Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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Anybody not named Steve Borden who walks through the curtain on 2 21 11 is gonna get the shit booed out of himself Taker included. I love the hype that one 40 sec clip has set off however if there is no real pay-off i.e. a Sting vs Taker WM match. This will be the biggest turd in the punch bowl moment the WWE has ever had.
i'm just going to put this out there, please don't shoot me down, just give me reasons why it can't happen. Could it be a possible lead to the mystery gm? could we see sting as the mystery gm?
Just read an interview by Dixie on the main site and when they talk about the Sting to WWE rumors she's only saying "I heard the rumours and I would hate that".

Let me get it straight, this doesn't confirm anything but if it was Dana White he would have said he is UFC bound and you won't see him there, end of the discussion.

Dixie instead of saying he is under contract (I know he isn't under contract with them at the moment or not that we know) or that she is negotiating with him and confident that he's coming back is letting the door open big for the rumours.

We will see soon I guess.
I just realized that it's stuff like this that makes me love to Road to Wrestlemania. It reminds everyone why WWE is the big leagues. It's when the awesome teasers happen, when the feuds are colossal on their scope, when the wrestlings good, hell, the Road to Wrestlemania's probably better than Wrestlemania itself! Goddam, I love this time of year!
its clearly sting but if they cant sign him theyll make it taker...highly unlikely to be taker tho as he will return to smackdown to finish kane b4 mania..

its sting but if they cant sign him for sure theyll just flip the script and make it taker.

LOL at thinking its kong
I'm gonna throw another spanner into the cogs and suggest that it could have been Stone Cold Steve Austin and that this promo is actually for the return of the Tough Enough show. I am basing this purely on the shape of the boots though. Ha ha, reading that back I realise how stupid it sounds, but I'm gonna go ahead and post it anyway, just in case I'm right. I can live with the ridicule if I'm oh so horribly wrong...but the bragging rights, if I'm even a smidgen close, would be huge!
Ok we all just saw the 2/21/11 segment on Raw. Let’s not start a million threads about what it could mean. Keep all the speculation in here.

A natural first thought is this could be the long anticipated debut of Sting. I'm not sure how likely that is. He's always said he doesn't want to work for Vince, but we all know you can never say never in wrestling. Sting is getting on in years and maybe he doesn't want to look back at his career with regret. It would be a shame if he never worked for the biggest wrestling company in the world and never got to work at the biggest event.

Undertaker is another logical thought. He's been out for a while and is rumored to be back for mania. This would leave enough time to hype his mania match.

It could also be someone new. I don't think that's likely. I figure WWE would just wait until after mania to debut a new star.

What are your thoughts? Keep in mind it's the day after Elimination Chamber.

NO SPAM - You must give GOOD REASONING behind all of your opinions

I have 3 theories, they're in order from most likely to least likely:

1. The return of The Undertaker, it's pretty self explanatory...more issues start happening involving random superstars and all of a sudden...on 2-21's Raw, the lights go out, the gong goes off and Undertaker appears..he makes his Mania challenge and the from 2/21 til Mania; taker/opponent hype the feud.

2. Sting Debuts: Sting avoided WWE from what I've read because he didn't like the sexual based angles of the WWE in 2001-02; with WWE being PG right now; this would fit with Sting's Christian values and he's now ready to step in and have a couple matches in the WWE.

3. The Return of the Rock: The Rock recently said on his facebook that he wanted to come back and do something special. Maybe Rocky shows up at the 2/21 Raw and does his thing.
So I watched the intro of TNA yesterday. I saw saw the bickering between Eric Bischoff and Scott Steiner. Now alot of things were revealed from Eric Bischoff's mouth, some of which were false and true. He said and I quote that he advised Kevin Nash to leave, take the money, get your new action figue and Die your hair which is false. Kevin Nash does what's best for him. What he said about Booker T is that he hasnt done nothing and nobody cares. Then he said Sting, and that Sting had no intention of coming back to TNA which means that Sting has officially left TNA and that he is for sure coming to WWE. Eric Bischoff kind of exposed WWE's plans but that's only if you caught on to what he said. So what do u guys think? Could this be true or is that promo of 2/21/11 just about the Undertaker returning or some new character.
So I watched the intro of TNA yesterday. I saw saw the bickering between Eric Bischoff and Scott Steiner. Now alot of things were revealed from Eric Bischoff's mouth, some of which were false and true. He said and I quote that he advised Kevin Nash to leave, take the money, get your new action figue and Die your hair which is false. Kevin Nash does what's best for him. What he said about Booker T is that he hasnt done nothing and nobody cares. Then he said Sting, and that Sting had no intention of coming back to TNA which means that Sting has officially left TNA and that he is for sure coming to WWE. Eric Bischoff kind of exposed WWE's plans but that's only if you caught on to what he said. So what do u guys think? Could this be true or is that promo of 2/21/11 just about the Undertaker returning or some new character.

