Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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i was reading the pwtorch this makes sense to me to

Case for Sting or Undertaker

Kevin, PWTorch codebreaker: I'm 100 percent sure it's Sting after reviewing the promo. People will talk about the trench coat, the rain, etc., but one thing makes me certain is once you "break the code." Notice that WWE didn't go 02 21 2011. It's 22111. Five numbers correspond to five letters in the word "Sting." In fact, just flip over the first two, add a line here and there, one diagonal line between 11 and you spell out STING.

the thought was Taker, but after thinking about recent developments (Nash and Booker T back in WWE and "they" being rewritten in TNA), I'm really starting to believe Vince pulled a trifecta and the Stinger is mystery person.
Oh, yeah. 2/21/11. That's defiantley Rollins. No, it's not some mystery who people have to wait and see who it is. Its definately a rookie who is gonna get shat on for portraying Sting and Undertaker.

It'll really help his career. Coming out in a trenchcoat and eerie music. Yeah. People with start caling him Sting for the hell of it, same thing.

Why would they debut a new guy before Wresltemania? Why, to be in the MITB? Seriously.

The only reason Tyler Black would get shit on by fans misinformed, or hopeful of it being Sting instead, is because all of those fans merely had too much false hope.

Wow, it was ONE segment of a guy in Cowboy boots, a black trench coat, and the rain. Sting did ONE segment during his dark 1997/Starrcade showdown, in which he walked around in the rain - when they were running the "fall of an empire" stick.

People have as much hope that it'll be Sting due to ONE segment he did, among hundreds before, all because a coat, and the rain connect. Seriously - that's grasping at straws.

It has just as much, if not MORE, chance to be someone new/debuting, as it does a mega star such as Sting - for the pure fact that this ONE segment is doing what it was designed to do; grab your attention, and force you to tune in on 2.21.11.

Alberto Del Rio and Edge's debut video's, you knew who they were. They weren't some mystery. Hell, look at Carlito's videos, or Masters, or Zeke's video's. You know who he is and and mostly who they are and what they look like. This person, you have no clue who they are.

Masters video just showed a muscular statue and you had an impression that it was going to be a body builder type figure. Nothing more. Edge's videos were of some random gothic looking guy running around NY subways beating up hobo's. How the shit was the world meant to know who that was, or what it meant?

My overall point is, a guy with the Legacy of Sting - why wouldn't you promote him for himself? Why waste the effort on smoke and mirrors, if it truly is him - and not just say "STING IS COMING!" I'd promise you'll get just as much hype, just as many (if not way more) people tuning in, all to see for sure that it'd be Sting.. as you would from some random video of "2.21.11".

How does it have a newcomer. Like I said before, the guy's walking in a trenchcoat and boots, in the rain. How does that point to a newcomer? It point's to Sting more becuase his video's before were similar to this one.

ONE VIDEO.. dammit, man, this shit is pissing me off from everyone in this thread.

STING DID ONE VIDEO.. over a decade ago.. to specifically promote STARRCADE and his feud with Hulk Hogan.. in which rain was used. It was added to make Sting look more like a tortured soul, in his quest for vengeance. ONE VIDEO does not mark the end-all, be-all return of Sting.

Tyler Black is a internet superstar from ROH. He's only been on a WWE event two times. Why would they invest so much in a rookie like him.

Edge had his credentials. Tall, thin, athletic. Especially when the only two companies were WWE and WCW. Also, Bret Hart wanted him to be signed in 1997.

Alberto Del Rio was the face of Mexico.

Tyler Black was champion in some indy corporation who mostly 18 and older males watch.

Okay, I have no idea what the hell you're going on about at this point.

1. Tyler Black has become just as big as the likes of Daniel Bryan, or C.M. Punk, when they were in ROH. It has every right to be him, as much as it does anyone else.

2. When Edge debuted, he was a no-name. Only people who followed his INDY career knew who he was. (ie. just like Tyler Black)

3. Just because ADR is Mexican, does not make him the face of Mexico. Show me any type of proof that leads to believing otherwise.

4. You're absolutely right. He was a Champion of an INDY promotion, that gathers just as many viewers, if not more, as ECW did.. and yet people went crazy to get guys like RVD, Dreamer, Sandman, and others. Daniel Bryan, Desmond Wolfe, C.M. Punk, all of those guys are from the same INDY promotion - and all have become a big success.

