Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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That most certainly does say Seth.. lol. I just saved it in MS Paint cause I don't have Photoshop on my laptop so it RUINED the save quality. View the video on your own PC :47 seconds in and tell me it doesn't say Seth. Lol..

That said ..Oh for sure. Cole is totally going to shit all over Tyler Black when he makes his debut. But ..Cole heeling it up is half the reason I watch wrestling on TV these days.

Saving it from MS Paint won't reduce the image quality.

I reckon it looks more like 'Seth' than 'Sting', but I don't think it's supposed to spell out anything. This Seth fella most recently appeared under the name Sam Robins for WWE anyway.

It'll be a major disappointment if it's not Sting, and if it's a debuting new guy it could possibly ruin him.
came on as a dark scene...rain...man in coat...first thing i thought of was STING! never say never when it comes to wwe and maybe sting wants to go out big time bc he sees tna is just got no control and nothing going for them. if its not sting then they are doing a good job in making people think it is sting
I want to be the first person here to say its Papa Shango.

Didnt Wade Barrett say on his twitter account a few days ago, "just got off the phone with papa shango, he will be at the rumble sunday" Well this didnt happen but maybe this has something to do with Papa Shango (aka Godfather)

I REALLY REALLY Hope its Sting but I just wanted to throw Papa Shango out there, and state that I am the first to say this if it does happen! lol

This is what wrestling lacks and needs. This and the Save_us campaigns caught my attention and forced me to watch because I couldnt wait to see who it was
It's not going to be someone lame like Sheffield or Seth whoever or anyone that audiences couldn't care less about, especially not at this time of the year, when WWE is building toward its Superbowl.

It's gotta be either Sting or Taker. Like everyone else, the video screams Sting. The rain, the coat, the boots, the similarities to the Starrcade 97 video.

If WWE is smart, they'd have Taker return near the end of Raw on 2/21. Everyone would then assume that the video was about him. HOWEVER, just as Taker finishes his long walk to the ring and maybe grabs a mic or something like he's about to deliver a promo, the lights go out again, we hear the storm-like sounds of thunder, maybe see some lightning, etc. . . . Then the lights come back on, and Sting is standing in the ring in his trenchcoat, baseball bat in hand, staring down the Undertaker, here to challenge the undefeated streak.

The Wrestlemania card is beginning to shape up. We're probably going to have Miz vs. Cena, Edge vs. Del Rio, HHH vs. Sheamus, Nexus vs. Corre, etc. These are matches that should excite wrestling fans, but not the casual viewers, which is what Wrestlemania is supposed to bring in. Everyone's been saying Barrett will be the one to challenge Taker. Again, that may excite hardcore wrestling fans, but not the general public.

WM needs something BIG if it's going to be the blockbuster it's supposed to be. Sting vs. Taker is a dream match, something we've never seen before, but something that makes so much sense given their similar personas. Even if you haven't watched wrestling in the last ten years, you'll going to want to buy WM just to see that match. It's something we thought we'd never see.

It doesn't even matter that Sting would lose, or that either guy is past their prime . . . just the build-up and excitement behind it would make it incredible. It could even be Sting's one and only match in the WWE. It doesn't really matter. I just think every wrestling fan would love to see Sting have a match at Wrestlemania at least once in his glorious career. Who better to do it against than Taker?

My dick is already hard with excitement.
WOW, if it is Sting they have to set up Taker v Sting at Mania, it would be HUGE!!!! One of the biggest matches of all time! Rock v Hogan style! WOW!! HUUUGEEEE!!
Two questions.

1. If it is Sting, which I highly doubt, what do they do with him? They air these vignettes for 3 weeks, build up the hype and hoopla, get the IWC absolutely jizzing, then what? Who does he face? Everyone seems to have a dance partner already for the big show. Edge has Del Rio, Cena has Miz, Punk has Orton, Triple H has Sheamus, even Taker supposedly has Barrett. Plus, there's no way in hell we're seeing Sting/Undertaker, as Sting won't lose his eagerly anticipated debut, if it ever happens, and Taker is not having his streak ended by Sting. It's one thing to build the hype, it's something else altogether to follow through on it. Just ask the disgruntled TNA fan base.

