RAW LD - 4/07/2014 - A New Era Begins

You know people are thinking it happens anyway.

Also what makes Batista deserving of another world title shot?

His argument is that he earned a one on one shot and didn't get it.

Despite the fact that I don't even think that's in the rules. It just says you'll get a title match at Mania.
I'm just tired of seeing Sheamus for some reason, I don't wish ill will but if he and Alberto Del Rio were in a match nobody would give a shit...
LOVING the "john cena suckkkssss" to the theme. Saw some youtube vid of it a while ago, maybe it happened in 2006 or something? Great anyway, havn't thought of it in forever.

Loving the respect given to Big E rather than just being anti-face. and FUCK harper is over! This is glorious
Sheamus is the poor mans Cena, he needs to go heel because he never gets cheered regardless of this crowd. I'm glad they at least cheered for Big E after those 3 back breakers because that was an impressive feat of strength lifting Rowan like that
I love that the crowd just respected the outright power of Big E. especially when the whole thing looked fantastically ridiculous given that E. is small for a powerhouse.
I still think the best chant ever was when RVD came back after getting busted with weed.
"Eight-teen grams! Eight-teen grams!"

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