Raw LD Thread (7-22-13): WEEEELLLLLLL...

Are you really about to complain about all of that?

That was amazing

The only complaint I have is Cena running out. Not necessary at all.

This feud has already been done. Cena was Cena, Bryan was Ryback, and Ryback was the Shield. We don't need to see Cena save his face opponent. Let Bryan's momentum carry him without help, like it did up to that point.
agree with bacon. Think Bryan's arm is legit hurt, no reason to be selling it and right after a botch. If rybacks put him on the shelf i'll be fuuuuuming.

He shouldn't be selling because it was a botch..... The fuck are you talking about? So he should pretend it didn't happen?
Uh oh, Methinks Bryan is hurt.

Datsa no good.

agree with bacon. Think Bryan's arm is legit hurt, no reason to be selling it and right after a botch. If rybacks put him on the shelf i'll be fuuuuuming.

He's fine. Bryan sells like that because it's the right thing to do. It's one of my biggest problems with Cena, he shrugs everything off and doesn't have the decency to 'hulk up' before doing so.

If Bryan's making you believe, then he's doing his job.
WZ was saying next week is filmed tonight with the tour. If Bryan's hurt, WWE is fucked to re-write his injury for the taping.
deem said:
agree with bacon. Think Bryan's arm is legit hurt, no reason to be selling it and right after a botch. If rybacks put him on the shelf i'll be fuuuuuming.

His facial expression was a mixture of pain and disappointment. Nobody sells that good.

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The only complaint I have is Cena running out. Not necessary at all.

This feud has already been done. Cena was Cena, Bryan was Ryback, and Ryback was the Shield. We don't need to see Cena save his face opponent. Let Bryan's momentum carry him without help, like it did up to that point.

Oh shut the fuck up. The match was over, their both faces. It would be out of his character if he didn't run out.
Bryan was definitely selling, and I actually thought "wow, he's still selling during his yes chants and doing them one armed".

He knows what he's doing.
Cena came out so Bryan can think Cena doesn't think Bryan can take care of himself and use it as fuel for the Summerslam match.
He shouldn't be selling because it was a botch..... The fuck are you talking about? So he should pretend it didn't happen?

Meh, I could be wrong. There's nothing wrong with selling the fatigue of the match of course, but it's not like the arm was targetted at any point. Not raising both arms for the yes chant after a match with Del Rio I'd totally expect.. here, I think it's more likely to be a legit injury. Hey, I hope you're right.
Except Bryan told him specifically that he did not want him to run out...

Story progression...

Why did I underline that? Anway, they have to build some animosity between the 2 at some point or else it's just going to be 5 weeks or Dutch-Rudders until Summerslam. No thank you.
Loved this last 30 to 40 minutes... Daniel Bryan is pure joy to my eyes! The crowd just loves to chant "YES" and to support the guy, I'm really happy for him and I hope he can get his hands around the championship at SummerSlam.

Breaking down the matches, the Swagger vs. Bryan was very quick when compared to the other two, still it was fun and I think these two have some good chemistry. Cesaro vs. Bryan is exactly what you can expect from two indy stars - the way the match was worked is things that you generally watch on ROH or PWG and people really enjoyed it. Very nice showing for Bryan and Cesaro.

The third match had Ryback take on Daniel Bryan, and it had a freaking insane spot with the powerbomb. I hate this idiot fans that chant "Goldberg" it's just annoying and from what I've seen so far, Ryback is IN FACT a better wrestler than Goldberg, so stop chanting that, it's idiotic and annoying and, it makes me lose interest in the match.

Also, was I the only one that thought John Cena vs. Ryback was supposed to be the dark main event? Well, now I will have to watch a match I don't really want to see. Sad...

Raw continues to be awesome so far! I'm really happy! Still sad we didn't have Randy Orton and Wyatts development, but I didn't really miss them.
The brilliance of that final segment was historic.

It managed to put over four people, AND further TWO feuds / storylines.

1. It put over Bryan, obviously
2. It put over Cesaro
3. It put over Rybacks new direction
4. It put over Maddox big time as well

it also furthered the Mcmahons storyline. the paralells and metaphors were fantastic....With Vince not like Bryan, the little guy, and sending out Ryback, the prototypical WWE meathead to be the final roadblock...Whe triple h favors the new breed. Ryback was the embodiment of "only huge guys get over", and as even saying so with his in match verbiage. Tat was everything pro wrestling is about.

Just incredible. AND one of the Bellas had a titty pop out.
Loved the show. Nice progression on Cena/Bryan(though I dont like that much HHH/Mcmahon in all this but guessing its inevitable and could be nice edition in the story if done in right way). And we got to see why Bryan is the hottest thing in WWE right now...

And loved "The Best vs The Beast" segment. It practicly sells the match by itself...

Btw thinking it could be Del Rio vs Christian or RVD for World Heavyweight title...
Loved the show. Nice progression on Cena/Bryan(though I dont like that much HHH/Mcmahon in all this but guessing its inevitable and could be nice edition in the story if done in right way). And we got to see why Bryan is the hottest thing in WWE right now...

And loved "The Best vs The Beast" segment. It practicly sells the match by itself...

Btw thinking it could be Del Rio vs Christian or RVD for World Heavyweight title...

Del Rio Vs RVD would be an eyebrow raiser. Shit, so would RVD as WHC. Fuck it, why not neither christian or del rio is even close to as over as he is.

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