Raw LD 11/09/2015 - "Uhuh I totally haven't read the spoilers!" *Read First Post*

"Because he's a face" isn't a good reason. It's a smarky reason that defies logic. You're right though I guess. We should just drop it.

How does it defy logic? There are two different kinds of wrestler's, heel's and faces. Faces are stupid and take the long way round, heel's are smart, cheat and take short cuts.

Reigns is a face. Owens or any of the rest of the heels would have taken HHH's offer. But because they would have taken it, they wouldn't have been offered it in the first place
Dude I gave you an example. Cena gave up a World title match at TLC so Zack Ryder could have a shot at the US Title.

At the time I remember everybody praising that decision.
"Because he's a face" isn't a good reason. It's a smarky reason that defies logic. You're right though I guess. We should just drop it.

Reigns is a fighter. He's always been the power guy since the day he debuted as part of the Shield. As he's said many times, he keeps getting knocked down and keeps getting up and throwing punches. In other words, he's someone who fights until he gets to his goal. Taking HHH's offer would go completely against Reigns' character. Just doing something and then saying "oh I was kidding" and punching out HHH isn't going to fix that. Fans aren't going to remember him punching out the boss and then smiling. They're going to remember him skipping the four matches in the tournament and then facing a tired winner to win the title in an easier match.
For the record I would like to clarify that I completely understand the way Reigns was booked. It is honorable hero 101. In my counterpoints I was just stating there were other logical routs. I personally wouldn't have minded seeing something a bit more edgy and/or out of the box. Anyway the direction has been chosen and whats done is done. No reason staying all up in it like Katie Vick.
So are we just forgetting about the Lucha Dragons push?

Sneaking suspicion Vince has placed it on the back burner until WM season. Not b/c of anything talent related but that stupid world record for lucha masks ambition he has had a chubby for over the years.
So Neville has a tournament match at Smackdown, is in his home country and the New Day isn't competing for the titles...

But Xavier is the one who pins him?
So Neville has a tournament match at Smackdown, is in his home country and the New Day isn't competing for the titles...

But Xavier is the one who pins him?

Huh? That was clearly a throwaway match with a dusty finish. Giving it more than 4 seconds of thought is pretty stupid.

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