The only reason you claim it couldn't possibly be Tyler Black, is because you're wet dreaming too much that it HAS to be Sting.

Maybe, I don't know, to induct him into the Hall of Fame. To finally be known as the only star to never be signed by WWE. To maybe have his retirement match at Wrestlemania.

He'll get inducted into the Hall of Fame someday, but I can't imagine that day to be anytime THIS year. Shawn Michaels is too big of a name for the WWE, for them to fuck him over and allow someone the likes of Sting (a guy who vowed repeatedly to NOT come to the WWE) to overshadow HBK's induction.

I read reports that Sting finally signed a 1-year contract, according to the front page of WZ - I still do NOT believe he'll debut on 2-21-11. I believe he'll debut the night AFTER Wrestlemania.

How, the guy is dressed up as STING! He had a similar promo in 1997 for the Starrcade pay per view.
If it's Seth Rollins I would be 100% shocked. Becuase, IMO, it's either Sting
or a returning Undertaker

If it's Taker, it'd just show Taker-ique symbols. If it was Sting, they should've/would've done a better job at explaining it to be him - to make sure they get all the fans they can.

I no longer believe it'll be Tyler Black, for the record, for a reason I'm about to explain to someone else I've quoted - below...

Dammit, that was who I was going to guess at as an aternative to the other guesses. This character looked like it was going to be great in WCW, then they have to drop it because they've managed to present the character as a child abductor.
Personally I am praying that it is Sting, if a promo airs a week before with the guy dragging a baseball bat behind him then I am marking out!

I am now more confident it will be Seven than ever before. At first, I thought it would just be unique to claim it to be him, because of the Cowboy boots and the trench coat.. a new way of looking at the date has made me think otherwise..

2+2+1+1+1= 7. (2.21.11) Split up the numbers and add them up.. they come to Seven.

That is the greatest thing in the world, and now more than ever - I want it to be Seven.

The only reason Tyler Black would get shit on by fans misinformed, or hopeful of it being Sting instead, is because all of those fans merely had too much false hope.

Wow, it was ONE segment of a guy in Cowboy boots, a black trench coat, and the rain. Sting did ONE segment during his dark 1997/Starrcade showdown, in which he walked around in the rain - when they were running the "fall of an empire" stick.

People have as much hope that it'll be Sting due to ONE segment he did, among hundreds before, all because a coat, and the rain connect. Seriously - that's grasping at straws.

It has just as much, if not MORE, chance to be someone new/debuting, as it does a mega star such as Sting - for the pure fact that this ONE segment is doing what it was designed to do; grab your attention, and force you to tune in on 2.21.11.

Masters video just showed a muscular statue and you had an impression that it was going to be a body builder type figure. Nothing more. Edge's videos were of some random gothic looking guy running around NY subways beating up hobo's. How the shit was the world meant to know who that was, or what it meant?

My overall point is, a guy with the Legacy of Sting - why wouldn't you promote him for himself? Why waste the effort on smoke and mirrors, if it truly is him - and not just say "STING IS COMING!" I'd promise you'll get just as much hype, just as many (if not way more) people tuning in, all to see for sure that it'd be Sting.. as you would from some random video of "2.21.11".

ONE VIDEO.. dammit, man, this shit is pissing me off from everyone in this thread.

STING DID ONE VIDEO.. over a decade ago.. to specifically promote STARRCADE and his feud with Hulk Hogan.. in which rain was used. It was added to make Sting look more like a tortured soul, in his quest for vengeance. ONE VIDEO does not mark the end-all, be-all return of Sting.

Okay, I have no idea what the hell you're going on about at this point.

1. Tyler Black has become just as big as the likes of Daniel Bryan, or C.M. Punk, when they were in ROH. It has every right to be him, as much as it does anyone else.

2. When Edge debuted, he was a no-name. Only people who followed his INDY career knew who he was. (ie. just like Tyler Black)

3. Just because ADR is Mexican, does not make him the face of Mexico. Show me any type of proof that leads to believing otherwise.

