Raw LD 11/09/2015 - "Uhuh I totally haven't read the spoilers!" *Read First Post*

It's not that. It's just not logical. Not in the slightest. Name one other time somebody turned down a free shot at the WWE Title.

I have a feeling someone like kb has seen dozens of promo examples like what Reigns cut today. If you've never heard the "I like to earn my way" promo, you haven't watched much wrestling.
That's the dumbest shit I've read all day. Good job.

Name me ONE other person EVER that turned down a free shot at the WWE Title. I'll wait...

You make a ton of sense SOS. Even a "good guy" should have a brain. Taker the offer, take the title and bail. I can just imagine Rock or Austin in that situation. They would play along until they had the gold and it would be Stunners & Rock Bottoms for everyone involved. Hell even Hogan and Cena would realize the opportunity and take advantage
That's the dumbest shit I've read all day. Good job.

Name me ONE other person EVER that turned down a free shot at the WWE Title. I'll wait...

He is a face, he doesn't take these types of deals. Besides he was already the number one contender so I think it's pretty plain what's going to happen.
You make a ton of sense SOS. Even a "good guy" should have a brain. Taker the offer, take the title and bail. I can just imagine Rock or Austin in that situation. They would play along until they had the gold and it would be Stunners & Rock Bottoms for everyone involved. Hell even Hogan and Cena would realize the opportunity and take advantage

Not in this day and age they wouldnt it...
This is a pretty good program. Makes everyone look good... Except the ones that don't matter. This should end with Sasha beating nattie, possibly on the pre-show
He turned it down because he didnt sell out that has fucking happened countless fucking times you moron

Juvenile name calling? Yeah, you're obviously not capable of having any type of meaningful discussion. Have a nice day sir.

Also, you STILL haven't given me a specific example of somebody turning down a WWE TITLE OPPORTUNITY because "face lolz".

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