Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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The few reasons that Steve Borden did not go to the WWE was
1: The way The Rock dissed Booker T with his "Who in the blue hell are you!" catchphrase
2: The current product at the time.

Plus I've read that he's friends w/ Vince McMahon himself. He might of decided to give it a shot finally while he can still somewhat go. Plus he probably needed the money and stuff.

I think it might be Sting, Taker, or Seth Rollins. But it could be Randy Savage as far as we know but we wait 3 weeks to find out who it is.
I honestly think it's Sting. First of all Taker isn't set to face Wade at Mania. Vince is going to let Taker decide his match at Mania. It says so on Wrestlezone. Vince would never ever hype up a guy who nobody knows about at all. He only does promos like this for big name stars. It screams Sting to me big time and that is who I think it will wind up being.
I see no problem with Sting in WWE now and I don't think Taker would have a problem with Sting being the next opponent. It's $. Taker pretty much controls his destiny on the streak. If I recall Taker has mentioned a few years ago that the streak can and will end so if you are going to bring in Sting for a possible future HOF induction for next year, the way to get over with the crowd and prove your HOF worthy for not really being in the WWE is to end the streak. My guess is with Undertaker soon to take an exit out of WWE that the streak with either end or never die, either way, a Sting vs. Undertaker match could be a good match to watch.
Ok here's the Deal WWE/WWF NEVER debuts a new Superstar during the Road to Wrestlemania UNLESS there are plans for them at Wrestlemania. History has shown that debuts usually happen the night AFTER Wrestlemania. Examples Marc Mero(Actually debuted @ WM 12) Mankind(Night after WM 12) Brock Lesnar(Night after WM 18) & Even Goldberg(Night after WM 19. In recent memory the only people I can think of who debuted DURING the Road to Wrestlemania were Hogan & the NWO(No Way Out 2002) which of course led to Rock/Hogan @ WM 17 and Christian(Random ECW episode) and he ended up in Money In the Bank @ WM 25. In my opinion its Either Sting or Taker but it seems perfect for Sting. I don't believe Sting is going back to TNA and it doesn't matter if his Profile is still on TNA's Website, they have been known to keep profiles of guys long after their gone and they still had Nash's profile up until Last week so that means nothing. The reason Sting didn't join WWE in the past(Pre-TNA) was because of WWE's Content and the reason he didn't join after he was in TNA was probably because of the Loyalty that he gives to the companies that he works for and the limited schedule he had. Now that WWE is PG I'm sure they appeal to him more and maybe Vince finally caved in on the Limited Schedule(The Limited Schedule was what was holding Booker T back from re-signing Last year.....wait a minute the SAME Booker T that just appeared in the Rumble;) as of now Wrestlemania doesn't have that big Dream Match like Undertaker/HBK 1 & 2 or Rock/Hogan But Undertaker/Sting would certainly be a Dream match. I guess we will all find out 2 21 11 if "HE" is Coming;)
i have been a fan of sting since 1988. I know that he didn't come over in the invasion of 01 because of Steve being a born again christian and WWE's racey and raunchy storylines at the time.

Sting has not been under contract with TNA since late last year. he worked his final couple months as a pay by apperance.

"Sting is still on the TNA roster page".....AND SO WAS NASH till sunday morning when it was all but confirmed he was going to be in the Rumble last night.

the promo SREAMED Sting to me, from the first frame till the very end that was all i thought it could be. teh video didn't really show much..and don't expect to see more Friday night. they will just show the same 45 second clip. and then next monday they might show a new clip with new clues as to who it actually is.

