Raw LD: Crossroads...

Nobody was expecting them to stay gone but the fact is they weren't even gone for two months and they don't ever intend to leave at all.

Nor should they. HHH is a legend and a fantastic heel, and Stephanie is a top notch heel when she's on her A game. And they actually ARE in charge. They were born to play this role. It's perfect, and can make for some great angles and moments when there's a good face that people care about to take them on......see Bryan vs. Authority 2013/early '14.
No. Vince McMahon was born to play that role. No one has come close since. Which is saying a lot because there's a new heel in power every damn year.
In other news.. The RAW was great. Had a lot of swerves and story progression (even if it's not the one you wanted I'm sure you can get over it).

Not to mention Rollins was fantastic. That line about killing Edge anyway was really awesome work by him. True top heel.
Or they make fans roll their eyes and get bored by 20 minute opening promos because HHH and Stephanie can't speak with any kind of speed and have to talk about how important THIS BUSINESS is to them, thereby taking away the energy everyone else builds up.

It worked back earlier in the year when they got what was coming to them and it stuck. This isn't sticking. THis is like....smoothing.

On a large scale(meaning beyond your opinion and a few others on here), that's not what happens. They get major heel reactions, and the faces that take them on get big cheers.
I can't wait for the WZ tournament to use the old "The Authority is back in power because Edge is such a pussy" argument.

Edge eliminated by Tito Santana in Round 1.
No. Vince McMahon was born to play that role. No one has come close since. Which is saying a lot because there's a new heel in power every damn year.

Vince was amazing at it from like 1998-2003. Stephanie/HHH are the best since then.....including Vince's runs in charge(on TV) since then. That's how I see it. But I don't constantly wish for 1998 to come back either, and can enjoy new things that I think are good.
Bringing back the Authority makes sense from a number of perspectives. For one thing, it sets up the inevitable Triple H versus Sting matchup which I hope will go down at the Royal Rumble. Because Sting will be busy with another opponent at Wrestlemania.
On a large scale(meaning beyond your opinion and a few others on here), that's not what happens. They get major heel reactions, and the faces that take them on get big cheers.

Yeah, which they could get in ten minutes instead of 25, thereby freeing up more time for other acts instead of having to rush through everything.
That's my biggest issue with these two: they never take their loss and stay gone. It's like Vickie Guerrero: yeah they'll take a quick loss and disappear for a bit, but unlike Vickie, they ALWAYS have to look more important than anything else. We spent the last month hearing Rollins whine about how much better it was when they were around and now they're back, all smiling and happy with nothing having changed since before Survivor Series.

That's really it, the main story feels like a never ending roundabout which seems to trickle down and touch pretty much everything else in some fashion. I never once expected The Authority to be gone for good (although I was hoping it was over) but a long breather from them would have been most welcome. Even if they came back after Mania to help establish Reigns would have been fine, having them come back with a unbiased view would have been even better but restarting the corrupt boss storyline after a 5 week break (when it dominated programming for 15-16 months) is just lazy.
Glad this RAW didn't have the awful filler shit that ruins the show on a weekly basis. As said above, double booking certain guys wouldn't hurt the show and could be a way to help storyline progression. Sadly, I think this was a one off due to other members of the roster being booked at a live event(apparently Reigns did double duty tonight)

With Bryan entering himself in the Rumble, I hope that means perhaps, Reigns will get another good showing but get screwed out of the Rumble by someone... with Bryan taking the win instead...though I doubt that happens.
That's really it, the main story feels like a never ending roundabout which seems to trickle down and touch pretty much everything else in some fashion. I never once expected The Authority to be gone for good (although I was hoping it was over) but a long breather from them would have been most welcome. Even if they came back after Mania to help establish Reigns would have been fine, having them come back with a unbiased view would have been even better but restarting the corrupt boss storyline after a 5 week break (when it dominated programming for 15-16 months) is just lazy.

Oh it was obvious they would be back as soon as Cena was given that power. I was just expecting it to be measured in months instead of weeks. It would have been nice for a change.
Best part was about this Raw was Bryan's segment. I love the fire he showed starting with simply saying "No". He worked the fans brilliantly and it was a rollercoaster. He has really become awesome on the microphone. I think that promo ending the show would have worked better with them closing out the year with people chanting Yes! instead of the collective groan we all felt by seeing HHH and Stephanie.

Daniel Bryan should win the Rumble and headline Mania against Brock. That seems like the money match. Remember Bryan never lost the title in the first place!
Hopefully "The Vigilante" Sting kills off The Authority for good at Wrestlemania. And I mean forever, not a pathetic 5 weeks.

I still hope for my original choice of Roman Reigns vs HHH. Sting can fight Taker or something instead.

That said; I'm pumped for the Mania possibilities...the match card could be awesome if booked properly.
Other than the Bryan segment, this Raw was piss poor... and bringing the Authority back so soon was the perfect end to the last Raw of the year. Hopefully, 2015 doesn't suck nearly as bad as this Raw did.

The crowd was dead, no Dean Ambrose, and no one cares about Roman Reigns. Then you have a team that goes from defending Tag Team champions to being squashed by a new team making it's debut?

Also, Ascension is dead in the water... the LOD chants told me that.
I'm mad as hell. He's meant to be a special attraction but all he did was stand in the ring, get punked by Cena then stand just off to the side, just out of shot in the last segment. Money well spent there.
Yeah that was a fairly wasted appearance. It's not a good sign when Lesnar is just a background character for the Authority return.
He's the WWE WHC... how in the hell do you have the champion as a sidenote to Rollins and The return of the fuckin' Authority?

I've never seen anything like that... not since Hogan's days where he was always in the spotlight even with Savage and Flair as champions, but they always showcased the WWE title...

I think the WWE doesn't have a clue what's going down from one minute to the next on their booking. They're starting to look more and more like a 2000-2001 Nitro more and more every week.
He's the WWE WHC... how in the hell do you have the champion as a sidenote to Rollins and The return of the fuckin' Authority?

I've never seen anything like that... not since Hogan's days where he was always in the spotlight even with Savage and Flair as champions, but they always showcased the WWE title...

I think the WWE doesn't have a clue what's going down from one minute to the next on their booking. They're starting to look more and more like a 2000-2001 Nitro more and more every week.

I wouldn't go that far. These shows have a clear focus: the Authority.
WCW had a clear focus, too... the NWO... another unbeatable foe.

Didn't work out for them long term.

I just don't understand how they can go down that same road; unbeatable foe that can't be disposed of and doesn't seem to care what's best for the business, but what's best for their own egos.

Daniel Bryan's back though... so that's good.
The Edge/Christian/Lesnar bit was interesting to me because from what I remember Lesnar was responsible for Edge being on the shelf for a year with a broken neck.

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