2. If it turns out to be Sting (never happen in a million years), is TNA screwed? To lose Booker T and Kevin Nash to WWE all of a sudden (who granted are no longer all that relevant but it would hurt TNA if these guys had a choice between WWE and TNA and they chose WWE). Ric Flair is allegedly unhappy. Hogan can barely walk. Jeff Hardy is still facing serious criminal charges. Matt Hardy is still fat and irrelevant. To lose Sting over and above all of this would be crippling in my opinion.
I think it's either Cody Rhodes or Dustin (Goldust). Remember, Cody is in a very dark place right now because of his face. Also, Dustin Runnels used to wear cowboy boots to the ring when he was in WCW. This could be just a dark side to his character. I personally will be very surprised if it is Sting.
Well if it's not sting then whoever it is that comes out on the 21st will have instant heel heat for their career since every body is looking forward to sting now.
Two questions.

1. If it is Sting, which I highly doubt, what do they do with him? They air these vignettes for 3 weeks, build up the hype and hoopla, get the IWC absolutely jizzing, then what? Who does he face? Everyone seems to have a dance partner already for the big show. Edge has Del Rio, Cena has Miz, Punk has Orton, Triple H has Sheamus, even Taker supposedly has Barrett. Plus, there's no way in hell we're seeing Sting/Undertaker, as Sting won't lose his eagerly anticipated debut, if it ever happens, and Taker is not having his streak ended by Sting. It's one thing to build the hype, it's something else altogether to follow through on it. Just ask the disgruntled TNA fan base.

2. If it turns out to be Sting (never happen in a million years), is TNA screwed? To lose Booker T and Kevin Nash to WWE all of a sudden (who granted are no longer all that relevant but it would hurt TNA if these guys had a choice between WWE and TNA and they chose WWE). Ric Flair is allegedly unhappy. Hogan can barely walk. Jeff Hardy is still facing serious criminal charges. Matt Hardy is still fat and irrelevant. To lose Sting over and above all of this would be crippling in my opinion.

1. Regardless of who he tangoes with at Wrestlemania or even if it's just a induction into the HOF, having a guy that is such a staple in the wrestling business just being in a WWE ring is enough to hype IMO. Trust me they have hyped alot worse.

2. WWE lost Batista, Y2J, HBK, MVP and Matt Hardy aswell as others...they seem to be doing fairly ok. As Stone Cold Steve Austin said once..when one thing goes in the engine room..they simply move on and just replace it.

My thoughts?

If Goldberg who was a big pin in WCW's success can come over to WWE then so can Sting. As for the vignette itself, good job creative team for giving us something to guess.

As for whether its the mentioned Seth Rollins, Michael Tarver...Skip Sheffield rumors...sorry but in my opinion and from watching the way WWE conduct there business regarding putting out brand new superstars, Pre-Wrestlemania is not WWE's usual strategy for debuting new talent into the company..Post Wrestlemania maybe...because..if you think about it....debuting a huge new Superstar from FCW right before Mania..he/she would honestly just get lost in the shuffle as everyone else just mentioned that most spots seem to be filled before Mania.

Sting who has never wrestled for WWE..is technically a "New" Superstar to WWE.

Also not to spoil anything but having read the spoilers tonight..."Someone" didn't turn up with "They".
yo ur a dumbass that is the most ******ed thing i ever heard its either a sting debut or a sting vs undertaker match wrestlemania 27 becuase the man is entering someones yard and walking into their house that would be sting into undertakers yard and house well sting good luck rip undertaker 19-0

Calm down homie. It's a joke. If that's the most ******ed thing you've ever read, check the grammar in your post, and move it the most ******edest thing ever. Tool.
Ok, I just read like EVERYONE's reply to this thread. Being someone that has really never posted much on here I am a newbie in terms of posting however I read most of your all's arguements all the time and I love it because it makes me remember why we all are wrestling fans. Now, onto the topic.