4. You're absolutely right. He was a Champion of an INDY promotion, that gathers just as many viewers, if not more, as ECW did.. and yet people went crazy to get guys like RVD, Dreamer, Sandman, and others. Daniel Bryan, Desmond Wolfe, C.M. Punk, all of those guys are from the same INDY promotion - and all have become a big success.

The only reason you claim it couldn't possibly be Tyler Black, is because you're wet dreaming too much that it HAS to be Sting.

He'll get inducted into the Hall of Fame someday, but I can't imagine that day to be anytime THIS year. Shawn Michaels is too big of a name for the WWE, for them to fuck him over and allow someone the likes of Sting (a guy who vowed repeatedly to NOT come to the WWE) to overshadow HBK's induction.

I read reports that Sting finally signed a 1-year contract, according to the front page of WZ - I still do NOT believe he'll debut on 2-21-11. I believe he'll debut the night AFTER Wrestlemania.

If it's Taker, it'd just show Taker-ique symbols. If it was Sting, they should've/would've done a better job at explaining it to be him - to make sure they get all the fans they can.

I no longer believe it'll be Tyler Black, for the record, for a reason I'm about to explain to someone else I've quoted - below...

I am now more confident it will be Seven than ever before. At first, I thought it would just be unique to claim it to be him, because of the Cowboy boots and the trench coat.. a new way of looking at the date has made me think otherwise..

2+2+1+1+1= 7. (2.21.11) Split up the numbers and add them up.. they come to Seven.

That is the greatest thing in the world, and now more than ever - I want it to be Seven.


Just...no. In no particular order: Oh yeah, Tyler Black has the same level of hype as Punk and Bryan did before entering WWE. Actually, I haven't heard him talked about in months until now with people's half baked conspiracy theories. There is no way in hell he's big enough to be built up in a month and a half for a match at Mania. Whoever this turns out to be (unless it is Undertaker), it's not going to be a rookie/brand new superstar. As far as Seven goes--I'm a Dustin Runnels fan for the record--I don't know much about that character but that's one of THE most out there ideas I've heard yet. If it is (anything theoretically can happen, David Arquette was a WCW Champion) I'll eat my own words, but come on. Anyways, if it is Sting, you ask 'why wouldn't they just say Sting is coming?' Thank god you're not a wrestling promoter or booker. The first reason they wouldn't do that is because that would overshadow the hype for the PPV and a good portion of fans would just decide not to order the show and tune into to Raw since Sting would not be at EC. Obviously they wouldn't have him debut before EC, because he wouldn't be involved with that show especially because it's not a prestigious show and they would want to save him for the 'home stretch' heading into WM. Secondly, WWE is actually being CREATIVE for once with this, regardless of who it is, coming up with a surprise which could set up an angle like has been mentioned on here of Undertaker coming out and then Sting appearing right afterwords. No need to cheapen it by just saying 'Sting is coming'. This is going to help ratings, because people who watch Raw on a semi-regular basis or people that just wait and watch it on YouTube are going to want to know what's going on with this (wrestling fans are an impatient bunch) so they'll be much more inclined to tune in at 8/7c not only on the 21st but also every Raw until then to see if they're more vignettes with more clues. Okay, if Sting has signed why in the blue hell would he debut the night after WrestleMania? I get that he may not get inducted in the HoF until next year since Shawn is headlining (although I'm not entirely sure that Sting wouldn't go in in the same class..it was supposed to be a WCW themed HoF this year pretty sure HBK wasn't in WCW, so I don't see Sting headlining a class since he isn't a WWE guy), but if he's going to have a run in WWE why wouldn't it begin or culminate in Atlanta, the former home of WCW?

Now to address other people's posts: everyone's saying, oh it can't be so and so or it is so and so because they did or did not where this or that. Folks, people can change clothes. These are gimmicks we're talking about, WWE can decide to throw a trench coat and boots on anybody. As far as the cowboy/pointed boots are concerned, obviously we've never seen Taker or Sting where them, because we've never seen either walking around in the rain in a desert. Probably not going to wear wrestling gear in those conditions.
It's the Undertaker. The commercial before said The Undertaker was returning on the 21'st. I believe Sting and Taker might be on that edition of Raw. If you think about that Promo it looked more like Sting then Taker but the commercial before said Taker is returning. Only for viwers in Frensno or near.
Lol the fact someone said its Seven is hilarious. I know its a joke but seriously no way WWE gonna repackage Dustin Rhodes lame ass to go back to being Seven. Seven was a lame gimmick to begin with and a failed attempt at a dark and serious character. Its either Sting or Undertaker for 2-21-11.
Throughout today, I've been looking at this 2/21/11 video from different points from things I've read online. Here's how I see it:

I believe it's Sting, but not for the majority similar reason of the whole Starcade '97 promo. There's a higher chance of it being him than The Undertaker anyway. Like many have stated, if it were The Undertaker, WWE would have done the usual "static, vintage Taker footage, clips of graveyard, Taker symbol" video package formula. They always have some indication that it's Undertaker. At this point in the WWE and Taker's career, there is no more use for trying to do a surprise Undertaker comeback with video packages. He's already near the end of his career, so there shouldn't be as much as emphasis on his comeback (vs. emphasis on something like building new young stars). Why would they try so hard to mask the return of The Undertaker

Also, with the new report of Undertaker being locally advertised for the 2/21 RAW, I'll probably be one of the few to throw in the "Card is subject to change" counter-argument.

Awesome Kong? Oh, no no no. When have they ever did a big type promo like this for a diva? I'm not talking about something like Gail Kim's 1st debut promo in 2004, I'm talking about something that's garnered this much speculation.

According to the first WrestleZone.com article about it, there's even speculation about it being Triple H.

If it really is Undertaker that the promo is for, then WWE's build up for it will be disappointing and useless, unless they take this route (I doubt they would this late in his career though): [YOUTUBE]gutiNmiBHBk[/YOUTUBE]

I'm not really gonna keep my hopes up, but it could end up being anybody really. A veteran like Taker, Stinger or Jericho (wouldn't that be a swerve?), a returning mid-carder like Bourne or Christian (would either make sense? Wait, it's WWE, not much makes sense now-a-days) or a newcomer.

I like the whole "unknown promo/guessing game" thing though, so I'll wait it out until 2/21 while it periodically crosses my mind. :scratchchin:
When last did wwe had or did a promo for a rookie star that had this kind of surprise.
never from all the promos i can think off,
and all of takers promos had his symbol and name, for people you think it is Rollins or Tyler Black or even Dusty but sorry to bust your bubble, wwe would not waste time or money to promote a rookie, in the 2000 in the 90s yes but it hs been a very long time we have seen a mystery promo, my money is on Sting,

boys we might have that dream match sting vs taker if sting did sign a 1 yr deal then this wrestlemain will be one to be talked about for ages to come sting vs taker streak on the line

im a big taker fan but i would not mind if sting takes his streak
Sting is not going into the HOF this year. HBK is gonna be the headline for the HOF this year. You cant have Sting and HBK headline the same HOF because both wrestlers deserve to do it alone. Plus Sting cant retire without never working with WWE. I think WWE already signed Sting for 1 year he will debut in WWE full time on Feb 21st and then go in the HOF next year since The Rock already said it on his facebook that he will never wrestle in WWE again.
let us first see this year's wrestlemania 27 card:

Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio - WHC
The Miz vs. John Cena - WWEC
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Rey Mysterio vs. Dashing Cody Rhodes - assuming
Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett - assuming
Sheamus vs. Triple H - assuming

it seems to be just a normal monthly PPV and not having the Wrestlemania feel.. Every Wrestlemania has that BIG/ICONIC Match:

WM 26 - Bret vs. Vince
WM 25 - Chris Jericho vs. Legends; HBK vs. Undertaker
WM 24 - Ric Flair vs. HBK; Floyd vs. Big Show
WM 23 - Donald Trump vs. Vinnie Mac
WM 22 (one of the worst WM) - HBK vs. Vinnie Mac
WM 21 - Kurt Angle vs. HBK; Akebono vs. Big Show
WM 20 - Return of the Undertaker vs. Kane; Rock and Sock vs. Evo; Brock vs. Goldberg
WM 19 - Hulk vs. Vince; Rock vs. Austin III
WM 18 - Hulk vs. Rock
WM 17 - need i mention anything?????

as far as Wrestlemania 27, it seems to have no marquee match.. it just seems a normal PPV...

