Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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That promo had all the similarities from Sting's promo from Starcade 97. Even the lightning and rain made me think for sure it is Sting. The man in the promo had a trench coat and black boats, which also indicates Sting. Hell, what more do you need to know it is Sting, as the date faded away I could have sworn I saw the word Sting fade away very quickly, I even looked at the spot about 4 times to confirm it. This promo just seems to fit Sting more than it would fit Taker and it certainly does not fit Kong.
I just think we would all love to see Sting end his career in WWE.

He has been such a great wrestler and person...

He deserve better than that garbage show called TNA.

Especially now since some of his buddies, NASH, and BOOKER T are doing the same.

Undertaker vs Sting at Wrestlemania.....could be classic!
People, think for a second.

If it's Tyler Black or Awesome Kong, Tarver, Sheffield, Mistico there would'nt be this huge mystery buildup of who is it?

Much less the fans haven't heard or have forgot of those people. It would be anti-climatic.

But Sting is well-known!

Plus, usually a Taker return promo includes his symbol, static, a eerie voice, glimps of him. Not just him walking with around a cabin while raining.

If it's the Undertaker, it's obviously the Undertaker. The trenchcoat, the music, the rain, the eerie cabin. Their trying to cater to kids, but alot of kids would even know that it's Undertaker if they saw that video. Why would they give it away when it's supposed to be a mystery.

Obviously, it's not Undertaker becuase it'll be to obvious. His returns are more "Undertaker Returns."

This is some weird, eerie video with no glimps of Undertaker, voice, static or anything.

And it's also very much like Sting's Starrcade '97 video.

Also, why would Undertaker be on RAW? Kane and Wade Barret, the guy's who buried Undertaker, are on Smackdown. There also the report of Undertaker wanting to work with Barret, why do you think Barret went to Sackdown?

It's obviously not Triple H. He's not a eerie guy with a trenchcoat.

It's obviously not Undertaker or Triple H.

Plus, it seems like it's a mystery. The kids and their mom would know it's Undertaker.

If we don't hear anything about Sting being in MEM or TNA, it's gotta be him. Anybody know if he employed by TNA still. I know h'es still on the Wikipedia roster page.

If I see Sting on TNA, all hope it gone.

I hope it's Sting, hell, I know it's Sting. If it's not it's a huge letdown.
For those of you wanting it to be Sting, I hate to burst your bubble but it's not him. Go to the WWE page, click videos and watch this. Pause the video at :47 and do it a few times until you see the letters the smoke makes. It CLEARLY says "SETH" not Sting. Therefore ..it's a promo for Seth Rollins.

I think we can all agree that we believe it can be sting. I feel they are trying to let the audience believe it is taker. For that reason, I do not believe it's taker. I feel takers return will be 1. on smackdown and 2. a big surprise
For those of you wanting it to be Sting, I hate to burst your bubble but it's not him. Go to the WWE page, click videos and watch this. Pause the video at :47 and do it a few times until you see the letters the smoke makes. It CLEARLY says "SETH" not Sting. Therefore ..it's a promo for Seth Rollins.

I'm pretty sure it's not Seth Rollins.

I'm pretty sure the fans would'nt give a shit for Seth Rollins.

He's a no name who's never been on TV.

It's got a eerie, mysterious feel to it quite like Sting's Starrcade '97.

What is Cole gonna be like "Look King, it's some guy, it's some guy!"
That most certainly does say Seth.. lol. I just saved it in MS Paint cause I don't have Photoshop on my laptop so it RUINED the save quality. View the video on your own PC :47 seconds in and tell me it doesn't say Seth. Lol..

That said ..Oh for sure. Cole is totally going to shit all over Tyler Black when he makes his debut. But ..Cole heeling it up is half the reason I watch wrestling on TV these days.
i think that it will be when we finally get to figure out who the dang annonymous GM is. cause lets face it that storyline has gone on far enough. maybe the GM is Sting... that could be really cool... him and Booker T and Diesel all working together on it... that might explain Booker T an Diesel competing in the Rumble...
I wonder if the WWE Universe would like to see Sting in the WWE. This vignette aired tonight for the first time,twice, and speculation is running rampant. Nothing is confirmed, just conjecture and speculation. And there are over 1000 people currently viewing this thread.
For those of you wanting it to be Sting, I hate to burst your bubble but it's not him. Go to the WWE page, click videos and watch this. Pause the video at :47 and do it a few times until you see the letters the smoke makes. It CLEARLY says "SETH" not Sting. Therefore ..it's a promo for Seth Rollins.


