Raw LD - November 5, 2012 *EVERYONE READ OPENING POST*

You know the worst thing about this AJ/Cena angle? Who gives a fuck if they are fucking? She's not the GM anymore. They can fuck all they want!

The point of the angle is that they did it before AJ got fired, but your point still stands now that she's just a regular wrestler.
Vince doing that added a little continuity to Punk's angle, but fucking completely obliterated the other.

I'm stoked to see the match, though.

Arguably he could have kept both going by adding the stipulation whoever pins Punk in the Elimination Tag match is the new WWE champ while also keeping whatever Ziggler/Cena match was planned.
That would have been a little less stupid, but still incredibly stupid.

That really depends on how you look at it, the same stip. could go for the IC and Tag titles, much better than leaving those championships undefended at the supposed third/fourth largest PPV of the year.
That really depends on how you look at it, the same stip. could go for the IC and Tag titles, much better than leaving those championships undefended for the night.

Nope, still stupid. Those titles have been featured regularly on PPV for a while now. Featuring the champions, just not defending the titles, wouldn't hurt anything. Loading a match with all sorts of ridiculous stipulations doesn't add anything.
Nope, still stupid. Those titles have been featured regularly on PPV for a while now. Featuring the champions, just not defending the titles, wouldn't hurt anything. Loading a match with all sorts of ridiculous stipulations doesn't add anything.

Having a main event with no real consequences doesn't add anything either. But seeing as it's not the main event anymore it doesn't matter anyway. Ziggler will probably end up costing Cena the match with Punk just narrowly escaping the belt.
It depends on the content. Recently it's been awful because it doesn't make sense; Cena really has no business in the feud.

See I envision Vickie making AJ fight all the divas on the roster before getting to her leading to whole bunch of shenanigans that would be horrendous. But we'll see.
THis booking makes no sense.... so Ryback was there the whole time?!?! why didn't he come out after the Ref that screwed him... then have Vince come out to make the match official?
Nice bounce back for Raw. Happier with the change to SS. Crowd definitely helped make the show better.

Vicky/AJ/Cena is still a drag but I really liked Vince's segment with Vicky.

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