well unfortunately 4 me i usually dvr RAW and fast fowarded through both spots, thinking they were movie trailers. sux 2 me me. lol. just viewed them online after catchin this thread on the boards. OMG. im gonna try to got get my hopes up that it is STING. cuz i think its a damn tragedy that vince didnt sell out the $ and buyout his contract and have him in the invasion. matchups w/ him and hbk, taker, austin, rock, cena etc wouldve made MILLIONS. it should b sting. but if i had to bet money its prob HHH.
hmmm I just watched it, Yeah I see everyones point about it being Sting But i saw one thing that made me think different... if you watch that person has Cowboy boots on! Sting does not where those, Doesnt really make a whole lot of sence, Im still going with undertaker here.
Very interesting. I paused it at 41 seconds and the 2s indeed have the shape of scorpion tails. Especially how the second 2 comes to a point at the bottom.
well unfortunately 4 me i usually dvr RAW and fast fowarded through both spots, thinking they were movie trailers. sux 2 me me. lol. just viewed them online after catchin this thread on the boards. OMG. im gonna try to got get my hopes up that it is STING. cuz i think its a damn tragedy that vince didnt sell out the $ and buyout his contract and have him in the invasion. matchups w/ him and hbk, taker, austin, rock, cena etc wouldve made MILLIONS. it should b sting. but if i had to bet money its prob HHH.

The reason Sting didn't come to WWE back then wasn't because of money but because of WWE's Content at the time. Sting said numerous times he would never work for a company that his kids couldn't watch but now that WWE is PG this legitimately opens the door for Sting to FINALLY join WWE and my gut feeling believes its him.
To all the people who are looking at the smoke picture and thinking it say's Seth. I think you're looking way to into it.

It's the same thing with the Limo Driver last year. Everybody though it was Daniel Bryan, with people even though they heard one of the Nexus say "Danny."

Fact is, it was nobody and they never mentioned it.

It's the internet people who always find something in a video or promo and think it's some mystical futurist message. Truth is, I think it's just smoke.
If you look at this link http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=184276348272547&oid=7175346442&comments&ref=mf and read the video description, it seems to be pointing towards a huge return or DEBUT. Who or What do you think is coming to Monday Night RAW? Awesome Kong? Possibly. HHH, Taker, Skip? WTF, some guy named seth, hell no.

If I had to guess over an over again it has to be Sting. I could keep posting all night and predict the same answer because I am just that sure it is the Icon. I mean the two's look like scorpion stingers, trench coat, rain, lightning, thunder, this RAW 2-21-11 is in California supposedly, and WWE went PG. The dream match for WM this year will be Taker vs. Stinger..bank on it. Who the hell would want to see Barrett vs Taker...not me I want my $60 worth and Sting vs. Taker would fill these requirements.
Well I think WWE is going to tell you first of all that Wade Barrett is the front runner to face Taker at mania to throw you a curve ball ok now The whole WCW theme thing has been this on going thing and still we have yet to see anyone besides Nash and Booker that did the whole WCW thing but both have worked plenty of WWE so its nothing new. I think That Taker and Vince both knew that it was a verrrrry long shot at getting Brock for Mania that the whole time they are talking to Sting and getting him to hold out on signing with TNA just for this major event! I mean isnt Taker to the point as to where if he faces someone like barrett at Mania it's a sure win?? Taker is at a point in his career where he is all by himself especially with start power these days besides 1 man and 1 man only and thats 1 of the only men he has never faced STING!!!! I think Vince has it all mapped out and knows exactly what he's doing, in fact he is a writer now and we all know Vince is a beast... Like a guy said earlier in this thread If you get the Taker to come out that night everyone would be like aww ok it was taker and then make lightning go off and all but at first put sting back in the Rafters looking down at Taker like he did in WCW at first it would be absolutly classic for the beginning of the build up!! Then after a few weeks you make him hit the ring behind Taker with the bat in his face this would b epic... With the WCW themed WrestleMania in the Home of WCW it is only Fitting to have the Greatest WCW Superstar ever Wrestle possibly the Greatest WWE Superstar ever... I mean you have Nash and Booker on Board and no disrespect because I love both but neither are Sting... With Sting never working for WWE ever I think this is the #1 reason why Vince strikes this deal you have to admit with Vince money is no object and everyone has a price and Sting can surely be bought he's only human after all,, isn't he??? 100% positive Sting has arrived 2-21-11!!!
The WWE has definitely succeeded in drawing interest. As for the smoke thing, if you see any name in the quick second the smoke is there than you have the greatest eye sight ever. I saw someone point out the 2's look like scorpion tails, so it's all a matter of perception. I think it is an established star because I don't see the sense in not showing a new guys face. He (or she) would need the exposure.
This reminded me of the old days when they would show guys like Razor Ramon walking around Miami to build them up. If it is Sting that would be amazing.
The first thing that comes to my mind when I watched that video was The Undertaker making a comeback. I know WWE could easily say that Taker is coming back on this date or have his music come on when the lights go out. Some have said Awesome Kong, but Kong doesn't wear a leather trench coat and I doubt WWE would waste a mysterious vignette on someone unless they are a huge name.

