Raw LD Thread (7-22-13): WEEEELLLLLLL...

I enjoyed how comic book villain Maddox was right there.

Also, A-Ry shoud get a spot in the Real Americans. He and swagger would be a great Varsity Club knockoff
Freaking awesome.. Indy marks have a great reason to jizz in their pants, but a roll-up finish after all that action? It pains me to see it... Damn great show so far, Maddox with Riley in the end was pure gold television. Let's really see how does Bryan draw this week! I am praying that he makes a freaking million viewers tune in. Is there any way I can have a Bryan gauntle match this Friday too?
@KlunderBunker Cesaro isn't main eventing because his "character" sucks. His wrestling skills obviously as we just witnessed are great.
klunderbunker said:
Someone try to tell me why Cesaro isn't main eventing RIGHT NOW. I could use the target practice.

It's the lack of knee pads.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android
I enjoyed how comic book villain Maddox was right there.

Agreed. Maddox is doing well. They need to get this McMahon shit over with (pipe dream, I know) and let him run Raw.

Also, A-Ry shoud get a spot in the Real Americans. He and swagger would be a great Varsity Club knockoff

I'd like to see where things go with him as Maddox's muscle. Brad can't defend himself, why not give him a sidekick/bodyguard?
Agreed. Maddox is doing well. They need to get this McMahon shit over with (pipe dream, I know) and let him run Raw.

I'd like to see where things go with him as Maddox's muscle. Brad can't defend himself, why not give him a sidekick/bodyguard?

He is hardly bigger than Maddox. and I just want Douchey letterman jackets

this is an awesome paralell to the people who have tried to say Bryan couldnt get anywere in the bizness.

LOL the "YES!!" spot for Ryback. that was great.

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