building up a match for jericho taker at mania. with jericho saying hes close to agreeing a deal you never know. but i doubt it , but thats what id like to see.

on the basis of sting taker id like to see that but just cant see it happening.
i know its a long shot but imagine this on the 21st during raw , the undertakers theme play, a guy walks down realy covered up big jacket hat and a wig on. and then when hes in ring lights go back on and jericho pulls hat off and brags about how the fans are idiots and they were expecting the undertaker , then the lights go off then on nd takers in the ring , building up a match for jericho taker at mania. with jericho saying hes close to agreeing a deal you never know. but i doubt it , but thats what id like to see.

on the basis of sting taker id like to see that but just cant see it happening.

I like this idea. Jericho's debut and redebut both involved these types of promos that got people talking. Jericho said on his DVD that for his redebut, he wanted it to be as big as his original debut (although it's debatable if it was), but what a shock this would be. Undertaker's music, titantron, druids, darkness, smoke, crowd going nuts...and then he whips off the hat and wig and it's Jericho. Instant mega heel heat.

The only problem is that Jericho is much shorter than Taker, but I think with the entire spectacle this would probably go unnoticed.

We'd all love to see a Jericho vs Taker match at Wrestlemania, as we know Taker can still go on the biggest stage, and Jericho is a wrestling machine. Obviously Taker would win and add another notch onto his streak.

Sting? I'm not so sure. He seems like a man of his word; I really don't think he'll work for Vince. Still, never say never in wrestling.
It's Mordecai!

For real, my vote is for the Stinger...Wishful thinking only, however I just would mark out like a boyscout if on the 21st the Icon walks out. The promo albeit creepy, is awesome on WWE's video department...it honestly has every wrestling fan talking right now...and thats exactly what they need...There are so many options that it is causing a buzz better than they expected...

The Jericho Idea was something I never expected but would love to see...it could be anyone who could take on TAKER at mania...It could be Barrett setting up their feud...it could be Greg Helms...hell he wore a trench coat(Just a joke, do not hold me up for public Ridicule)...

I'm just saying that there are so many options that nobody knows and all the Sting talk is wishful thinking...I am in that category begging to see the Icon enter into the WWE but as the Stinger said himself....The only thing thats for sure....is nothings for sure
This may sound stupid but i think it could possibly be both sting and undertaker. Lets say the promo is undertaker, he may come to the ring saying nobody in the business comes even close to being in his league, then sting interrupts and they start feuding.

a) given Taker's deadman character, why the hell would he suddenly rant about his accomplishments
b) if you're going to let Sting debut, you would NOT have him interrupt a mere promo...there's no mystique to that
Last time I checked, Christian returned on an episode of ECW in the middle of Feb., and was a top name in the MITB. Wrestlemania is over 6 weeks away, by the time this "individual" debuts, you'll have between 4-6 weeks before Mania even then. That is plenty of time to promote anyone.

So, while I personally do not think it'll be Tyler Black because it seems a bit out there to give him this style of 'dark' gimmick, the facts remain you can't instantly discount it not being him, just because he's "new and unknown" all because you feel the Company can't build someone up in under a months time. It can/could happen.

Christian wasn't new. He was incredibly popular before he was released, and everyone was excited about his return that new about it. He returned on a random episode of ECW because it was so close to WrestleMania, and that's why they didn't bother producing a series of vignettes. A brand new superstar VERY LIKELY would not be debuted six weeks prior to the big event.
I think you got trolled/tricked. That video is fan made, Sting was not in the background, nobody was in the original video.

I still hope it's Sting, if it's him I am buying Mania, if it's not then I am not.

It makes sense to be Sting but I also think that swhen Taker returned during/before the ministry gimmick there was rain in his video and theme song, but we'll see.

I went back and researched and found the original video. You are correct. I think I was tricked. The original video doesnt show anything but feet. Sorry. I guess i was being hopeful.
Could Sting be the Higher Power Nexus was talking about?

This could totally set up the feued with Undertaker. Also with Punk Leading the Nexus now he could be Stings servant both I believe are straight edge neither smoke,drink or do drugs.

But would Sting want to come into the WWE as a heel? I doubt but if it turned out this way wow that would be sick.

Also maybe Taker is the higher power and told them to bury him because he new Sting was coming and had to go workout with the druids till he is ready lol.
Could Sting be the Higher Power Nexus was talking about?

If the WWE really were willing to re-adress the premise that Barrett was operating under the instruction of a higher power, then that to me would lend more credence to the possiblity of this being... Jericho.

It makes sense that Jericho, who was Barrett's NXT mentor, could have been masterminding Barrett's version of Nexus. If that were the case, than it fits the earlier proposed idea of these promos being a well-swerved and well-hyped return of an Undertaker-clad Jericho. Who could then reveal his ultimately being behind the Nexus burial-assist, and this could lead into a WM27 match-up.
Although many people are believing it to be the debut of a new superstar, or the return of the Undertaker, it could be possible the WWE is trying to throw us off.

Maybe, it's a promo for the Anonymous General Manager, finally coming out. It does show an Anonymous, type of symbolism by not showing the characters face. Although many people are believing it to be the debut of a new superstar, or the return of the Undertaker, it could be possible the WWE is trying to throw us off.