It could be Sting as some have said. I will have a hard time believing that until I see it, but I don't think TNA and Sting have come to terms yet so anything is possible. Sting could appear on Impact in the next month and debunk all of our theories. I just think that WWE wouldn't create a mysterious vignette with a debut date if it wasn't a big star.

New talent would receive vignettes like Alberto Del Rio, but big names like Jericho had countdowns and cryptic codes. I would be upset if it was Taker since that would be the most obvious choice. I hope whoever it is will pay off.
Vince wanted this WCW themed for the PPV (mainly the HOF). With Michaels headlining the HOF it really does not make a big WCW themed HOF but still gives room for Wrestlemania. Vince wants something huge but I don't think Nash or Booker T would fit the bill at being huge. Goldberg doesn't want to return and Sting is so silent, we don't know what's going on. As I put before, throw Sting in the mix with the Undertaker and if they put Nash and Booker T in the mix, I do not think they should help Sting end Taker's streak (Sting would want the fight as clean as possible), rather have them keep Sting from ending the streak.

As I said before, I can't see Sting going into the HOF now but I think the only way to get over for a future HOF is either end the streak or be the closest to beat Taker.
The WWE is starting to get back on track again. They're makin us think like why did alberto del rio win the rumble. Why is Jerry Lawler the number one contender. Who is this guy. Is it undertaker? Is it sting? Is it someone completely new but as of right now I can tell you this is not awesome kong lol I think the person is too skinny I mean do we really wanna see awesome kong start wearing a black trench coat and black boots. Sounds a bit like a rehash of viscera in the ministry to me. Now I mean it could be undertaker but think about it..... Are undertaker's vignettes usually like this I mean he usually makes his presecence known. Then Sting is more of the lord of the shadows where as the undertaker is more evil and sinister. So I strongly believe this is Sting. Then maybe this could tie in with the wcw thing. We saw Booker T and Kevin Nash already.
Been a WWF/E fan since I was 4. Fast forward to today and im 22 and still hooked on WWE's product, but Sting is the reason i started watching WCW. My first WCW ppv was starcade '97, and i want this to be Sting sooo freaking bad. He deserves the spotlight one more time. Come on Stinger, it's showtime folks!!!
It's definately Sting. Everything points to it. The video was very similar to the old Sting promo video from WCW in 1997. Raw is in his home state on the 21st. He wasn't at the TNA tapings. WWE wants to save Taker/Cena for Taker's final WM match next year and couldn't sign Lesnar so they need a huge star to face Taker this year.

Plus Taker doesn't need a video to return, he's not even on the Raw brand and has no beef with anybody on the Raw roster and they wouldn't make an amazing video like that right in the middle of Wrestlemania season for some n00b that nobody is gonna care about.
My gut feeling is it isn't Sting. I'm thinking its Seth Rollins, just because it looks like the person in the vignettes has a similar build. I don't think its Kong either.
Now i want it to be Sting as much as the next guy, but what leaves doubt in my mind is the boots, which are pointed towards the end which Sting doesn't really wear. Also whats the significance of him walking into a house, could it symbolise he is in a new house aka WWE. Possibly but highly unlikely.

