Raw LD: Crossroads...

Great show but hate the Authority already coming back and also there goes the .00000000001% chance of a Cena heel turn. Love when they make a per per view stipulation mean nothing 1 month later.

Huh? They CLEARLY said that Cena is the only person who can bring them back.

If they DIDN'T use that and have him be the one to bring them back, then it would've been making it mean nothing/
So glad Brock was there tonight. He really elevated the show.

That was puzzling how he was used, wasn't it?

That said, given the babyfaces available...I am actually interested in seeing how it will play out now. Wonder if Ziggler gets himself inserted into it again, given he was the one who put them out with Sting's help in the first place, ntm, the returns of Orton and Bryan to come.

A Big Angle has been rumoured on various sites, I guess it just began.


I'm amazed at how many seemingly missed that. Pretty obvious that CENA WOULD BRING THEM BACK. Otherwise they would've never made that a stipulation.

I was hoping he'd bring them back in a heel turn, but I knew that was a dream. How he did bring them back was cool though.....really further establishes Rollins as a complete scumbag heel.
Love when they make a per per view stipulation mean nothing 1 month later.

Um, that's pretty much pro wrestling 101.

How long did Big Show and his Iron Clad contract last? How long did AJ Lee as "permanent" GM of Raw last? Not that many months.

Plus, it's not like the Anonymous Raw GM which lasted for FAR too long and then just ENDED with no explanation until some time later with that stupid angle with Santino and Hornswoggle.

At least in this case it ended because the only person who COULD bring back the Authority DID because Cena was blackmailed by a heel Rollins to do so.

It makes sense. Only problem I had with that segment is the drew it out a little too long AND when Rollins went for the curb stomp after Cena brought back the Authority it showed us that Cena could have stepped in and stopped the curb stomp without giving back the Authority! What they should have done was have Christian finally 'recover' and run in to cause a distraction so Cena could had time to get in the ring. Of course, they didn't do that because I'm sure Vince would worry that would make Cena look weak. #VinceLogic

Overall the Raw was pretty good from what I saw. Lots of moving parts heading into Royal Rumble.
The last H in Triple H must stand for herpes. He hurts, he burns and he just won't FUCK OFF!

That's my biggest issue with these two: they never take their loss and stay gone. It's like Vickie Guerrero: yeah they'll take a quick loss and disappear for a bit, but unlike Vickie, they ALWAYS have to look more important than anything else. We spent the last month hearing Rollins whine about how much better it was when they were around and now they're back, all smiling and happy with nothing having changed since before Survivor Series.

I'm amazed at how many seemingly missed that. Pretty obvious that CENA WOULD BRING THEM BACK. Otherwise they would've never made that a stipulation.

I was hoping he'd bring them back in a heel turn, but I knew that was a dream. How he did bring them back was cool though.....really further establishes Rollins as a complete scumbag heel.

Thank you captain obvious. They were only gone for what? 5 weeks? maybe less? And THIS is the best you can come up with?
Ziggler, as in the guy who was Intercontinental Champion and facing and occasionally defeating other upper midcarders before and after Survivor Series?

Yep and don't forget him being Cena's #2 before, The Authority's #2 biggest nemesis (#1 under 50 years old) after and making people think the IC title is less shit since.
Huh? They CLEARLY said that Cena is the only person who can bring them back.

If they DIDN'T use that and have him be the one to bring them back, then it would've been making it mean nothing/

My point flew directly over your head. I meant they wasted the most logical way of a Cena heel turn with this. He could have turned heel and by using the Authority to beat Lesnar. I don't think Cena will ever turn heel but I was hoping they would pull the trigger on it with Reigns or even a healthy Bryan being their new top face.
Yep and don't forget him being Cena's #2 before, The Authority's #2 biggest nemesis (#1 under 50 years old) after and making people think the IC title is less shit since.

I'll be STUNNED if Ziggler isn't replaced by Bryan in this story, which to be fair makes a lot more sense. The title.....eh to a degree but I'll believe that matters when it lasts longer than a few weeks.
That's my biggest issue with these two: they never take their loss and stay gone. It's like Vickie Guerrero: yeah they'll take a quick loss and disappear for a bit, but unlike Vickie, they ALWAYS have to look more important than anything else. We spent the last month hearing Rollins whine about how much better it was when they were around and now they're back, all smiling and happy with nothing having changed since before Survivor Series.

Do you not think they had a little something to do with why Bryan is so popular? I mean, people on the internet were/are legit upset with them thinking that they really, truly think little of him and don't want him as "the guy".

That is GREAT STUFF. They legitimately piss fans off, and make them cheer even harder for the faces who they are picking on. That's the point!
My point flew directly over your head. I meant they wasted the most logical way of a Cena heel turn with this. He could have turned heel and by using the Authority to beat Lesnar. I don't think Cena will ever turn heel but I was hoping they would pull the trigger on it with Reigns or even a healthy Bryan being their new top face.

Hey, I would've loved that too. But we know it's not happening. Would be so great though.

But regardless, this does fit the storyline so those complaining that it doesn't....that's really not correct.
Do you not think they had a little something to do with why Bryan is so popular? I mean, people on the internet were/are legit upset with them thinking that they really, truly think little of him and don't want him as "the guy".

That is GREAT STUFF. They legitimately piss fans off, and make them cheer even harder for the faces who they are picking on. That's the point!

Or they make fans roll their eyes and get bored by 20 minute opening promos because HHH and Stephanie can't speak with any kind of speed and have to talk about how important THIS BUSINESS is to them, thereby taking away the energy everyone else builds up.

It worked back earlier in the year when they got what was coming to them and it stuck. This isn't sticking. THis is like....smoothing.

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