Who could it be? We all believe it screams Sting. We all know its not Undertaker. Undertaker's return videos are a not that vague as this video. Everyone cited the old Starrcade '97 promo video with Sting being hyped and honestly, I can't think of any other way to hype Sting's involvement in the WWE. A lot of you say that it can be Sting for many reasons, one I read a couple times being that Sting didn't approve of the WWE's programming. That was only an issue at the time when Sting was huge in WCW and at the fall of WCW when WWF(E) was very racy and raunchy and being this born again Christian that he is, he wouldn't approve. Now with WWE being PG I think its gives Sting a bit more of a reason to jump ship.

Those who say "we'll have to see if he's part of THEY part 2", well, he's not. Just read the spoiler. I won't say who is, but he's not there. I heard he was on a hand-shake type deal with TNA and his last few appearances were part of that and he hadn't signed any long term deal. I don't remember reading whether or not he did sign a contract but if he did with WWE, guarantee you we'd never know. If WWE was smart, this would be the biggest secret kept EVER.

If its anyone else, we all will be hugely disappointed. As others have pointed out Sting is nearing 52 so if there is any time for him to pop into the WWE and make an impact, its now or never. I could see him coming into the company like a few years from now and being in some sort of backstage role but if there was ever a chance for him to actually step into the ring, its now. As someone said, maybe he signed a year deal with them and he'll wrestle for a year and get his just induction into the HOF. I don't see him getting inducted now, btw. Would definitely be hard to have him and HBK, though good friends, being inducted in the same night especially when Sting has never been inside a WWE ring.

We could all be looking too much into this and when it is someone like Skippy Sheffield or whatever the hell his name is, or Michael Tarver (but I doubt him, he showed up the other night in a suit and tie, doubt this dark, rainy promo was for him) or this Tyler Black/Seth Rogen (or was it Henry Rollins?) guy. If WWE does one thing consistantly it's taking a promo that looks amazing and completely ruining it by having someone who doesn't live up to the hype be behind. Hopefully our wishes are granted and it is the icon Sting. It's either now, or never.
Two questions.

1. If it is Sting, which I highly doubt, what do they do with him? They air these vignettes for 3 weeks, build up the hype and hoopla, get the IWC absolutely jizzing, then what? Who does he face? Everyone seems to have a dance partner already for the big show. Edge has Del Rio, Cena has Miz, Punk has Orton, Triple H has Sheamus, even Taker supposedly has Barrett. Plus, there's no way in hell we're seeing Sting/Undertaker, as Sting won't lose his eagerly anticipated debut, if it ever happens, and Taker is not having his streak ended by Sting. It's one thing to build the hype, it's something else altogether to follow through on it. Just ask the disgruntled TNA fan base.

2. If it turns out to be Sting (never happen in a million years), is TNA screwed? To lose Booker T and Kevin Nash to WWE all of a sudden (who granted are no longer all that relevant but it would hurt TNA if these guys had a choice between WWE and TNA and they chose WWE). Ric Flair is allegedly unhappy. Hogan can barely walk. Jeff Hardy is still facing serious criminal charges. Matt Hardy is still fat and irrelevant. To lose Sting over and above all of this would be crippling in my opinion.

You make good points, but Sting is one of the only people in the wrestling world that could show up and be instantly over. He doesn't have to wrestle Taker or a champion. Any decently over heel would make for a fine match. They would still have six weeks to build it up. That's longer than they have for every other PPV of the year.

As far as TNA goes, I think we all saw that anything can happen. Last week nobody, and I mean nobody, thought Nash and Booker would be in the Rumble. The entire IWC (myself included) "knew" they were going to form the MEM in TNA. To the best of my knowledge, Sting isn't currently signed to TNA. I realize it's a bit of a long shot, but there is a strong possibility Sting could be coming to the WWE.

