WWE RAW LD 24th March 2014 - Scooby, Arnold, Brock, Taker, Bray, Cena, Hunter, Bryan

I think wwe is afraid of Lesnar giving Taker a beating before mania just in case he gets injured.

for some reason, my thinking is the same...segment could have been alot better.

That said; as long as the match lives upto expectations, that's enough for me. Personally, I didn't really fancy the build-up for this match when I first heard the rumours. There isn't really anything new to be done to hype up this feud in any way... the fact that CM Punk left, also meant that Heyman being more prominent couldn't quite be done properly either.
There was a small part of me that was hoping for Heyman to end up in the casket when Lesnar was walking toward the druids.

I was hoping that Taker was one of the druids who would attack Lesnar when he started to follow them. So much for WWE being a bit more original...
So John Cena defeating Damien Sandow didn't benefit the latter after all lol
Edit: But if Sandow becomes a main-eventer in the next couple of years, we can say it was WWE's master plan all along, like the Daniel Bryan case :D
Taker vs. Brock doesn't need a lot of build. It is more of a novelty match to reach all the different fans that will be watching WM. Just by their names they sell the event than any other match on the card.

There is still a week for Brock to come off looking strong before WM. What they've done so far has been fine.
Some people are bashing the Taker/Lesnar feud? You're all nuts. The dead guy who is as over as someone can be against an absolute monster bores you? Some people cannot be pleased. Brock is maybe the most intimidating heel of all time and Taker is now at legendary status, 100%. I'm having a blast watching it.

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