Maybe, it's a promo for the Anonymous General Manager, finally coming out. Hell, maybe Sting isn't planning on wrestling, he could be planning on taking it easy, he is over 50 years old after all. A general manager run, with maybe a little action could be just what the WWE needs. Although I think the GM storyline is too delicate to waste, due to the build up, but hopefully WWE will be able to pull something off with the connection between Sting, the Anonymous GM, and the 2-21-11 storyline.
this is unbelievable!!! it has been a long time since this sort of a hype has been going on.. if this is just a hoax from the WWE then so be it.. they were successful in bringing in interest again to WWE for a few weeks.. at least all of us were part of the ride, disappointing though..

but ok let's go into the video itself...

has anyone asked WHY IN THE BLUE HELL DOES THE MAN WEAR A TRENCHCOAT??? probably because it was raining to protect himself.. so i guess the RAIN is a major thinking factor in this vignette.. also it really is a gloomy environment, alone type of guy... so if there is rain and thunder and alone, coupled with a trenchcoat, if it is a return we can all say it is really STING...

i am not really sure if it is a debuting character.. unless he is a big name outside of the wrestling business like laurence taylor vs. bambam bigelow.. or a floyd mayweather or Iron mike tyson.. then it is absolutely STUPID to debut a character (no matter how cool it is) ON THE ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA...

I have browsed through the history of Wrestlemania, and i have not seen a character debut and be a factor in Wrestlemania except for Marc Mero who just had a run in against hunter hurst helmsley.. but he was not even in a match.. there were big returns such as the undertaker (WM XX), NWO (WM X8), Ultimate Warrior (WM XII)... so i am VERY SKEPTICAL on a debuting character..

I really do hope it is sting.. if in one of the vignettes they show just a GLIMPSE OF A BASEBALL BAT.. i am going to mark out BIGTIME!!!
I doubt that it is Sting. If it's true he did sign a one year contract with WWE, why would they debut him in three weeks just for a feud with the Undertaker and then possibly nothing else for the rest of the year? If Undertaker is able to come back for Wrestlemania, I would like for him to face Barrett. Sting can return the night after WM and feud with guys like Sheamus and Punk and then face Undertaker at WM 28.
I think its definately somebody the WWE universe knows. Their hyping it up big time on Facebook.

Below is from their facebook page. I doubt they do this for a new comer.

be ready WWE Universe!! Who or what do you think is coming to Monday Night Raw the night after WWE Elimination Chamber?

My thoughts on the 3 possible guys it maybe

1. Sting- Makes more sense than anybody else the coat the rain.
2. Jericho- He needs a new gimmick since Miz kind of stole his character.
3.Taker- I really doubt its him even though we only seen the video from the knees down it totally was not Taker didnt even walk like taker.
The guy in the trenchcoat is Seth Rollins. If you notice, his entrance is called either 'The Haunted' or 'The Haunting'. Plus the message in the smoke says Seth. It will not be Taker or Sting.
I know Wikipedia can be edited by anybody in the world but it says on Taker's section that the 2-21-11 video may not be marking his return after all. That is even more news on this. If that is true than it has to be for Sting and no the smoke does not say Seth at all. I thought it said Sting myself because that is what I originally saw.
First thought was Undertaker,but then i thought,why would they bring him back so early? and back on RAW!(which he rarely appears on).Now i know The Icon Sting has said throughout his long career that he wont work for/with Vince,but everything does kind of add up,plus it would be nice for any nuetral wrestling fan to see The Icon Sting in a WWE ring!!!!!

If i see a hint of a baseball bat in the next promo/vignette,i may mark out abit lol
the only way I could see it being taker in the spot is if it's not the undertake but the American Bad Ass and he's walking into a biker bar... Like most I wish it was sting but now I'm 90% sure it's taker or Kong
What if it is jericho coming back to take on taker at mania, and say he had wade barrett destroy him at buried alive because he was his pro on nxt and needed a favor. They could even set up a mini fued with wade barrett leading to jericho!
What if it is jericho coming back to take on taker at mania, and say he had wade barrett destroy him at buried alive because he was his pro on nxt and needed a favor. They could even set up a mini fued with wade barrett leading to jericho!

The question here is why would Jericho want Undertaker taken out? Jericho was on Raw before he left, so the whole 'getting him out of my way so I can get all the spotlight etc' idea would make no sense. His motive also would not be to get a match with Taker at WM, because why would you bury someone to get a match with them..they would be 'dead.' Storyline wise it just doesn't fit, and frankly I don't think the 'higher power' of Nexus will ever be explained, especially because there is only one original member still in the group. Also, why would Jericho be telling people that he's 90 percent done on a contract if they're doing this whole mysterious bit to build to his return?
As fot his "mystery person" being kong...wow just wow. Theres is less than 0.01% chance its kong. WWE has probally once since its inception had a promo like that for a girl. Plus it didnt look like a girl. Like someone above me said we'll just have to wait and maybe more promos will come out. But if i see a crow or a bat. I will MTFO
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