Monday Night Raw - April 22, 2013 LD - *Everyone Read First Post*


Shh. They might chant something else about soccer and then sneer at us because we don't like watching a sport where they run back and forth and score once per game and brag about it being a defensive masterpiece, which is British for "boring".
Shh. They might chant something else about soccer and then sneer at us because we don't like watching a sport where they run back and forth and score once per game and brag about it being a defensive masterpiece, which is British for "boring".
You better hope Becca doesn't hear you say that. You know how vicious those brits can be.
Waiting for "the spear is too overused" threads to pop up. That's probably the single most believable move in pro wrestling history not called the lariat.
Oh she hates soccer. She's a season ticket holder to Leeds' rugby team though. I've watched a bit of it and it's not bad at all.

We had a pro Rugby player come to one of our wrestling practice one day my senior year. It had nothing to do with trying to get me down state but cool none the less. His name was Sasha

Rollins vs Bryan would be awesome

Taker's still the man even with that dumb ass Mohawk

On a scale of 1-10 Reigns look is about a 13. Big as hell with a full sleeve he just looks like a badass

Soccer's the shit once you start playing FIFA KB

This is a really good match
So am I to assume there isn't much action here because this is a taped show? I don't understand why people read results for something just a couple hours before it airs.
So am I to assume there isn't much action here because this is a taped show? I don't understand why people read results for something just a couple hours before it airs.

That and it's been a decent show, which takes away from what we can talk about.
Regal's the shit. He should have had at least a short run with the world title. Legend wither way though

Cameron needs to sit on my face, but, I'd eat Naomi's ass as well
Layla sporting the British flag; first thing I noticed. Crowd is dead though. I figured AJ and Kaitlyn were going to feud over the belt and it's about time.

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