The video may be Sting... but haven't you thought if Sting will Wrestle at WM27 he should win, and I think Undertaker is not ready to lose this year to Wade Barrett, and Sting vs. Undertaker is way too early... have that match next year where the Undertaker goes for the big 20..

having said this, haven't you thought of Vince Mcmahon healing from a comatose and face Sting at WM27???? not a far fetched idea.. Wrestlemania 27 - Sting vs. Vinnie Mac.. Sting just has to be in the ring and ratings would skyrocket...

save Undertaker vs. Sting next year...
The latest news is that Mistico is going to FCW for a stint, as well as to learn English. I highly doubt they'll send him to FCW for just 3 weeks. So I doubt it's him.

Like everyone else, I pray that it's Sting, and I won't give my reasons why I think it's him - because it's all already been said.

I hope it's not the Undertaker, because that's just too easy, and it'll just be really disappointing. I can't wait to see Tyler Black/Seth Rollins in the WWE, but there's no way they're debuting him like this. It's someone recognizable like Sting, or a returning superstar.
If WWE has in fact signed Sting, they have to debut him on the 21st. If they did not sign him, they have a double edged sword on their hands. On one hand, that raw will probably be the highest rated in forever. However, it seems clear that if the mystery person is anybody but Sting, everybody will consider a huge letdown.

You gotta respect snowjorden for shooting everybodys rationalizations down post after post. Not letting any hope or hype enter his body. Stick with that snowjorden. If Sting does not show up, allow me now to congratulate you on sticking to your guns. However, if it is Sting, you have a big bowl of crow to eat. (You see what I did there? Crow, Sting, clever)
On 2-21-2011 Sting is going to resurrect the Undertaker ala Crow style and take down the Wade Barrett leading Corre. They will take down Gabriel and Slater first leaving Jackson and Barrett for Wrestlemania 27. This ensures a great storyline and ensuring that Undertaker can compete even if he's not ready for a singles match. Read the synopsis of the first Crow movie to exact justice on the Corre and mainly Wade Barrett. This ties in beautifully.
having said this, haven't you thought of Vince Mcmahon healing from a comatose and face Sting at WM27???? not a far fetched idea.. Wrestlemania 27 - Sting vs. Vinnie Mac.. Sting just has to be in the ring and ratings would skyrocket...

save Undertaker vs. Sting next year...

coupled with

On 2-21-2011 Sting is going to resurrect the Undertaker ala Crow style and take down the Wade Barrett leading Corre. They will take down Gabriel and Slater first leaving Jackson and Barrett for Wrestlemania 27. This ensures a great storyline and ensuring that Undertaker can compete even if he's not ready for a singles match. Read the synopsis of the first Crow movie to exact justice on the Corre and mainly Wade Barrett. This ties in beautifully.

after Sting debuts at the beginning of the night on 2/21/11 only moments after Wade Barrett tells the story of Vince McMahon being the person behind the original Nexus on RAW. Have Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett this year and Sting vs. Vince would be pretty sweet actually.
It's possibly Sting.

But, if it is The Undertaker. I think next week we will know it's Undertaker, why?

Because WWE would know how big this it, becuase everybody thinks it's a debuting Sting. It'll piss alot of people of if they revealed it to be Undertaker with similar video's until 2/21/11.

I'm pretty sure, if there's no Sting at all on 2/21/11, ther will be a Sting chant for the day and maybe the wweks to follow. Maybe even at Wrestlemania.

If it's the Undertaker, we'll know for sure probably next week. They'll make it more like a Taker promo so people can bel ike "ok, it's the Undertaker." Now making people play the ugesiing game and hope for a megastar to go to WWE only to be a huge letdown.

If it's the same type video, it's still up in the air.

WWE would'nt get miilions of potential viewers and PPV purchaser's pissed. Some fans might just buy Wresltemania to see Sting. They'll probably have more veiwers too for the nogatical feel that people love.

If it's Undertaker, and we never know for sure until 2/21/11 with no sign of Sting, WWE's gonna get alot of people pissed off!
in my opinion... it's Sting.

and if SO... what are the odds of them airing another promo next week of the same trenchcoated figure walking into a graveyard with a shovel... and digging up the Undertaker!?!

ya gotta admit.. that would be pretty bad ass!

I actually like this (or some variation of this).

