P Pérez84 Occasional Pre-Show Apr 7, 2014 #276 The ultimate beast to put over the ultimate underdog (Bryan) in the long term. Book it.
R RManske2 Dark Match Winner Apr 7, 2014 #277 Heyman is just taking shots at everyone in this promo. The locker room, the announcers, the crowd, and so on and so on.
Heyman is just taking shots at everyone in this promo. The locker room, the announcers, the crowd, and so on and so on.
Spidey Revivey Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes. Apr 7, 2014 #283 "He barely tolerates me!" Lulz
J JoeFromTomsRiver Championship Contender Apr 7, 2014 #284 No way the guys in the back like this promo lol
S Sheamus' Suntan A hound of justice Apr 7, 2014 #285 So...HHH...Think you should hand your shovel over to Heyman now cus he just buried the ENTIRE WWE in one promo. Amazing
So...HHH...Think you should hand your shovel over to Heyman now cus he just buried the ENTIRE WWE in one promo. Amazing
S Slash-LN Rigistered Post Offender Apr 7, 2014 #286 Brock Lesnar doesn't even know what comes after one. That's why Paul has to talk for him.
P Phoenix WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion Apr 7, 2014 #296 That's a brilliant response to the "What?" chant.
A Awesome_Miz Proud LSN mentee Apr 7, 2014 #297 The crowd needs to act normal for one moment. And boo Heyman just to get the system right. Even Paul wants it that way.
The crowd needs to act normal for one moment. And boo Heyman just to get the system right. Even Paul wants it that way.
G Galvatron Mistakes Were Made Apr 7, 2014 #298 This is fucking great. Promo of the year. Nothing will touch it.
R RManske2 Dark Match Winner Apr 7, 2014 #299 There is something that is just legit scary when the intensity level goes up.