It makes absolutely no sense to debut a newbie to the WWE right before Mania when you already have over 2 dozen new guys already going to appear on the Mania card. Does Rollins have a trench coat and did his promos have lightning and rain in them, no. Sting is more suited for this video, but that is my opinion...wait until what CSR thinks because they were actually there.
It could be anyone. Hell it could be HHH. My hopes are with everyone else and I'm going with Sting. Think about the match at Wrestlemania between The Icon Sting and The Phenom, The Undertaker! Talk about a damn dream match.
I love the people who say it can't be Undertaker because he is a Smackdown wrestler. Like WWE wouldn't put him on a live show to bring him back. Those same people find logic that it could be Sting. If you think Taker is impossible because he is on SD, use the same method and think that Sting is impossible since he is either with another company, will never work for Vince, or both.

Everybody knows that video is the return of JBL. It's a cowboy, obviously.
I gotta say, in the past for video's hyping people, the only times the WWE have outright put the names in the video's have been when they are actually hyping someone and not making it a mystery of who is debuting. They're not TNA who do silly things like Booker's real name on a promo ad backwards. Just seems to me if it was a new guy like Seth Rollins, he would have been shown with face time to introduce people to him with his name displayed or said clearly i.e. Del Rio. They are usually more cryptic, like tonight's vignettes, when it is a major big name return or debut. Just throwing that out there. And Skip Sheffield?!! If it is him, epic fail.
Just because a certain pattern looks like the name SETH doesn't mean it'll be him. If you were to never tell us it looks like the name Seth, I would have never guessed. But you told us, and I see it because I'm perceiving it like you are.

Don't forget kayfabe. Undertaker was buried in a buried alive match. The last time I can remember he was buried was by Kane before his re-up of the deadman gimmick. Lots of vignettes and promotions saying the deadman is still alive. This one, just a dude walking into a cabin, IMO has nothing to do with burial. If it was the Undertaker, it would most likely be a promo of a hand coming up from the ground, Undertaker style.

I'm hoping it's Sting. But the moment we hear/see him in TNA, that'll rule him out. Another thing you could compare are the boots. They don't look like boots Undertaker would wear. Sting? Not so sure.

I've never seeing anything from Tyler Black but he better have a good gimmick name to compliment that promo. Probably is some kind of new talent. Hell if it was that Seven gimmick Goldust has, I'd be fine with that. I'm hoping whatever this gimmick is will last and is nothing like that Mordecai gimmick I had high hopes for but turned into crap.

Awesome Kong? Skip Sheffield, Michael Tarver. You kidding me? It's possible, but with a promo like that, I highly doubt it would be them.
The rain, the dark and eerie theme, the black coat in the background the an anticipated date of 2-21-11. Given the fact that one of the biggest marks of the company: Shawn Michaels is a full blown practicing Christian, Bret Hart has made amends with Vince and WWE, his best friend Lex Luger most notably is a lock for 2011 Hall of Fame not to mention that Booker T and Kevin Nash two very close allies of Sting showing up at the Royal Rumble, as well as a Ric Flair disappearance on TNA and a possible 4-Horseman reunion at WWE Hall of Fame. Not to mention that the product of the WWE is once again a PG product that families go to and can actually watch with their kids. All this and so much more as well as the feel of that promo shows that Sting has signed something with WWE. The only other superstar I've seen them make such a big deal about this was both countdowns to Chris Jericho's return. They would not give a new-comer or a re-packaged star this kind of attention given the fact they they want those guys to move accordingly in the system ala a Tough Enough or NXT. They are now showing that rookies must work the system and are no longer given special promos for a debut. I personally cannot wait for this it makes me really excited to want to watch the road to Wrestlemania as anything can happen now.
I personally don't think it's either Taker or Sting.

When was the last time Taker needed a promo for a return ? He just shows up whenever he wants.

The promo had an old west feel to it with the broke down saloon and the horse hitches outside which totally have nothing to do with sting or his character.

I'm going with it being a new character possibly someone from FCW in a old west cowboy type gimmick.

Also with Sting think about it all the main storylines for Mania are set up there is nowhere for him to fit in.
Sting is still listed on the TNA website; however, he hasn't been in the ring or on camera for quite some time now and his contract is almost up. Mark my words he'll be in the WWE on 02.21.11.
I'm looking forward to this. Judging by all the hype this is getting right now, they're going to milk the audience up until the day of the debut of whoever this is. Perfect execution on the part of WWE. Brilliant. I love things like this that keep us (the viewer, not necessarily the IWC) wondering what is happening.
Like how some people managed to change the date to make the name Seth, but you are looking far too much into that. It's too much of a small clue for it not to be a clue. The house is the significant part, forthshadowing a man in black is on his way home. With that hint, considering where Raw is that night and where Wrestlemania is only one man fits that.

I just hope they don't do something crazy and put this man together with Nash and Booker T and call themselves 'They're'

When was the last time Taker needed a promo for a return ? He just shows up whenever he wants.