Or not. Hell, it could be a video for Primo as far as we know :)
Sting is obviously what everyone is hoping for and I'm not denying that it would be huge, I'm just not sure it would be something that Sting personally would want to do. When I first saw the video my initial reaction was that the Undertaker would be returning. I could easily be wrong but my gut reaction is Taker.
1. Regardless of who he tangoes with at Wrestlemania or even if it's just a induction into the HOF, having a guy that is such a staple in the wrestling business just being in a WWE ring is enough to hype IMO. Trust me they have hyped alot worse.

2. WWE lost Batista, Y2J, HBK, MVP and Matt Hardy aswell as others...they seem to be doing fairly ok. As Stone Cold Steve Austin said once..when one thing goes in the engine room..they simply move on and just replace it.

My thoughts?

If Goldberg who was a big pin in WCW's success can come over to WWE then so can Sting. As for the vignette itself, good job creative team for giving us something to guess.

As for whether its the mentioned Seth Rollins, Michael Tarver...Skip Sheffield rumors...sorry but in my opinion and from watching the way WWE conduct there business regarding putting out brand new superstars, Pre-Wrestlemania is not WWE's usual strategy for debuting new talent into the company..Post Wrestlemania maybe...because..if you think about it....debuting a huge new Superstar from FCW right before Mania..he/she would honestly just get lost in the shuffle as everyone else just mentioned that most spots seem to be filled before Mania.

Sting who has never wrestled for WWE..is technically a "New" Superstar to WWE.

Also not to spoil anything but having read the spoilers tonight..."Someone" didn't turn up with "They".

Totally agree with you. Also, if you think on it who says he has to be in a match as a competitor. He could maybe be an enforcer and then move into a feud with the heel of the match he refs in. Wouldn't be the worst idea ever.
I'm seeing a lot of people speculate it's Sting.

While I would mark out if he showed up (and that would be the first time in years marking out for anything in pro wrestling), a huge part of me hopes it's not him. For two reasons: 1. WWE would fuck it up, and 2. I've always loved the fact that every time Vince has courted Sting, Sting actually had the balls to tell him no every single time.

So, yeah... deep down, I hope it's not Sting. To be honest, I don't really think it is him, anyway. I believe it's either 'Taker or a debuting wrestler. Most likely 'Taker, though. The fact that 'Taker has to return sometime soon since the "Road to Wrestlemania" is underway leads me to believing it's him. This way they're able to hype it up, while also keeping it a surprise when it happens.
Two questions.

1. If it is Sting, which I highly doubt, what do they do with him? They air these vignettes for 3 weeks, build up the hype and hoopla, get the IWC absolutely jizzing, then what? Who does he face? Everyone seems to have a dance partner already for the big show. Edge has Del Rio, Cena has Miz, Punk has Orton, Triple H has Sheamus, even Taker supposedly has Barrett. Plus, there's no way in hell we're seeing Sting/Undertaker, as Sting won't lose his eagerly anticipated debut, if it ever happens, and Taker is not having his streak ended by Sting. It's one thing to build the hype, it's something else altogether to follow through on it. Just ask the disgruntled TNA fan base.

2. If it turns out to be Sting (never happen in a million years), is TNA screwed? To lose Booker T and Kevin Nash to WWE all of a sudden (who granted are no longer all that relevant but it would hurt TNA if these guys had a choice between WWE and TNA and they chose WWE). Ric Flair is allegedly unhappy. Hogan can barely walk. Jeff Hardy is still facing serious criminal charges. Matt Hardy is still fat and irrelevant. To lose Sting over and above all of this would be crippling in my opinion.

1. It's about money and selling tickets and garnering excitement for the biggest PPV of the year. Taker/Michaels was the kind of match that got casual fans excited enough to buy the PPV. So far, nothing on this year's card is going to do that. Taker/Sting is a dream match. They're two of the greatest, most popular wrestlers of all time. They're living legends. I would gladly fork over x-amount of money to see that match.