Well I would have to see it to be sure, but that does sound interesting. That coupled with Dixie Carter's tweet about Sting I'm thinking that this might actually happen. Man this is going to be a long couple of weeks!
its clearly sting but if he falls through the cracks again then taker is plan b

Plan C is the debut of a new guy. Someone from FCW.

Whether that be Seth Rollins (Tyler Black from ROH) or the reincarnation of Skip Sheffield.

I think if you had to place odds...

Sting is the best money

Taker is even money

and the FCW debut is the cinderella bet.
This is my first time posting so i'm probly gonna sound stupid but i'm gonna give it a shot.

I've read from different places saying that Sting has signed a 1 year contract with WWE and Undertaker is advertised to return on 2/21/11, but we can't always believe whats put out on the internet, so lets assume that Sting did sign with WWE and Undertaker is coming back on 2/21/11. Now what if at the end of Raw Undertaker makes his return and while everybody is cheering and thinking that he was the one the promo was for, the lights go out in the middle of all the festivities then when the lights come back on Undertakers laid out in the middle of the ring and the cameras view the rafters and Sting is in the rafters and he was the one who the promo was really for. IMO that would be a great way to bring Undertaker back and to debut Sting and set up a feud for them at Wrestlemania. What do you guys think?
Well they ran the same vignette twice on SD tonight.

You'd think that after all the Sting hype generated over the internet, that WWE would have done something to clue us in if, in fact, it wasn't Sting.

Surely after all the hype and speculation that has been generated, WWE would want to let the fans down easily instead of letting the speculation reach the point of fans being totally disappointed if anyone but Sting comes out on 2/21/2011.
We don't know 100% if it is Sting. The promo just felt very Sting like. I don't understand why everyone is saying that if Sting debuts on the 21st he must have a link with Undertaker. Just because they have a similar gimmick? I guess I could not see Sting doing anything else other than having a link to Taker.

The person has to be or will be a RAW superstar because well, the 21st is a RAW (correct me if I'm wrong). He can float between both brands but be on the RAW roster. There are 4 RAW superstars who should be returning soon HHH, Jericho, Evan Bourne and Skip Sheffield. These 4 men just don't seem to fit the promo unless as another poster said it's Skip Sheffield reincarnated. Personally I can't see it being any of these 4. It just doesn't fit.

Apparently Undertaker's returning on the 22nd Feb taping of SD? Has anyone else heard that? If so he can't make his return on RAW and SD? Here is the article. http://pwtorch.com/artman2/publish/WWE_News_3/article_47463.shtml

Now I'm starting to lean to Sting debuting with Undertaker returning taking on Barrett and the Corre. We still don't know if it's Sting but the promo screamed Sting. 5 on 3 handicapped match on SD Rey, Edge, Big Show vs Alberto, Barrett, Corre (Gabriel, Slater, Jackson) This is a long shot but let's say if Sting is the mystery person he debuts on 21/2/2011 on Raw and Undertaker returns on Smackdown maybe this 5 on 3 handicapped match will end up being 5 on 5 with Edge (c), Rey, Big Show, Sting and Undertaker vs Alberto Del Rio, Barrett and the Corre? Kane comes out and attacks Undertaker after the match setting up Undertaker/Sting vs Barrett/Kane Long shot. As I said we are not 100% it's Sting but it's very Sting like. I'm not expecting Sting to come out on the 21st but I will MTFO if he did lol.

Just a link I found. Barrett being interviewed about WM 27 and a heap of other stuff.

As some have mentioned, we don't know that it will be Sting debuting on Raw. I know that there's tons of buzz surrounding this and I, like most others, do hope that it'll wind up being Sting.

However, the IWC might be setting itself up for a huge disappointment if it turns out to be the return of The Undertaker without any involvement from Sting whatsoever. The IWC is notorious for building up their own hype for certain situations based upon what they want to see happen rather than what actually does happen. For instance, there was a lot of criticism from the IWC due to Awesome Kong not making her debut at the Royal Rumble. The WWE never even remotely hinted that Kong would be at the event, the WWE never even remotely hyped the return or debuts of anybody at the event. It's just what a lot of members of the IWC wanted and since they didn't get exactly what they wanted, a lot of them pissed and moaned about it.

There's so much ambiguity surrounding this that there's honestly no way to tell what's up. I think that there's a very good possibility that Sting has signed with the WWE. The New York Daily News, which is a very well respected newspaper with huge circulation, has even reported that, according to their sources, Sting has signed a 1 year deal with WWE. The WWE hasn't said jack shit about that, however, and if Sting has signed, they want to keep it very hush hush for the time being. That story coupled with the 2/21/11 vignette is a huge reason why so many think it'll be Sting. One thing you'll notice is that after the vignettes have aired on any WWE program this week, the commentators haven't said a single thing about it. They haven't addressed it in the slightest, almost as if it didn't exist.

Now, 2/21/11 is the first Raw after the Elimination Chamber ppv so there'll be the explanation for the vignette coupled with fallout from the EC. It should be a hot show but I'm not going to get up in arms if Sting doesn't debut on Raw because, as of right now, we can't even be 100% sure that Sting is even signed with the WWE.
I for one hope it is Sting. It just screamed Sting and why the hell not after so long of saying no to Vince to just show up.