Every time Undertaker has been taken out by someone..... its all apart of his mind games element to his character. So to answer the question, all the time.
There's only three possible people it could be.

1) The Undertaker : Everyone is expecting him to return soon, but I personally doubt it would be on Monday Night Raw, due to the fact that he is currently slated to face Wade at WM.

2) Sting : I've seen somewhere that he has stated that he signed a contract, but didn't say with who. This would be the perfect way to get Sting into the Hall Of Fame for NEXT year. The contract he signed is only for a year, where ever it is. He could come, make his WWE impact for a year, and be inducted into the Hall Of Fame as the headliner next year. Makes sense.

3) Paul Burchill : I know this is a real long shot, but I personally love Burchill, his Ripper character, and pretty much everything about him. My reasoning behind thinking it is him is because the boots and trench look a lot like what he was wearing for the Ripper gimmick.

I personally think it is going to be Sting, but you never know
I personally don't think it's either Taker or Sting.

When was the last time Taker needed a promo for a return ? He just shows up whenever he wants.

The promo had an old west feel to it with the broke down saloon and the horse hitches outside which totally have nothing to do with sting or his character.

I'm going with it being a new character possibly someone from FCW in a old west cowboy type gimmick.

Also with Sting think about it all the main storylines for Mania are set up there is nowhere for him to fit in.

The fact that he was "BURIED" by Kane and Nexus it would be pretty ******ed to just have him return without any hype at all.

It must be someone big who will gain attention for returning to the wwe or just joining the wwe. He is coming in during the run up to wrestlemania so if it is tyler black he will get lost as there will be nothing started for him and then buried and by the time wrestlemania is over he will be a jobber.
Well I certainly want it to be Sting. Lets look at a few things that support this.

1. The look. There are only two people in wrestling that wear black trench coats, Sting and Taker. This isn't a coincidence. The WWE is very aware of the fact that this promo SCREAMS Sting. It's either Sting, or the WWE wants us to think it's Sting.

2. Why would it be The Undertaker? This really makes no sense. Taker has been making returns for years and has never had a promo like this. He is also currently injured and questionable for Wrestlemania. If they are still hoping he makes it back for Mania, why would they say he's coming back to RAW 6 weeks earlier?

3. You never know what's going to happen. It's funny that everyone is citing the fact that Sting is a TNA guy. Last I heard Sting hadn't resigned anything. It was rumored that he resigned.Three days ago everyone on this site was certain that Nash and Booker T where on their way back to TNA to join Steiner. Nobody knew they were coming to the WWE until the story broke on Saturday. The only reason we found out was because they were both seen at the Boston airport. If they could keep that a secret, they could keep Sting a secret.

4. I don't think it will be Seth Rollins. While this is a possibility, it just doesn't make sense to me. Last I checked Seth was still in FCW. He is completely unknown to the mainstream wrestling audience. Why would he debut six weeks before Wrestlemania? That isn't nearly enough time to make the mainstream fans care about him going into a match.

5. The real world. Lets step away from wrestling angles for a minute. Sting is almost 52. He is in the twilight of his career and probably wants to have at least one go in the WWE. The economy is in the toilet. People's savings are down and the stock market hasn't exactly been on fire. Sting isn't even close to retirement age in the real world, and he has two kids in college and a young daughter. Money talks and Vince can offer him a hell of a lot more than TNA. The WWE can also offer him legends contracts, percents on merchandise (which he will sell a ton of), and residuals from video games that sell millions of copies for years. Only a fool would turn down that type of offer in this economic climate.

6. The anniversary. Last but not least this is the 10 year anniversary of WCW closing. Add that to Wrestlemania being in Atlanta and you have some strong evidence for Sting. Don't forget his friends either. Sting is good friends with Shawn Michaels, the star of this years Hall of Fame. He is also good pals with Nash and Booker T. Sting is one of the only guys today that could come in a be completely over without any back story.

All said, everything points to Sting. If it's not, a lot of people are going to be let down.
i dont think it's Sting, for some reason, i dont see him going to WWF and if he did it would be only to go to the Hall of Fame. i do NOT think it's Undertaker, it would be more scary, that was more rain. I say it's either Awesome Kong or another wrestler that i dont know right now
I have to say sting, i don't think they would have a taker promo on raw som my guess is sting, people will probably say Tyler Black aka Seth Rollins, but he has already had a dark match on smackdown december 7th with the name Sam Robins and he lost to Cody Rhodes.

Plus wwe wont bring out a new superstar so close to mania.
ok fine say it is Taker ummmmm Barrett and all the guys who buried him minus Otunga are now on SD where Taker is as well why the hell would he go to Raw to come back ?
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