Raw LD: Crossroads...

The crowd hurt the debut, but it was effective enough.

Ultimate takeaway: Their "Tron" is one of the best in the history of the company.
How does Cole know the name of the finisher when we haven't seen it before? That's not really how you put something over. What ever happened to "Bah Gawd he killed him?"
Cena vs Bryan at Mania for the title has to happen. Fuck Brock Lesnar.


Same thing I was thinking.

Have Reigns vs Lesnar in a non-title match instead, with Reigns going over clean. Tho, if Lesnar is leaving, I'd rather it not happen at all.
They were just told backstage prior to the match that one of them is going to be a Mighty Mouse and the other will be wearing a dog costume. I'd be angry too.

I really hope that the guy who had the idea of the "Mighty Mouse" was just to incorporate the personality on Neville. Along the lines of "The Hurricane" for instance. Also, hope he's fired.
This is true, however, now that he's announced it the crowd is still going to shit on him not winning. In fact, it's in Philly, they'll shit on everything except Rob Van Dam.

Nah, Bryan doesn't have nearly the heat he had last year.

They may shit on it if Reigns wins though but I think Show will screw him.

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