It also makes sense. Sting/Taker versus Kane/Barrett at Mania could be built rather easily; would allow Taker to continue his streak, while still allowing Sting to go over at his first Mania; it let's them use Sting's drawing power in some way at this Mania, despite little time to integrate him into the story structure; and it let's them use the next year to map out a more well executed hype train for Sting v. Taker.

From a story-line resolution standpoint, this match-up also addresses the logical reasoning that Taker would be focused on not only Barrett but Kane as well. It gives them a chance to put a proper close on this latest Kane v. Taker fued, while it still gives Taker and the WWE their wish of him against Barrett, and doesn't rob Barrett of that huge opportunity.
Sting in the WWE would be amazing. Old yet new. Like people said before this mania is missing its big match. Well everyone seems to think that Cena and Miz are fighting for the title, but what if it ending up being Cena/Sting? Let's face Cena is the biggest thing in WWE these days, he is the top dog. It would be like Rock/Hogan all over again. Past vs. Present, the hype would be insane, plus the media attention. ALOT could be made.
There's only so much legitimate information one can draw from the vignette. Which is the trench coat, boots, and cabin. When you take into account possible returns, debuts, and free agency contracts you're only left with like four guys -- Jericho, Hunter, Undertaker and yes Sting.

I really doubt they would air a trailer for The Chaperone on the same night they air these promos and have it be for the same guy. Plus, the vibe of the video has no link to Triple H. Same goes for Jericho. While Jericho can change his gimmick like he did in 2008 it's highly unlikely when you consider his immediate feud would be with RKO. RKO is now caught up with Punk for a match at Mania (According to Dave Meltzer).

Undertaker is the easy choice since we know he's under contract, we know he's returning for Wrestlemania, and we know he wears trenchcoats and is ominous. And we also found out about the SaveMart Center advertisement that hypes the return of the Undertaker on 02/21/11 even if the ad has been pulled. I personally do not see how the advertising of Undertaker means there would not be a surprise for 22111.. You're not going to spoil in advertisements the debut of a brand new superstar.

Sting is the second likely choice as well as the most desired choice. Quite frankly, people point to Nash and Booker's returns to the WWE as some sort of evidence for Sting's debut but I don't see it that way at all. EVEN PRIOR TO THE VIGNETTE, it was reported Sting was not going to be and not scheduled to be at the TNA tapings this week. Shortly after this post went up, the vignette aired. The Main Event Mafia/They storyline may have been spoiled by Nash and Booker, but they still had Steiner and Angle, with Joe waiting in the wings if need be. Conceivably they could have gone ahead with the storyline by presenting THEY as all of the original MEM minus Booker and Nash. But they didn't which leads me to believe they don't have Sting. And according to Meltzer again, Sting has not signed any contract with TNA.

I am of the belief that WWE does not produce these style of vignettes for returning stars -- especially with Undertaker. With Taker, we have many examples of his return vignettes and there's always some Undertaker-ism to be found (The symbol, the cross, tombstones, etc). And certainly they would probably say "UNDERTAKER 22111".

While next week's vignette could kill all the Sting rumors by showing the normal Taker'isms... I do expect someone huge besides Undertaker to make an appearance in 3 weeks.
Just...no. In no particular order: Oh yeah, Tyler Black has the same level of hype as Punk and Bryan did before entering WWE. Actually, I haven't heard him talked about in months until now with people's half baked conspiracy theories. There is no way in hell he's big enough to be built up in a month and a half for a match at Mania. Whoever this turns out to be (unless it is Undertaker), it's not going to be a rookie/brand new superstar.

Last time I checked, Christian returned on an episode of ECW in the middle of Feb., and was a top name in the MITB. Wrestlemania is over 6 weeks away, by the time this "individual" debuts, you'll have between 4-6 weeks before Mania even then. That is plenty of time to promote anyone.

So, while I personally do not think it'll be Tyler Black because it seems a bit out there to give him this style of 'dark' gimmick, the facts remain you can't instantly discount it not being him, just because he's "new and unknown" all because you feel the Company can't build someone up in under a months time. It can/could happen.

As far as Seven goes--I'm a Dustin Runnels fan for the record--I don't know much about that character but that's one of THE most out there ideas I've heard yet.