I don't think it matters one iota who wins/loses the match. IMO, everyone will win: Sting, Taker, the WWE, the fans. The crowd would eat that match up.

2. What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis? It's TNA we're talking about. They've BEEN screwed.
If it is Sting, then I want to see Taker and Sting fight already!

I have a feeling though that it's most likely the UnderTaker. Lets face it, if they played a "gong" noise, then we know for a fact its Taker. Odds are they did that on purpose to keep us in doubt and keep the internet talking about it LOL so my guess is the phenom himself

Yes, I'm agreeing with you and I hope it is Tyler Black aka Seth Rollins. He deserve it.

Maybe some kind of push before WM. Sounds awesome.
I am totally a major Sting mark and I would shit myself if its him I just have a feeling there trying to pull people in thinking its Sting but turning out to be some one else, it would be a major let down if its someone else but that video points to Sting and only STING the rain, the thunder, the boots, the trench coat.......I just poo'd a little!



It's not going to be someone lame like Sheffield or Seth whoever or anyone that audiences couldn't care less about, especially not at this time of the year, when WWE is building toward its Superbowl.

It's gotta be either Sting or Taker. Like everyone else, the video screams Sting. The rain, the coat, the boots, the similarities to the Starrcade 97 video.

If WWE is smart, they'd have Taker return near the end of Raw on 2/21. Everyone would then assume that the video was about him. HOWEVER, just as Taker finishes his long walk to the ring and maybe grabs a mic or something like he's about to deliver a promo, the lights go out again, we hear the storm-like sounds of thunder, maybe see some lightning, etc. . . . Then the lights come back on, and Sting is standing in the ring in his trenchcoat, baseball bat in hand, staring down the Undertaker, here to challenge the undefeated streak.

The Wrestlemania card is beginning to shape up. We're probably going to have Miz vs. Cena, Edge vs. Del Rio, HHH vs. Sheamus, Nexus vs. Corre, etc. These are matches that should excite wrestling fans, but not the casual viewers, which is what Wrestlemania is supposed to bring in. Everyone's been saying Barrett will be the one to challenge Taker. Again, that may excite hardcore wrestling fans, but not the general public.

WM needs something BIG if it's going to be the blockbuster it's supposed to be. Sting vs. Taker is a dream match, something we've never seen before, but something that makes so much sense given their similar personas. Even if you haven't watched wrestling in the last ten years, you'll going to want to buy WM just to see that match. It's something we thought we'd never see.

It doesn't even matter that Sting would lose, or that either guy is past their prime . . . just the build-up and excitement behind it would make it incredible. It could even be Sting's one and only match in the WWE. It doesn't really matter. I just think every wrestling fan would love to see Sting have a match at Wrestlemania at least once in his glorious career. Who better to do it against than Taker?

My dick is already hard with excitement.

the part i highlighted, i seriously got goose bumps from reading that.. that would be amazing, god i hope it's Sting and not some jobber like "Seth" or whatever his name is gonna be.. when i saw the rain and the coat, like everyone else, first thought was Sting.. to me, when Undertaker is making is return, they usually have his logo flash on the screen or even the static of the video messing up.. when it's some "new" guy, they usually show their face and have them say something, or even a name pop up, saying they're coming or whatever.. i haven't bought a ppv in a very long time, but if it turned out to be Sting vs Undertaker at WM, bam, i'm there :)
Been tyler blacks biggest fan i would MTFO and do something illegal i would be that excited, he deserves all of this honestly BUT on Planet Vince he dosent like Indy stars and would never ever give them this much hype, Ok so CM Punk got a few vignettes but they were hardly inspiring and never caused this much hype . IMO Everything about the promo scream Stings, total WCW in late '97 flashback.
yeah it has to be sting! it cant be taker he is on smackdown, and come on guys as much as we all like kong the wwe isnt gonna make a video package hyping a woman, sounds mean but totally true. this is either sting or a rookie
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