It could be Undertaker which is probably more likely but WWE doesn't really have the tendency to air vignettes of Taker's return as he normally surprisingly shows up. But he did get buried. Maybe.

Awesome Kong im not going to be quick to shoot down the idea, but it is very rare for a diva to debuted in this way but nowadays you never know. We will find out in 3 weeks i guess.
I really don't understand how anybody thinks it isn't Sting. It absolutely is Sting. You can say, "how the hell do you know?", or "you couldn't tell." Nobody else would have a promo like that, and it's definitely not Undertaker. I guarantee it's Sting, and if it isn't, I'll eat my words.

Oh, and I also guarantee that the numbers "2/21/11" are going to turn into a scorpion.
Hey shit maybe it's Leo Kruger from FCW while we are at it, watch the FCW star debut before Mania and let's get him lost in the shuffle. Way I see it, I remember a time when a certain Bret Hart said he would never ever come back to WWE, well folks what happened last year.
I really don't think it's Sting. Sting has said many times that he will never work for Vince. He hates WWE, and that is why he choose TNA even for less money.

Kong, I don't think so. Kong will probably make a debut via interrupting someone's match.

Undertaker, maybe but probably not either. As others said, Undertaker isn't someone whose big with trailers.

Anybody seen Sting's blog for any updates? There is a chance that it could be Sting with all the commotion in TNA at the moment. Just look Nash left and debuted with WWE, Flair is pissy and more then likely will leave TNA. Hogan and Easy E aren't happy there anymore.
I really don't think it's Sting. Sting has said many times that he will never work for Vince. He hates WWE, and that is why he choose TNA even for less money.
Kong, I don't think so. Kong will probably make a debut via interrupting someone's match.

Undertaker, maybe but probably not either. As others said, Undertaker isn't someone whose big with trailers.

Anybody seen Sting's blog for any updates? There is a chance that it could be Sting with all the commotion in TNA at the moment. Just look Nash left and debuted with WWE, Flair is pissy and more then likely will leave TNA. Hogan and Easy E aren't happy there anymore.

Well, Nash did say he hated the youth movement and bashed the current WWE product, only to end up in the Royal Rumble. And be eliminated by the very man he bashed, Wade Barret.

Maybe he want's to have one last run. Or match.

Seriously, I doubt his last match would wanna be infront of 1000 people.

And also why not? He can go into the Hall of Fame and be known as the only star to never be in the WWE. It also ties in with the WCW themed stuff going on early this year.
Though most of us would surely mark-out to some degree if it were Sting... until we habe something legitimate from the rumor mill to go off of, beyond rampant speculation, I'm going to side with that being unlikely.

So my prediction- Mistico.

Yes, I know that it seems like a heavy build-up for a superstar that the majority of the fanbase is unfamiliar with, but the WWE wasted little time in hyping and building another recent Mexican legend in Del Rio.

Mistico (while most fans in this country don't know it) is a guy that, in the business, would be looked at as worthy of this type of hype. In fact he has been labeled as the "biggest draw in the world not in the WWE".

Another factor to consider is that (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong), I'm under the impression that Mistico does not speak english. Therefore the WWE is going to need to do something creative with both his build-up and more importantly his character in order to get him over with the american fans to the level that a star of his status should be able to achieve.

Also, just as an aside (since people seem to think it is a potetial indicator for the Sting speculation), California would be a logical place to debut a famous, revered, and over Luchador.

With Mistico being signed, his debut figures to be sooner rather than later to me, and having a wrestler of his stature work through the ranks of something like FCW or a season of NXT seems illogical and disrectful. Something like this type of mystery hype machine seems more appropriate given the international importance of this signing.
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