Yeah, forbid that you actually use something that is 100% visable, and break it down into a math situation. During the date into a clue is something the Company has loved to do time and time again in the past. Others have pointed out some weird(er) math problem with it, indicating it's the Undertaker's streak moving to 19-0. (21-2=19, 1-1=0)

Instead of subtracting the numbers, I merely broke them further apart and added them individually and came up with Seven. And considering the character from the video, the creepy cabin, the Cowboy boots, the coat, all of it is valid at pointing out signs for the character Seven, or a character of similar variation. It's very possible. More so than most would want to believe, because everyone is so wrapped up in the hopes that it'll be Sting, and no one else.

Anyways, if it is Sting, you ask 'why wouldn't they just say Sting is coming?' Thank god you're not a wrestling promoter or booker. The first reason they wouldn't do that is because that would overshadow the hype for the PPV and a good portion of fans would just decide not to order the show and tune into to Raw since Sting would not be at EC. Obviously they wouldn't have him debut before EC, because he wouldn't be involved with that show especially because it's not a prestigious show and they would want to save him for the 'home stretch' heading into WM. Secondly, WWE is actually being CREATIVE for once with this, regardless of who it is, coming up with a surprise which could set up an angle like has been mentioned on here of Undertaker coming out and then Sting appearing right afterwords. No need to cheapen it by just saying 'Sting is coming'. This is going to help ratings, because people who watch Raw on a semi-regular basis or people that just wait and watch it on YouTube are going to want to know what's going on with this (wrestling fans are an impatient bunch) so they'll be much more inclined to tune in at 8/7c not only on the 21st but also every Raw until then to see if they're more vignettes with more clues.

Actually, if I were the creative director behind this issue - and it was Sting, I'd have added a bit more touch to it and FORCED people to tune in. I wouldn't of given a date.. instead, I'd of just set-up a Graveyard, with a tombstone - add in the rain, if you wish - and had a Crow, on the tombstone, pecking at it.

Keeping in mind, no date of arrival, just that plain and simple video. It'd have forced everyone viewing to go tell every friend they have that Sting/Taker is happening, but when? And thus, ratings each and every week until the arrival.

Instead, you get a back shot of a random person in a flasher coat, in the rain, going to a log cabin in the middle of no where. Oh yeah, that screams mega important and must-see for the following week.

Okay, if Sting has signed why in the blue hell would he debut the night after WrestleMania? I get that he may not get inducted in the HoF until next year since Shawn is headlining (although I'm not entirely sure that Sting wouldn't go in in the same class..it was supposed to be a WCW themed HoF this year pretty sure HBK wasn't in WCW, so I don't see Sting headlining a class since he isn't a WWE guy), but if he's going to have a run in WWE why wouldn't it begin or culminate in Atlanta, the former home of WCW?

Now, as for why I'd save Sting's actual arrival for sometime other than 4-6 weeks before Mania.. because he signed a 1-yr contract. That likely means he'll have some type of involvement at this year's Mania, to begin his WWE career.. and it'll culminate at next year's Mania, in a huge match-up.

But how, you ask? Simple.. Undertaker against Wade Barrett, at this year's Mania. After Taker wins (and I doubt anyone would think for a split second otherwise), the lights go out.. come back on, and Taker is standing face-to-face, in the former home of WCW mind you, with Sting. BAM.. they then have a solid YEAR to promote a Mania match between Taker and Sting, which will be Taker's 20th match at Mania.

That sounds a HELL of a lot better than.. "Let's have Sting rushed in, even though he'll be here for a year, and blow his first match on Taker's 19th Mania victory."

Lol the fact someone said its Seven is hilarious. I know its a joke but seriously no way WWE gonna repackage Dustin Rhodes lame ass to go back to being Seven. Seven was a lame gimmick to begin with and a failed attempt at a dark and serious character. Its either Sting or Undertaker for 2-21-11.

No, no.. what is truly hilarious is a ton of people getting hyped and worked up over ONE video package, that they each swear up and down it'll 100% be Sting or the Undertaker.

For the record, Se7en was a huge character that WCW had a ton of potential for, and it was merely scrapped due to the fact that the promos/videos they ran for it were upsetting to Parents because they felt it portrayed that of a Kidnapper/Child Abductor.