But if i have to guess someone else other than The Stinger I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Mongoose McQueen(Jericho). I say this because I've read he's ready to come back and history shows us that Jericho loves to make entrances like this. Just a thought though
Y'know, whomever the dark man is in those ads, this is a brilliant job by WWE of getting the wrestling community (i.e.; us) all excited and talking about it. Does anyone think the ambiguity in the guy's appearance isn't intentional? VKM wants us debating the identity of the man.....and we are. Look at this thread.....it's 24 pages long, already.

The beauty of the ad is that they didn't even need the actual performer to film the commercial; all they needed was some guy to dress in black. This is brilliant work by Creative; it really is.

Just hope when 2/21/11 gets here, we don't see Duane Gill walk to the ring.
i think im gonna have to go with most ppl and say its stinger. i was watching a video of a theme he had way back in his wcw days and that one plus the one on raw were very similar. i dont remember what site it was for sure but if i find it again i will post again. the video had thunder and all in it so with that i have no choice but to go with the stinger for the 2-21-11 raw vignette
This is obviously Sting, and I'm honestly not thrilled with it. He's in the twilight of his career and I feel they're gonna misuse the hell out of him mainly due to said fact, but whatever.

So I watched the intro of TNA yesterday. I saw saw the bickering between Eric Bischoff and Scott Steiner. Now alot of things were revealed from Eric Bischoff's mouth, some of which were false and true. He said and I quote that he advised Kevin Nash to leave, take the money, get your new action figue and Die your hair which is false. Kevin Nash does what's best for him. What he said about Booker T is that he hasnt done nothing and nobody cares. Then he said Sting, and that Sting had no intention of coming back to TNA which means that Sting has officially left TNA and that he is for sure coming to WWE. Eric Bischoff kind of exposed WWE's plans but that's only if you caught on to what he said. So what do u guys think? Could this be true or is that promo of 2/21/11 just about the Undertaker returning or some new character.

Fuck Eric Bischoff, he's a bitch! Booker T is 100x more successful than his bitch ass. Apparently he didn't watch the Royal Rumble but whatever. Bischoff fucked up WCW and now he's fucking up TNA. Just like Scott Steiner said, Bischoff is a piece of shit!!

As for the 2/21/11 thing, it's obviously Sting. The look of the vignette seems so much like his character. I don't think it's Taker because they'd make it a bit more obvious if it was him, plus Taker really wouldn't need a vignette to return, they'd probably just have him show up randomly and chokeslam all 4 members of the Corre.
I dunno if its valid or not, but on the front page of wrestlezone, it says a close friend of Stings has said that the rumor cant be true cuz of Stings knees. I dunno if I am buying into this or not cuz it wasnt denied that the promo was about him & they didnt exactly deny him reportedly signing with WWE either. It could all just be under wraps. Until I c more of a convincing promo or anything concrete said by a WWE official or STING himself, then I am going to go with the promo being Sting, not Undertaker.
I really, honest to god, think that Sting... Will never debut in WWE. I refuse to believe any of these rumurs that Sting has signed with the WWE. I think it'd be cool, and I'd much rather see him in the WWE then TNA... But it wouldn't be a smart choice for WWE. Vince knows what I'm talking about. It'd be really had to introduce Sting to the current WWE fans. Most kids would just be like "Who is this old guy with make up?."
I gotta give it to creative. Damn, they've come up with some good stuff since the new decade started, and this is brilliant. There is SO MUCH discussion on this small little 30second clip, that's sparking so many rumors, just in time for WrestleMania. We're hearing it could be the Undertaker, or DDP, or the crow himself STING. Whoever, it is, I'm sure a good chunk of us will tune in cause the suspense is just killing me!

My only wish what that this "individual" would return earlier, cause he will have a lot of work to do in time for the grand show
could it possible be badass taker. just a thought id love for it to be sting but my gut says badass taker all the way. which i wouldnt mind here rollin rollin rollin over the intercom and fans going nuts idk sounds like it could happen.
I really, honest to god, think that Sting... Will never debut in WWE. I refuse to believe any of these rumurs that Sting has signed with the WWE. I think it'd be cool, and I'd much rather see him in the WWE then TNA... But it wouldn't be a smart choice for WWE. Vince knows what I'm talking about. It'd be really had to introduce Sting to the current WWE fans. Most kids would just be like "Who is this old guy with make up?."

I highly disagree. There are kids all over the world that want Sting vs Undertaker. And besides that, WM is full of old school crowds from all over the world. And the kids ( i think ) would love Sting.They would think Sting is cool with his paint face.
I think it's sting because the timing has never been better for him to join the wwe than right now. Sting could sign a deal like hbk where he doesn't have to wrestle as much and can veto any storyline he feels goes against his beliefs. As for wrestlemania I hope it's sting vs. hbk and not the taker. Hbk and Sting could have a great match and the build up could be great. Imagine the two most loyal employees of the monday night wars finally locking up.
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