Now, also on the subject - it has been brought to my attention that Dustin Rhodes is injured. The beauty of the Se7en character, is that it doesn't have to be played by any one person. Dustin ran with it, or would've ran with it, in WCW.. but in the WWE it could be placed on anyone.
If it went the way I wanted it to go, it would go like this.Next week at the start of the show they show a vignette with Undertaker's cross or some symbol but no date.Near the end of the show there is a confontration between the New Nexus and The Corre. Undertakers music hits and the lights go out. However no one appears.On Smackdown The Corre/Wade Barrett cuts a promo after winning the main event match on how Undertaker really is dead when Undertaker's music hits and the lights go out.When the lights come back on all of The Corre are down except Barrett and the Undertaker is behind him.Barrett gets a Chokeslam/Tombstone and Kane comes from behind and attacks the Undertaker.On Raw after The Corre attacks and sends the New Nexus from the ring near the end of the show, Undertaker appears again.But he is overpowered and even Kane joins in attacking him.Which is when the lights go out.Everyone is like WTF?And then Sting appears and clears the ring.On Smackdown its announced Undertaker and Sting vs Wade Barrett and Kane with Taker and Sting winning.Then later on in the year Wade Barrett wins the WHC.Sting wins it and Taker becomes No.1 Contender.They battle for most of the year heading into Wrestlemania at 2-2.Sting wins and Undertaker retires 19-1.

Btw this isnt the actual person on this account.Its his friend.
I'm gonna have to go with Sting on this one as well. At first I saw the dark-themed promo and the trench coat and automatically thought Undertaker. After I've read the rumors here and there about Sting signing with the WWE and all sources claim that his debut will be 2.21.11, it's just too many coincidences for me to believe otherwise. I was very skeptical because of all the talent anywhere, Sting would be the absolute LAST person I would expect to sign with the WWE particularly because he seems to pride himself on being one of the only main event talents never to work for Vince. Also with the WWE openly focusing on it's younger talent (30 and under) it just didn't seem likely but with the WCW-themed HOF @ Mania this year and Sting being a HUGE part of that legacy I could see the WWE breaking their necks to secure him for it. His fan base alone would be reason enough to sign him even if he was signed to a Legends contract similar to Nash's or one that would require very little in ring work for him. With that being said, if Sting has indeed signed with the WWE I can GUARANTEE you any financial worries he might have had (which I kind of doubt existed anyway) will NEVER be an issue again! If this is true I bet it set the WWE back a HELL of a lot of money!
First off, I'd like to point out that I'm from the UK and this 2.21.11 promo video is being talked about just as much over here as it is over there in the states!
Anyway, I haven't been so excited about a promo/potential return for years, I personally think its Sting (hoping like crazy it is), Heres why ; the trenchcoat, the boots, the music, the rain, the similarities to starrcade 97 promo, and to me it just doesnt feel like an Undertaker style promo!
And in response to that ad that states Taker is returning on the 21st, he could have been already booked to return at that date for a while now, and WWE might have since signed Sting. Why not have Taker return have everyone feel pissed off and gutted that it wasn't Sting, then suddenly Sting comes out of nowhere and lays Taker out with the bat?? just an idea...

I'm praying it's Sting!
Ok, This may be old news but, It you look at the segment video posted on youtube, 53 seconds into it, pause it and look at the face. It is sting. Here is the link. If links are not allowed, sorry, new to this


I was going to say how skeptical I am about it being sting, however by playing this vid from 50 seconds, and hitting the play/pause fast to watch it slowly, you get a glimpse of sting in his crow make up! No lies, such a quick flash though you have to stop start it in order to see it.
Sting or Taker...I'm going Sting. The promo just seemed to fit his persona soo much more than The Deadman. I'm hoping Taker is back soon to get his feud started with Barrett or whoever he's facing, but this really really looks like the Stinger's for the taking.
I was going to say how skeptical I am about it being sting, however by playing this vid from 50 seconds, and hitting the play/pause fast to watch it slowly, you get a glimpse of sting in his crow make up! No lies, such a quick flash though you have to stop start it in order to see it.

I think you got trolled/tricked. That video is fan made, Sting was not in the background, nobody was in the original video.

I still hope it's Sting, if it's him I am buying Mania, if it's not then I am not.

It makes sense to be Sting but I also think that swhen Taker returned during/before the ministry gimmick there was rain in his video and theme song, but we'll see.
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